4Rs For Students Page1 v1.5
4Rs For Students Page1 v1.5
4Rs For Students Page1 v1.5
Reflective Thinking
2 Relating Relate or make a connection between the incident or issue and your
own skills, professional experience, or discipline knowledge.
Have I seen this before?
Were the conditions the same or different?
Do I have the skills and knowledge to deal with this? Explain.
Bain, J., Ballantyne, R., Packer, J., and Mills, C. (1999). Using journal writing to enhance student teachers'
reflectivity during field experience placements. Teachers and Teaching, 5(1), 51-73.
Carrington, S. and Selva, G. (2010). Critical social theory and transformative learning: evidence in pre-service
teachers' service-learning reflection logs. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(1), 45-57.