Eco Class 10 Chapter 2

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Gee- keeper.
Woskess çn
mitch. dacte*
Sector i
Miek venda
Cale cetae eniployee
Q Dscugi the invaved in the
Caleulation ofthe
the DP ot a
Jhe fixst tep inceudej the additon
the valuej c 96oct/ aaa 2ervel
athex then addirg up tne
wheat g Sold at Rspex the ae
whea wall be Jhe yalue oE
Go00 Ceonuts at
Rs 50,000, Simlaaly, the valhee i
calelatad ahd then oddes up
While calclati
Lnceae the ins
t makeg sente only to
the value inn tadu Bncluda the
volue that
all the inteanmediata gcde
the firdA
sele wh eai to a
Unen, the bilcut Companyl, ctes marutatbig
gCát, sele it at R5pespecket. ir tiy
caße, biscusls at the dinathe guodei-e godi tht iach.
yalue ct Voitex medte
the con Sum es and algo include
Samedime, an item may be coniidered
final and
be used ihdemedate
betoe the valae 8uch n
itemto calculate the pnauction
gectox o the economy e mt
fnd out the Vstatue oof the item. Fax
the final itemut it Sutta,
ghee o parees nade soom
then ilk ip an intemedinte

Jhe valhe final qood cud sexicej

Qach Bectox
yeaxpnde the toal aductio of the
gectos fos that yec. And the su
'age N

puduetion çn thoe 8ectrss giree what ie

callec the GrSS Domelic Vdet
Countgy. t úe the value oh all (GDP)
Qoode and sevicep (Pauduce within o County
pasticulaz yeaa. GDT shomg ham big
Jn dhda, the huge and difShcalt tagk oh
govepnmenbt wth (indeatokn by
minizirgy (Einonce MiniktyJhe
VMiniSty, he helo ch waloy ovesnmen
the 3kdian etate and
Uhien les tieg collects undus mat ion eltin
tootal voluma dendg and thiz
then e the GP..

Detntion o GDPi
9Jhe Grsasi Aomegtie roduct (Gor) ss a courtay
ethe the pduction the
Sezvice nn the ond
seconddsy and tertiaay gectos o
economyo the
pasticular! finoncial
Paye No

Q Gve an acc ount of the higtotcal change


inpoatance of the
the hitonical changeg
çn lhe ipurtance
a the Reetos:
At the Beginir Ae the melhode a
tooning changed bod
fpad cg QaoduceoAla, thee were inczeati
r Cxa-pesson and
nunbexm actvi ties incaseied,
Beride theze werne Ualeo tanspuatexk
admintaatoxs aamy ete. hu painany
Was the mogt
nuqatant gectór ag ot
o the qoodo aDuced were naluxal paductg
and maçt peope WeTe emplayed da thie

the ondurtaial ae valutioni As the new

Dusing hmethads o
mnufactuaing Wese dntouc ed dactoieg came
up and PUataxted exanoing,. Peaple gtanted
Qlonge 'numbeni.
Peoplobegon to uje Vgo that
were paudlced in dactosies at l cheap zata.
Jhug 'Reconalay ect 0+gga¥ually becae the
pauuction and
most inportant
Page No

dn Recent yeaxs i n the pot

payt loo yeaa&, thexe
hag been 'a duathes shitt
daumSecondaay to terliant gecton in
deveoped countaieg ap Vthe Senvice
Secto ha ecorne he mot inpoatant
Ún tesm& od total poduction and employme
-nt . ae se the genenol patten ohsesve
deve opeA countaies.
Q is Cuss the factoss De)onsble sfon he
aising nqortance c the tentiusy seatoz
A The follawin dactus axe eon gi ble toa the
ising inpatance c the teatiacy sectoz
Esst, in any countay bosic Renuices such
and telegaagh senvices, police statian&,Couate
vallage otinijtzatve officeg, municigal conpaxat
ons deerce, tzongpoat , bankgngusance
Companies ete age beguinsd. on thedeyelaping
Cauntoies, geneaoy thé govEanment ha
the aeipangibilttyax Vthe panvision
qDyiSion o
these Sexvices
Secand, the develophnent o the agalculaue
and indugtay lesds to the debelopment
Seavices Such as txanspoat,tade,
shorageetc. S, gzestea the deve opment
poivdyand Vgecondaay segectos8,. mooe
Page No.:.

would be the demnd oxBuch gevices.

