Dental Plaque and Dental Caries
Dental Plaque and Dental Caries
Dental Plaque and Dental Caries
Plaque causes cavities when the acids from plaque attack teeth after
eating. With repeated acid attacks, the tooth enamel can break down and a
cavity may form. Plaque that is not removed can also irritate the gums
around the teeth, leading to gingivitis (red, swollen, bleeding gums),
periodontal disease and tooth loss.
What is Dental Pellicle?
Pellicle is a glycoprotein, derived from components of saliva and
crevicular fluid as well as from bacteria and host tissue cell products and
debris. Pellicle is formed on all surfaces of the oral cavity, including all
tissue surfaces as well as surfaces of teeth and fixed and removable
restorations if any. Pellicle functions as a protective barrier but pellicle
provides a substrate on which bacteria progressively accumulate to form
Dental Plaque. Pellicle provides a medium or base on which bacteria in
the oral cavity attach. Pellicle gets easily stained & may display many
colors ranging from white to dark brown due which the teeth appear
enzymes which are believed to remove plaque, stain & thereby improving
the gingival health. These toothpastes are biologically compatible with
the tooth surface & the surrounding soft tissues.
The initial bacteria that colonize the pellicle surface are mostly;
Facultative microorganism such as actinomyces viscosus and
streptococcus sanguis.
In particular, specific associations of different bacterial forms have been
observed. For example, the adherence of cocci to filaments results in a
typical form referred to as "test-tube brushes" or "corn-cob" arrays and
these structures can be seen in Figure 6.The result of coaggregation is the
formation of a complex array of different bacteria linked to one another.
Following a few days of undisturbed plaque formation, the gingival
margin becomes inflamed and swollen. These inflammatory changes
result in the creation of a deepened gingival sulcus. The biofilm extends
into this subgingival region and flourishes in this protected environment,
resulting in the formation of a mature subgingival plaque biofilm.
Gingival inflammation does not appear until the biofilm changes from
one composed largely of gram-positive bacteria to one containing gram-
negative species such as Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella
intermedia, and Capnocytophaga species. A subgingival bacterial
microcolony, predominantly composed of gram-negative anaerobic
bacteria, becomes established in the gingival sulcus between 3 and 12
weeks after the beginning of supragingival plaque formation. Most
bacterial species currently suspected of being periodontal pathogens are
anaerobic, gram-negative bacteria.
Synergistic interactions
Antagonistic interactions
Antagonism is a major contributing factor in determining the composition
of microbial ecosystems such as dental plaque . The production of
antagonistic compounds (such as bacteriocins or bacteriocin-like
substances, BLIS) can give an organism a competitive advantage when
interacting with other microbes. Bacteriocins are relatively high
molecular weight proteins that can inhibit the growth of related bacteria
while the producer strains are resistant to the action of the bacteriocins
they produce. Bacteriocins are produced by most species of oral
streptococci (e.g. mutacin by S. mutans and sanguicin by S. sanguinis), as
well as by C. matruchotii, black-pigmented anaerobes, and A.
actinomycetemcomitans; in contrast, Actinomyces species are not
generally bacteriocinogenic. Although bacteriocins are usually limited in
their spectrum of activity, many of the streptococcal bacteriocins are
broad spectrum, inhibiting species belonging to Gram positive(including
Actinomyces) and Gram negative genera. The production of bacteriocins
may give strains a competitive advantage during colonization.Other
inhibitory factors produced by plaque bacteria include organic acids,
hydrogen peroxide, and enzymes. The production of hydrogen peroxide
by members of the mitis-group of streptococci has been proposed as a
mechanism whereby the numbers of periodontal pathogens are reduced in
plaque to levels at which they are incapable of initiating disease. Some
periodontal pathogens (e.g. A. actinomycetemcomitans) produce factors
inhibitory to oral streptococci, might result from an ecological imbalance
between dynamically-interacting groups of bacteria. The low pH
generated from carbohydrate metabolism is also inhibitory to many
plaque species, particularly Gram negative organisms and to some
streptococci associated with sound enamel.
The major differences between supragingival and subgingival
The presence of cariogenic bacteria
The ability of the plaque to adhere to the tooth surface.
Its ability to resist dissolution by saliva
Its protection of bacterial acids from salivary buffering.
You can rely on your dentist to tell you if you have dental plaque, but
you can also take the do-it-yourself route. Disclosing tablets, swabs and
solution are plaque-revealing products that can be used at home. These
products temporarily stain dental plaque so that you can see where it is
and how much there is on your teeth.
