07 Sukumar
07 Sukumar
07 Sukumar
C.V. Sukumar
1.1. Introduction
In field theory, supersymmetry is a symmetry that generates transformations between
bosons and fermions. Unlike the generators of other symmetries whose algebra involves
commutators, the generators of the supersymmetric transformations are spinor charges
whose algebra involves anticommutators. Supersymmetry has raised the possibility of
providing a framework for a unified description of bosons and fermions which are
combined in the same supersymmetric multiplet [1]. Supersymmetric field theories may
be constructed by defining a superfield in a superspace, a space consisting of the usual
spacetime and in addition the anticommuting spinors of Grassmann [2]. The superfield φ
is a function of the spacetime coordinates x and also θ and θ̄ where θ is an odd member
of the Grassmann algebra and θ̄ is its conjugate. The supersymmetric transformation
may be viewed as a Grassmann even translation in this superspace. The generators of
this transformation are the supercharges.
There is a well defined procedure for starting from a field theory to construct a single
particle Quantum Mechanics and vice versa. For example Quantum Mechanics in one
dimension is defined by the Hamiltonian H = p2 + V (x) and the commutation relation
[x, p] = ih̄. The corresponding field theory starts by defining a space-time and the field
R is defined in this space-time by the Lagrangian L = [(∂t φ ) −V (φ )] and the action
φ (x,t) 2
S = Ldt. It is well known that d = 1 quantum mechanics is formally equivalent to the
d = 1 quantum field theory with the identification x → φ , p → ∂t φ and canonical quanti-
zation of the field φ leads to the usual commutation relations between x and p. Similarly,
by constructing a Lagrangian invariant under the supersymmetric transformation, i.e. by
generalizing the d = 1 field to the superfield defined in superspace and integrating out
the Grassmann coordinates associated with the superspace, a Lagrangian expressed in
terms of the component fields of the superfield may be obtained. Canonical quantization
then leads to a Hamiltonian for Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. Witten [3] was
the first to construct a simple example of a supersymmetric system corresponding to
a spin− 12 particle moving in one dimension. Witten also defined the algebra that must
be satisfied by the charge operators in terms of which the supersymmetric Hamiltonian
may be expressed. These algebraic relations that Witten first formulated have now be-
come the defining relations of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics or SUSYQM in
The word ‘supersymmetry’ was originally used to denote a symmetry built into cer-
tain field theories that permits transformations between component fields whose intrin-
sic spins differ by 12 h̄. However, by extracting a single particle Quantum Mechanics
from the field theory by integration of the Grassmann variables all reference to spin
is lost. What remains is an underlying symmetry of the Schrödinger differential equa-
tions for two related Hamiltonians. In fact, already in the 19th century a symmetry of
second-order differential equations had been identified by Darboux [4]. The Darboux
transformation relates the solutions of a pair of closely linked second order differential
equations (Schrödinger [5], Infeld and Hull [6]). Throughout these lectures the term ‘su-
persymmetric system’ will be used to describe systems governed by an underlying alge-
bra which is identical to, or derivable from, the algebra of supersymmetry in field theory
even if the systems under consideration have nothing to do with bosons and fermions as
they are commonly understood. This algebra is the algebra explicitly defined by Witten.
The study of the relationship between spectra, conservation laws and the existence of
operators that commute with the Hamiltonian has a long history. It is well known that the
conservation of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum arise when space-time
is homogeneous and isotropic which in turn lead to invariance of the Hamiltonian under
time translation, spatial translation and rotation. The invariance of the supersymmetric
Hamiltonian under translations in superspace is related to the existence of supercharges
that commute with the SUSY Hamiltonian and leads to definite relations between the
spectra of the bosonic and fermionic sectors. Just as in field theory supersymmetry
leads to specific relations between the component sectors of a supermultiplet, so also
in SUSYQM the existence of a generating operator that commutes with the Hamiltonian
leads to certain specific relations between the spectra and the eigenfunctions of the
component parts of the supersymmetric Hamiltonian. The links between the solutions
of two differential equations connected by the Darboux transformation are identical to
those arising from considerations of supersymmetry.
Witten’s seminal idea has now been developed into the subject of Supersymmetric
Quantum Mechanics: the study of quantum mechanical systems governed by an algebra
identical to that of supersymmetry in field theory. A number of people have played
an important role in the development of the subject. It will not be possible in these
lectures to do full justice to all the people who have contributed to this subject. I would
like to keep a chronological order of how the ideas have developed and refer to the
papers that act as markers in this progression. Witten’s 1981 paper was followed by other
examples of spin systems in magnetic fields and other such special systems that exhibited
an underlying supersymmetry ([7]-[14]). Bernstein and Brown [15] showed that by
exploiting the degeneracy between the ‘bosonic’ and ‘fermionic’ sectors of certain
one-dimensional Hamiltonians, the properties of the first excited state of the ‘bosonic’
component may be inferred from a knowledge of the ground state of the ‘fermionic’
component. It was then shown by Andrianov, Borisov and Ioffe [16] and Sukumar
[17, 18] that all one-dimensional systems can have supersymmetric partners. Andrianov,
Borisov and Ioffe [19] also showed that a simple extension of supersymmetric quantum
mechanics to arbitrary dimensions is possible.
The plan of the lectures is to cover topics in the following order. In the first lecture the
defining algebra of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics, the implications of this alge-
bra for the spectra of the component parts of the SUSY Hamiltonian, the factorization
of the Schrödinger equation, the procedure for the elimination of the ground state of a
Hamiltonian, the procedure for the introduction of a new bound state below the ground
state of a given Hamiltonian and the procedure for generating a new Hamiltonian with
unaltered spectrum will be discusssed using examples. Thus the first lecture will mainly
be concerned with showing that the existence of a SUSY partner to one-dimensional
Hamiltonians implies a hierarchy of Hamiltonians with a special relationship between
the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the different members of the hierarchy.
In the second lecture the radial Schrödinger equation will be studied. The implica-
tions of a SUSY partner to the radial Schrödinger equation will be used to differentiate
between four types of SUSY transformations. In the first part of the third lecture the un-
derlying supersymmetry of the Dirac equation for the Hydrogen atom will be discussed.
In the second part of the third lecture the supersymmetry linking the N and the N + 1
soliton solutions of the KdV equation will be discussed. The connection between the dif-
ferent types of supersymmetric transformations of the radial Schrödinger equation and
the approach of the conventional inverse scattering theory will be more fully explored
in the fourth and fifth lectures. It will be shown how certain choices of pairs of SUSY
transformations lead to the results of the conventional inverse scattering theory based
on the Gelfand-Levitan and Marchenko equations. It will be shown that other choices
of pairs of SUSY transformations lead to new results not present in the standard inverse
scattering theory and produce singular potentials which have found a variety of applica-
tions in Nuclear Physics. The fourth lecture will be concerned with the study of different
pairs of supersymmetric transformations and the different potentials that can be gener-
ated by this procedure. In the fifth lecture the procedures discussed in the earlier lectures
will be generalized and some applications of the new aspects of inverse scattering the-
ory arising from the singular potentials constructed using SUSY transformations of the
radial Schrödinger equation will be discussed.
Throughout these lectures units in which h̄ = 1 and the mass m = 1 will be used.
{Qi , Q j } = δi j H , i, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , (1)
[Qi , H] = 0 , (2)
i.e., the charge operator Q is nilpotent and commutes with the Hamiltonian H. A simple
realization of the algebra defined in Eq. (3) can be achieved by considering
µ ¶ µ ¶
0 0 † 0 A+
Q= , Q = , (5)
A− 0 0 0
where A− is an operator and A+ is its adjoint. It is clear that with this construction Q2 = 0
automatically. Eqs. (3) and (5) lead to the supersymmetric Hamiltonian
µ + − ¶
A A 0
H= . (6)
0 A− A+
Since µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶ µ ¶
α 0 † 0 A+ β
Q = , Q = , (7)
0 A− α β 0
we can say that the operators Q and Q† induce transformations between the ‘bosonic’
sector represented by α and the ‘fermionic’ sector represented by β . We may also
interpret H in the following way: the scalar Hamiltonian H = A+ A− has a partner H̃ =
A− A+ such that H and H̃ are the diagonal elements of a supersymmetric Hamiltonian
H. Having demonstrated that a Q and an H can be constructed, we can switch to the
operator language of Quantum Mechanics to find out what the consequences of the
existence of a charge operator that commutes with the Hamiltonian are for the spectra
of the two sectors H and H̃. A+ A− and A− A+ are both positive semi-definite operators
with eigenvalues greater than or equal to 0. Let ψ be a normalized eigenstate of H with
eigenvalue E. Then
A+ A− ψ = E ψ . (8)
Multiplication from the left by A− leads to
A− A+ ψ̃ = Ẽ ψ̃ , (11)
A+ A− (A+ ψ̃ ) = Ẽ(A+ ψ̃ ) . (12)
Therefore, if A+ ψ̃ 6= 0 then Ẽ is also an eigenvalue of H with the corresponding
normalized eigenfunction
ψ = √ (A+ ψ̃ ) . (13)
In view of the above relationships, three possibilities may be distinguished from each
(a) If there is a normalizable eigenstate of H such that A− ψ (0) = 0, then A+ A− ψ (0) = 0
and ψ (0) corresponds to the ground state with eigenvalue E (0) = 0. Conversely, for the
eigenvalue E (0) = 0 the vanishing expectation value of A+ A− in the ground state implies
that A− ψ (0) = 0. Under these circumstances, H̃ has no normalizable eigenstate with
Ẽ = 0, i.e. there can be no normalizable state with A+ ψ̃ = 0. The ground state eigenvalue
of H̃ is non-zero. All eigenvalues other than the ground state eigenvalue of H are also
eigenvalues of H̃ and all eigenvalues of H̃ are also eigenvalues of H. The resulting
spectral mapping is shown in Fig. 1(a).
(b) If there is a normalizable eigenstate of H̃ such that A+ ψ̃ (0) = 0, then A− A+ ψ̃ (0) =
0 and ψ̃ (0) corresponds to the ground state of A− A+ with eigenvalue Ẽ (0) = 0. There
cannot be a normalizable state of A+ A− with eigenvalue zero that satisfies A− ψ = 0.
The ground state of H has non-zero eigenvalue. All eigenvalues other than the ground
state of H̃ are also eigenvalues of H and all eigenvalues of H are eigenvalues of H̃. This
leads to the spectral mapping shown in Fig. 1(b).
(c) If there is no normalizable eigenstate of H or H̃ such that either A− ψ = 0 or
A ψ̃ = 0, then the spectra of both H and H̃ begin at positive values. Every eigenvalue
of H is also an eigenvalue of H̃ and vice versa. The resulting spectral mapping is shown
in Fig. 1(c).
FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the possible allignment of eigenvalues of the operators H1 = H =
A+ A− and H2 = H̃ = A− A+ .
In each of the three cases the eigenfunctions of H and H̃ for a common eigenvalue E
are linked in the manner indicated below:
ψ̃ (E) = exp(iφ ) (E)− 2 A− ψ (E) ,
ψ (E) = exp(−iφ ) (E)− 2 A+ ψ̃ (E) , (14)
in which φ is an arbitrary phase whose significance will become clear in later discussion.
The ladder structure of the eigenvalue spectrum shown in Fig. 1 and the intertwining
relationships between the eigenfunctions given above are characteristic hallmarks of
supersymmetric systems in one dimension and serve as signatures by which the presence
of an underlying supersymmetry may be inferred. In the early works on SUSYQM
([12, 15]) operators of the form
µ ¶
± d
A = ± +U(x) , (15)
1 d2
H =− +V (x) , (16)
2 dx2
where V is the potential. H can be factorized in the form
µ ¶
+ − ± 1 d
H = A A + ε , A = √ ± +U , (17)
2 dx
where ε is an undetermined constant, provided that the unknown function U satisfies
µ ¶
+U = 2(V − ε ) .
This is a nonlinear equation with a family of solutions. One member of the family is
given by
1 d
U= ψ (x, ε ) , (19)
ψ (x, ε ) dx
where ψ (x, ε ) is a solution of the Schrödinger equation at energy E = ε , i.e.
