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Maintain Healthy,
Safe and Secure
Working Environment

The work culture in IT industry is different from routine
office work, where working hours are also not fixed.
Continuously working in front of the computer creates
health problems especially in your eyes. Adopting the safe
work practice in the work place, the productivity can be
This Unit deals with the concept of working environment
in IT industry. It focuses on safe working practices at work
place. It explains about health related problem caused by
the wrong practices and it’s solution. It also gives the
knowledge about resources required in workplace for
smooth working. Further it explains how to deal with
computer component and problem related to electrical
hazards. It also explains workplace safety guidelines,
workplace hazard and it’s control. The medical emergency
situations and its solution is illustrated.

CHAPTER13 Health, Safety and Security
at Workplace

One evening we were travelling on the busy road of
Mumbai city. We were looking at the big and tall buildings.
My friend was telling me that all these buildings hold
different IT companies. Suddenly we find that there was a
lot of smoke coming out of one building. People working
in that building were running away from the building and
shouting about the fire. Soon we find that the fire alarm
was ringing and fire brigade vehicles along with water
tanks were approaching the building. People were telling
that there are lot of casualties and the overall damage to
the building was worth of several lakhs. This event remind
us the importance of health and safety at the workplace.

Fig.13.1: Illustration of fire catches in the office building

I n t r o d u c t I o n t o He a l t H , Sa f e t y Snd Se c u r I t y
a t Wo r k p l a c e

Every workplace accident, illness or dispute is a cost to

organization, as well as a cost to injured individuals and
their families. It is our responsibility to create a safe
workplace. This will improve the work environment and
the productivity. Employees have to take responsibility
for their own health and safety rather than relying
solely on the “safety officer” or management.

Health of an employee is the state of the physical,
mental and social well being. Every organisation must

noteS provide healthy and safety working environment for their
employees at the workplace. Health of an employee must
be in a good condition so that the employees of the
organisation will not suffer from any diseases. Cleanliness
at the workplace is mandatory. The work places must be
cleaned in the morning before the people start working. If
it is neat and clean then the people will feel happy to work
in that environment. A proper air conditioning is
mandatory to provide clean and cool air at workplace. A
properly filtered water facility must be available for the
employees of the company. A fresh food cafeteria must
provide the good quality food for the employees. This will
help to maintain the health of the employee. The
organisation should maintain a clean washroom facility in
good condition to be used by the employees.

The work environment of the organisation must be safe.
It must be free from hazards and risk. A hazard is the
something that can cause harm to the people. A risk is
a probability of causing harm to the people. A proper
safety guidelines must be prepared by the company
and it should be strictly followed. At regular intervals
of time, the safety procedures must be practised
by employees.
Every employee working in an organisation must feel that
they are secured in the company campus. Security is a
kind of freedom from any potential harm. Security
ensures the safety of the people working in the
organisation. Every organisation must have separate
security department. This department should be
responsible for various security such as personal safety,
computer system safety, electrical safety, transport safety
and other equipment safety. The proper security
procedures will reduce liabilities, insurance and
compensation for organisation. This will increase the
business revenue and will reduce the operational charges
of the company.

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Policies and Procedures for Health, Safety and noteS
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) has
prepared the policy to provide employees with a healthy
and safe work environment.
A health, safety and security policy is a written statement
by an employer stating the company’s commitment
for the protection of the health, safety and security
of employees and to the public. It is an endorsed
commitment by management to its employees regarding
their health, safety and security.

A health, safety and security program/policy

contains the health, safety and security elements of an
organisation and objectives which make it possible for
the company to achieve its goal in the protection of its
workers at the workplace.
The government has a specific section mentioned
in their company laws, which states the minimum
requirements to be followed for health, safety and
security programme. Each employer or company should
follow these requirements. Apart from that the company
should also have their own health, safety and security
committee to determine the hazards present at the
workplace. Once these hazards are identified then their
control measures should be specified in the health,
safety and security programme.

Reasons for Health, Safety and Security

Programs or Policies in Workplace
There are several reasons that can be specified for safety
policy as given below.

• It clearly indicates the company’s commitment

for their employee’s health and safety;
• It shows the performance of the business and
the safety performance are compatible with each
• It clearly state that the company is not only doing
the business for profits but it is taking care of all
its stake holders.
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noteS • The accountability of every one working for the
company is outlined for the workplace health, safety
and security;
• Company can comply national policy on
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) of
Government of India;
• Injuries and illness of the employees is prevented
through such policy
A typical policy of an IT company may contain the
following OH&S clauses.
• Provide adequate resources to ensure continual
improvement in its OH&S performance.
• Comply with relevant OH&S legal and other
requirements applicable to the organisation and
drive for ‘beyond compliance’ leadership.
• Set appropriate OH&S objectives & targets and
conduct periodic performance reviews against
these targets.
• Adopt measures and processes that focus on
the prevention of occupation related accidents,
injuries, illnesses, and near-misses and strive to
continuously improve such processes.
• Ensure OH&S awareness and build competency
associated at all levels to handle individual OH&S
Workplace Safety Hazards
The most common definition of hazard is ‘a danger or
risk’ that is associated with something. Something can
even be considered a hazard if it would be a trigger for
causing another hazard to become present, which could
hurt someone or something in the area. Workplace
hazards poses potential harm to people at work, and
that can cause damage to the work environment and
everything else in it. Hazards could cause adverse
health effects and losses of property and equipment
for organisations.
There is a common way to classify hazards, and
not all these are present in all workplaces. In some
industries like manufacturing and pharmaceuticals,
there are biological and chemical risks that pose risks
to the workers. Physical hazards are present as well in