How It Is Done
You will brush and floss your teeth. Then you will use the disclosing
product. Follow the instructions on the package. Gently rinse your mouth
with water. Check your teeth for plaque that has been colored with the
dye. Your gums also may be stained and appear red, but this is not a
problem. Use a dental mirror, if you have one, to help see behind teeth
and the areas in the back of your mouth. If you find stained plaque, brush
and floss again until it is gone. This helps you find areas you are missing.
Disclosing tablets
Chew a disclosing tablet and allow it to mix with your saliva. Swish the
mixture around in your mouth with your tongue for about 30 seconds and
then spit it out.
Disclosing solution
Put some disclosing solution in your mouth, swish it around for about 30
seconds, and then spit the solution out.
Disclosing swabs
Apply the swab to all tooth surfaces in your mouth. Use these products
regularly until you find no more areas of stained plaque after you brush
and floss. You may want to test for plaque once a month to be sure you
are getting rid of the plaque.
Major Differences
The bacteria most responsible for dental cavities are the mutans
streptococci, most prominently Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus
sobrinus, and lactobacilli. If left untreated, the disease can lead to pain,
tooth loss and infection.. Today, caries remain one of the most common
diseases throughout the world. Cariology is the study of dental caries.
Mutans Streptococci
The most prominent species found in the oral cavity include S. mutans,
S. sanguis, S. mitoir, S. salivarius, and S. milleri.
MS bacteria comprise the most important group of streptococci
implicated in caries etiology.
How cariogenic bacteria cause caries?
Acid production (Acidogenicity) Lower the pH to below 5.5, the
critical pH, which drives the dissolution of calcium phosphate
(hydroxyapatite) of the tooth enamel.
Inhibit the growth of beneficial bacteria.
Further lower the pH, promote progression of the carious lesion.
Acid tolerance (aciduricity).
Allows the cariogenic bacteria to thrive under acidic conditions while
other beneficial bacteria are inhibited.
This results in dominance of the plaque by cariogenic bacteria.
The capacity of oral bacteria to tolerate acidic environment is of a
major importance to the ecology of plaque communication and is
directly related to caries pathogenesis.
Lactobacillus are strong acid producers and are among the most
aciduric and acidogenic bacteria. .
Lactobacillus may not be involved in caries initiation but rather may
become secondary invaders, which contribute to the progression of
already existing lesions.
This was supported by the observation that lactobacilli are not
detectable in plaque covering incipient lesions in smooth tooth
Filamentous bacteria
Several types of filamentous organisms will initiate root caries in
experimental animals.
Actinomyces and rothia species have been found in dental plaque and
root caries.
Actinomyces viscosus is an acidogenic bacterial and is often among the
predominant flora of plaque covering root surfaces.
secondary bacterial colonizers are embedded, form dental plaque. The
final metabolites of the numerous plaque bacteria are organic acids that
breach the enamel, allowing the different caries bacteria to begin
destroying the dentin.
bacteria are responsible for both dental caries and periodontal diseases.
Extension of these diseases commonly causes infection in the adjacent
tissues, notably the pulp, periapical area and oro-facial soft tissues. More
rarely, infection may become established in the bone of the jaw to cause
Enamel composition
Morphology of the tooth
Position of the tooth
Immunity .
Dental caries can be classified
with respect to the site of the
lesion (Fig. 32.1):
pit or fissure caries (seen
in molars, premolars and
the lingual surface of
maxillary incisors)
smooth-surface caries
(seen mainly on
approximal tooth surfaces
just below the contact
root surface caries (seen
on cementum or dentine
when the root is exposed
to the oral environment)
recurrent caries (associated with an existing restoration).
Rampant caries can occur in particular subgroup of people who are
especially prone to decay, such as xerostomic patients (who have a
markedly reduced salivary flow rate due to radiation treatment for head
and neck cancer), those with Sj ِgren’s syndrome, or as a side-effect of
‘Nursing-bottle’ caries is the extensive and rapid decay of the maxillary
anterior teeth associated with the prolonged and frequent feeding of
young infants with bottles or pacifiers containing formulas with a high
concentration of fermentable carbohydrate. Plaque bacteria receive an
almost continuous provision of substrates from which they can make acid.
Fissure sealants
Fluoride (may also have some anti-glycolytic effects).
Antimicrobial agents (these agents can be applied in toothpastes,
mouthrinses and varnishes. Some also inhibit glycolysis).
Sugar substitutes (prevent acid production, but xylitol may selectively
inhibit Strep. mutans)
1-Oral microbiology .5th edition.