Discussion Notes and Extra Learning
Discussion Notes and Extra Learning
Discussion Notes and Extra Learning
Week 1-2
Hedge funds
• Hedge funds are pool of private funds and private investment vehicles that manages
por�olios of public and private securi�es and deriva�ve instruments. They can invest
both long and short and they can apply leverage and use a variety of risky strategies.
• It has a goal of genera�ng high returns, either in an absolute sense or over a specified
market benchmark, and it has few, if any, investment restric�ons.
• Only Accredited investors can invest in Hedge Funds, to ensure the investor is able to
take on the risk of inves�ng in these unregulated securi�es and may loose all his money.
• Counterparty Risk: Since there’s no central clearinghouse, the risk that the
counterparty might default is higher. Par�es rely on each other's
• Liquidity: Liquidity can vary widely depending on the specific instrument and the
counterpar�es involved. Less liquid than an exchange.