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many industries where there is exposure to electricity,
radiation, extreme pressures, noises and magnetic fields.
On the other hand, ergonomic hazards are present in
facilities where there are repetitive movements and
where workstations are set up haphazardly.
But it can be generalized that in all these
classifications, there are always safety hazards that
come up along with the highlighted workplace hazards.
Physical Hazards
It is the risks arising from the physical work environment
– floors, facilities, walls, and ceilings. Physical hazards
could also mean working with machinery and electricity-
operated machines. Work processes or specific
assignments could also qualify as areas where physical
hazards are present. There is a vast list of physical
hazards across all industries, but when we look at one
specific sector, these hazards are also specific to the
work setting.
Falling Off Heights, Slipping and Tripping
The reasons for falling are attributed to faulty scaffolding
and ladders, as a result of contact with electricity, and
slipping or crashing into anything that throws the worker
off balance (Fig. 13.2). On the other hand, trips and
slips occur right on lower levels, particularly the floor,
on ramps and any uneven
surface in the workplace.
from simplyinjuries
tripping over
accidentsat work,
occur whenmoreemployees
slip on the floor, from
motorized vehicles or from
scaffolding or ladders.
Fig.13.2: Falling off height, slipping and tripping

To avoid falls and slips, all things must be arranged

properly. Any spilt liquid, food or other items such
as paints must be immediately cleaned to avoid any
accidents. Make sure there is proper lighting and all
damaged equipment, stairways and light fixtures are
repaired immediately.

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noteS Electrical Hazards
There are many reasons why workers get electrocuted or
suffer from electric shock at work. For the most part, it’s
due to coming in direct contact with live wires, or having
indirect contact through a conductor. While not all
electrical accidents lead to death, there are many life-
threatening, severe and often permanent injuries that
could result from it. At work, the common causes of
electrical accidents are exposed, worn-out wiring,
overloading of electrical outlets, ungrounded or faulty
equipment, and unsafe use of electrical equipment.
Employees must be provided basic knowledge of using
electrical equipment and common problems. Employees
must also be provided instructions about electrical
safety, such as keeping water and food items away from
electrical equipment. Electrical technician and engineers
should carry out routine inspections of all wiring to
make sure there are no damaged or broken wires.

Fire Hazards
Each establishment must comply with housekeeping
standards to ensure fire safety. Everyone not follows such
requirements, and this leads to accidents resulting to
fire. Such incidents not only damage the vital workplace
equipment, stock and other items, and the building;
it could also lead to injuries among its employees. To
avoid fire, it is important to observe safety precautions
at workplace. The whole organisation must also have
first response and emergency mitigation systems in
place. Employees should be aware of all emergency
exits, including fire escape routes, of the office building
and also the locations of fire extinguishers and alarms.
Health Hazards
Health refers to the physical well-being of the workers,
and this includes the condition of their skin, eyes, ears
and all other body parts. But it also includes the health
situation of what we cannot see upfront – their
respiratory and cardiovascular system, and the nervous
system. Hazards are present in most workplaces that

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impact any part of the human body. For example, a
noisy machine or factory environment could damage
the sense of hearing of the workers. In the same
manner, exposure to bright lights and toxic fumes and
vapour could damage the eyes and nose. There are
also more serious and long-term health issues arising
from hazardous workplaces, such as damage to the
lungs because of the exposure to harmful chemicals
(Fig. 13.3).

Safety Hazards Biological Hazards Physical Hazards Ergonomic Hazards Chemical Hazards

Fig.13.3: Health hazards

po t e n t I a l So u r c e S of Ha z a r d S In an

o rganISatIon
Bright light sources behind the display screen can create
contrast problems, making it difficult to clearly see your
work. Apply the following possible solutions to avoid this.

• Use blinds or drapes on windows to eliminate

bright light. Blinds and furniture placement
should be adjusted to allow light into the room,
but not directly into your field of view.
• Use indirect or shielded lighting where possible
and avoid intense or uneven lighting in your field
of vision. Ensure that lamps have glare shields or
shades to direct light away from your line of sight.
• Reorient the workstation so bright lights from
open windows are at right angles with the
computer screen.
• High contrast between light and dark areas of
the computer screen, horizontal work surface,
and surrounding areas can cause eye fatigue and
headaches. So, use well-distributed diffuse light.