H ψ (x, ε ) = εψ (x, ε ) . (20)
Since µ ¶
dU 1 d2ψ 1 dψ 2
= − , (21)
dx ψ dx2 ψ 2 dx
it is easy to verify that Eq. (19) satisfies Eq. (18). It is clear that this argument is valid
only if ψ (x, ε ) is non-vanishing i.e. ψ (x, ε ) is nodeless. It can be shown that the general
solution to Eq. (18) is given by the one-parameter family of solutions
d 1/ψ 2 (x, ε )
U(x, ε , λ ) = ln ψ (x, ε ) + R , (22)
dx λ + x dz/ψ 2 (z, ε )
where λ is an arbitrary parameter. Every choice of ε and the corresponding ψ (x, ε )
leads to a possible factorization of H in the form H = A+ (ε )A− (ε ) + ε . The choice of
factorization energy ε and the selection of a value for λ must clearly be motivated by
the particular circumstances of a given problem and by physical considerations. If we
consider a Hamiltonian with a ground state energy E (0) , then the requirement that A+ A−
be a positive definite operator can be met only if the energy ε is chosen to be ε ≤ E (0) .
We consider the case when the factorization energy ε = E (0) next.
With the choice of E (0) as the factorization energy, the ground state eigenfunction
ψ (x, E (0) ) is nodeless and vanishes in the asymptotic region. The requirement that U(x)
in Eq. (22) should not be divergent leads to the choice λ = ∞, giving
U(x) = ln ψ (x, E (0) ) ,
dx · ¸
± (0) 1 d d (0)
A (E ) = √ ± + ln ψ (x, E ) ,
2 dx dx
H = A+ (E (0) )A− (E (0) ) + E (0) . (23)
It is clear that A+ A− has a spectrum beginning at 0, with a ground state which satisfies
A− ψ (0) = 0 with ψ (0) = ψ (x, E (0) ). The analysis in §1.3 can now be used by considering
the partner Hamiltonian
has a ground state at energy Ẽ (0) with a ground state eigenfunction ψ̃ (0) (x, ε ) = ψ̃ (x, ε ).
Therefore, H̃ has a ground state eigenvalue below the ground state of H while all the
other eigenvalues of H̃ are degenerate with the eigenvalues of H. This corresponds to
the level scheme shown in Fig. 1(b). Hence when (ψ )−1 is normalizable
H̃ = H − [ln ψ (x, ε )] , (42)
has ground state
Ẽ (0) = ε < E (0) , ψ̃ (0) (x, ε ) = , (43)
ψ (x, ε )
and excited states with
Ẽ (m+1) = E (m) , m = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
³ ´− 1
ψ̃ (m+1) = − E (m) − ε A− ψ (m) ,
³ ´− 1
(m) (m)
ψ = − E −ε A+ ψ̃ (m+1) ,
· ¸
± 1 d d
A (ε ) = √ ± + ln ψ (x, ε ) . (44)
2 dx dx
The phase factor φ in Eq. (14) has been chosen to be π . Having chosen φ to be zero
for the case of elimination of a state in §1.5, the requirement that adding a state by a
transformation and subsequently eliminating the same state by another transformation
should give back the original transformation, fixes the phase factor for the case of
the addition of a state to be π . If ε < E (0) , but the unnormalizable solution ψ (x, ε )
does not lead to a normalizable (ψ )−1 and the second derivative of ln ψ (x, ε ) is well
behaved, in a sense to be defined shortly, then neither A+ (ε )A− (ε ) nor A− (ε )A+ (ε )
has a normalizable eigenstate with eigenvalue zero. We denote such a solution ψ by ξ .
Therefore A+ A− and A− A+ have identical spectra as depicted in Fig. 1(c). Then
H̃ = A− (ε )A+ (ε ) + ε = H − ln ξ (x, ε ) , (45)
has a spectrum identical to that of H. The relations between the eigenvalues and the
eigenstates are given by
Ẽ (m) = E (m) , m = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
³ ´− 1
ψ̃ (m) = exp(iφ ) E (m) − ε A− ψ (m) ,
³ ´− 1
(m) (m)
ψ = exp(−iφ ) E − ε A+ ψ̃ (m) ,
· ¸
± 1 d d
A (ε ) = √ ± + ln ξ (x, ε ) . (46)
2 dx dx
The phase factor φ has been left undetermined. Furthermore, the non-normalizable
solutions ψ and ψ̃ for energy ε are connected by
ψ̃ (x, ε ) = . (47)
ψ (x, ε )
In this section we assume that −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞ and postpone the discusion of 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞ to
a later section. It is necessary to make this distinction because the type of singularities
of the potential V that are physically admissible depends on the range of values of the
variable x. Potentials with singularities of the form r−2 are admissible for the radial
problem, but singularities of the form x−2 are inadmissible when −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞. The
discussion of the construction of a normalizable ψ −1 depends on the spatial domain in
which ψ and V are defined. We now examine the question of the normalizability of ψ −1
when −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞. Let φ1 (x, ε ) be a nodeless solution of H ψ = εψ for ε < E (0) . The
existence of such a solution can be rigorously proved [21]. Another linearly independent
solution at the same energy is given by
Z x
φ2 (x, ε ) = φ1 (x, ε ) . (48)
φ12 (z)
The nodelessness of φ1 guarantees that this integral is well defined. The general solution
at the energy ε is given by
µ Z x ¶
ψ (x, ε , α ) = φ1 + αφ2 = φ1 1 + α , (49)
−∞ φ1
in which the lower limit of the integral has been chosen to be −∞ and α is an arbitrary
constant. Let µZ ∞ ¶−1
β (ε ) = . (50)
−∞ φ1 (z, ε )
It can be shown that for values of α in the range −β < α < ∞, ψ will remain nodeless
and ψ is unnormalizable. It can also be shown that for −β < α < ∞, ψ −1 is singularity
free and normalizable. This range of values of α then leads to a normalizable ψ −1 and
ψ̃ = ψ −1 corresponds to an eigenstate of H̃ as defined in Eq. (42) with ground state
eigenvalue E (0) = ε . It can be shown that for the limiting values α = −β and α = ∞
even though ψ −1 is unnormalizable the second derivative of ln ψ is divergence free and
finite in the asymptotic region. These values of α then lead to H̃ defined in Eq. (45)
with the same spectrum as H. But if α < −β then ψ will vanish for some finite value of
x as can be seen from Eq. (49) and the second derivative of ln ψ (x, ε , α ) then diverges
when ψ vanishes. Hence for α < −β , ψ (x, ε , α ) does not lead to a physically acceptable
potential Ṽ . The above analysis will be illustrated with examples in the next section.
d2 γ 2 (1 − α 2 )
Ṽ = V − ln ψ (x, ε ) = − , |α | < 1 , (52)
dx2 (cosh γ x + α sinh γ x)2
The α independence of this equation means that the transmission coefficient of this
family of potentials V (x, E, α ) are identical. This family of potentials is an example of
the phase-equivalent family of Bargmann [22].
1.8. Simple harmonic oscillator, addition of bound state
The oscillator potential does not belong to the category of potentials that remain finite
in the asymptotic region. Nevertheless, the oscillator example serves to clarify some of
the discussion in the text. The harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian
1 d2 1
H =− 2
+ x2 , (57)
2 dx 2
has the eigenvalue spectrum
E = (n + ) , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (58)
The even solution of H ψ = εψ for all energies can be written in series form [23] and is
given by
µ ¶
x2 x4 x6 2
φ1 (x, ε ) = 1 + δ + δ (4 + δ ) + δ (4 + δ )(8 + δ ) + . . . e−x /2 , (59)
2! 4! 6!
δ = 1 − 2ε . (60)
For energies below the ground state of the oscillator ε < E (0) = 21 , δ > 0, which
guarantees that φ1 is positive definite. Thus φ1 is a nodeless unnormalizable solution
for ε < 12 . The linearly independent solution
Z x
φ2 (x, ε ) = φ1 , (61)
0 φ12 (z)
can also be written in series form as
µ ¶
x2 x4 2
φ2 (x, ε ) = 1 + (δ + 2) + (δ + 2)(δ + 6) + . . . xe−x /2 . (62)
3! 5!
φ2 vanishes at x = 0 but the series within the parentheses is positive definite when ε < 12 .
Both φ1 and φ2 may be expressed in terms of standard parabolic cylinder functions. The
general solution at energy ε is then given by
ψ (x, ε ) = φ1 (x, ε ) + αφ2 (x, ε ) . (63)
In terms of the parameter
µZ ¶−1
φ1 ∞ dz Γ( 34 − 12 ε )
lim = β (ε ) = =2 , (64)
x→∞ φ2 0 φ1 (z, ε )
Γ( 14 − 12 ε )
which arises from asymptotic formulae for the parabolic cylinder functions [23], for
|α | < β µ ¶
Z x
ψ (x, ε , α ) = φ1 (x, ε ) 1 + α , (65)
0 φ1 (z, ε )
FIGURE 3. The phase-equivalent potentials Ṽ (x, ε , α ) are shown for ε = −1/2. The value of α is
indicated below each curve. The harmonic oscillator potential V (x) = x2 /2 is also shown as a broken
curve. The potentials shown in figure by full curves have identical spectra with ground state at Ẽ (0) = −1/2
as indicated by the horizontal broken line. The rest of the spectrum is identical to that of the harmonic
H̃ = H − ln ψ (x, ε , α ) , |α | < β , (66)
therefore have identical spectra given by
1 1
Ẽ (0) = ε < , Ẽ (m) = m − , m = 1, 2, . . . . (67)
2 2
This family of potentials is another example of the phase-equivalent family of Bargmann
[22]. Since the energy Ẽ (0) is arbitrary as long as Ẽ (0) < 21 , the above equations give a
recipe for constructing anharmonic potentials with spectra defined by Eq. (67).
Using the series expansion for φ1 and φ2 the potentials Ṽ (x, ε , α ) have been calculated
for a range of values of√ε and α < β (ε ). Fig. 3 shows Ṽ for ε = −1/2 and α in the range
of values 0 < α < 2/ π . The results for positive values of α are shown. The potential
for the corresponding negative value of α may be obtained by mirror reflection about
the x-axis. For α = 0, Ṽ (x) = x2 /2 − 1 is a shifted oscillator. This is the only value of
α for which Ṽ is invariant under the parity transformation. Thus by imposing a specific
(a) (b)
FIGURE 4. The potential Ṽ (x, ε , α ) for α = 0 and (a) ε = 0.45, (b) ε = 0.0, The harmonic oscillator
potential is indicated as a broken curve. The ground state of V at E = 0.5 is indicated by a full horizontal
line and the ground state of Ṽ at E = ε is indicated by a broken horizontal line. The rest of the spectrum
of Ṽ is identical to that of the harmonic oscillator.
condition on Ṽ (x) a unique member of the family is obtained. Fig. 4 shows Ṽ (x, ε , 0) for
a range of values of ε for a fixed value of α = 0. These figures show that for 0 < ε < 21
the ground state of the new potential Ṽ lies inside the double well. This is an example
of the general result that when ε lies below the ground state of a given potential V , but
ε > Vmin (x) where Vmin is the minimum of the potential, the resulting partner potential
Ṽ (x) is necessarily a double well. It can be shown on general grounds that a double well
is necessary to accomodate the new level at ε close to the first excited state of Ṽ (x) at
energy E (0) . Fig. 4 shows double well potentials whose spectrum is fixed by construction
to be of the form given in Eq. (67).
We next consider the limiting values α = β (ε ) for which ψ (x, ε , β )−1 is unnormaliz-
able. The value of β for a given value of ε may be found from Eq. (64). It can be shown
that the second derivative of ln ψ is divergence free. Hence
x2 d2
Ṽ (ε ) = − 2 ln ψ (x, ε , ±β (ε )) , (68)
2 dx
has the spectrum
Ẽ (m) = m +
, m = 0, 1, 2, . . . , (69)
which is identical to the spectrum of the harmonic oscillator. The eigenfunctions of
H̃ may be given in terms of the oscillator eigenfunctions using the intertwining rela-
tions involving the A± operators using the logarithmic derivative of ψ (x, ε , β (ε )). Thus
Hamiltonians H̃(ε ) for various values of ε < 21 which have spectra identical to the har-
monic oscillator may be constructed. The potentials Ṽ (x, ε , β (ε )) have been calculated
FIGURE 5. The potential Ṽ (x, ε , β (ε )) for a range of values of ε . The ε value is indicated on each
curve. The harmonic oscillator potential is shown as a broken curve. All the potentials shown in this
diagram have spectra identical to that of the harmonic oscillator. The asymptotic values of the full curves
are given by limx→∞ ∆V = −1, limx→−∞ ∆V = +1 where ∆V = Ṽ (x) −V (x).
numerically and are shown in Fig. 5 for a range of values of ε and positive values of
β (ε ). The potentials for negative β may be obtained by mirror reflection.
