7 Chakras

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A Quick Intro to the Chakras

What are chakras?

Chakras are spinning energy centers within our bodies, connecting our physical, mental, and
emotional selves. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit language and means “wheel”
or “disk.” There are seven main chakras, each corresponding to a specific location in the
body, color, and aspect of our lives.

Importance of balanced chakras

When our chakras are balanced and functioning harmoniously, we experience optimal health,
happiness, and a strong sense of inner peace. However, when one or more chakras are
blocked or misaligned, it can lead to various issues in our physical, emotional, and spiritual
well-being. By understanding and working with our chakras, we can bring balance and
harmony back into our lives.

The History of chakras

Origins in Ancient India
The concept of chakras dates back thousands of years to ancient India, where they were first
mentioned in the sacred texts called the Vedas. Over time, chakra teachings evolved and
expanded through various spiritual and philosophical traditions, including Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Tantra.

Development and evolution of chakra

As chakra knowledge spread across the world, different cultures and traditions adapted and
interpreted these energy centers in their own unique ways. Today, chakra teachings have
become a significant part of Western holistic practices, often blending Eastern philosophies
with modern psychology and energy healing modalities.

Chakras in different spiritual and

philosophical traditions
Chakras play a central role in various spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, and energy
healing. Each tradition may have its unique perspective on chakras, but they all share the
common goal of achieving balance, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

Chakras and modernity

Over the past two decades, interest in chakras and related practices has surged in Western
countries. Google Trends data shows that searches for “chakras” have steadily increased
since 2004, indicating a growing curiosity and engagement with chakra concepts.
Chakra 101, a quick overview
In this section, we’ll explore each of the seven main chakras, their properties, and how they
influence our lives.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

 Location: Base of spine

 Responsible for: Stability, security, core needs
 Color: Red
 Element: Earth
The Root Chakra is our foundation and represents stability, security, and basic needs. When
balanced, we feel grounded, secure, and connected to the earth. If blocked, we may
experience fear, anxiety, and a lack of stability in our lives.

When in balance:
The root chakra corresponds to the earth element and is associated with planting roots.
Therefore, when the root chakra is balanced, you feel grounded, safe, and at ease. However,
the root chakra does not just govern physical security. It determines how secure and at home
you feel in yourself. So with a balanced first chakra, you’ll be able to do things independently
yet have no issues relying or depending on others.

When unbalanced:
If the root chakra energy is weak, you may feel unstable and unsafe and struggle to feel like
you belong. Because it is also linked to financial security, you are more likely to have money
worries if your root chakra is unbalanced. People with blocked root chakras typically feel
weak, fearful, and insecure. They may struggle to trust others and the world around them and
expect bad things to happen.
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

 Location: Below the navel

 Responsible for: Regulating emotions, sexuality, creativity
 Color: Orange
 Element: Navel
The Sacral Chakra governs our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. When balanced, we
experience healthy emotional expression, creativity, and passion. If blocked, we may struggle
with emotional imbalance, lack of inspiration, and unhealthy relationships.

When in balance:
People with a balanced sacral chakra can tap into their creative potential and freely express
themselves. In addition, they feel emotionally stable with a healthy sex drive and connection
to the senses. Someone with a balanced second chakra will feel joy and pleasure from things
and experience passion, both romantically and with life pursuits.

When unbalanced:
An unbalanced sacral chakra typically results in the inability to control your emotions. and
express yourself. As a result, you may lack self-worth around pleasure and thus, not allow
yourself to experience joy in life.

People with blocked sacral chakras also struggle to find something in life they feel passionate
about and lack romantic passion in relationships. Creative and sexual blocks are also
common. An underactive second chakra can manifest physically as lower back pain and
reproductive issues.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

 Location: Above the navel

 Responsible for: Self-esteem, confidence, willpower, inner strength
 Color: Yellow
 Element: Fire
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the center of our personal power, self-esteem, and assertiveness.
When balanced, we feel confident, capable, and in control of our lives. If blocked, we may
experience feelings of low self-worth, powerlessness, and difficulty making decisions.

When in balance:
A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the confidence, self-belief, and inner strength to
turn your dreams into reality. You will feel courageous with no fear of taking risks, and
you’ll be able to pick yourself up after knockbacks and failures. A person with a strong
Manipura chakra also has a high level of energy and vitality.