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noteS Hazards using Computers
Hazards while using computers include poor sitting
postures or excessive duration of sitting in one position.
These hazards may result in pain and strain. Making the
same movemen`t repetitively can also cause muscle
fatigue. In addition, glare from the computer screen can
be harmful to the eyes. Stretching at regular intervals or
doing some simple yoga in your seat can mitigate such
Handling Office Equipment
Improper handling of office equipment can result in
injuries. For example, sharp-edged equipment if not
handled properly, can cause cuts. Staff members should
be trained to handle equipment properly. A relevant
manual should be made available by the administration
on handling equipment.
Handling Objects
Lifting or moving heavy items without proper procedure
or techniques can be a source of potential hazard. Always
follow approved procedure and proper posture for lifting
or moving objects.

Stress at Work
In organisations, you may encounter various stress-
causing hazards. Long working hours can be stressful
and so can aggressive conflicts or arguments with
colleagues. Always look for ways for conflict resolution
with colleagues. Have some relaxing hobbies for stress
against long working hours.
Working Environment
Potential hazards may include poor ventilation, chairs
and tables of inappropriate height, hard furniture, poor
lighting, staff unaware of emergency procedures, or poor
housekeeping. Hazards may also include physical or
emotional intimidation, such as bullying or ganging up
against someone. The staff should be made aware of
organisation’s policies to fight against all the given
hazards related to a working environment.

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Hazard Control noteS
Hazards that have been identified and assessed as
priorities require to implement adequate control
measures. Control measures should follow the hierarchy
with a strong emphasis on eliminating hazards at the
source, whenever possible.

• Take all feasible measures to eliminate the

hazard, for example, by substituting or modifying
the process.
• If elimination is impractical or remains incomplete,
take all feasible measures to isolate the hazard,
for example, instituting engineering controls such
as insulating noise.
• If it is totally impossible to eliminate or isolate
the hazard, its likelihood to cause injury should
be minimised. Ensure that effective control
measures are being applied, such as installing
proper exhaust ventilation and providing personal
protective clothing and equipment that is properly
used and maintained, and monitoring exposure
among at-risk workers

Safety Guidelines Checklist

1. Store all cleaning chemicals in tightly closed
containers in separate cupboards.
2. Throw garbage daily.
3. Make sure all areas have proper lighting.
4. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery when
working with machines.
5. Never distract the attention of people who are
working near a fire or with some machinery, tools
or equipment.
6. Where required, wear protective items, such
as goggles, safety glasses, masks, gloves, and
hair nets.
7. Shut down all machines before leaving for
the workplace.
8. Do not play with electrical controls or switches.
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noteS 9. Do not operate machines or equipment until you
have been properly trained and allowed to do so by
your supervisor.
10. Repair torn wires or broken plugs before using
any electrical equipment.
11. Do not use equipment if it smokes, sparks or
looks unsafe.
12. Cover all food with a lid, plastic wrap or aluminium
13. Do not smoke in ‘No Smoking’ areas.
14. Report any unsafe condition or acts to your

Check Your Progress

A. Multiple choice questions

1. Workplace safety is essential in organisation ____________.

(a) to avoide the accident and injury
(b) to increase the productivity
(b) to improve the work environment
(d) All of the above
2. Which of the following is not mandatory to keep the good
health of an employee?
(a) Cleanliness
(b) Food court
(c) Clean and fresh air
(d) Clean washroom
3. The security department is not responsible for __________.
(a) personal safety
(b) computer system and equipment safety
(c) electrical safety
(d) personal belongings
4. The proper security procedures will increase ____________.
(a) liabilities
(b) insurance
(c) business revenue
(d) operational charges of the company
5. Which kind of hazards can occur in IT industry?
(a) Biological
(b) Chemical
(c) Physical
(d) Ergonomic

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CHAPTER14 Workplace Quality Measures

In any organisation it is necessary to maintain a good air
quality to improve the working capabilities of employees.
A pollution free air is an essential requirement for any
organisation. Also most of the IT companies makes use of
centralised air conditioning system to keep the
temperature of working
place at pleasant level.
Water pollution is another
problem faced by many
organisations. Most of the
human activities makes
water polluted. The polluted
water may cause the
disease. So an organisation
must ensure to prevent air
pollution or water pollution.
Fig. 14.1: Air pollution and water pollution

aIr and Wa t e r Qu a l I t y Mo n I t o r I n g pr o c e S S
Air and water pollution can be analysed by using several
methods. There are three common forms of analysis –
physical, chemical and biological. For such analysis
samples can be collected in the surrounding region of the
The water and air samples can be analysed by
performing some physical, chemical and bilogical tests.
The temperature and content of the sample can be
easily measured. For example, the various gases or
percentage of various gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide present in the air can be measured.
The PH value of the water can be measured through
chemical analysis. The effect of air and water on these

noteS plants and animals is studied. The microbial indicators are
used to monitor the health of the ecosystem.

