Biol 2022 0089
Biol 2022 0089
Biol 2022 0089
Research Article
Open Access. © 2022 Wei Zhou et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
992 Wei Zhou et al.
and institutional policies for the care and use of animals. microscope with a camera system (XSP-C204, CIC). To
The Animal Experimental Committee of Southern Medical quantify the protein expressions in the specimens, the
University approved all experimental protocols. The study integrated optical density (IOD) in the area of interest in
protocol followed all recommendations of the National the pictures was quantified by an analyzing system
Institutes of Health Guide for the care and use of labora- (Image-Pro@ Plus Version 6.0; Media Cybernetics, Inc.,
tory animals [24]. Bethesda). The final IOD value was calculated by aver-
aging the total scores of four fields for each section.
Figure 1: (A) Body weight changes in 6-week-old male C57BL/6 mice fed either with LFD or HFD during the experiment. The measurements
were carried out every 2 weeks before 30 weeks and 10 days after ligation (n = 8 per group), values are presented as mean ± SD; ns, no
significance; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01. (B) The CEJ–ABC distance of periodontitis group (P group) with significantly increased VBL compared
with that of the control group (C group) (n = 6 per group). (C–F) Representative methylene blue staining of alveolar bone in LFC (C), LFP (D),
HFC (E), and HFP (F) groups. Green lines denote ABC level, red lines: CEJ junction level, and yellow lines indicate the distance from CEJ to
ABC. Values are presented as mean ± SD**; ns, no significance; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; black scale bars: 150 μm.
Aberrant pulmonary immune response of obese mice to periodontal infection 995
VBL was not affected by diet regardless of sham-ligation mild inflammatory cell infiltration. The morphometrical
or ligation. analysis of the lung tissue of HF mice shows alveolar
septal thickening and bronchial secretions, which are sub-
stantially greater than that of LF mice. In the HF group,
mixed infiltrate containing numerous alveolar macro-
3.2 Recruitment of inflammatory cells phages and neutrophils around the peribronchiolar region
in lung tissues with obesity or and alveolar spaces are observed (Figure 2A(c) and A(d).
periodontitis Lung inflammation was further defined by increased infil-
tration of inflammatory cells, which was examined by
Representative H&E-stained lung sections are shown macrophage maker F4/80 antibody staining (Figure 2B).
in Figure 2A to illustrate the differences in pulmonary The majority of infiltrated macrophages was found in peri-
inflammation among the four groups. LFC mice-featured bronchiolar regions and alveolar spaces in the HFC and
normal lung architecture (Figure 2A(a)) and the histological HFP groups (Figure 2B(c) and B(d)). In comparison, the
features in LFP mice were similar to LFC (Figure 2A(b)), pri- expression of F4/80 macrophages was weaker in the LFC
marily characterized by normal histological features and group, which scattered slightly in peri-bronchiolar regions
Figure 2: Effects of DIO and periodontitis on lung histopathological changes. (A) Mice lung tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and
eosin (H&E) for inflammatory cells in four different groups. (B) The lung tissue sections stained by F4/80 antibody for macrophage
infiltration in four different groups. (C) Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining fields and (D) the mRNA relative expressions of MCP1
(magnification ×200). Groups: LFC (a), LFP (b), HFC (c), or HFP (d). ns, no significance; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 (n = 8 per group). Black scale
bars: 100 μm.
996 Wei Zhou et al.
and alveolar spaces in the LFP group (Figure 2B(a) and significantly impacted mRNA level of MCP1 (F = 12.78,
B(b)). Diet significantly affected F4/80 protein of mice (F = p ≤ 0.01). MCP1 level was doubled in the HFC group
14.975, p ≤ 0.01). The HFC group showed an elevated pro- than in the LFC group (HFC vs LFC, p ≤ 0.01). However,
tein level of F4/80 compared with that of the LFC group mRNA level of MCP1 was less affected by periodontitis
(HFC vs LFC, p ≤ 0.01); however, there was no significant (HFP vs LFP, p > 0.05). The LFP group showed upregu-
difference between HFP and LFP (p > 0.05) or between lated MCP1 mRNA levels without significance compared
HF and LF groups (HFP vs HFC, p > 0.05; LFP vs LFC, to that of the LFC group (Figure 2D).
p > 0.05).