When unbalanced:
If your Manipura chakra is blocked, you’ll lack confidence and self-belief, resulting in either
holding yourself back and staying small or self-sabotaging. You may get ideas and start new
projects but fail to follow them through. On a physical level, you’ll likely suffer fatigue and
experience issues with digestion, as this chakra is linked to the digestive organs.

On the other hand, if your Manipura chakra is overactive, you may be controlling, power-
hungry, self-centered, and competitive. As a result, you’ll likely get angry quickly and
experience heartburn or ulcers.
Heart Chakra (Anahata)

 Location: Center of chest

 Responsible for: Relationship with self and others, ability to give and feel
 Color: Green
 Element: Air
The Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras, governing love,
compassion, and forgiveness. When balanced, we experience unconditional love for
ourselves and others, empathy, and emotional healing. If blocked, we may struggle with self-
love, resentment, and difficulty forming deep connections.

When in balance:
A person with a balanced heart chakra freely feels and expresses love, joy, and gratitude.
They can see their blessings and the beauty around them, and, as a result, they enjoy
successful, happy relationships. They can feel empathy towards others and can forgive easily.
Moreover, they fully love and accept themselves and can set healthy boundaries, resulting in
the sense of harmony within.

When unbalanced:
Someone with a blocked heart chakra will find it difficult to feel love, compassion, and
understanding for others and will find it equally challenging to accept love. In addition,
outside of relationships, they will struggle to find things to be grateful for, as they have a
tendency to see the bad in people and situations.

The root of a blocked chakra is a lack of self-love and acceptance, as a person cannot give
love to others until they can love themselves. Because the Anahata chakra is associated with
touch and air (prana), physical symptoms of a blocked heart chakra can be seen in the skin,
hands, and lungs.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

 Location: Throat
 Responsible for: Communication
 Color: Light blue
 Element: Space/Ether
The Throat Chakra is responsible for communication, self-expression, and truth. When
balanced, we can speak and listen with clarity and authenticity. If blocked, we may encounter
difficulties expressing ourselves, communicating with others, or standing up for our beliefs.

When in balance:
If your throat chakra is balanced, you’ll feel confident in public speaking and expressing your
ideas and opinions. You’ll be able to clearly articulate your words and speak your truth
without holding back. You’ll also be able to listen to others and participate in debates and
heated conversations without turning them into arguments.

When unbalanced:
If there is a blockage in your fifth chakra, you’ll struggle to communicate with others and
express yourself fully. Firstly, if the chakra is underactive, you might hold back in speaking
your truth and instead say what you think will please others. In addition, you’ll likely detest
public speaking and avoid sharing ideas in meetings.

On the other hand, if the chakra is overactive, you might find it challenging to listen to others
and tend to gossip. People with overactive throat chakras are more likely to speak over
others, shut them down, and not give them space to share their views.
Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

 Location: Between the eyebrows

 Responsible for: Intuition and imagination
 Color: Indigo
 Element: Light
The Third-Eye Chakra is the center of intuition, insight, and spiritual wisdom. When
balanced, we can access our inner guidance, heightened perception, and psychic abilities. If
blocked, we may feel disconnected from our intuition, lack clarity, or struggle with decision-

When in balance:
If your third-eye chakra is open, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture in situations and will
make decisions without the egos’ influence. You’ll be able to hear and follow guidance and
affirmation from the universe through your intuition and have a strong imagination.

When unbalanced:
If your third-eye chakra is blocked, you’ll be overly attached to the external world and unable
to connect to your inner wisdom. An Ajna chakra blockage can manifest physically as
headaches and vision problems. It’s also possible for the third chakra to be overactive. If this
happens, you’ll likely be cynical about beliefs different from yours and have trouble
accepting reality.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

 Location: Top of the head

 Responsible for: Spiritual connection
 Color: Purple
 Element: Cosmic energy
The Crown Chakra connects us to the divine, universal consciousness, and higher states of
awareness. When balanced, we experience spiritual enlightenment, unity, and a sense of
oneness with all living beings. If blocked, we may feel disconnected from our spiritual selves,
lack purpose, or struggle with existential questions.

When in balance:
People with a balanced crown chakra have a strong spiritual connection to their higher selves.
They have fully detached from their ego and external circumstances, and they experience
bliss and divine consciousness.