Guidelines for Clean Air and Clean Water

A proper guidelines may be followed by organisation to
keep the surrounding air and water clean. Some of the
points of such guidelines can be.
1. Air pollution is mostly caused by production of
the dust, mixture of solid particles and gases in
the surrounding air. So avoid dust production,
generation of solid particles and gases in the air.
2. Extensive use of automobile vehicles in the campus
can lead to the air pollution. So organisation
must use limited number of vehicles to avoid air
pollution. Practice a no vehicle day in every week.
3. Ozone produced in the air can pollute the air.
Many times it is called as a smog. The generation
of ozone gas must be kept at low level by the
4. Most of the human activities pollute the surrounding
water. The sewage or the waste water can also cause
the water pollution. Take care that their waste is
not mixed with the surrounding water.
5. Extensive use of fertilizers and pesticide must be
avoided as it can make the ground water polluted.
Importance of Cleanliness at Workplace
It is always safe to keep your workplace clean to avoid
hazardous. The poor handling and storage practices
result in damages. A clean work station makes your
job easier and more pleasant. Common areas should be
cleaned up by all personnel, when necessary.
• All areas must be kept neat and clean. Each
employee is responsible for the cleanliness of
their work area and all tools and equipment used.
•Spills and breakage are to be cleaned up
• Spaces around machines and equipment should
be kept clear and clean at all times to permit free

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• Floors should be kept clean and clear to prevent
• slipping and collision.
Lighting fixtures are to be checked regularly
to permit clear vision. Faulty lights should be
reported to administration, so that building
maintenance/ facilities can be contacted to rectify
the situation.

o f f I c e er g o n o M I c S
Ergonomics is the science concerned with designing
and arranging things so that people can use them
easily and safely. Applying ergonomics can reduce the
potential for accidents, injury to improve performance
and productivity. In an office setting, the repetition of
a seemingly innocuous task over a period of time can
cause an injury. The resulting injuries can be physically
painful and rehabilitation can be difficult and time
consuming. The following office ergonomics emphasize
the identification of early warning signs.

Early Warning Signs Potential Cause Try This

Sore lower back No lumbar support Use back rest of chair, put small pillow
Burning in the upper No upper back support or lumbar support on backrest of chair
Put document holder or prop up so
you can see without leaning forward
back from chair
Move or raise monitor to centre of
Stiff neck Working with head turned
to side tilting head forward desk check if headset is available
holding telephone between
the ear and shoulder
Sore shoulders Reaching forward for long Move closer to the keyboard,
periods or reaching forward Bring mouse down to level of keyboard
frequently or 1” higher
Arching wrists Working with wrists Add a wrist rest to the front of
extended too much keyboard and mouse pad rest thumbs
repetition on front edge of keyboard so wrists
Forget to blink can’t drop.
Dry eyes Rest eyes periodically and do simple
Eye strain and sore eye exercises
eyes Glares from overhead lights Re-orient your desk and computer so
or windows eye glasses not light is not directly behind or in front of
correct need vision check you.

Computer Health and Safety Tips

With the increase use of computer, several health and
safety issues related to vision, musculoskeletal issues,
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body aches and pains may occur. Many of these issues
are preventable and if incurred are temporary. They can
be resolved by adopting simple corrective action.
Musculoskeletal Problems
This problem include different areas of your body, such
as neck, back, chests, arms shoulders and feet. It occurs
because of your wrong posture, uncomfortable chair for
sitting that is not ergonomically correct while working
on the computer.
To avoid this problem,
• Position your computer such that the end of the
monitor should be at your eye level.
• Keep the neck neutral with monitor directly ahead
Fig. 14.2: Ideal Neck and Monitor to prevent to turn your neck.
position • Keep your monitor at least arm length distance,
or 20 to 30 inch away from you.
• Maximise contact of your back against the
backrest of the chair.
• Adjust height of armrests so that your elbows are
at a 100–110 degrees open angle.
• Place keyboard at a slight negative tilt if you are
sitting upright.
• While typing, keep your hands slightly lower
than elbows, with fingers pointing downwards at
the floor.
• Minimise any twisting of your wrists from side to
side or up and down.
• Use a keyboard palm rest as needed only when
you are not typing. Do not rest your wrists when
typing. It leads to wrist strain.
• Always take small breaks while working on the
computer to stretch your muscles, keep your
blood flowing, and to rest your eyes.

