9º Ano - Inglês - 3bim
9º Ano - Inglês - 3bim
9º Ano - Inglês - 3bim
(a) Anna's favorite book this year is
Listen and check the correct
"Pride and Prejudice."
(b) Anna read ten books this year. alternative. What does the audio
(c) Anna is reading a mystery novel say about the movie Atlantis: The
called "The Silent Patient." Lost Empire?
(d) Anna has watched five series
last year. (a) It was released in 2005.
(b) It is a documentary about real
QUESTÃO 7 historical events.
In the dialogue between Lauren and (c) It is an animated film produced
Nick, what does the word by Disney.
"monster" most likely refer to? (d) It has appeared in several
Lauren: Hi, Lauren speaking.
Nick: Yeah, hi – it’s Nick.
Lauren: Hi, Nick. I’m so glad you called
me back! I want … Oh no, hang on – Oh
man! It’s my little brother … hang on …
David, come here!
Nick: Sounds like you have your hands
Listen to the conversation between Lauren and Jonathan. Mark the correct
alternative that indicates what Jonathan finds difficult about his new city.