When unbalanced:
A person with a blockage in the seventh chakra will seek happiness in the external world
rather than within. They may also be narrow-minded, stubborn, and even dismiss the
existence of spirituality. It is also possible for the crown chakra to become overactive. In this
case, a person will lose touch with reality and struggle to function in the physical world.
Colors and associated elements
Each chakra is associated with a specific color and element, which can be used in various
healing modalities, such as color therapy, visualization, or crystal healing, to help balance
and align the energy centers.

Chakras Beyond the Seven

Although the seven main chakras are the most well-known, there are believed to be many
more minor chakras throughout the body. Some say 8, or 12 chakras, and some traditions
mention as many as 114, with 72,000 nadis (energy channels) connecting them.

How and why chakras get blocked

Common causes of blocked chakras

Blocked chakras can be caused by various factors, including stress, trauma, negative
emotions, unhealthy habits, or even environmental factors. Identifying the root cause of the
blockage is the first step in restoring balance to our energy centers.

Identifying blocked chakras

Physical, emotional, or mental imbalances can provide clues to which chakra may be
blocked. For example, frequent throat infections or difficulty expressing oneself may indicate
a blocked Throat Chakra, while feelings of insecurity or anxiety could signal an imbalance in
the Root Chakra.
The impact of blocked chakras on
physical, mental, and emotional health
Blocked chakras can manifest in various physical, mental, and emotional issues. By
addressing the root cause of the blockage and working to realign the chakras, we can restore
balance and promote overall well-being.

How to unblock and realign

Meditation techniques

Meditation is a powerful tool for unblocking and realigning chakras. Focus on each chakra,
visualizing its color and energy, and use affirmations or mantras to help release blockages
and restore balance.
Breathing exercises (Pranayama)

Pranayama, or controlled breathing, can help cleanse and balance the chakras by promoting
the flow of vital energy (prana) throughout the body.

Yoga postures and sequences

Yoga poses and sequences designed to target specific chakras can help release energy
blockages and stimulate the flow of energy. Practicing yoga regularly can contribute to
overall chakra balance and well-being.

Sound healing and mantras

Using sound healing techniques or frequencies, such as chanting mantras or using singing
bowls, can help balance and unblock chakras by aligning the vibrations of the energy centers
with the healing frequencies of sound.
Crystal healing

Crystals are known for their unique energetic properties, which can help balance and align
chakras. Placing specific crystals on or near the corresponding chakra during meditation or
energy healing sessions can help amplify the healing process.

Aromatherapy and essential oils

Essential oils have unique energetic properties that can help support chakra balancing.
Diffusing or applying specific oils associated with each chakra can enhance meditation, yoga,
or energy healing practices.

Energy healing techniques (Reiki, Qigong,

Energy healing modalities, such as Reiki or Qigong, can help restore balance to the chakras
by channeling healing energy and removing blockages from the energy centers.

Affirmations for Chakra Healing

Affirmations are powerful tools that can help reinforce balance and release blockages within
our chakras. By repeating positive statements related to each chakra, we can cultivate a
supportive mindset and encourage the flow of energy. Practice these affirmations daily, either
upon waking or during meditation, to enhance their effectiveness. Feel free to create your
own personalized affirmations to address your unique needs and intentions for each energy
Visualization Techniques for Chakra
Visualization is a potent technique for unblocking chakras and promoting harmony within our
energy centers. To practice visualization, find a quiet space to relax and picture each chakra
as a spinning wheel of energy, glowing with its associated color. Imagine the energy flowing
freely through each chakra, releasing any blockages or tension. Regular visualization
exercises can help strengthen our connection to our energy centers and support overall well-

Chakra Balancing Massage

A chakra balancing massage is a specialized therapy that focuses on stimulating energy flow,
releasing tension, and unblocking chakras. By applying gentle pressure to specific chakra
points and incorporating energy healing techniques, a skilled therapist can help restore
balance to your energy centers. When seeking a chakra balancing massage, ensure that you
find a qualified practitioner who understands the intricacies of the chakra system.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for

Chakra Healing
EFT, also known as “tapping,” is an innovative technique that combines acupressure with
focused intention to release energy blockages and promote emotional healing. By tapping on
specific points on the body while concentrating on the blocked chakra and related emotions
or thoughts, you can help clear stagnant energy and restore balance. EFT is a versatile
practice that can be adapted for each chakra and tailored to your unique emotional landscape.
Chakra-Specific Exercises
Engaging in physical activities that target specific chakras can be a fun and effective way to
stimulate energy flow and release blockages. Practices like dance, tai chi, or even specific
workout routines can be tailored to address the needs of each chakra. By incorporating
movement into your chakra healingpractice, you can support the flow of energy through your
body and enjoy the added benefits of physical exercise for overall well-being.