Occupational Overuse Syndrome

Occupational overuse syndrome, also known as
repetition strain injury (RSI), is a collective term for
a range of conditions, characterised by discomfort or
persistent pain in muscles, tendons and other soft
tissues, with or without physical manifestations. It is

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usually caused or aggravated by work, and is
associated with repetitive movement,
sustained or constrained postures and/or
forceful movements. Psycho-social factors,
including stress in the working environment,
may be important in the development of
occupational overuse syndrome.
Repetitive use of muscle may feel pain in Fig. 14.3: Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
your neck, shoulder, wrist or fingers. One of the most
common conditions related to repetitive use of muscles
when using the computer is carpal tunnel syndrome. It
causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and
arm as shown in Fig. 14.3.
Ensure that you use appropriate posture when typing. For
example, your fingers should be above the ‘home position’
(asdf and jkl; keys) on the keyboard, when your elbows are
by your sides. Users should avoid gripping the mouse too
tightly. The keyboard and mouse should be kept at the
same level. In addition, use of ergonomic keyboard and
mouse help to reduce the risk of wrist related conditions.
Strain in Legs and Feet
Sitting to work for long time may cause strain in legs.
Position your desk chair to sit comfortably with your
feet flat on the floor and your lower legs vertical. Use
a footrest for more support. Make sure that there’s
enough space to change position and stretch your legs
out every now and then, too.
Eye Strain
Computer’s bright light, glare and flickering images can
cause eye strain and visual fatigue. When you constantly
focus on screen, you forget about blinking your eyes that
can cause of drying eyes. Computer Vision Syndrome is
caused by poor lighting and glare on the computer screen.
Both of these factors place strain on the users eyes,
causes blurry vision, burning and/or watering eyes,
headaches and in some instances shoulder and neck pain.
It is important to look after your eye health. Specifically
wear anti-glare glasses to work on computer.

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noteS To reduce the risks of visual problems:
• Adjust the brightness of computer screen to save
your eyes from strain.
• Reposition the screen to avoid glare from lights or
• Keep a proper vision distance from computer
screen and blink your eyes in an interval.
• Wear anti-glare glasses while working in computer.
• Keep the screen clean and use a desk lamp to
make it easier to see.
• Ensure the screen colours are easy to look at, and
that the characters are sharp and legible.
• Give your eyes periodic breaks from the screen
and perform frequent blinking. Look away from
the screen into the distance for a few moments
to relax your eyes; focus on something 30 metres
away for 30 seconds every 30 minutes.
• Keep your monitor between 18 to 24 inches away
from your face. Lastly, position monitors to avoid
glare from sunlight and keep them clean.

Headache may occur due to muscle tension or pain in the
neck. Strain on the eyes or vision problem can also cause
headaches. Attend regular eye exams to work toward
correcting any vision problems. Try your best to keep your
neck straight in front of the computer and take breaks.
Spending long hours on computers may lead lacks of
physical activity and exercise. In children prolonged
use of computers or electronics in general, is a major
contributing factor to obesity. You should take a break
and try to squeeze in some exercise until you go back
to work.
Stress Disorders
Technology impacts our behaviors and emotions.
Prolonged use of computers may be accompanied by
poor health and increased pressure on you in your
workplace, which may lead to stress. The longer the

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stress untreated, the greater the chances of contracting noteS
more serious health problems. Stress can lead to
decreased attention span, lack of
dizziness and becoming easily burned out. To tackle this
problem, promote your own health and prevent future
health conditions or by seeking treatment options for
any stress that you may encounter. Try things from
yoga, to natural remedies, to medications as prescribed
by a medical provider to combat your stress.
Injuries from Laptop Use
The growing use of laptops cause more pain and
strain. Laptops are designed for short periods of use.
In present day individuals choose to use laptops over
desktops more frequently, due to convenience. In laptop
the screen and keyboard are very close together and
there is really no right way to use a laptop because if
you position the screen at the right height for your back
and neck, it will cause you to have to lift your arms
and shoulders too high to use it and vice versa. It will
probably cause a problem. To overcome this problem,
you may use desktop that is set up ergonomically-
correct, while working for long hours.
Sleeping Problems
Artificial lighting from computer screens can trick your
brain and suppress its release of melatonin substance
that assists your sleeping patterns. To tackle this,
refrain from using a computer right before going to bed.
Health and Safety Requirements for
Computer Workplace
The minimum health and safety requirements for
computers including Desktop computers, Laptops,
Tablets, Smart phones, Television screens and Video
monitors are as follows:
Display Screen (Monitor)
Use the modern LED monitors of legible size and with
adequate spacing between the characters and lines. The
image on the screen should be stable, with no flickering
or other forms of instability. The screen must be free of

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noteS reflective glare and reflections liable to cause discomfort
to the user.

The keyboard should tilt and separate from the screen
to find a comfortable working position and avoid fatigue
in the arms or hands. The space in front of the keyboard
must be sufficient to provide support for the hands and
arms of the user. The keyboard should have a matt
surface to avoid reflective glare. The symbols on the
keys must be adequately contrasted and legible from
the design working position.

Work Surface
The work desk should be sufficiently large, low-
reflectance surface and allow a flexible arrangement of
the screen, keyboard, documents and related equipment.
The document holder shall be stable and adjustable so
as to minimise the need for uncomfortable head and eye
Work Chair
The work chair must be stable and allow the user to
move easily and find a comfortable position. It should
be adjustable in height. The user’s feet must be placed
flat on the floor or a footrest should be used.
Space Requirements
The workstation should be designed to provide
sufficient space for the user to change position and vary
movements. The user should have enough desk space
for the equipment they use.
There must be satisfactory lighting conditions with
appropriate contrast between the screen and background
environment. Possible disturbing glare and reflections
on the screen or other equipment should be prevented.

