Template Jurnal Compton

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Compton: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika

Volume 10(1), 2023, pp. 1-5


Compton article titles briefly describe the

contents of the article, maximum 14 words,
lowercase→(16 pts)
First Author1*, Second Author2, Third Author3...etc→(11 pts)
Institution -Address, Country→(10 pts)
Institution - Address, Country→(10 pts)
*Corresponding Author. E-mail: [email protected] . contact person→(10 pts)

Receipt: …………….; Revisions: ………………; Accepted: ………………….

Abstract: Please write the abstract in English max 200 words. Abstract contains
about: the purpose and scope of the study; the method used; a summary of results;
and conclusion. These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for
COMPTON. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 7.0 or
later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. Define all symbols used in
the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line
immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this
column.→Abstract (10 pts)

Keywords: Put your 3-5 keywords here; keywords are separated by a semicolon

INTRODUCTION→Heading Level 1 (11 pts)

The introduction must contain (sequentially) general background, previous
literature review (state of the art) as the basis for the scientific novelty
statement of the article, scientific novelty statement, and research problems or
hypotheses. At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the study should be
written. The format of a scientific article is not permitted to have a literature
review as in a research report, but is realized in the form of a state of the art
review to show the scientific novelty of the article.
This document is a template. For questions on the guide, please contact the
editor of the journal as indicated on the website.
The easiest way to meet the writing format requirements is to use this
document as a template. Then type your text into it.
The paper size must match A4 page size, which is 210mm (8.27") wide and
297mm (11.69") long. Margin limits are set as follows:
1. Top = bottom = 30mm
2. Left = Right = 20 mm

METHOD→Heading Level 1 (11 pts)

The method section contains the research design, research subjects,
instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis which are presented
in the form of paragraphs.

DOIs:10.30738/cjipf. v10i1 © Author(s), 2023. OpenAccess

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons license and your intended use is
not permitted by statutory regulations or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission
directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license,
Compton: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, 10(1), 2023 -2
Author First, Author Second, Author etc

Paragraphs must be regular. All paragraphs must be written using justified

alignment, that is, both left and right justified.
All documents must use Lato font. The font size feature can be seen in Table
headingspreferably no more than three levels. All headings must be in 11 pt
font. Here's how to write headings:
Level 1 Heading: Level 1 headings must be all capital letters, bold, and centered.
As an example, HEADS 1.
Level 2 Heading: Level 2 headings must be capitalized, bold, and left aligned. As
an example, Heading 2.
Level-3 Heading: Level 3 headings must be capitalized, bold, italicized, and left-
aligned. As an example, Heading 3.
Level-4 Heading: Level-4 headings must begin with a capital letter, upright. As an
example, Heading 4
Graphs and tables must be centered. Each table or figure must be positioned
at the top or bottom of the page. The loading of tables or figures must be
mentioned in the sentence. the text in the table uses single spaced or 1 space
Graphics are allowed in color. Use solid coloring that contrasts both for display
on a computer screen and for black and white printouts, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 2shows an example of an image with low resolution that does not
conform to the requirements, while Figure 3 shows an example of an image with
adequate resolution. Check that the image resolution is sufficient to reveal
important details in the image.
Table 1. Font Size for Papers
Font Display (in Georgian)
Size Regular (Regular) Bold Italic (Italic)
10 Table description, ket. image, essence abstract heading
author affiliation, author email, content, English (also in bold)
address, cell in a table abstract
11 Level 1 headings, paragraphs, heading level 2, heading level-3 (also in
reference items Author name bold), reference items
16 Title

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION→Heading Level 1 (11 pts)

The results and discussion section contains research findings obtained from
research data and related to hypotheses as well as discussion of research results
and comparisons with theories and or similar studies.
Titleon the reference section should not be numbered. All reference
items/items are in 11 pt font size. References and citations are in the APA 7th
edition style.
Please check all picturesin your journal, both on screen and in print. When
examining a printed version of an image, ensure that: (1) the colors have
sufficient contrast, (2) the image is clear, (3) all labels on the image are legible.
Pictures are numbered using Arabic numerals. Image captions must be in 10
pt regular font. Image captions in one line (for example Figure 2) are placed in
the center. Image captions with image numbers must be placed after the
associated images.

Copyright © 2023; Author(s);2339-224X (prints)|2579-3209 (online)

Compton: Scientific Journal of Physics Education, 10(1), 2023 -3
Author First, Author Second, Author etc

Figure 1. Example of a Line Graph Using Contrasting Colors

Heading 2
Tables are numbered using Arabic. Table captions are centered and in 10 pts
regular font.
Heading 3
Page numbers, headers and footers are not used. All hypertext links and
bookmark sections will be removed. If the paper needs to refer to an email
address or URL in the article, the full address or URL must be typed in a regular
Equalitysequentially followed by numbering numbers in parentheses with
right-aligned margins, as in (1). Use the equation editor to create equations.
Space tabs and write the equation number in parentheses. To make your
equations more compact, use a slash ( / ), exponential function, or the
appropriate exponent. Use parentheses to avoid confusion in assigning fractions.
Explain the equation when it is in part of a sentence, such as the following:
∫0 F (r , ϕ) dr dϕ=[σr 2 ¿ (2 μ0 )]

⋅∫0 exp(− λ|z j −z i| ) λ−1 J 1 ( λ r 2 ) J 0 ( λ r i ) dλ .
Make sure that the symbols in the equation are defined before the equation or
follow immediately after the equation appears. Symbols are typed in italics (T
refers to temperature, but T stands for Tesla). Referring to “(1)”, not “Pers. (1)”
or “equation (1)”, except at the beginning of the sentence: “Equation (1) is …”.

Figure 2. Example of Image with Less Resolution

Copyright © 2023; Author(s);2339-224X (prints)|2579-3209 (online)

Compton: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika, 10(1), 2023 -4
Author First, Author Second, Author etc

Figure 3. Example Image with Sufficient Resolution

The research discussion section contains a discussion of research results and
comparisons with theories and or similar research.
Titleon the reference section should not be numbered. All reference
items/items are in 11 pt font size. References and citations are in the APA 6th
edition style.
Heading 2
Tablenumbered using Arabic numerals. Table captions are on the left and in 9
pts regular font.
Heading 3
Page numbers, headers and footers are not used. All hypertext links and
bookmark sections will be removed. If the paper needs to refer to an email
address or URL in the article, the full address or URL must be typed in a regular

The concluding section answers the hypotheses, research objectives and
research findings as well as suggestions regarding further ideas from the
research. Conclusions are presented in the form of paragraphs.

Titles for acknowledgments and references are not numbered.

Authors are expected to use around 20-25 primary and recent references to
confirm high-quality contributions to knowledge development. All references
referenced in the text of the article must be registered in the Bibliography
section. It is recommended to write a bibliography and citation in the APA 7th
edition style using the Mendeley application.

Copyright © 2023; Author(s);2339-224X (prints)|2579-3209 (online)

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