Modern science and chakras

Scientific studies on chakras

While there is limited scientific evidence to support the existence of chakras, many
researchers have explored the potential connections between chakras and aspects of modern
psychology, neuroscience, and the placebo effect.

The connection between chakras and the

nervous system
Some theories suggest that the chakras may correspond to specific nerve plexuses or
endocrine glands in the body, providing a possible link between the energetic and
physiological aspects of our being.
Chakras and psychology
Many chakra concepts, such as personal power or self-expression, are closely related to
modern psychological theories. Working with chakras can provide an additional dimension to
understanding and healing emotional and mental challenges.

Chakras and the placebo effect

The placebo effect demonstrates the power of our beliefs and expectations in influencing our
healing process. Engaging with chakra practices may help tap into this power, promoting
overall well-being and balance.

Chakras in daily life

Integrating chakra work into your routine
Incorporating chakra practices into your daily life can help maintain balance and harmony.
Regular meditation, yoga, or energy healing sessions, along with mindful attention to your
thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, can contribute to ongoing chakra health.

Tips for maintaining chakra balance

Stay open to self-reflection, practice gratitude, and nurture a positive mindset to support
chakra balance. Embrace a holistic approach to well-being by addressing physical, emotional,
and mental aspects of your life.

The role of food and nutrition in chakra

A balanced, nutritious diet can support chakra health by providing the body with the energy
and nutrients it needs to maintain optimal function. Eating a variety of colorful fruits and
vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can help nourish your body and your energy

Chakras and relationships

Understanding chakras can help improve our relationships by providing insights into our
emotional and energetic patterns. Fostering healthy communication and empathy, as well as
working on our personal growth, can contribute to more harmonious connections with others.

What do the 7 chakras mean?
The 7 chakras are spinning energy centers within our bodies that connect our physical,
mental, and emotional selves. Each chakra corresponds to a specific location, color, and
aspect of our lives, from our basic needs and self-esteem to communication and spiritual
enlightenment. Balancing these chakras promotes harmony, well-being, and personal growth.

How do you know if your chakras are

Chakra blockages can manifest as physical, emotional, or mental imbalances. For instance,
you might experience anxiety, low self-esteem, difficulty expressing yourself, or
disconnection from your intuition. By paying attention to these signs and engaging in chakra-
balancing practices, you can restore harmony and balance in your energy centers.

What religion believes in chakras?

The concept of chakras originated in ancient India and features in spiritual and philosophical
traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Tantra. However, chakra teachings have since
been adapted and integrated into various cultures and holistic practices worldwide,
transcending religious boundaries and appealing to people from diverse spiritual

What are chakras and how do they work?

Chakras are energy centers in our bodies that regulate the flow of vital energy (prana) and
influence our overall well-being. These spinning wheels of energy help connect our physical,
emotional, and mental aspects, ensuring harmony and balance. When chakras are aligned and
functioning properly, we experience optimal health, happiness, and a strong sense of inner

Final Thoughts
Embracing a holistic approach to
Working with chakras is a journey of self-discovery and growth. By embracing a holistic
approach to well-being and nurturing balance in our energy centers, we can cultivate a deeper
connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Remember that the journey to
chakra balance is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to be patient, compassionate, and
open to change.

The ongoing journey of chakra exploration

and personal growth
As you delve deeper into the world of chakras, you may discover new aspects of yourself and
unlock hidden potential. Be open to learning, exploring, and evolving as you continue your
journey towards greater self-awareness, balance, and well-being.

And there you have it – a comprehensive guide to understanding and working with your
chakras. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just beginning your spiritual journey, remember
that knowledge, practice, and self-compassion are the keys to unlocking the transformative
power of these incredible energy centers. Namaste!
About Gemma Clarke
Gemma Clarke is a certified and experienced yoga & meditation instructor. She has been
practicing meditation since 2014 and teaching since 2018. Gemma specializes in yoga and
mindfulness for emotional wellbeing, and she has taught in Thailand, Cambodia, and the UK.
Gemma is passionate about sharing her expertise and experience with meditation to inspire
others to live more mindfully, becoming happier, healthier, and calmer. Follow
me: Instagram | LinkedIn

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