Reflections and Glare

Workstations should be designed so that sources of
light, such as windows and other openings, transparent

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or translucid walls, and brightly coloured fixtures or walls
cause no direct glare and no distracting reflections on the
screen. Windows shall be fitted with a suitable system of
adjustable covering to attenuate the daylight that falls on
the workstation.

Noise and Heat

Noise emitted by equipment should not distract the
attention. Noise cancelling earphones may provide a
solution if some noise is unavoidable. The equipment
may not produce excess heat which could cause
discomfort to users.
Cautions while Working on the Computer
It is important to work safely on computer. The static
electricity generated just by walking on the carpet can
damage your computer component. So use a surge
protector when you plug your system in.
A battery backup system is the best way to
protect against a power outage, as it provides the
system with constant voltage.
Remove rings, watches and necklaces while
working on the computer. These ornaments are
often made of conductive metals which can damage
Computer components by striking them static
electricity. Fig. 14.4: Unplug power source
from computer
Unplug all power sources and cables from
computer. If you are working with plugged in computer
then it might damage your hardware. Modern processors
will overheat within 7 sec if heat sink is not attached.

Watch Out for Cords and Wires

Loose cords and wires can cause hazard and even
electrical hazards as shown in Fig. 14.5.
If a cord or wire will cross a pathway safety it should
be mark it with hazard tape as shown in Fig. 14.6.

Fig. 14.5: Loose cord that can

be hazardous
Fig. 14.6: Hazard tape
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CHAPTER15 Prevent Accidents
and Emergencies

In an organisation, any small accident or unforeseen
situation may turn into emergencies if not given due
attention. The emergencies can be natural, such as
floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or man-made
emergencies may include fire, toxic gas releases,
chemical spills, illness, explosions, and civil
disturbances. Such situations may disrupt or shut down
your operations, or may cause physical or
environmental damage. While no one expects such
emergencies and disasters that can strike anyone,
anytime, anywhere. The best way to protect yourself
and your organisation is to develop a well thought-out
emergency action plan to guide the employees in the
event of an emergency. This chapter explains the
general workplace hazards, its prevention, care and
how to keep workplace safe.
a c c I d e n t S eaMnedr g e n c I e S
or unforeseen
An is anresulting
accident event unplanned,
in injuryuncontrolled,
or harm to people
and damages to goods. For example, a person falling
down and getting injured or a glassware item that broke
upon being knocked over. Emergency is a serious or crisis
situation that needs immediate attention and action. For
example, a customer having a heart attack or sudden
outbreak of fire in your organisation needs immediate

Each organisation has procedures and practices

to handle and report accidents and to take care of
emergencies. Although most of these procedures
and practices common across the industry, some

noteS procedures might be modified to fit a particular type of
business within the industry. For example, procedure to
handle accidents caused by slipping or falling will be
similar across the industry. You need to be aware of the
general procedures and practices as well as specific to
your organisation.
The following are some of the guidelines for identifying
and reporting an accident or emergency:
Notice and Correctly Identify Accidents and
You need to be aware of what constitutes an emergency
and what constitutes an accident in an organisation. The
organisation’s policies and guidelines will be the best
guide in this matter. You should be able to identify such
incidents in your organization, and be aware of the
procedures to tackle each form of accident and

Get help Promptly and in the Most Suitable Way

Follow the procedure for handling a particular type
of accident and emergency. Promptly act as per the
guidelines. Ensure that you provide the required help
and support as laid down in the policies. Do not act
outside the guidelines and policies laid down for
your role even if your actions are motivated by the
best intention.

Remember that only properly trained and certified

professionals may be authorized to take decisions
beyond the organisation’s policies and guidelines, if the
situation requires.
Follow Company Policies and Procedures for
Preventing Further Injury While Waiting for
Help to Arrive

If someone is injured, do not act as per your impulse or

gut feeling. Go as per the procedures laid down by your
organisation’s policy for tackling injuries. You need to stay
calm and follow the prescribed procedures.

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Act within the Limits of your Responsibility and
Authority when Accidents and Emergencies Arise
Provide help and support within authorised limit. Provide
medical help to the injured only if you are certified to
provide the necessary aid. Otherwise, wait for the
professionals to arrive and give necessary help.

Promptly Follow Instructions given by Senior

Staff and the Emergency Services
Provide necessary services as described by
organisation’s policy for your role. Also, follow the
instructions of senior staff who are trained to handle
particular situations. Work under their supervision
when handling accidents and emergencies.

