Grade-10 Arts-W6
Grade-10 Arts-W6
Grade-10 Arts-W6
Task: Unit 1 (revision) Task: Unit 1 (revision) Task: Unit 1 (Revision) Task: Preparation of a test Task: Unit 1 (Test) Task: Unit 2 (Revision)
Follow-up: Learn Unit-1: SAQs 65 to 83 Follow-up: Learn Unit-1 MCQs (Complete) Follow-up: Learn Unit-1 “Introduction to Follow-up: Preparation of a test of Follow-up: The test has been Follow-up: Learn Topic: “Input and
Computer from pages 26 to 28 Write SAQs 76 to 83 from pages 28 to 31. Programming”, Topic: “Exercise Unit-1 conducted. Output”, “How are input and output
on a notebook. Solutions” Q 1, 2 & 4 from pages 17 to 19. operations performed in C-Language”
and “printf function” from pages 32-33.