The protein levels of MCP1 in these groups also
showed similar variation behavior as described above. 3.3 Effect of periodontitis on the expression
Typically, the diet had a significant effect on MCP1 pro- of inflammatory cytokines in lung tissue
tein (F = 13.433, p ≤ 0.01), as manifested by the increased
MCP1 level in the HFC group compared to that of the As indicated in Figure 3, immunohistochemistry staining
LFC group (HFC vs LFC, p ≤ 0.01). The HFP group also showed that the positive staining areas of TNF-α, IL-1β,
showed upregulated protein levels compared to that of and IL-6 proteins were not obvious in LFC; instead, they
the LFP group, without detectable significance (HFP vs became more scattered near peri-bronchiolar regions and
LFP, p > 0.05). RT-PCR results showed that diet also alveolar spaces in other groups. The immunohistochemistry
Figure 3: Illustrations of lung inflammation cytokine immunostaining. Columns show the immunohistochemistry staining fields of TNF-α,
IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10 (magnification ×200). Rows show LFC, LFP, HFC, and HFP groups. Black scale bars: 100 μm.
Aberrant pulmonary immune response of obese mice to periodontal infection 997
results showed that diet had a significant effect on TNF-α without significance between the HFP and LFP groups
protein (F = 8.41, p ≤ 0.01), there was an interaction (HFP vs LFP, p > 0.05).
between the two influencing factors (diet and ligation) Regardless of sham-ligation or ligation, the HF group
that changed TNF-α (F = 5.042, p ≤ 0.05). Specifically, exhibited elevated expression of IL-1β proteins compared
the LFP group showed increased protein levels of to that of the LF group (p ≤ 0.01). The relative mRNA
TNF-α (LFP vs LFC, p ≤ 0.05). However, the expression expression of IL-1β was also significantly higher in the
decreased without significance in the HF diet groups lung tissues in the context of obesity (HFC vs LFC, HFP vs
(HFP vs HFC, p > 0.05). The expression of TNF-α in the LFP, p ≤ 0.05).
HFC group was higher than that in the LFC group (HFC The immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR results
vs LFC, p ≤ 0.05), but no significant difference was found showed that diet had a significant effect on IL-6 response
in the P groups (HFP vs LFP, p > 0.05). A similar varia- level (p ≤ 0.05), while the significance was absent in
tion tendency was also found in mRNA levels of TNF-α. ligation cases (p > 0.05). The HFC group showed increased
The highest expression was found in the HFC group, protein level of IL-6 (HFC vs LFC, p < 0.05), and the mRNA
which was nearly three times higher than that of the response was significantly elevated by nearly one-fold in the
LFC group (HFC vs LFC, p ≤ 0.05), showing upregulated context of diet (p < 0.05). However, the HFP group displayed
protein levels when compared with that of the HFP upregulated IL-6 response without significance com-
group (HFC vs HFP, p > 0.05). The expression of TNF-α pared to that of the LFP group (HFP vs LFP, p > 0.05).
in the LFP group was higher than that in the LFC group The expression of IL-10 proteins was found near
(LFP vs LFC, p ≤ 0.05), but the expression was increased alveolar spaces and peri-bronchiolar regions. The results
Figure 4: The mRNA relative expressions of TNF-α (A), IL-1β (B), IL-6 (C), and IL-10 (D) in lung tissues of mice. Real-time RT-PCR was performed
to calculate the target gene expression in the test sample = 2−ΔΔCT. The mRNA level of each group was normalized to the level of LFC and
presented as a fold increase. ns, no significance; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 (n = 8 per group).