Types of Accidents
The following are some of commonly occurring accidents
in organisations:
Trip and Fall
Customers or employees can trip on carelessly left
loose material and fall down, such as tripping on loose
wires, goods left on aisles, elevated threshold. This
type of accident may result in simple bruises to serious
Slip and Fall
slips are mainly due to wet floors, spilling
of liquids or throwing of other slip-causing
material on floors. Slip and fall is generally
caused by negligence. It can also be due
to broken or uneven walking surface, such
as broken or loose floor tile. People should
be properly cautioned against tripping and
slipping. For example, a “wet floor” sign will
warn people to walk carefully on freshly
mopped floors. Similarly, “watch your steps”
signs can prevent accidents on a staircase
with a sharp bent or warn against a loose
floor tile.
Fig. 15.1: Types of accidents

Ma i n t a i n He a l t H y , Sa f e and Se c u r e Wo r k i n g e n v i r o n M e n t 249

noteS Injuries caused due to Escalators or Elevators
(or lifts)
Although such injuries are uncommon, they mainly
happen to children, ladies, and elderly. Injuries can
be caused by falling on escalators and getting hurt.
People may be injured in elevators by falling down due
to sudden, jerking movement of elevators or by tripping
on elevators’ threshold. They may also get stuck in
elevators resulting in panic and trauma. Escalators
and elevators should be checked regularly for proper
and safe functioning by the right person or department.
If you notice any sign of malfunctioning of escalators
or elevators, immediately inform the right people.
If organization’s procedures are not being followed
properly for checking and maintaining these, escalate
to appropriate authorities in the organization.
Accidents due to Falling of Goods
Goods can fall on people from shelves or wall hangings
and injure them. This typically happens if pieces of goods
have been piled improperly or kept in an inappropriate
manner. Always check that pieces of goods are placed
properly and securely.
Accidents due to Moving Objects
Moving objects, such as trolleys, can also injure people
in the organisation. In addition, improperly kept props
and lighting fixtures can result in accidents. For
example, nails coming out dangerously from props can
cause cuts. Loosely plugged in lighting fixtures can
result in electric shocks.

Handling Accidents
Try to avoid accidents in your organization by finding
out all potential hazards and eliminating them. In case
of an injury to a colleague due to an accident, do the
Attend to the Injured Person Immediately
Depending on the level and seriousness of the injury,
see that the injured person receives first aid or medical
help at the earliest.
250 Domestic Data entry operator – class X

Inform your Supervisor noteS
Give details about the probable cause of accident and a
description of the injury.

Assist your Supervisor

Investigate and find out the actual cause of the accident.
Help your supervisor to take appropriate actions to
prevent occurrences of similar accidents in future.
Types of Emergencies
It is important to have policies and procedures to tackle
the given categories of emergencies. You should be
aware of at least the basic procedures to handle
emergencies. Here are some general emergency handling
procedures that you can follow:

First Aid
Should be quickly accesseble to the employees. It should
contain all the important items for first aid required
to deal with common problems such as cuts, burns,
headaches and muscle cramps.
Electrical Safety
Employees must be provided instructions about
electrical safety such as keeping water and food
items away from electrical equipment. Electrical staff
and engineers should carry out routine inspections
of all wiring to make sure there are no damaged or
broken wires.

Keep a list of numbers to call during emergency, such

as those of police, fire brigade, security, ambulance etc.
Regularly check that all emergency handling
equipment such as the fire extinguisher and fire alarm
system are in working condition.
Ensure that emergency exits are not obstructed and
keys to such exists are easily accessible. Never place
any objects near the emergency doors or windows
It is critical for employee to know who is the coordinator
or authority to make decisions during emergencies.
M a i n t a iHne a l t H y , Sa f e and Se c u r e Wo r k i n g e n v i r o n M e n t 251

noteS The coordinator should be responsible to handle
evacuation process.

General Evacuation Procedures

Each organization has its own evacuation procedures
as listed in its policies. You should be aware of these
procedures and follow them properly during an
emergency evacuation. In addition to organization’s
policies, here are some general evacuation steps useful
in such situations,
• Leave the premises immediately and start moving
towards the nearest emergency exit.
• Guide your customers to the emergency exits.
• If possible, assist the person with disability to
move towards the emergency exit.
• You may carry your hand-held belongings, as you
move towards the emergency exit. Do not come
back to pick up your belongings unless the area
is declared safe.
• Do not use the escalators or elevators (lifts) to
avoid overcrowding and getting trapped, in case
there is a power failure. Use the stairs instead.
• Go to the emergency assembly area. Check if any
of your colleagues are missing and immediately
inform the person concerned.
Fire Hazards in the Workplace
The first step to fire safety is assessing the existence of fire
hazards in workplace. In most facilities, there are three
main types of hazards to evaluate – electrical hazards,
combustible materials, and flammable materials.
Electrical issues, such as damaged extension cords,
blocked electrical panels and heaters, and overloaded
circuits often lead to fires. Fires are also commonly caused
by electrical events such as arc flash. Maintenance of
power cords and other electrical equipment should be
conducted on a regular basis.
Workplace fires are also commonly caused by
improper storage of flammable material or combustible
dust. Both are dangerous and should be properly