1.9. Summary
It has been demonstrated that the algebra of supersymmetry can be used to find partner
Hamiltonians to one-dimensional Hamiltonians. The flexibility in the choice of the part-
ner Hamiltonian enables the identification of different types of supersymmetric pairings.
A procedure for constructing Hamiltonians with either identical spectra or with identical
spectra apart from a missing ground state has been given. This procedure has been illus-
trated with several examples. This recipe can be used to either add a new ground state
eigenvalue to, or eliminate the ground state of or maintain the same spectrum of a given
Hamiltonian corresponding to a Schrödinger equation. This procedure may be repeated
again and again in a suitable combination to generate hierarchies of Hamiltonians whose
spectra are related to each other. By applying this procedure to the harmonic oscillator
anharmonic potentials whose spectra are identical to that of the harmonic oscillator or
contain a ground state lower in eigenvalue than the ground state of the harmonic oscil-
lator have been constructed.
2.1. Introduction
In the first lecture (§1) it was shown that by using the idea of a supersymmetric partner
to a Hamiltonian function H of a single variable it is possible to find another Hamiltonian
H̃ which had one of the following features: either (i) the complete spectrum of H̃ is made
up of all the eigenvalues of H except the ground state of H , or (ii) the complete spectrum
of H̃ is made up of all the eigenvalues of H and in addition one further eigenvalue which
lies below the ground state of H, or (iii) the spectrum of H̃ is identical to that of H.
It was shown that in all three cases the eigenfunctions of H and H̃ for the common
eigenvalues are connected by a linear differential operator. By repeated application of
this procedure of either deleting an eigenvalue or adding an eigenvalue or maintaining
the same eigenvalues it is possible to generate Hamiltonians whose spectra bear a
definite relationship to each other. The inverse scattering theory can also accomplish
the same tasks through solving either the Gelfand-Levitan [24] or the Marchenko [25]
equations [13, 26, 27]. The aim of this lecture is to elucidate the relationship between
the two approaches [28]. It will also be shown that the Bargmann class of potentials [22]
may be genearted by the application of the concept of supersymmetric pairing.
The radial Schrödinger equation differs from the Schrödinger equation in the space
[−∞, ∞] in essential respects. The boundary conditions on the eigenfunctions and the
allowed singularities of the potential are different in the two spaces [−∞, ∞] and [0, ∞].
In this lecture the modifications introduced by switching from x to r will be considered
first and then the modifications of the Jost function corresponding to four different types
of transformations will be studied.
2.2. The radial Schrödinger equation
We now consider the radial Schrödinger equation for a definite partial wave with the
1 d2
H = − +V (r) ,
2 dr2
l(l + 1)
V (r) = + v(r) . (70)
The potential V (r) is assumed to be regular, not singular. Specifically, the potentials
discussed here are restricted to be no more singular than r−2 at the origin and decreasing
at least as fast as r−2 as r → ∞.
In this lecture the term ‘normalization constant of the eigenfunction’ will be used
often. This term has a specific meaning in the terminology of the inverse scattering
theory. All bound state eigenfunctions are understood to be normalized to unity in the
usual way to reflect the condition that the total probability of finding the bound particle
somewhere in space should be unity. However, in the inverse scattering method the term
‘normalization constant’ is used in a specific sense. The regular solution φ of the radial
Schrödinger equation is defined to be a solution that satisfies the boundary condition
lim φ (r, E, l) = . (71)
r→0 (2l + 1)!!
The regular solution will grow exponentially as r → ∞ when E is not one of the eigenen-
ergies. However, when E is one of the eigenenergies E (i) the bound state eigenfunction,
which decreases exponentially as r → ∞, is proportional to the regular solution
Z ∞
(i) (i)
ψ (r, E , l) = αφ (r, E , l) , ψ 2 dr = 1 . (72)
The phase of the Jost function is −δ (l, k) while the modulus is given by
à ! µ Z ∞ ¶
E (i) 2 δ (l, p)pd p
|F(l, k)| = ∏ 1 − exp − P , (74)
i=1 E π 0 p2 − k 2
where the symbol P stands for principal value. The spectral density for positive energies
is given by
dP(E) E (l+ 2 )
= |F(l, k)|−2 . (75)
dE π
Knowledge of the phase shifts for all positive energies, the bound state energies E (i) and
the normalization constants C(i) associated with each of the bound states enables the
complete determination of the potential V (r).
where the singularity at the origin has been separated to show the behaviour near the
origin. It can be established that
(l + 1)(l + 2)
lim Ṽ1 (r) = ,
r→0 2r2
l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ1 (r) = . (79)
r→∞ 2r2
Ṽ1 has no normalizable state with eigenvalue E (0) and therefore the ground state of V is
missing from the spectrum of eigen values for Ṽ1 . All the other eigenvalues of the two
potentials are the same. The eigenfunctions are related by
(m) 1
ψ̃1 = (E (m) − E (0) )− 2 A−
, m = 1, 2, . . . ,
· ¸
1 d d
1 = √ − + ln ψ (r) . (0)
2 dr dr
Extension of the above eigenfunction relation to positive energy states and use of the
asymptotic forms
µ ¶
lim ψ (r, E) ∼ sin kr − l π + δ (l, k) ,
r→∞ 2
lim ψ (0) (r) ∼ exp(−γ (0) r) , (81)
then gives µ ¶
lim ψ̃1 (r, E) ∼ sin kr − l π + δ̃1 (l, k) , (82)
r→∞ 2
à !
π γ (0) 1 1 ³ (0) ´2
δ̃1 (l, k) = δ (l, k) − − tan−1 , E = k2 , E (0)
= γ . (83)
2 k 2 2
The phase shift relation is consistent with the observation that when r → 0 the singularity
of the potential Ṽ1 corresponds to l → l + 1 which implies an increased repulsion and
therefore the phase shift should decrease. In the limit k → 0 the phase shift decreases by
π which is the correct limit when a bound state has been eliminated. In the limit k → ∞
the phase shift decreases by π /2. Eqs. (73), (74), (80) and (83) enable the establishment
of a relationship between the Jost functions for the potentials Ṽ1 and V . The phase
shift relation given in Eq.(83) may be used to compare the Jost functions for the two
potentials. Using the integral relation [31]
Z ∞ µ ¶
4 cot−1 (p/γ ) γ2
P pd p = ln 1 + 2 , (84)
π 0 p2 − k2 k
we can establish that the Jost functions for the two potentials are related by
F̃1 (l, k) k
= . (85)
F(l, k) k − iγ (0)
lim φ = , lim φ ∼ exp(γ̃ r) . (86)
r→0 (2l + 1)!! r→∞
Since the energy E is below the ground state of V , φ is nodeless for r > 0 and may be
chosen to be positive definite for r > 0. The linearly independent solution can be taken
to be Z ∞
η (r) = φ (r) . (87)
r φ (z)
The function η is one of the Jost solutions (see [29], for example) defined by a boundary
condition in the asymptotic region. For energies Ẽ < E (0) , η is also a nodeless function
and is positive definite. When Ẽ is not only less than E (0) but also less than the absolute
mimimium of the potential V then the positivity of (V − Ẽ) guarantees that φ and η
are monotonically growing functions of r in the directions r = 0 → ∞ and r = ∞ → 0,
respectively. When Vmin < Ẽ < E (0) , φ and η are no longer monotonically growing
functions but nevertheless remain nodeless. These assertions on the behaviour of φ and
η may be rigorously proved. The function
is also a nodeless function when 0 < α < 12 π and ψ −1 is a normalizable function for this
range of values of α since
1 1
lim = lim ∼ rl , (90)
r→0 ψ r→0 η sin α
1 1
lim = lim ∼ exp(−γ̃ r) . (91)
r→∞ ψ r→∞ φ cos α
Ṽ2 (r) = V (r) − ln ψ (r, Ẽ, α ) , (92)
with µ Z ∞
ψ (r, Ẽ, α ) = φ (r, Ẽ) cos α + sin α , (93)
r φ 2 (z, Ẽ)
has a ground state at
Ẽ2 = Ẽ , (94)
with eigenfunction
(0) 1
ψ̃2 (r, Ẽ, α ) = . (95)
ψ (r, Ẽ, α )
All the other eigenvalues of Ṽ2 are identical to the eigenvalues of V . The other eigen-
functions of Ṽ2 are given by
(m) 1
ψ̃2 = −(E (m) − Ẽ)− 2 A−
, m = 1, 2, . . . ,
· ¸
− 1 d d
A2 (Ẽ, α ) = √ − + ln ψ (r, Ẽ, α ) . (96)
2 dr dr
l(l − 1) d2
Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ) = + v(r) − ln(rl ψ (r, Ẽ, α )) , (97)
2r2 dr2
where the singularity at the origin has been separated to show the behaviour near the
origin. It can be established that
l(l − 1) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ2 = , lim Ṽ2 = . (98)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
Extension of Eq. (96) to positive energy states and use of the asymptotic forms
µ ¶
lim ψ (r, E) ∼ sin kr − l π + δ (l, k) ,
r→∞ 2
lim ψ (r, Ẽ, α ) ∼ exp(γ̃ r) , (99)
then gives µ ¶
lim ψ̃ (r, Ẽ, α ) ∼ sin kr − l π + δ̃ (l, k) , (100)
r→∞ 2
where µ ¶
π −1 γ̃
δ̃ (l, k) = δ (l, k) + + tan . (101)
2 k
The phase shift relation is consistent with the observation that when r → 0 the singularity
of the potential Ṽ2 corresponds to l → l − 1, which implies a decrease in the repulsion
and therefore the phase shift should increase. In the limit k → 0 the phase shift increases
by π which is the correct limit when the number of bound states increases by one. In the
limit k → ∞ the phase shift increases by π /2. The equations given above show that all
members of the family Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ) lead to identical phase shifts for the same energy E
when 0 < α < 21 π . Furthermore, since
d l
lim ln ψ (r, Ẽ, α ) = − , (102)
r→0 dr r
Eq.(96) shows that for a fixed principal quantum number m, limr→0 ψ̃ (r, Ẽ, α ) is inde-
pendent of α and therefore the excited states of Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ) for various α have identical
normalizations. However, the normalized ground state eigenfunction
(0) (sin α cos α ) 2
ψ̃2 (r, Ẽ, α ) = R ,
φ (cos α + sin α r∞ dz/φ 2 (z))
Z ∞h i
(0) 2
ψ̃2 dr = 1 , (103)
shows that
µ ¶1
(0) sin α 2
lim ψ̃2 (r, Ẽ, α ) ∼ rl . (104)
r→0 cos α
Hence the ground state eigenfunction of the family of potentials Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ) have differ-
ent normalizations, i.e., different proportionalities to the regular solution, although they
belong to the same eigenvalue. It has been shown that the phase shifts, the eigenvalues
and the normalization constants of the excited states are identical for all members of the
family of potentials Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ), 0 < α < 12 π , while the ground state eigenfunctions be-
longing to the eigenvalue Ẽ2 = Ẽ have different normalization constants for different
values of α . Clearly the family Ṽ2 (r, Ẽ, α ) is an example of the phase equivalent family
which was discussed by Bargmann [22].
