9º Ano - Inglês - 3bim

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NOME: __________________________________________________

DATA:_____/_____/2024 SÉRIE: 9º ANO TURMA: ________


QUESTÃO 1 summary, all my hobbies depend on an

Read about Zeus. Then check the Internet connection. Modern times!

correct answer. Greg, 15 years old

Zeus: The King of Gods Fonte: Pearson Lower Secondary Academy.

Zeus was the king of the gods and the
god of the sky, weather, law and order, Which of the following statements
and destiny. is an opinion?
The titans Kronos e Rheia were Zeus’
parents. His grandfather was Uranus (the (a) Greg prefers e-books because
Sky) and his grandmother was Gaia (the they are quicker and cheaper
Earth). His brothers were the gods to get.
Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and (b) Greg never downloads songs
Hestia. Zeus married his sister Hera, and because they will use part of
they had three children – Ares, Hebe, and his cell phone storage.
Eileithyia. (c) Greg loves social medias.
Fonte: New I Learn English, Level 2, p. 139.
(d) All of Greg's hobbies depend
on an Internet connection.
Who were Zeus' parents?
(a) Poseidon and Hera. QUESTÃO 3
(b) Kronos and Rheia. Look at the title and the image.
(c) Uranus and Gaia. What is the main topic of the
(d) Hephaestus and Aphrodite.
Staying Connected:
Read the text and answer the
question. Communicating from Abroad Has
Never Been Easier
I like reading, but I don’t read very often.
In my free time, I listen to music or surf Article and photo by Shanie Matthews
on the Internet. I love online games.
When I read a book, I prefer e-books.
They are quicker and cheaper to get.
They’re usually more interactive, too. I
like sci-fi and fantasy books. I like
listening to music online, too. I use a
streaming app to get my favorite songs,
but I listen to them online. I never
download them because they will use
part of my cell phone storage. In


for the host countries, too. They have a
chance to show their culture both to the
people who come there and to the
people who watch on TV. The sports
It was 1990. I was 17 years old, 5,000 miles may differ from the original Olympics,
away from home and desperately wishing I
but the spirit is the same.
could easily communicate with my friends Fonte: Pearson Lower Secondary Academy
and family. But there were only two
options: novel-length letters or POTS (Plain (a) 776 BCE
Old Telephone Service). Now, in the 21st (b) 1896
(c) 1994
century, keeping in contact when you are
(d) Every four years
abroad has become a breeze. […]

(a) The difficulties of QUESTÃO 5

communicating from abroad. After reading the text, mark the
(b) The importance of using alternative that best represents the
gadgets while traveling.
main idea of the text.
(c) How to use a laptop for
A day in the life of a trainee
(d) The ease of communicating
from abroad today. It can take up to two years to train to be
an astronaut. After training, some
astronauts wait for ten years before
Read the text and answer the they make their first trip into space. So,
question. When did the first what's life like as a trainee astronaut?
modern Olympic Games take place? Well, we asked one!
'We all learn how to use and take care of
the complex equipment we use, so we
During the Olympic Games, people from
have many classes. These happen in a
all over the world gather to take part in classroom, in machines that are a bit like
different sporting events. The original real spaceships, and in the swimming
Olympics were held in Greece around pool. The swimming pool is very similar
776 BCE. They occurred every four to being in space because you weigh
much less in water!'
years. Young men ran races of different
'We also have to have language classes.
lengths. Those who won got wreaths of
My first language is Japanese, but I have
olive branches. The first modern to learn English and Russian too, so I can
Olympic Games were in 1896 in Greece. talk to the ground crew. I have to be very
In 1994 The International Olympic fit so I exercise for about three hours a
Committee decided to organize winter day. Many of my colleagues go running
and summer Olympic Games together, but I prefer cycling on my
separately. Now the games occur every
'There are training centers in Germany,
two years. People from more than 200
Russia, Japan and the USA and we spend
countries come together to compete in time at all of them. I hope one day I can
either winter or summer sports. Today make it into space.'
winners get bronze, silver or gold Fonte: Pearson Lower Secondary Academy

medals. The Olympic Games are good


Lauren: I do, um … hang on ... David …
go and say sorry … that’s not nice! You’re
bigger than him! … Nick?
(a) To describe the challenges of Nick: I’m still here. Do you still want to
learning new languages. meet for lunch?
(b) To explain the daily routine of a Lauren: I do. I want to talk to you about
trainee astronaut. – David, I’ll take you home if you’re not
(c) To discuss the history of space good! … Nick? Hang on one more minute
… David, go and sit on that swing. I’ll deal
(d) To promote different training
with you in a sec … Nick – I’d better deal
centers around the world.
with this. See you at Amigos at 1:30?

QUESTÃO 6 Nick: OK, See you then. Good luck with

the little monster!
After reading the text, mark the
Lauren: Bye!
correct alternative about Anna's
reading habits. Fonte: Pearson Lower Secondary Academy
Anna loves reading books. Last year,
she read ten novels. Her favorite book
(a) A very large animal.
was "Pride and Prejudice." This year,
(b) A toy for children.
she has already read five books. She is
(c) Lauren’s brother, David.
currently reading a mystery novel
(d) A type of food.
called "The Silent Patient."

(a) Anna's favorite book this year is
Listen and check the correct
"Pride and Prejudice."
(b) Anna read ten books this year. alternative. What does the audio
(c) Anna is reading a mystery novel say about the movie Atlantis: The
called "The Silent Patient." Lost Empire?
(d) Anna has watched five series
last year. (a) It was released in 2005.
(b) It is a documentary about real
QUESTÃO 7 historical events.
In the dialogue between Lauren and (c) It is an animated film produced
Nick, what does the word by Disney.
"monster" most likely refer to? (d) It has appeared in several
Lauren: Hi, Lauren speaking.
Nick: Yeah, hi – it’s Nick.
Lauren: Hi, Nick. I’m so glad you called
me back! I want … Oh no, hang on – Oh
man! It’s my little brother … hang on …
David, come here!
Nick: Sounds like you have your hands


Listen to the conversation between Paulo, Ana, and Julia. Then, answer the
question. What is the group considering for their travel plans?

(a) Spending only one day on their trip.

(b) Traveling to Dallas during Carnival.
(c) Attending a concert in their hometown.
(d) Traveling to Carnival in Bahia.

Listen to the conversation between Lauren and Jonathan. Mark the correct
alternative that indicates what Jonathan finds difficult about his new city.

(a) Finding a good place to eat.

(b) Making friends.
(c) Understanding the local language.
(d) Getting to school on a crowded bus.


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