ISE 3rd Semester DDCO - Syll - Latest
ISE 3rd Semester DDCO - Syll - Latest
ISE 3rd Semester DDCO - Syll - Latest
Course Outcomes:
On the successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
COs Course Outcomes Bloom’s level
CO1 Use logic minimization techniques and design combinational circuits using logic gates. Apply
CO2 Design and analyze sequential circuits systems, Registers and Counters. Apply
Use algorithms to perform fast multiplication, division and to represent floating point
CO3 Apply
numbers in binary.
Explain the basic processing unit and design of control system, memory architecture
CO4 Understanding
and mapping techniques.
Reference Books:
1. Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach: John L Hennessy, David A
Patterson, Elsevier, 5th Edition 2012.
2. The Elements of Computing System – Building the Modern Computer from First
Principles: Noam Nisan, Shimon Schocken, The MIT Press (2005).
3. Digital Principles and Applications: Donald P Leach, Albert Paul Malvino &
Goutham Saha, TMH, 6th Edition, 2006.
Online Resources:
1. NPTEL: Switching Circuits and logic design
2. NPTEL: Computer Organization and Architecture A Pedagogical
3. Edx: Computation Structures 3:Computer Organization 3-computer-mitx-
4. Coursera: Digital Systems -