004 Extrusion 2019son04
004 Extrusion 2019son04
004 Extrusion 2019son04
Subjects of interest
• Introduction/objectives
• Classification of extrusion processes
• Extrusion equipment (Presses, dies and tools)
• Hot extrusion
• Deformation, lubrication, and defects in extrusion
• Analysis of the extrusion process
• Cold extrusion and cold-forming
• Hydrostatic extrusion
• Extrusion of tubing
• Production of seamless pipe and tubing
• This chapter aims to provide useful information on different
extrusions processes, which can be mainly divided into direct and
indirect extrusion processes. This also includes basic background on
hydrostatic extrusion, extrusions of tubing and production of seamless
pipe and tubing.
• Principal background and concept of extrusion will be addressed
along with the utilisation of mathematical approaches to understand
the calculation of extrusion load.
• The role of lubricants on the deformation process which results in
the improvement in extrusion products will be provided.
• Finally, defects and its solutions occurring in the extrusion process
will be emphasised.
What is extrusion?
Extrusion is the process by which a block/billet of metal is reduced in
cross section by forcing it to flow through a die orifice (ağız) under high
• In general, extrusion is used to
produce cylindrical bars or hollow
tubes or for the starting stock for
drawn rod, cold extrusion or forged
• Most metals are hot extruded due to
large amount of forces required in
extrusion. Complex shape can be
extruded from the more readily
extrudable metals such as aluminium.
* The products obtained are also called extrusion.
• The reaction of the extrusion billet
with the container and die results in
high compressive stresses which are
effective in reducing cracking of
materials during primary breakdown
from the ingot.
• This helps to increase the utilisation of extrusion in the working of
metals that are difficult to form like stainless steels, nickel-based
alloys, and other high-temperature materials.
• Similar to forging, lower ram force and a fine grained recrystallised
structure are possible in hot extrusion.
• However, better surface finish and higher strengths (strain hardened
metals) are provided by cold extrusion.
➢Tanım: silindirik bir metal blokun (takoz), bir kovan (alıcı) içine
yerleştirilerek ıstampa vasıtasıyla uygulanan basma kuvveti etkisiyle,
matris deliğinden geçirilmesine ekstrüzyon denir.
➢Ekstrüzyon ile çubuk, boru, şerit gibi uzun
ürünler elde edilir.
➢Alıcıya beslenen malzeme (takoz) döküm
veya hadde ürünü olabilir.
➢Çoğu metal ekstrüzyonda yüksek kuvvet
Genel anoloji dış macunun
gereksiniminden dolayı sıcak ekstrüde edilir
sıkılmasına benzetilmektedir.
Extrusion was originally applied to the making of lead pipe and later to
the lead sheathing on electrical cable. ✓Eşeksenli takozlar
kullanarak ekstrüzyon
ile metal kaplama
yapılabilir (bakır üstüne
gümüş). Bu işlemin
yapılabilmesi için her
iki metalin birbirine
yakın olması gerekir.
Ekstrüzyon elektrik
koblolarına kurşun
giydirme içinde
Extrusion of lead sheath on electrical cable.
Extrusion products
Typical parts produced by extrusion are trim (süsleme, döşeme) parts
used in automotive and construction applications, window frame
members, railings, aircraft structural parts.
Aluminium extrusions
Extrusion Process
> Extrusion A plastic deformation process in which metal is
forced under pressure to flow through a single, or a series of
dies until the desired shape is produced.
The range of extruded items is very wide:
> rods from 3mm to 250 mikrometre in diameter
> pipes of 20mm to 400 mikrometre in diameter and wall
thickness of 1 mm and above
> more complicated shapes which can not be obtained by
other mechanical methods.
Tooling and Materials
> The tooling cost and setup is expensive for the extrusion process, but the
actual manufactured part cost is inexpensive when produced in significant
> Materials that can be extruded are aluminium, copper, steel, magnesium, and
> Aluminium, copper and plastics are most suitable for extrusion.
> Solid and hollow sections from poorly plastic, non-ferrous
metals and their alloys,
> With new generation of lubricants, steel can be extruded, too
> Manufacture of sections and pipes of complex shapes.
> Medium and small batch production is possible.
> Manufacture of parts of high dimensional accuracy.
Typical Products
➢Oksidasyon oluşmuyor.
Soğuk deformasyon
ile mukavemet
artışı, sıcak
deformasyon ile
elde edilen ince
taneli yapıdaki
mukavet artışından
daha büyüktür.
Cold extrusion and cold forming
Cold extrusion is concerned with the cold forming from rod and bar
stock of small machine parts, such as spark plug bodies, shafts, pins
and hollow cylinders or cans.
Cold forming also includes other processes such as upsetting,
expanding and coining.
Precision cold-forming can result in high production of parts with
good dimensional control and good surface finish.
Ugine-Sejournet process
Ugine-Sejournet process
1) Direct Extrusion
• The metal billet is placed in a
container and driven through the die by
the ram.
• The dummy block or pressure plate, is
placed at the end of the ram in contact
with the billet.
• Friction is at the die and container wall
→ requires higher pressure than
indirect extrusion.
> In this extrusion process, the heated billet is placed in the Container.
> A ram towards the die pushes it. The metal is subjected to plastic
deformation, slides along the walls of the container and is forced to flow
through the die opening.
> At the end of the extruding operation, a small piece of metal, called butt-
end scrap, remains in the container and cannot be extruded.
Extrusion is the process by which a block of metal is reduced in cross section by
forcing it to flow through a die orifice under high pressure.
>In indirect extrusion, the die is mounted on the end of a hollow ram and enters
the container, the outer end of container being closed by a closure plate.