The phase shifts and the bound state energies of V and Ṽ2 enable the comparison of
the Jost functions. From Eqs. (73) and (102) it is easy to show that
F̃2 (l, k) k − iγ̃
= . (105)
F(l, k) k
The positivity of φ guarantees that there are no singularities in the second derivative
of ln φ for r > 0. These conditions ensure that it is possible to find a non-singular
supersymmetric partner to V . It can be shown that
µ ¶
(l + 1)(l + 2) d2 φ (r, Ẽ)
Ṽ3 (r, Ẽ) = + v(r) − 2 ln , (108)
2r2 dr rl+1
and that
(l + 1)(l + 2) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ3 (r, Ẽ) = , lim Ṽ3 (r, Ẽ) = . (109)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
The eigenvalue spectrum of Ṽ3 is identical to that of V and the new eigenfunctions are
(m) 1
ψ̃3 = (E (m) − Ẽ)− 2 A−3ψ
· ¸
− 1 d d
A3 (Ẽ) = √ − + ln φ (r, Ẽ) . (110)
2 dr dr
The phase shift relation is consistent with the observation that when r → 0 the singularity
of the potential Ṽ3 corresponds to l → l + 1, which implies an increased repulsion and
therefore the phase shift should decrease. In the limit k → ∞ the phase shift decreases by
π /2. In the limit k → 0 the phase shift is unchanged which is the correct limit since the
two potentials have the same number of bound states. The family of potentials Ṽ3 (r, Ẽ)
for different values of Ẽ < E (0) have identical spectra but different phase shifts for the
same energy. The Jost functions for the potentials V and Ṽ3 can be shown to be related
in the manner
F̃3 (l, k) k
= . (112)
F(l, k) k + iγ̃
(b) When α = 12 π
ψ (r, Ẽ, π ) = η , lim ∼ r−l , lim ψ ∼ exp(−γ̃ r) . (113)
2 r→0 r→∞
These conditions together with the absence of any singularities in the second derivative
of ln η ensure that a singularity-free supersymmetric partner to V may be constructed. It
can be shown that
l(l − 1) d2 ³ l ´
Ṽ4 (r, Ẽ) = + v(r) − ln r η (r, Ẽ) , (115)
2r2 dr2
and that
l(l − 1) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ4 (r, Ẽ) = , lim Ṽ4 (r, Ẽ) = . (116)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
The eigenvalue spectrum of Ṽ4 is identical to that of V and the eigenfunctions are related
(m) 1
ψ̃4 = −(E (m) − Ẽ)− 2 A−
· ¸
− 1 d d
A4 (Ẽ) = √ − + ln η (r, Ẽ) . (117)
2 dr dr
The phase shift relation is consistent with the observation that when r → 0 the singularity
of the potential Ṽ4 corresponds to l → l − 1, which implies a decreased repulsion and
therefore the phase shift should increase. In the limit k → ∞ the phase shift increases by
π /2. In the limit k → 0 the phase shift is unchanged which is the correct limit since the
two potentials have the same number of bound states. The family of potentials Ṽ4 (r, Ẽ)
for different values of Ẽ < E (0) have identical spectra but different phase shifts for the
same energy. The Jost functions for the potentials V and Ṽ4 can be shown to be related
in the manner
F̃4 (l, k) k + iγ̃
= . (119)
F(l, k) k
2.7. Summary
It has been shown that by a suitable factorization of the radial Schrödinger equation, it
is possible to discover an underlying supersymmetric algebra. This algebra may be used
to generate four different types of transformations of the radial Schrödinger equation.
The four transformations may be classified as follows.
(1) T1 is a transformation that eliminates the ground state [E (0) , ψ (0) ] of the potential
V (r), leaves the rest of the spectrum of eigenvalues unaltered, leaves the angular mo-
mentum component of the potential in the region r → ∞ unaltered and alters the singular
behaviour near r → 0 to a centrifugal potential corresponding to angular momentum
(l + 1). T1 also changes the Jost function corresponding to V by a multiplicative factor
k/(k − iγ (0) ) where γ (0) = [−2E (0) ] 2 . The new eigenfunctions in the potential (78) are
given by Eq. (80).
(0) (0)
(2) T2 is a transformation that adds a bound state Ẽ2 , ψ̃2 below the ground state
of the potential V (r), leaves the rest of the spectrum of eigenvalues unaltered, leaves
the angular momentum component of the potential in the region r → ∞ unaltered and
alters the singular behaviour near r → 0 to a centrifugal potential corresponding to
angular momentum (l − 1). T2 also changes the Jost function corresponding to V by
(0) (0) (0) 1
a multiplicative factor (k − iγ̃2 )/k where γ̃2 = [−2Ẽ2 ] 2 . The new eigenfunctions in
the potential in Eqs. (92) and (93) are given by Eqs. (95) and (96).
(3) T3 is a transformation that maintains the eigenvalue spectrum of V unaltered,
leaves the angular momentum component of the potential in the region r → ∞ unaltered
and alters the singular behaviour near r → 0 to a centrifugal potential corresponding to
angular momentum (l +1). T3 also alters the Jost function for V by a multiplicative factor
k/(k + iγ̃ ) where γ̃ = [−2Ẽ] 2 and Ẽ < E (0) . The new eigenfunctions in the potential
(108) are given by Eq. (110).
(4) T4 is a transformation that maintains the eigenvalue spectrum of V unaltered,
leaves the angular momentum component of the potential in the region r → ∞ unaltered
and alters the singular behaviour near r → 0 to a centrifugal potential corresponding to
angular momentum (l −1). T4 also alters the Jost function for V by a multiplicative factor
(k + iγ̃ )/k where γ̃ = [−2Ẽ] 2 and Ẽ < E (0) . The new eigenfunctions in the potential
(115) are given by Eq. (117).
In the one-dimensional case −∞ < x < ∞, the singularities in the potential at x = 0 are
not permitted and the physical eigenfunctions are defined by boundary conditions at ±∞.
In the case of the radial equation the boundary conditions on the eigenfunctions at r = 0
and r = ∞ are different. All four types of transformations listed above have analogues in
the space [−∞, ∞] but with the difference that no singularities of the type x−2 should be
introduced by the transformations because of the boundary conditions usually imposed
on ψ (x). In the x space Ṽ3 and Ṽ4 arise from considering the limiting values α = ∞ and
α = −β discussed in §1.6.
γ= , α1 = m + E , α2 = m − E , (122)
FIGURE 6. Schematic eigenvalue spectrum of the Dirac equation for the central Coulomb potential
V (r) = −γ /r. J is the total spin and k = ±(J + 1/2). The quantum numbers are explained in the text.
the coupled radial equations satisfied by the two-component eigenfunction (Gk , Fk ) may
be written in the matrix form
µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶ µ ¶µ ¶
dGk /dr 0 1 k −γ Gk 0 α1 Gk
+ = , (123)
0 dFk /dr r −γ k Fk α2 0 Fk
A− + + −
0 A0 has no normalizable eigenstate at this energy. All the other states of A0 A0 and
A− + + −
0 A0 are paired and the eigenfunctions are linked in the form F̃ ∼ A0 G̃ and G̃ ∼ A0 F̃
as indicated in Eq. (125). We now show how the ground state of A− +
0 A0 may be obtained.
The uncoupled second order differential equations for F̃ and G̃
· 2 ¸
d 2γ s(s − 1) m2
+ − + 1 − 2 F̃ = 0 , (132)
dρ 2 ρ ρ2 E
· 2 ¸
d 2γ s(s + 1) m2
+ − + 1 − 2 G̃ = 0 , (133)
dρ 2 ρ ρ2 E
show that Eq. (133) may be obtained from Eq. (132) by the replacement s → s + 1. This
suggests that Eq. (133) may be written in the form
· ¸
+ − γ2 m2
A1 A1 G̃ = + 1 − 2 G̃ , (134)
(s + 1)2 E
with · ¸
d s+1 γ
A± = ± + − . (135)
dρ ρ s+1
G̃ has a supersymmetric partner H̃ which satisfies
· ¸
− + γ2 m2
A1 A1 H̃ = + 1 − 2 H̃ . (136)
(s + 1)2 E
Having obtained the ground state G̃(0) we can now use the supersymmetric pairing of F̃
and G̃ to obtain the first excited state of A+
0 A0 in the form
(1) (0)
F̃ (1) ∼ A+
0 G̃
, EF = EG , (140)
d s+n γ
n =± + − . (143)
dρ ρ s+n
Although F̃ and G̃ satisfy uncoupled second order differential equations, the normal-
ization of one of them determines that of the other as is required by Eq. (125). The
solution of Eq. (123) can be written, after adding the suffix n, in the form
à ! µ ¶µ ¶
Gk 1 k+s γ (k/s − m/E)−1 A− F̃ (n)
= 0 . (144)
(n) 2s(k + s) γ k+s F̃ (n)
When n = 0, G̃ has no normalizable eigenstate at energy EF . We treat the two
possible values of k for this energy separately. When k = −sm/EF Eq. (125) requires
that we must choose
Since G̃ is not normalizable, the positive value of k does not lead to normalizable
solutions for Fk and Gk .
The expression for the spectrum, Eq. (141), is an even function of k. A fixed |k| leads
to a doublet of states corresponding to k = +|k| and k = −|k| degenerate in energy for all
positive integral values of n. For n = 0, only the negative value of k leads to normalizable
Fk and Gk and therefore the state with n = 0 is a singlet. This explains the ladder structure
of the spectrum for a fixed value of |k| = J + 1/2 and opposite values of k.
The above analysis considered a fixed k with the corresponding s = (k2 − γ 2 )1/2 .
However, in Eqs. (141)-(143) s enters only as a parameter. Hence we can obtain the
complete spectrum and the eigenfunctions of Eq. (123) for all values of J = |k| − 1/2 by
the above procedure. The complete spectrum is given by
(n) m
Ek = q £ ¤2 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , k = 1, 2, . . . , (147)
1 + γ 2/ n + (k2 − γ 2 )1/2
and Eq. (142) for the eigenfunctions F̃ (n) is valid for different values of s(k). The
principal quantum number N is related to n and k by the relation N = n + |k|.
We have shown that the supersymmetric pairing of F̃ and G̃ enables an elegant treat-
ment of the Dirac equation for a central Coulomb field (Darwin [34], Biedenharn [35]).
The interaction of a charged particle with the vacuum fluctuations of the quantized radi-
ation field leads to departures from the Coulomb potential. When the field deviates from
a Coulomb field, the transformed states F̃ and G̃ no longer belong to a supersymmetric
pair and the eigenvalue spectrum loses the ladder structure characteristic of supersym-
metric pairing. Therefore we may say that the Lamb shift, which is an effect due to
vacuum fluctuations, is related to the breaking of the supersymmetry that connects F̃
and G̃.
The connection between the algebra of supersymmetry and the inverse scattering method
can be used to construct reflectionless potentials with any specified number of non-
degenerate bound states at arbitrary energies. The reflection coefficient of the potential
so constructed is related to the reflection coefficient of a potential which supports no
bound states. By choosing the reference potential to be V = 0 it is possible to construct
reflectionless potentials with bound states at arbitrary energies. It is well known that
the KdV equation has muti-soliton solutions with known analytical form. The N-soliton
and the (N + 1)-soliton solutions of the KdV equation may be shown to be connected
by a transformation identical to that of the transformation linking the eigenfunctions of
the bosonic and fermionic sectors of a Supersymmetric pair. The reflectionless potential
with N bound states constructed using the ideas of the SUSY method to plant bound
states can be shown to be identical to the N-soliton solution of the KdV equation for
appropriate choice of a set of parameters.
V1 = V0 − ln ψ0 (E1 ) , (148)
where ψ0 (E1 ) is a nodeless unnormalizable solution of the Schrödinger equation for the
potential V0 at energy E1 . It was shown in §1.7 that the ground state eigenfunction of V1
at energy E1 is given by
ψ1 (E1 ) ∼ , (149)
ψ0 (E1 )
while for E 6= E1
ψ1 (E) ∼ A−
0 (E1 )ψ0 (E) , (150)
where · ¸
1 d d
0 (E1 ) = √ − + ln ψ0 (E1 ) . (151)
2 dx dx
The reflection coefficient of V1 is given by
γ1 − ik
R1 (k) = R0 (k) . (152)
γ1 + ik
The above results simplify for the case of a free particle for which V0 = 0 and R0 (k) = 0.