252 D o m e s tD
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handled and stored. Dust explosions can be another noteS
cause of fire hazard.
Fire Prevention
• All employees must know where the fire
extinguishers are located, and how to properly
use them.
•Fire extinguishers and First Aid Stations should
be clearly marked with signs.
• Never block access to Exits, fire extinguishers,
electric switches and panels.
• Do not block or stack material against doors,
which would prevent them from operating properly
in event of a fire.
• Do not use flammable material near electrical
panels, switches, lift trucks or any electrical
• Make sure all equipment is properly grounded
where needed.
• Fire extinguishers must be inspected regularly.
• Report to your supervisor of any defect in electrical,
fire prevention or material handling equipment.
• No flammable material are to be placed around
an exit door way.
Identification of Material and Ignition Sources
Materials are classified by risk, and are sorted according
to these fire classifications: Class A Material: materials
such as wood, cloth, and
paper, which won’t ignite on their own but will continue
to burn once exposed to a heat source.
Class B Material: all liquid, grease, and gas materials
that burn when exposed to ignition sources.
Class C Material: electrical materials and equipment.
These materials cause fires very quickly and present a
serious risk of arc flash.

Class D Material: any materials that are volatile and

able to quickly ignite, such as magnesium, potassium,
and sodium.

Ma i n t a i n He a l t H y , Sa f e and Se c u r e Wo r k i n g e n v i r o n M e n t 253

Examples of ignition sources include: Open flames such as
gas ovens, lighters in smoking
areas, and welding torches.
Sparks from wood or metal saws and other types of
Heat sources such as combustion engines, space
heaters, ovens, and machines that produce heat during
Chemical ignition from chemicals that combust under
normal working temperatures.

Select the suitable type of fire extinguisher

Water CO2 Dry chemical Carbon dioxide Mechanical ABC dry
powder foam powder
Class A Suitable Not Not suitable Not suitable Suitable Suitable
Class B suitable Not Suitable Suitable Suitable Not Suitable
Class C suitable Not Suitable Suitable Not suitable Not Suitable
Class D suitable Suitable suitable suitable Suitable

Fire Extinguisher
A fire extinguisher is a protection device used to
extinguish fires. It is a cylindrical pressure vessel
containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish
a fire. The Fig. 15.2 shows the different parts of fire
The following activity will demonstrate the operation
of fire extinguisher.

Fig. 15.2: Fire extinguisher Practical Exercises

with its parts labeled
Demonstrate the operation of a fire extinguisher.

Step 1: Identify the safety pin of the fire extinguisher, present in

its handle.
Step 2: Break the seal and
pull the safety pin
from the handle.
Step 3: Use the fire
extinguisher by
squeezing the
Step 4: Sweep it from side Fig. 15.3: Steps to open the seal and
to side. safety pin

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First Aid for Electrical Emergencies
Restless or irritable,
Electrical accidents cause Irregular
heartbeat of
Loss of consciousness,

countless injuries. Injury could be Swollen tongue

obstruct airways
cardiac arrest
possible convulsions

minimised and many lives can be

saved if proper rescue techniques Vision Problems Exit Burn
and treatment are used. Electrical
Difficult breathing
accidents may occur at any time Fracture
Bones or respiratory arrest
or place. Timely response and
Entry Muscle tenderness
treatment of victims is a major and possible twitching
electrical When an
accident occurs, due to the effect
of muscle cramping, a victim
is often incapable of moving or
releasing the electrical conductor. Fig. 15.4: An unconscious state because of an electrical shock
There should always be an emergency response plan for
scheduled electrical maintenance or work.
Electrical Rescue Techniques
Approaching the accident
• Never rush into an accident situation.
• Call 108 as soon as possible.
• Approach the accident place cautiously.
Examining the scene
• Visually examine victims to determine if they are
in contact with energised conductors.
• Metal surfaces, objects near the victim itself may
be energised.
• Do not touch the victim or conductive surfaces
while they are energised.
• Switch off the electrical circuits if possible.
Hazards and solutions
• Be alert for hazards, such as heated surfaces
and fire.
• In case you cannot switch off the power source,
take extreme care.
• Ensure that your hands and feet are dry.
• Wear protective equipment, such as gloves and
shoes. Stand on a clean dry surface.
• Use non-conductive material to remove a victim
from the conductor.
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High voltage rescue
• Special training is required for rescues if high
voltage is present.
• Protective equipment, such as gloves and shoes
must be worn.
Fig. 15.5: Beware of high voltage First Aid
• A Cardio-Pulmonary
victim may require
Resuscitation (CPR). Steps to perform in CPR are
shown in the Fig. 15.6 and 15.7.

Fig. 15.6: Gloves and shoes

for safety

Fig. 15.7: Open the mouth for airway Fig. 15.8: Rescue breathing

• If the victim is breathing and has a heartbeat,

give first aid for injuries and treat for shock.
• Ensure the victim gets medical care as soon as
• Physician attending the victim must have detailed
information to properly diagnose and care for the

Practical Exercises
Identify and name the steps mentioned in the following figures.

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