Jhind, a the income lovel o people
nises, they tart demanding. VQuxuziog
&eaviceg eating outs
ike ouaim.
shopging, paivate hoitale, paivate schocls,
Ipadessibh taoning etc
Fouxth, avey the pest decade oa ss, Cextan
hew Sesvicer Such ae those baed on
infmatioo and Comhalunác at iDn techhol
Dnline shopping, socia media, apps ete)
ecome inort ant and esgential, so the
Lqmduction c thege seviceg hag been

howevez, not all o the sevice Sectos i

gnewing esualy ell. Seryice Becloo üc
Ugndiel emplby clitdexent indy o peple.
A one ena, highly shied and bdicoto
lozReaA enteloyed / limited nmben)
I while at he other end, there ane weskes
sesviceg Such ag Sall shpkee
pest, epaia peaßons, taangpoot pessong etc
Jhese numbea c
peaplebanaly mgnage to eatn a lving'
but &tll pegsa these gezviceg beleauge
beccuse ho oltenatie eploynent pportui
avoilodle to them.
I'gc No.:

hxencisesPAno 37)
13Sezvice sectoa in Sndia ehploys twa
didtesent kinde cÙ peonde 2 whi
Who ane these?

Vdu wa diffesent kindp oR people emplayed

Sesvice Secto i Sndia aoe -
4 Fus, t skillol well
txoined_and eduea' Woxken who
:limlted numbe

Qecond, thee a veay Qasge nunbea

Wog kesa engged in Seahcel
Sencaf guch
gmall shoperee xepots persone,tansp
-0nt persone ete, Jhe Se peuple sarely
mcnage to eagna lingyet peafvz
Ruch Vsezvice. becauge no altésnative
empltymest 0ppoartwntieg ae aarloble
most the peone ca dnaia
i the painaay sectoa?
su he Sectox Cortinueg to e the
Sasgest employer due to the

laing Were not Caeafed in the
Sechda cnd terticay seetoos kven
Paye No

thaugh nduytail autpt on the

the good pmduc,
Wen mogethat nine tumes dusing
up n the indyty0
the peniod emmployment
Wen 00und thaee tinne.
Sini laaly, the teztiosy sectos ,fpa bductün
around five 4imeg.
, a a segult, oone thon helf c inthe the.
WoaReng n the
qrimany sectox, cauntt
mán ly in agxicutuae,
odueisaonly oine-izth the GD
otheghand, the gecondaay Qhd the
testiaay ectons Dduce awz-fidths
the oduce but they employ Degs
than the peopleo, the
Woshess the agoiculEuxa Secto7
Unemployment i Awo
that uie cleasy
Diugised unemployment , iny hich unemaloyineat
Page No.:

Undegemployment: When moze than engugh

Wonkfoxce ie engaged Vto do
an econcmic activity,&athat ! memae
G the wonkfoxce Con ue hie hex f0l fu00
potent ial 03 capoacity and xemoving some
Hthe menheng doce ot affectU the
paoduction, Such a situation ie called
oR Uhenemalojment
Let, Jhe yoQurne aa amout o waxk be X.
Mumben oh wozkea engaed be y
Jhe potential
Woakea be
Jhesefoae, the amcunt ah waxk to be
done each wooRer

Jn case o Underemployment

Let's woxk thege out ( Pqna. 2)