Eq. (152) shows that the reflection coefficient for the supersymmetric partner vanishes
identically. The non-normalizable solution in V0 for energy E1 is given by
The condition |α1 | < 1 ensures that ψ0 (E1 ) is a nodeless function even though it is not
normalizable. The reflectionless potential V1 with a single bound state at E1 is given by
¡ ¢
V1 = −γ12 sech2 γ1 x + tanh−1 α1 , (154)
V2 = V1 − 2 ln ψ1 (E2 ) , (158)
where ψ1 (E2 ) is the nodeless non-normalizable solution of the Schrödinger equation for
the potential V1 at energy E2 = −γ22 /2. The ground state eigenfunction of V2 is given by
ψ2 (E2 ) ∼ , (159)
ψ1 (E2 )
while the eigenfunctions for other energies are given by
ψ2 (E) ∼ A−
1 (E2 )ψ1 (E) , E 6= E2 , (160)
where · ¸
1 d d
1 (E2 ) = √ − + ln ψ1 (E2 ) . (161)
2 dx dx
In particular the first excited state of V2 at energy E1 has the eigenfunction
ψ2 (E1 ) ∼ A−
1 (E2 )ψ1 (E1 ) . (162)
Using Eqs. (148) and (158) the potential V2 may be written in the form
V2 = V0 − ln [ψ0 (E1 )ψ1 (E2 )] . (163)
The reflection coefficient of V2 for positive energies is given by
These expressions may be used to write the potential with two bound states in the form
V2 = V0 − ln det D2 . (168)
The ground state eigenfunction is given by
ψ0 (E1 ) £ −1 ¤
ψ2 (E2 ) ∼ ∼ D2 22 . (169)
det D2
The eigenfunction for the first excited state of V2 may be simplified to the form
ψ0 (E2 ) £ −1 ¤
ψ2 (E1 ) ∼ ∼ D2 12 . (170)
det D2
Thus the potential V2 is expressed in terms of the second derivative of the determinant of
D2 while the eigenfunctions of V2 are given in terms of the elements in the last column
of the inverse of the matrix D2 . The condition that ψ0 (E1 ) and ψ1 (E2 ) must be chosen
to be nodeless is equivalent to the requirement that ψ0 (E1 ) and ψ0 (E2 ) must be chosen
such that the determinant of D2 is free of zeros.
To illustrate the above results we consider the case of the free particle, V0 = 0. For this
case the reflection coefficient for the potential with two bound states vanishes. Since
the condition that the determinant of D2 be free of zeros can be met only if |α1 | < 1 and
|α2 | < 1. The symmetric reflectionless potential with bound states at E1 and E2 , obtained
by choosing α1 = 0 and α2 = 0, is given by
V2SR = − ln det D2SR , (172)
where µ ¶
cosh γ1 x sinh γ2 x
D2SR = . (173)
γ1 sinh γ1 x γ2 cosh γ2 x
The potential may be reduced to the form
Fig. 7 shows some examples of symmetric reflectionless potentials with two bound states
for certain choices of bound state energies.
Certain features of V2SR may be analytically established:
(i) if E2 > 3E1 then x = 0 is a minimum of the potential and there are no additional
minima and V2SR is a single well. In particular if E2 = 4E1 the resulting potential has the
simple form
V2SR = −3γ12 sech2 γ1 x , (177)
i.e., V2SR is a sech2 potential with bound states at −2γ12 and −γ12 /2.
(ii) if E2 < 3E1 then x = 0 is a maximum of the potential and there is a pair of
additional minima for |x| 6= 0 and V2SR under these conditions is a symmetric double
well. These features are illustrated in Fig. 7.
FIGURE 7. Symmetric reflectionless potentials with bound states at energies E1 = −γ1 2 /2 and E2 =
−γ2 2 /2 for γ1 = 1 and γ2 = (a)1.1, (b) 1.3, (c) 1.5, (d) 2.0. The locations of the bound levels are indicated
by broken lines.
Hm = A− +
m−1 (Em )Am−1 (Em ) + Em
£ ¤
= Hm−1 + A− +
m−1 (Em ), Am−1 (Em ) , m = 1, 2, . . . , n , (179)
where · ¸
1 d d
m−1 (Em ) = √ ± + ln ψm−1 (Em ) , (180)
2 dx dx
and ψm−1 (Em ) is a non-normalizable nodeless solution of the eigenvalue equation for
Hm−1 at energy Em which lies below the ground state of Hm−1 . The potentials in the
hierarchy are related by
Vm = Vm−1 − ln ψm−1 (Em ) . (181)
The ground state eigenfunction of Hm is given by
ψm (Em ) ∼ , (182)
ψm−1 (Em )
while all the other eigenfunctions of Hm are given in terms of the eigenfunctions of Hm−1
ψm (Ei ) ∼ A−
m−1 (Em )ψm−1 (Ei ) , i = 1, 2, . . . , m − 1 , m = 1, 2, . . . , n . (183)
Vn = V0 − [ln ψ0 (E1 )ψ1 (E2 ) . . . ψn−1 (En )] . (184)
It is possible to express the product of eigenfunctions in the above equation in terms
of the solutions ψ0 (Ei ) in the potential V0 for various energies Ei . It is then possible to
express Vn in the form
Vn = V0 − 2 ln det Dn , (185)
where the matrix Dn is given by
d j−1
[Dn ] jk = ψ0 (Ek ) , j, k = 1, 2, . . . , n . (186)
dx j−1
The eigenfunctions for the potential Vn may be expressed in the form
£ ¤
ψn (Ei ) ∼ D−1
n in , i = 1, 2, . . . , n . (187)
The proof that the elements in the last column of the inverse of the matrix Dn are indeed
the eigenfunctions for Vn in Eq. (185) with eigenenergies Ei , i = 1, 2, . . . , n, is straight-
forward but involves a long algebraic calculation. The requirement that ψm−1 (Em ),
m = 1, 2, . . . , n, be nodeless can be met by choosing the non-normalizable solutions
ψ0 (Em ), m = 1, 2, . . . , n, such that the determinant of Dn has no zeros. The eigenfunc-
tion relation given in Eq. (183) can be extended to positive energies to show that the
reflection coefficient of Vm is related to the reflection coefficient of Vm−1 by
γm − ik
Rm (k) = Rm−1 (k) . (188)
γm + ik
Iteration of this relation gives
" µ ¶#
γm − ik
Rm (k) = ∏ γm + ik
R0 (k) . (189)
Eqs. (185)-(187) provide a recipe for constructing potentials with bound states at speci-
fied energies Em and reflection coefficient for positive energies given by Eq. (189).
The algorithm for constructing reflectionless potentials with n bound states is a par-
ticular case of the procedure given above corresponding to the choice V0 = 0. Since
R0 (k) = 0 when V0 = 0, Rn (k) also vanishes. The free particle solutions at energies E j
are given by
1h ¡ ¢ ¡ ¢i
ψ0 (E j ) = exp γ j x + θ j + (−) j+1 exp −γ j x − θ j , (190)
where θ j are arbitrary phase factors. For odd values of j, ψ0 (E j ) is a cosh function and
hence nodeless while for even values of j, ψ0 (E j ) is a sinh function with a single node.
Such a choice of solutions ensures that det Dn has no zeros. A symmetric reflectionless
potential with n bound states may be obtained by choosing θ j = 0 for all values of j.
The potential so obtained is given by
VnSR = − ln det DnSR , (191)
where the elements of the matrix DnSR are given by
(γk ) j−1 h i
[DnSR ] jk = exp(γk x) + (−1) exp(−γk x) .
The unnormalized eigenfunctions of this potential may be given in terms of the elements
in the column n of the inverse of the matrix DnSR and the normalized eigenfunctions may
be written in the form
à !1/2
γi n 2 £ −1 ¤
ψ̃nSR (Ei ) = ∏
2 k6=i
|γk − γi2 | DnSR in , i = 1, 2, . . . , n . (193)
which is a generalized form of the results given in Eqs. (157) and (176) for the cases
n = 1 and n = 2.
The analysis of Kay and Moses [37] and the n-soliton solution of the Korteweg-
deVries equation [38, 39, 40] lead to the result that the symmetric reflectionless potential
may be expressed in terms of a matrix M with elements
λ j (x)λk (x)
M jk = δ jk + , (195)
γ j + γk
where δ jk is the Kronecker delta function and
µ ¶
C2j γk + γ j
λ j (x) = C j exp(−γ j x) , =∏ , (196)
2γ j k6= j γk − γ j
in the form
V =− ln det M . (197)
It can be shown that the matrices M and DnSR are related by
M = 2GA−1 DnSR G−1 , (198)
where the elements of G and A are given by
à !1/2
γj ¯ 2 ¯
2 k6∏
Gi j = δi j ¯γ − γ 2j ¯ ,
Ai j = γ i−1
j exp(γ j x) . (199)
It is clear that à !
det A ∝ exp ∑ γix . (200)
Using Eqs. (198)-(200) it is easy to show that
d2 d2
ln det M = ln det DnSR , (201)
dx2 dx2
leading to the result that the instantaneous n-soliton solution of the KdV equation given
by Eqs. (195)-(197) is identical to the symmetric reflectionless potential constructed
using the methods of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. These ideas will be further
explored in the next subsection.
and the soliton travels with a velocity proportional to its amplitude. The n-soliton
solution of the KdV equation (202) has been studied extensively [37, 39, 40]. The time
dependent n-soliton solution may be given in the form of Eqs. (195)-(197) with the
choice of ¡ ¢
λ j (x) = C j exp −γ j x + 4γ 3j t , (204)
by endowing the basis functions with a time dependence of a specific form. It is this
specific time dependence that guarantees that the n-soliton solution satisfies the partial
differential Eq. (202). Similarly, a time dependence for the same potential constucted
using SUSY and given by Eqs. (184)-(186) and (190) can be introduced by allowing the
phases θ j to have a time dependence of the form
Such a choice of time dependence guarantees that the potential Vn satisfies the KdV
equation (202). It is possible to verify these assertions by a long calculation.
It is possible to consider other choices of time dependence for the phases. It can be
shown that if the phases are allowed to vary with time in the form
where the index m can take all odd values ≥ 3 then each of these cases can lead to a
solution of a member of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy studied by Caudrey
et al. [41]. m = 3 leads to the KdV equation (202) while m = 5, 7, . . . lead to higher
members of the KP hierarchy (Sukumar [42]). For this class of non-linear equations the
n-soliton solution is given by Eqs. (185), (186), (190) and (206). For example m = 5
leads to the non-linear equation
µ 5 ¶
∂ ∂3 ∂V ∂ 2 2 ∂ ∂
− 20V 3 − 40 + 120V + V (x,t) = 0 , (207)
∂ x5 ∂x ∂ x ∂ x2 ∂x ∂t
which has been studied by Sawada and Kotera [43] and Caudrey et al [41].
In the context of the KdV equation the transformations of solutions possessing n − 1
solitons to those with n solitons are known as Backlund transformations [44]. The
Backlund transformation for the KdV equation can be understood as follows. If we
consider a function F(x,t) satisfying a modified KdV equation of the form
∂F ¡ ¢ ∂ F ∂ 3F
G(x,t) ≡ + 12 γ 2 − F 2 + =0, (208)
∂t ∂ x ∂ x3
then it can be established that the function v(x,t) defined by
µ ¶
1 ∂F
v(x,t) ≡ 2
F − −γ 2
, (209)
2 ∂x
can be shown to satisfy the KdV equation since Eq. (202) is equivalent to the equation
2FG − =0, (210)
which is clearly satisfied because F satisfies Eq. (208). Also it is evident that by similar
2FG + =0, (211)
which implies that the function ṽ(x,t) is defined by
µ ¶
1 ∂F
ṽ(x,t) ≡ 2
F + −γ 2
, (212)
2 ∂x
also satisfies the KdV equation (202). With suitable boundary conditions on F, one can
interpret ṽ as an n-soliton solution if v is an (n − 1)-soliton solution. By eliminating F
the relation between v and ṽ may be established to be
∂ h¡ ¢ i
2 1/2
v + ṽ + γ = ṽ − v . (213)
We now show that this relation between v and ṽ is consistent with the relation between
supersymmetric partner potentials defined by Eqs. (178)-(182). If we define the function
F(x) = ln ψm (Em ) . (214)
then using Eqs. (178)-(182) it is easy to show that the potentials Vn and Vn−1 can be
written in terms of F in the form
µ ¶
1 d
Vn = F + F − γn ,
2 2
2 dx
µ ¶
1 d
Vn−1 = F − F − γn .