998 Wei Zhou et al.
indicate that IL-10 levels were unaffected by either diet or the lung of DIO mice; however, IL-10 level was unaffected
ligation. The differences of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 pro- by either periodontitis or obesity, which implicates the
tein, and gene expressions among different groups are imbalance of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine pro-
shown in Figures 3 and 4. tein status of the lung lesion in obese mice coupled with
periodontitis. We also observed that periodontitis induced
by ligation with P. gingivalis can dramatically upregulate
the TNF-α level in lung tissue under LF diet. However, DIO
4 Discussion mice with periodontitis showed sluggish inflammatory
response with reduced expression of TNF-α level com-
In this study, we aimed to explore the potential effect of pared with that of DIO mice. Furthermore, TNF-α and
periodontitis on the occurrence and development of lung IL-6 were more likely to be downregulated in DIO mice
inflammation status in mice with DIO. A combined diet- with periodontitis when compared with their obesity-
periodontal ligation model was established. The weight only counterparts. Similar behavior was identified in
of mice induced by an HF diet for 15–16 weeks, which DIO mice with altered immune responses when infected
exceeded 10 g or 20–25% higher than that of control with P. gingivalis. Specifically, the animals with DIO for
mice, was generally taken as obesity standard for rodents 16 weeks and subjected to oral infection or systemic
[26]. The C57BL/6J mouse strain, seemingly susceptible to inoculation of live P. gingivalis showed a blunted inf-
the development of metabolic syndrome, must consume lammatory response with reduced expression of serum
an HF diet and remain obese for a long duration before TNF-α and IL-6 compared with that of lean mice [34].
the pulmonary phenotype characteristics of obese mice Some reports evidenced that periodontal infection in the
are observed [27]. In this regard, we combined mouse context of obesity dramatically affected the regional and
models of DIO and ligation-induced periodontitis by systemic immune systems. Interestingly, Zuomin Wang
feeding a 60% kcal HF diet for 30 weeks plus 10 days [14] reported that, relative to that of the control group,
and observed that HF group had 50% body weight gain the mRNA expression level of cytokines TNF-α in the
compared with that of LF group. It is also acknowledged lung tissue of the ligature plus P. gingivalis-induced per-
that obesity reflects a state of low-grade systemic inflam- iodontitis groups increased significantly at 8 weeks but
mation and immune dysfunction, with inflammatory acti- otherwise not obviously at 2 weeks. Our result showed
vation at sites distant to the adipose tissue. Previous that periodontitis induced by ligation with P. gingivalis
studies demonstrated that obese mouse models exhib- could upregulate TNF-α levels in lung tissue under an LF
ited sterile lung injury and inflammation, such as innate diet at 10 days. The different findings can be attributed
airway hyper-responsiveness and macrophage recruit- to the different settings of the control group. Specifi-
ment [28,29]. Similarly, we found that obese mice induced cally, our study used an LF diet as control, upon which
by HF were characterized by alveolar septum thickening the mice gained weight of 12 g compared to that of the
and bronchial secretions, which were more evident than initial stage. In other words, mice under an LF diet for
LF mice, as well as elevated macrophage marker F4/80 30 weeks plus 10 days were also obese compared to their
protein and MCP1 levels in lung tissue. These findings initial states. It was quite different from the control group
suggest that recruitment of alveolar macrophages to lung used in Zuomin Wang’s study, in which the mice were fed
focus was enhanced in the context of obesity, but the a normal diet for 2 weeks. This finding implies that obese
regulation caused by periodontitis was not significant. treatment for a long duration may exacerbate lung
Compared with high diet mice with no periodontitis, DIO changes when subjected to periodontitis.
mice with periodontitis tended to downregulate alveolar To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report to
macrophage recruitment. Several studies demonstrated demonstrate that periodontitis affects the lung inflam-
that obese mice had an ameliorative or augmentative effect mation state of DIO animal models. Despite the encoura-
on lung injury and inflammation after Escherichia coli LPS ging findings, the limitations are also included based on
[30], hyperoxia [31], ozone [20], or particulate exposures experimental results. First, ligation for 10 days see-
[21]. The inconsistent results are due in large part to the mingly induces a subacute form of periodontal destruc-
type and degree of initiating injury and the timing of injury tion in mice, thus distinguishing it from the chronic lesion
and examination [32]. TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10 are of periodontitis in the human body. However, the early-
early-response mediators, which are largely secreted by stage symptoms or acute status of periodontal diseases
innate immune cells, including macrophages [33]. In this may also occur. Obesity triggered by an HF diet would
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