(3) Comgpaze andA Contzogt the changeo in
dndia wtth the pattean that Waf
ohseaved fos develaped counties. What
Rind o - changes elween gectas weae
depiaed did not happen
fotleon cf chongg ottn o
Compasison V'esnlschonqe
At te Poimany Seclos woy SorneJrdia ali
Begining he mbt cinposto to
Secloa ünw teary
Vwell ag employnil
uaing thd Secondaay sectos /o such
adually becane thel wos ohetw
teomy of Qudue tion
and emloyrnent.
Jhetesticoy sectoaJhe testiay secto
Sn cent hog
Yea& became the |ha cbecomne Uthe
tesy o pDductiontesmg o pooductn
Qnd 'aniploym ent ut the aimang
2ectos Conlinue tb
be the aaget
erplbyea evkn haw
34 was deised that with the cdovelopment
c econormy econdasy sectwx would become 3)
th mort ingurtant sectos but teat.iooy
Recton epl dced the ge conda sectl
3t wae alo destoed that the Vshae of
the teotiaxy0 jncse
teang h employmest *4)
Wauled the mbximum
cbut did bot
Why ahld wE be woadied
woried ahout
undesemployment 2
shohd be nied cboit urderemfplay
-ment because
nut cleasly
uke the czdinsay unenghayiment , Vtie wiaibie
hiaden the fm ce Salee ca pseudo
empioyment making it oitdteult to
muze emplayment PRiunitiet
&eeking ¢cbi aienatie Aouzce c Busirasi,

Featuzeg the Ougonised Sector i

*4) uzation a wozk and overtinei Woiking
fized, d the empioyee wogk more,
they have V to be paid ove rtime the
Watuze fanployment
and secure
eayeg and halidoys: Paidleave
payment duzing holidays
9Agpointment Lettex : Teme and Cenditions

stated h the appaintment ettey

qiven tote empluyee .
Financial benedite i Apaot faum foio
ather sinancial benafite eh
pension, paovident fund, gratutiy and
me dical benafite axe gjiven to the
* ’ Featue well ag woakäng candiiord
(6Voaiau2 acte a zegitaotion foz the
entezaises i untespises in the caguniged
gectos are segitteze
the g0veanment Ond have U to fol
tone ahich aze
sules ahd equlationg
glwen in Vax Lov
Othe Factonies Act, Mintrmum Wagep
and Paymen
Éstoblishments Act etc.
Sel- emqlayed Qanfegsaralsi sndependest
seR- employed
paofesiunalsike doctosa, awyds
Chastesed Accoutanta et: al' the
039anized Bectos also need to segigten
them&elves withwith the qoveantmentU and
tollow the e andl seglatiaya

Featuaes o the Unoogariged Sector '

*ADusation ah woxR
wors® and ovestimei Weaking hauaa.
Qnd not fixed employe es ae nat poid
oveatime even h they wosk dox exiaa
Watuoe oR fomploynent :People
the unaaaaio
2ecto Can be askad toloave withot
Any Deason When thexe ie leSs wosk,
such as cuxing &ome Reasona &ame people
may e acked 0 to leave,A lot aso
depends on the whims ch the employer.
Leaves and holiday& A wozkexie not
paid soo the odays.
helahe does not and ece
does not have any leoye o3 paid heliday.
Appotrtnert Letteai sAppoint ment Jeter de
hot qlven to a wosked.
So, the weskex daes nat have any
evidence hiclhea empsaymeni.
Finone fal Beneftei Joße ase
Qaovigion fos eataa financi al beneftts 0ike
mension, qzovident fund 10tuity and
meica a0lowance,
(masked tth * > feetuzee. ap well ag wesking

6Voaigy acls and segigtaation foss he

enteapaises : The goni.sed Becis
d chaaacleased by &nall.
and scatiesed Units which Vaze
out sicle tho conloal ofh gove snimentbut
Jhese a0e. ule and
these Qae not
Jhis sectos
Sel-employed paofesiönals : jneludeg a losge
numbeg pecpse. who ase employcd on
theis aw doing Such ag
seling On the
fazmeaS Woak Uon theis
Own ahd hiselloboue8 as and when.
Page 4o
Featuaes oh MG.NREGA,
MGNRE 2005

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