2 2
2 dx
The above equations are identical to Eqs. (209) and (212) which define v and ṽ. Thus Su-
persymmetric Quantum Mechanics enables the identification of the function F defined
by the Backlund transformation (Eq. (209)) for the KdV equation as the logarithmic
derivative of the ground state eigenfunction of the potential Vn (x,t) which supports n
bound states where the time dependence arises from the time dependence of the θ j in
Eqs. (190) and (205). The above argument can be extended to interpret the Backlund
transformation for the entire system of non-linear equations defined by the KP hierar-
4.5. Summary
We have shown that by repeatedly using the algebra of supersymmetry in a step
by step fashion it is possible to construct potentials with bound states at arbitrary
energies. It has been shown that the non-normalizable solutions in a reference potential
which supports no bound states constitute the input in this construction. The reflection
coefficient of the potential with n bound states constructed by this procedure is related
to the reflection coefficient in the reference potential. Vn is in general not only a function
of the n bound state energies Ei but also a function of n parameters θi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
θi characterizes a particular linear superposition of the two linearly independent non-
normalizable solutions in the reference potential V0 at energy Ei . θi can take such values
that ensure that the determinant of Dn is free of zeros.
By choosing the reference potential to be V0 = 0 reflectionless potentials with n bound
states may be constructed. The reflectionless potential so obtained is not necessarily a
symmetric function of x. By choosing the parameters θi to have specific values sym-
metric reflectionless potentials can be constructed. The resulting symmetric potential is
identical to the one constructed from the n-soliton solution of the KdV equation. Sym-
metric reflectionless potentials are unique and interesting because they are specified en-
tirely by their bound states. They have been shown to provide good approximations to
confining potentials, such as those which confine quarks, in the range of energies actu-
ally probed by the levels (Thacker et al. [45], Quigg and Rosner [46], Kwong and Rosner
[47]). Kwong and Rosner have constructed an approximation to a quarkonium potential
on the basis of information about its nS levels. Using the energies and leptonic widths
of 10 levels below the flavour threshold Kwong and Rosner have used the algorithm for
constructing symmetric reflectionless potentials to construct a potential V (r). Calcula-
tions such as these provide information on the distance scale over which t t¯ bound state
information is likely to shed light on the interquark force.
We have shown that it is possible to identify a hierarchy of non-linear equations of
the KdV type which have the property that the n-soliton solution of these equations can
be explicitly given in analytic form. The connection between SUSYQM and Backlund
transformations provides interesting insights and enables a physical interpretation of the
function that is used to construct the Backlund transformation. The symmetries which
lead to an infinite number of conservation laws in integrable systems such as the KdV
equation have already been recognized as being related to Kac-Moody algebras. It is
clear that we can now add supersymmetry to the list of properties connected with such
We have also shown that the symmetric reflectionless potentials may be expressed in
terms of the normalized bound state eigenfunctions in a particularly simple form. It is
clear that the construction based on supersymmetry not only agrees with calculations
based on other procedures but also provides unique insight into the structure of symmet-
ric reflectionless potentials and the structure of the multi-soliton solutions of the KdV
hierarchy and the Backlund transformations associated with these non-linear equations.
lim φ (r) = , lim φ (r) ∼ exp(γ̃ r) , (216)
r→0 (2l + 1)!! r→∞
We also use the notation ψ (m) (r) is an abbreviation for ψ (r, E (m) ).
It was shown in §2 that for all the four types of transformations the potential is
unaltered in the region r → ∞ and that each of the transformations produces an alteration
of the potential in the region of small and medium r and near r → 0 the alteration of
the potential is equivalent to altering the angular momentum l in the centrifugal part
l(l + 1)/r2 of the potential V (r) corresponding to a definite partial wave. The changes
for the four transformations corresponding to the factorization energy E = −γ 2 /2 were
identified as:
k π
T1 : F̃ = F , limr→0 l → l + 1 , δ̃ = δ − tan−1 (γ /k) − ,
k − iγ 2
k − iγ π
T2 : F̃ = F , limr→0 l → l − 1 , δ̃ = δ + tan−1 (γ /k) + ,
k 2
k π
T3 : F̃ = F , limr→0 l → l + 1 , δ̃ = δ + tan−1 (γ /k) − ,
k + iγ 2
k + iγ π
T4 : F̃ = F , limr→0 l → l − 1 , δ̃ = δ − tan−1 (γ /k) + . (218)
k 2
T1 eliminates the ground state at E leaving the rest of the spectrum of eigenvalues
unaltered. T2 adds a new ground state at E while leaving the rest of the spectrum
unaltered. T3 and T4 maintain the same spectrum and alter the Jost function and the
singularity of the potential at the origin. These four transformations may be viewed
as the building blocks which can be used in suitable combinations to produce desired
modifications of the spectrum, the Jost function and the singularity at the origin. We
next study pairs of SUSY transformations and the alteration of the spectrum and the Jost
function that they produce.
F̃˜ 12 = F . (219)
The phase shifts and the normalization constants of all the excited state eigenfunctions
are unaltered. Therefore T2 T1 produces the phase-equivalent family corresponding to a
given potential.
(2) T1 followed by T3 removes a bound state at energy E and alters the spectral
density and the normalization constants of the remaining eigenstates. The Jost function
is modified to
F̃˜ 13 = F 2 . (220)
k + γ2
The phase shifts for positive energies are unaltered. However, the resulting potential is
singular with a singularity of the form r−2 .
(3) T1 followed by T4 removes a bound state at energy E and keeps the spectral density
unaltered which implies that the normalization constants of all the other bound states are
unaltered. The Jost function is modified to
k + iγ
F̃˜ 14 = F . (221)
k − iγ
The phase shifts for positive energies will be altered.
(4) T3 followed by T2 adds a bound state below the ground state of the original
potential without altering the spectral density. The normalization constants of all the
other states are left unaltered. The Jost function is modified to
k − iγ
F̃˜ 32 = F . (222)
k + iγ
The phase shifts for positive energies will, however, be altered.
(5) T2 followed by T4 adds a bound state below the ground state of the original
potential and alters the spectral density and the normalization constants of the other
eigenstates. The Jost function is modified to
k2 + γ 2
F̃˜ 24 = F . (223)
The phase shifts for positive energies will not be altered. Hence T4 T2 produces a family
of phase-equivalent potential with a new ground state and different members of the
family will have different values for the normalization constants of the ground state.
The resulting potential is singular at the origin.
(6) T3 followed by another T3 maintains the same spectrum and alters the spectral den-
sity. The normalization constants of all the states are altered and the resulting potential
has r−2 singularity at the origin. The Jost function is modified to
µ ¶2
F̃˜ 33 = F . (224)
k + iγ
The phase shifts for positive energies and the normalization constants of the eigenfunc-
tions will be altered.
(7) T3 followed by T4 transforms the original Hamiltonian back to itself without
altering the spectral density, spectrum and the phase shifts for positive energies. In fact
F̃˜ 34 = F . (225)
(8) T4 followed by another T4 is similar to case (6) and also maintains the same
spectrum, alters the spectral density and the normalization constants of all the states.
The resulting potential is a singular potential. The Jost function is modified to
µ ¶2
k + iγ
F̃˜ 44 = F . (226)
The phase shifts for positive energies and the normalization constants of the eigenfunc-
tions will be altered.
The eight cases listed above exhaust the possible combinations of two SUSY trans-
formations. We now examine these cases in detail.
(1) We now show that T1 followed by T2 generates the phase-equivalent family to a
given potential
l(l + 1)
V (r) = + v(r) , (227)
with ground state ψ (0) (r) at energy E (0) . After the first transformation T1 which elimi-
nates the ground state of V the potential is
Ṽ1 (r) = V (r) − ln ψ (0) (r) . (228)
Using the second transformation T2 the eliminated state can be introduced as the new
ground state below the ground state of Ṽ1 . It was shown in §2 that the solution in Ṽ1 at
the correspoding energy may be given in the form
ψ̃1 (r, E (0) , α ) = φ̃1 (r, E (0) ) cos α + η̃1 (r, E (0) ) sin α , (229)
where φ̃1 is the regular solution in Ṽ1 at energy E (0) and η̃1 is the Jost solution in Ṽ1 at
the same energy and are given by
Z r³ ´2
φ̃1 ∼ ψ (0) (x) dx ,
ψ (0) (r) 0
Z ∞³ ´2
1 (0)
η̃1 ∼ ψ (x) dx . (230)
ψ (0) (r) r
which has a spectrum identical with that of V (r) and has normalized ground state
obtained from the inverse of ψ̃ in Eq. (232) in the form
The excited states at the end of the two transformations are given by
³ ´−1
(m) (m) (0)
ψ̃ 1,2 = − E − E
˜ Ã− − (m)
2 A1 ψ , m = 1, 2, . . . , (235)
· ¸
1 d d
Ã− (0)
2 (E , λ ) = √ − + ln ψ̃1 ,
2 dr dr
· ¸
1 d d
= √ − + ln ψ (r) . (236)
2 dr dr
The excited state eigenfunctions can be simplified to the form
The Wronskian relation arising from the the Schrödinger equation considered at two
different energies in the form
µ ¶ ³ ´Z r
(m) d (0) (0) d (m) (m) (0)
ψ ψ −ψ ψ = 2 E −E ψ (0) (x)ψ (m) (x)dx , (238)
dr dr 0
may then be used to express the excited state eigenfunctions in the form
(m) ψ (0) (x)ψ (m) (x)dx
ψ̃˜ 1,2 (r) = ψ (m) (r) − λ ψ (0) (r) 0
R ¡ ¢2 , m = 1, 2, . . . . (239)
1 + λ 0r ψ (0) (x) dx
From Eqs. (234) and (239) it can be established that
It is also clear from Eq. (218) that at the end of the two transformations T1 and T2 the
singularity at the origin arising from the centrifugal part of the potential is unaltered
and also that the phase shifts are unaltered. These results show that the family of po-
tentials Ṽ˜ 1,2 (r, λ ) in Eq. (233) for ∞ > λ > −1 have identical spectra, identical phase
shifts and identical normalization constants for the excited states but have different nor-
malization constants for the ground state for different values of λ . Hence this family
of potentials belongs to a phase-equivalent family. These expressions for the new po-
tential and the new eigenfunctions are in agreement with the results obtained using the
Gelfand-Levitan procedure for changing the normalization constant of the ground state
[26, 30]. Thus we have shown that the Gelfand-Levitan [24] procedure for changing the
normalization constant of the ground state without changing the spectrum is equivalent
to a transformation of the type T1 followed by another suitable transformation of the type
T2 [28].
(2) We now consider T1 followed by T3 . The first step is the same as case (1) and leads
to the potential given by Eq. (228). The second step corresponds to a T3 transformation
with the choice of value α = 0 in Eq. (229) which also corresponds to the choice λ = ∞
in Eq. (232). Such a choice for ψ̃1 leads to the new potential after the two transformations
of the form ·Z r ³
d 2 ´2 ¸
Ṽ˜ 1,3 (r) = V (r) − 2 ln (0)
ψ (x) dx , (241)
dr 0
which has a spectrum identical with that of V (r) except for missing the ground state of
V . The eigenfunctions of Ṽ˜ 1,3 are related to the excited state eigenfunctions of V by
³ ´−1
ψ̃˜ 1,3 = − E (m) − E (0) Ã− − (m)
3 A1 ψ , m = 1, 2, . . . , (242)
where · µ Z r³ ´2 ¶¸
1 d d 1
Ã− = √ − + ln (0)
ψ (x) dx , (243)
2 dr dr ψ (0) (r) 0
and A−1 has the same form as in Eq. (236). From these equations it can be established
using the same steps as in case (1) that
(m) (m) (0) ψ (0) (x)ψ (m) (x)dx
ψ̃˜ 1,3 =ψ (r) − ψ (r) 0 R r ¡ ¢ , m = 1, 2, . . . , (244)
ψ (0) (x) 2 dx
and that the normalization constants of the eigenfunctions are altered. It can be shown
from Eq. (241) or from Eq. (218) that
(l + 2)(l + 3) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ˜ 1,3 (r) = , lim Ṽ˜ 1,3 (r) = (245)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
which shows that the new potential is singular at the origin and has a short range
repulsive singularity. Eq. (218) can also be used to show that the phase shifts are
decreased by a constant amount π for all positive energies which is equivalent to saying
that the phase shifts are unaltered within modulo π . Thus a transformation of the type T1
followed by a transformation of the type T3 can be used to produce a singular potential
which has the same phase shifts as the original potential but has one less bound state
(3) We next consider T1 followed by T4 . The first step is the same as in cases (1) and
(2) and leads to the potential given in Eq. (228). The second step corresponds to a T4
tranformation with the choice of value α = π /2 in Eq. (229) which also corresponds to
the choice λ = −1 in Eq. (232). Such a choice of ψ̃1 leads to a new potential after the
two transformations of the form
µZ ∞ ³ ´2 ¶
˜ d2 (0)
Ṽ 1,4 (r) = V (r) − 2 ln ψ (x) dx , (246)
dr r
which has the same spectrum as V except for missing the ground state of V . The
eigenstates of the new potential can be obtained by the same procedure as for the earlier
cases and can be readily obtained by taking λ = −1 in Eq. (239) to give
∞ (0) R
r ψ (x)ψ
(m) (x)dx
(m) (m) (0)
ψ̃ 1,4 (r) = ψ (r) − ψ (r) R ∞ ¡
˜ ¢2 , m = 1, 2, . . . . (247)
r ψ (x) dx
It can be established from this equation that the bound state normalizations are unaf-
fected. It can be shown using Eq. (218) that the phase shift relation for positive energies
is à !
γ (0)
δ̃˜ 1,4 (l, k) = δ (l, k) − 2 tan−1 . (248)
It can also be shown using Eq. (218) that the singularity of the potential Ṽ˜ 1,4 at the origin
is unaltered. The expressions for the new potential and the new eigenfunctions [28] are
identical to the results given by Abraham and Moses [26]. Thus the Gelfand-Levitan
procedure to eliminate the ground state without introducing additional singularities
at the origin is equivalent to a transformation T1 which eliminates the ground state
followed by a transformation T4 which removes the additional singularity at the origin
which is introduced by the first transformation. The resultant potential after the two
transfromations is non-singular.
(4) We next consider T3 followed by T2 . The transformation T3 may be used at energy
Ẽ below the ground state of V to produce a new potential which has the same spectrum
as that of V as described in §2.6. The T3 transformation is implemented by considering
the regular solution φ (r, Ẽ) for the potential V (r). After the T3 transformation the new
potential is
Ṽ3 (r, Ẽ) = V (r) − 2 ln φ (r, Ẽ) . (249)
We now apply a T2 transformation at the energy Ẽ to introduce a new bound state below
the ground state of V . One of the solutions at energy Ẽ in the potential Ṽ3 is given by
ξ= , (250)
φ (r, Ẽ)
and the second linearly independent solution is, therefore, given by
Z r¡ ¢2
χ (r, Ẽ) = φ (x, Ẽ) dx . (251)
φ (r, Ẽ) 0
By studying the limiting behaviour of φ , ξ and χ it can be established that the regular
and the Jost solution in Ṽ3 are indeed proportional to χ and ξ respectively. Hence using
the general solution
ψ̃3 (r, Ẽ, α ) = χ (r, Ẽ) sin α + ξ (r, Ẽ) cos α , (252)
the new potential after the two transformations may be given in the form
µ Z r¡ ¶
˜ d2 ¢2
Ṽ 3,2 (r, Ẽ, α ) = V (r) − 2 ln cos α + sin α φ (x, Ẽ) dx , (253)
dr 0
which has a ground state eigenvalue at Ẽ while all the other eigenvalues are identical to
those of V . The normalized ground state of Ṽ˜ 3,2 is given by
" Ã ¢2 !#
1 d d φ (x, 1+
Ẽ) dx
2 = √ − + ln 0
2 dr dr φ (r, Ẽ)
· ¸
1 d d
3 = √ − + ln φ (r, Ẽ) . (258)
2 dr dr
Using the same method as in previous cases the expression for the excited state eigen-
functions can be brought to the form
(m) φ (x, Ẽ)ψ (m) (x)dx
ψ̃˜ 3,2 (r, Ẽ) = ψ (m) (r) − φ (r, Ẽ) 0
R ¡ ¢2 , m = 1, 2, . . . . (259)
1 + 0r φ (x, Ẽ) dx
The expressions for the new potential and the new eigenfunctions [28] derived above are
in agreement with the results derived using the Gelfand-Levitan method [26].
The family of potentials Ṽ˜ 3,2 (r, Ẽ, α ) in Eq. (253) lead to identical phase shifts and
the normalization constants for the excited states of the potentials Ṽ˜ 3,2 (r, Ẽ, α ) for
various values of α in the range 0 < α < π /2, are the same. The parameter α affects
the normalization constant of the ground state. The family of potentials Ṽ˜ 3,2 (r, Ẽ, α )
have identical spectra, identical phase shifts and identical normalization constants for
all states except the ground state and is, therefore, a phase-equivalent family. Thus a
tranformation of the type T3 followed by a transformation of the type T2 enables the
generation of a family of potentials which have a new ground state but without altering
the spectral density and without altering the singularity of the potential at the origin.
(5) We next consider T4 followed by T2 . This sequence is very similar to case (4)
except that in the first step involving the transformation T4 the Jost solution η (r, Ẽ) is
used instead of the regular solution φ (r, Ẽ) in the potential V . After the T4 transformation
the new potential is
Ṽ4 (r, Ẽ) = V (r) − 2 ln η (r, Ẽ) . (262)
We now apply a T2 transformation at the energy Ẽ to introduce a new bound state below
the ground state of V . By identifying the general solution in Ṽ4 at energy Ẽ in the form
R ¡ ¢2
cos β + sin β r∞ η (x, Ẽ) dx
ψ̃4 (r, Ẽ, β ) = , (263)
η (r, Ẽ)
the new potential after the two transformations may be given in the form
µ Z ∞¡ ¶
˜ d2 ¢2
Ṽ 4,2 (r, Ẽ, β ) = V (r) − 2 ln cos β + sin β η (x, Ẽ) dx , (264)
dr r
which has a ground state eigenvalue at Ẽ while all the other eigenvalues are identical to
those of V . The normalized ground state of Ṽ˜ 4,2 is given by
Eq. (265) shows that the parameter β determines the normalization constant of the
ground state. For β = π /4 the resultant potential after the two transformations is
µ Z ∞¡ ¶
˜ d2 ¢2
Ṽ 4,2 (r, Ẽ) = V (r) − 2 ln 1 + η (x, Ẽ) dx , (266)
dr r
Using the same methods as in the previous cases the excited state eigenfunctions can be
shown to be given by
(m) (m) η (x, Ẽ)ψ (m) (x)dx
ψ̃˜ 4,2 (r, Ẽ) = ψ (r) − η (r, Ẽ) r R ∞ ¡ ¢2 , m = 1, 2, . . . . (270)
1 + r η (x, Ẽ) dx
It can be shown that the normalization constants of the eigenfunctions are left unaltered.
It can also be shown using Eq. (218) that the phase shifts are increased by a constant
amount π for all positive energies which is equivalent to saying that the phase shifts are
unaltered within modulo π . However
(l − 2)(l − 1) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ˜ 4,2 (r) = , lim Ṽ˜ 4,2 (r) = , (271)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
which shows that Ṽ˜ 4,2 has a component which has a short range attractive r−2 singularity
in addition to the usual centrifugal potential.
Thus we have shown that the application of a transformation of the type T4 followed
by a transformation of the type T2 enables the construction of singular potentials which
have the same phase shifts as the original potential but which have an additional bound
state at a chosen energy. The family of potentials Ṽ˜ 4,2 (r, Ẽ, β ), for various values of β in
the range 0 < β < π /2, have identical phase shifts and identical normalization constants
for the excited states but have different normalization constants for the ground state and
belong to a family of phase-equivalent potentials.
(6) We now consider two successive T3 transformations performed at the same energy
Ẽ below the ground state of V . After the first T3 transformation using the regular solution
φ in the potential V the new potential Ṽ3 has the form given by Eq. (249). The second T3
transformation is performed using the choice α = π /2 in Eq. (252) so that ψ̃3 (r) = χ (r)
which is defined by Eq. (251). The resulting potential after the two transformations is
then given by ·Z r ¸
˜ d2 ¡ ¢2
Ṽ 3,3 (r, Ẽ) = V (r) − 2 ln φ (x, Ẽ) dx , (272)
dr 0
which leads to a spectrum of eigenvalues which is identical with that for V . The trans-
formed eigenstates may be shown to be given by
0 φ (x, Ẽ)ψ
(m) (x)dx
(m) (m)
ψ̃ 3,3 (r) = ψ (r) − φ (r, Ẽ) R r ¡
˜ ¢2 , m = 0, 1, . . . . (273)
0 φ (x, Ẽ) dx
It can be established that the normalization constants of the eigenfunctions and the
spectral density are altered. Using Eq. (218) the phase shifts for positive energies can
be shown to be related by
µ ¶
˜ −1 γ̃
δ̃ 3,3 (l, k) = δ (l, k) + 2 tan −π . (274)
It can also be shown that
(l + 2)(l + 3) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ˜ 3,3 (r, Ẽ) = , lim Ṽ˜ 3,3 (r, Ẽ) = , (275)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
which shows that Ṽ˜ is a singular potential. Thus two successive T3 transformations may
be used to produce a new singular potential which has the same spectrum as V but has
different phase shifts and different normalization constants.
(7) We next consider T3 followed by T4 . The first step is the same as in case (6). In the
second step the T4 transformation is performed using the choice α = 0 in Eq. (252) so
that ψ̃3 (r) = ξ (r) defined by Eq. (250). With this choice it is clear that the potential after
the two transformations is identical to the original potential V (r) since φ (r)ξ (r) = 1.
Thus T4 T3 restores the original Hamiltonian and all the eigenstates and phase shifts are
unaltered. Thus T3 followed by T4 performed at the same energy is equivalent to the
identity transformation.
(8) The last combination we consider is two successive T4 transformations at the same
energy Ẽ below the ground state of V . After the first T4 transformation using the Jost
solution η in the potential V the new potential Ṽ4 has the form given by Eq. (262). The
second T4 transformation is performed by using the choice β = π /2 in Eq. (263) so that
the new potential after the two transformations is given by
·Z ∞ ¸
˜ d2 ¡ ¢2
Ṽ 4,4 (r, Ẽ) = V (r) − 2 ln η (x, Ẽ) dx , (276)
dr r
which has the same spectrum as that for V (r). The transformed eigenfunctions may be
shown to be given by
r η (x, Ẽ)ψ
(m) (x)
(m) (m)
ψ̃ 4,4 (r) = ψ (r) − η (r, Ẽ) R ∞ ¡
˜ ¢2 , m = 0, 1, . . . . (277)
r η (x, Ẽ) dx
It can be established that the spectral density is altered and that the normalization
constants of the eigenfunctions are altered. Using Eq. (218) it can be seen that the phase
shifts for positive energies are related by
µ ¶
˜ −1 γ̃
δ̃ 4,4 (l, k) = δ (l, k) − 2 tan +π . (278)
It can also be shown that
(l − 2)(l − 1) l(l + 1)
lim Ṽ˜ 4,4 (r, Ẽ) = , lim Ṽ˜ 4,4 (r, Ẽ) = , (279)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
which shows that Ṽ˜ 4,4 is a singular potential. Thus two successive T4 transformations
may be used to produce a new singular potential which has the same spectrum as V but
has different phase shifts and different normalization constants.
The new eigenfunctions after two transformations given by Eqs. (239), (244), (247),
(259), (270), (273) and (277) can all be expressed as the ratio of 2 determinants. The new
potential can be expressed as a determinant of a matrix M. These identifications enable
the extension of the procedure outlined in this lecture to the elimination or addition of an
arbitrary number of states or the generation of isospectral Hamiltonians after a number
of transformations at different energies. We now indicate the structure of the theory for
the seven nontrivial cases considered earlier.
For case (1) the matrix M has just a single element when a pair of transformations are
used at a single energy and is given by
Z r³ ´2
M11 = 1 + λ ψ (0) (x) dx . (280)
5.3. Examples
The theory outlined in the last section may be illustrated with some exactly solvable
examples. To illustrate the first three cases we consider the potential
By using the procedure for case (1) the family of phase-equivalent potentials in Eq. (233)
can be given as
sech2 r ¡ ¢
Ṽ˜ 1,2 = −3 ¡ ¢2 1 + 2λ tanh rsech r − λ tanh r .
2 2 4
1 + λ tanh3 r
For values of ∞ < λ < −1, the family of potentials Ṽ˜ 1,2 have a single bound state at the
same energy but differ in the normalization constant of the ground state eigenfunction.
λ = 0 corresponds to the original potential V .
The method used for case (2) leads to the potential in Eq. (241) which in this example
Ṽ˜ 1,3 (r) = , (306)
sinh2 r
which is repulsive singular potential which supports no bound states and is phase-
equivalent to V (r).
The method used for case (3) leads to the potential in Eq. (246) which in this example
becomes µ ¶2
sech r
Ṽ˜ 1,4 (r) = −3 , (307)
1 + tanh r + tanh2 r
which is an attractive non-singular potential which supports no bound states but has the
phase shifts altered as specifed by Eq. (248).
We next examine V = 0 and the transformation energy Ẽ = −γ̃ 2 /2. The regular
solution is
φ = sinh γ̃ r , lim φ = γ̃ r , lim φ ∼ exp(+γ̃ r) , (308)
r→0 r→∞
and the Jost solution is
η = exp(−γ̃ r) , lim η = 1 , lim η = exp(−γ̃ r) . (309)
r→0 r→∞
à R ³ ´2 R ∞ (0) !
˜ (n) ψ (x) dx r ψ (x)ψ (x)dx
(0) (n)
M̃ = r , n = 1, 2, . . . , (319)
ψ (0) (r) ψ (n) (r)
in the form
Ṽ˜ 1,4 (r) = V (r) − 2 ln (det M) (320)
˜ (n)
(n) det M̃
ψ̃˜ 1,4 (r) = , n = 1, 2, . . . . (321)
det M
The phase shifts for positive energies were related by
à !
˜ γ (0)
δ̃ 1,4 (l, k) = δ (l, k) − 2 tan−1 . (322)
It was also shown that the two transformations T4 T1 taken together do not introduce any
additional singularities in the new potential.
The procedure used for eliminating a single bound state may be generalized to the
case of elimination of an arbitrary number m of bound states as follows. Let V0 be a
potential with bound states given by
" #
E (1) E (2) . . . E (n)
V0 : (1) (2) (n) , (323)
ψ0 ψ0 . . . ψ0
The two matrices F and G are related by F + G = I where I is the unit matrix of dimen-
sion [n, n]. By using the orthonormal property of the eigenfunctions and the Wronskian
relation between two solutions of the Schrödinger equation in the same potential at two
different energies, Fjk and G jk can also be written as
µ ¶
1 ( j) d (k) (k) d ( j)
Fjk = −G jk = ¡ (k) ¢ ψ0 (r) ψ0 (r) − ψ0 (r) ψ0 (r) , j 6= k .
2 E − E ( j) dr dr
Let Vm be the potential generated from V0 by the application of a sequence consisting
of m pairs of T1 and T4 transformations for eliminating the lowest m bound states of V0
so that the bound states of Vm are given by
" #
E (m+1) E (m+2) . . . E (n)
Vm : (m+1) (m+2) (n) . (328)
ψm ψm . . . ψm
Then it may be shown by a generalization of the method for eliminating a single bound
state that in terms of a matrix M with elements given by
M jk = Fjk , j, k = 1, 2, . . . , m , (329)
the potential Vm with n − m bound states may be given as
Vm = V0 − ln (det M) . (330)
The eigenfunctions of Vm are related to those of V0 by
(i) det M̃˜
ψm = , i = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , n , (331)
det M
where the elements of M̃˜ are
M̃˜ jk = M jk , j, k = 1, 2, . . . , m ,
Z ∞
(i) ( j) (i)
M̃˜ j,m+1 = ψ0 (x)ψ0 (x)dx = Fji , j = 1, 2, . . . , m ,
(i) (k)
M̃˜ m+1,k = ψ0 (r) , k = 1, 2, . . . , m ,
(i) (i)
M̃˜ m+1,m+1 = ψ0 (r) , i = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , n . (332)
(k) ¡ ¢
m m
ψ m = ψ0 − ∑ ∑ ψ0
(i) (i)
M −1 kj
Fji , i = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , n . (334)
k=1 j=1
Since the index j in the above equation can only take values in the range 1 ≤ j ≤ m and
the index i takes values m < i ≤ n the matrix element Fji may be replaced by −G ji so
that Eq. (334) may also be given in the form
(k) ¡ ¢
m m
∑ ∑ ψ0
(i) (i)
ψm = ψ0 + M −1 kj
G ji , i = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , n . (335)
k=1 j=1
It may be shown that in this form the above equation may be extended to allow the index
i to take all values in the range [1, n] to define a set of solutions in Vm at the energies at
which the bound states have been removed. It can be shown that these non-normalizable
solutions in Vm at the energies corresponding to the removed bound states satisfy
(k) ¡ ¢
∑ ψ0
( j)
ψm = M −1 kj
. (336)
Thus by constructing the matrix M and solving the linear equations (337) to find ψ0
once it is possible to find all the eigen functions of Vm using Eq. (338). It may be
shown that the expression for the new potential in Eq. (330) can be further simplified by
expanding the logarithmic derivative to get
ln (det M) = ∑ ψ0 (r)ψm (r) ,
(k) (k)
dr k=1
In this form the potential arising from the removal of m bound states is expressed as a
symmetric function of the solutions in the old and new potentials at the energies at which
the bound states have been removed.
in the form
Ṽ˜ 1,3 (r) = V (r) − 2 ln (det N) , (343)
(n) det ј
ψ̃˜ 1,3 (r) = , n = 1, 2, . . . . (344)
det N
It was also shown that Ṽ˜ 1,3 is a singular potential with a short range repulsive r−2
character which as r → 0 is equivalent to l → (l + 2) in the centrifugal part of the
potential. It was also shown that the phase shift decreases by π for all energies and
therefore the phase shifts in the two potentials are the same within modulo π .
The procedure used for eliminating a single bound state may be generalized to the
case of elimination of an arbitrary number m of bound states. Let V̄m be the potential
generated from V0 by the application of a sequence consisting of m pairs of T1 and T3
transformations for eliminating the lowest m bound states of V0 so that the bound states
of V̄m are given by " #
E (m+1) E (m+2) ... E (n)
V̄m : (m+1) (m+2) (n) . (345)
ψ̄m ψ̄m . . . ψ̄m
It may be shown by a generalization of the method for eliminating a single bound state
that in terms of a matrix N with elements given by
Z r
( j) (k)
N jk = ψ0 (x)ψ0 (x)dx = G jk , j, k = 1, 2, . . . , m , (346)
V̄m = V0 − ln (det N) . (347)
It is clear that the elements of the matrix N and the matrix M considered in the previous
section are related by M + N = I where I is the unit matrix of dimension (m, m). This
means that the elements of the two matrices are related by
N jk = −M jk , j 6= k , Nj j = 1 − Mj j . (348)
Eqs. (346)-(350) provide a recipe for constructing a new potential by removing m bound
states without altering the phase shifts but altering the spectral density. In fact the phase
shifts decrease by mπ for all positive energies but the two phase shifts are the same
within modulo π . The resulting potential is singular and has a repulsive character as
r → 0. It can be shown that
(l + 2m)(l + 2m + 1) l(l + 1)
lim V̄m = , lim V̄m = , (351)
r→0 2r2 r→∞ 2r2
which shows that the repulsive singularity at the origin rises rapidly as the number of
bound states removed increases.
The expression for the new eigenfunctions in Eq. (349) may also be given in other
forms by expanding the determinant in the numerator and using the definition of the
elements of the inverse of a matrix as the ratio of two determinants. This leads to the
(k) ¡ −1 ¢
m m
ψ̄m = ψ0 + ∑ ∑ ψ0
(i) (i)
k j ji
, i = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , n . (352)
k=1 j=1
It may be shown that the non-normalizable solutions in V̄m at the energies corresponding
to the removed bound states may also be defined by Eq. (352) by allowing the index i
to take values in the range (1, m). Then by using Fjk = M jk and the matrix relation in
Eq. (344) the above equation may be further simplified to give
(k) ¡ −1 ¢
∑ ψ0
( j)
ψ̄m = N kj
, j = 1, 2, . . . , m . (353)
In this form the potential arising from the removal of m bound states is expressed as a
symmetric function of the solutions in the old and new potentials at the energies at which
the bound states have been removed.
So far we have discussed in detail the procedure for removing m bound states to
produce singular or non-singular potentials. It is possible to give similar generalizations
of the other cases discussed in lecture IV to provide recipes for adding m bound states to
produce singular and non-singular potentials or find extended families of potentials with
the same spectrum but differing in the normalization constants of the eigenfunctions
and/or differing in the phase shifts. We have concentrated on a detailed discussion of the
case of the removal bound states because this has found some applications in Nuclear
Physics. We discuss the application of these ideas to certain problems in Nuclear Physics
in the next section.
Sparenberg and Baye have used this approach to invert the experimental phase shifts of
neutron-proton elastic scattering in the 1 S0 state to obtain singular potential with ν = 1.
Andrianov, Borisov and Ioffe [59] have investigated the possibility of a supersymmetric
description of two half-integer spin particles by studying the supersymmetric aspect of
NN and N N̄ scattering in the one-pion exchange approximation. Andrianov, Cannata,
Ioffe and Nishanidze [60] have studied matrix Hamiltonians using a SUSY approach
to hidden symmetries and have analysed coupled channel problems using this approach.
Sparenberg and Baye [61] have used SUSYQM to find coupled-channel potentials which
are phase equivalent and have removed the non-physical state of the deep 3 S1 -3 D1
neutron-proton Moscow potential and transformed it into a shallow potential with a
repulsive core. There are many other examples of such applications of singular potentials
in Nuclear Physics.
In this course of lectures we have shown that starting from the simple idea of factorising
second order differential equations of a single variable it is possible to find a related
differential equation whose solutions are closely related to those of the original equation.
The relationship between the spectra and eigenfunctions of the two differential operators
are similar to those between the components of a supersymmetric doublet. The flexibility
available in the choice of factorization enables the manipulation of the spectrum of the
operators in desired fashion. We have shown that using the factorization method it is
possible to add or remove bound states or maintain the same spectrum but alter the
normalization constants of the eigenfunctions.
We have used these ideas to study the radial Schrödinger equation in detail. If the po-
tential of interaction is known then it is possible to find the eigenvalue spectrum, eigen-
functions and the phase shifts for positive energies by solving the radial Schrödinger
equation for a given partial wave. But if the potential of interaction is not known ac-
curately from first principles then one must use the spectral data like phase shifts and
energy levels to work backwards to find the potential. This is the subject of study of
inverse scattering theory. To determine the potential uniquely all the energy levels, the
normalization constants associated with the eigenfunctions of all the energy levels and
the phase shifts at all positive energies from 0 to ∞ must be known. Such a complete list
of data seldom exists and often phenomenological potentials with widely differing prop-
erties in terms of their behaviour as a function of r are used. In these lectures we have
shown that the concept of supersymmetric pairing enables the construction of inverse
scattering theory from some basic building blocks. We have shown that it is possible
to construct families of potentials with related phase shifts and other spectral proper-
ties. Such constructions have enabled the establishment of links between potentials with
startlingly dissimilar structure which nevertheless have closely related spectral proper-
ties. Even though the same properties could be found from the usual methods of inverse
scattering theory based on Gelfand-Levitan and Marchenko equations the method based
on the methods of SUSYQM has a particular simplicity and economy of expression and
opens up the possibility of similar constructions for other inverse problems arising in
other contexts. The method based on the supersymmetric construction has now been
extended to the study of coupled differential equations which has proved useful in the
study of a variety of coupled-channel problems in Nuclear Physics.
We have shown that the concept of supersymmetric pairing may be used to elucidate
the spectrum of the Dirac equation for an attractive Coulomb potential. We have also
shown that the Backlund transformation which provides a link between the N and N + 1
soliton solutions of the KdV hierarchy of non-linear differential equations is closely
related to a supersymmetric transformation which links the potential VN with N bound
states to another potential VN+1 which has an additional bound state below the ground
state of VN .
The construction of singular potentials using suitable pairs of supersymmetric trans-
formations and their success in elucidating the relationship between diffferent model
potentials in Nuclear Physics is an outstanding example of the usefulness of SUSYQM
in a real physical context.
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