>As the ram travels, the die applies pressure on the billet and the deformed
metal flows through the die opening in the direction opposite to the ram
motions and the product is extruded through the hollow ram.
> In indirect extrusion, no slip of billet with respect to the ram.
Container walls.
1.2. Indirect (Reverse) Extrusion
Endirek Ekstrüzyonda;
Uygulanan kuvvet direk ekstrüzyona göre %25-30 daha düşüktür. Direk ekstrüzyonda
takoz alıcıya göre hareket ettiği için ikisi arasında bir sürtünme vardır. Endirekt
ekstrüzyonda ise takoz/alıcı arayüzeyinde malzeme hareketi yoktur dolayısıyla
sürtünme yoktur.
➢Direk ekstrüzyonda takozun alıcıya tamamen doldurulması için
ıstampa tarafından sıkıştırılması basıncı hızla artırıyor. Basınç
maksimum değeri alınca malzeme akmaya başlıyor.
➢Direk ekstrüzyon sırasında takozun boyu azaldıkça sürtünme
kuvvetinin azalmasıyla basınç düşüyor.
➢Endirek ekstrüzyonda ise malzemenin matriste (kalıp boşluğu)
akmasını sağlayacak değere ulaştıktan sonra sabit kalıyor.
➢Ekstrüzyon süresince takoz boyu küçüldükçe direk ekstrüzyon
basıncı endirek ekstrüzyon basıncına yaklaşıyor.
➢Takozdaki arta kalan kısım matrise sokulmaya çalışıldığı için
tüm ekstrüzyon tiplerinde tekrar basınç artıyor.
➢Endirek ekstrüzyonda içi boş ıstampa kullanıldığı için
ekstrüzyonun boyutu ve ekstrüzyon basıncı sınırlıdır.
Direkt ekstrüzyonda
işlem, takoz ve basma
plakasının kovana
yüklenmesi ile başlar.
Presleme işlemi sona
erdikten sonra,
takozun preslenmeyen
uç kısmı basma
plakası ile birlikte
kovandan çıkarılır. Son
olarak takozun uç
kısmı kesilir.
Endirekt ekstrüzyonda, önce
kalıp ve takoz kovana
yüklenir. Presleme işlemi
yapılır. Kalıp ve takozun uç
kısımlarının kovan dışına
itilmesi ve ekstrüzyon
ürününden kesilerek ayrılması
ile işlem tamamlanır.
1.3. Impact Extrusion
Is a form of indirect extrusion and is particularly suitable for hollow
shapes? The process - often - included in the category of cold extrusion.
As seen in the Figure 5 a, the punch descends at a high speed and
strikes the blank, extruding it upward.
The process produces tubular sections having wall thickness that are
small in relation to their diameters. Example of impact extrusion is the
production of collapsible (katlanır, açılır-kapanır) tubes, such as for
toothpaste as seen in Figure 5 b.
✓Küçük nesneler,
yumuşak metaller,
yüksek üretim hızı, iyi
1.4 Hydrostatic Extrusion
In hydrostatic extrusion figure 6, the chamber is filled with a fluid
that transmits the pressure to the billet, which is then extruded
through the die. There is no friction along the container walls. The
high pressure (1400 Mpa) in the chamber transmits some of the fluid
to the die surfaces, thus significantly reducing friction and forces.
Figure 6: Hydrostatic
Hirostatik ekstrüzyonda
prensip, direkt
ekstrüzyonda olduğu
gibidir. En önemli farklılık,
hidrostatik ekstrüzyonda
kovan ile takoz arasında
sürtünme kuvvetlerini
ortadan kaldıran bir sıvı
Hidrostatik Ekstrüzyon
✓Direk ekstrüzyona benzeyen, ekstrüzyon basıncının takozu çevreleyen
bir akışkan vasıtasıyla uygulandığı ve yine bu akışkan sayesinde
takoz/alıcı arayüzeyinde sürtünmenin yok edildiği bir yöntemdir.
Dolayısıyla basınç ile ıstampa yerdeğiştirmesi birbirine paraleldir.
✓Bu yöntem ile titanyum alaşımları, çeşitli refrakter malzemeler,
yüksek dayanımlı çelikler gibi ekstrüzyon yöntemiyle şekillendirilmesi
zor malzemeler işlenebilir çünkü hidrostatik gerilme halinin sünekliği
artırmasıdır. Istampa itildiğinde takozun hızı ıstampanın hızına eşit değil
ancak hidrostatik ortamın hacminin yer değiştirmesiyle orantısaldır.
Hidrostatik Ekstrüzyon
Alıcı/ıstampa arasındaki sürtünmenin yok edildiği
diğer yöntem ise Hidrostatik Ekstrüzyondur.
Istampanın basıncı alıcı içine doldurulmuş akışkan
ile aktarılır. Dolayısıyla bu akışkan alıcı/ıstampa
arasında sürtünmeyi ortadan kaldırır. Akışkan
Hydrostatic extrusion
• The billet in the container is
surrounded with fluid media, is also
called hydrostatics medium.
• The billet is forced through the die
by a high hydrostatic fluid pressure.
•The rate, with which the billet
moves when pressing in the
direction of the die, is thus not equal
to the ram speed, but is proportional
to the displaced hydrostatics
medium volume.
• The billet should may have large
length to-diameter ratio and may
have an irregular cross section.
2)Welded Pipe
Figure 9-30 Hollow products may be extruded with (a) fixed or (b)
piercing mandrels or witfı (c) bridge- or spider-type dies.
[AfterJ.A. Schey, in Techniques of Metals Research, R.F. Bunshah (ed.), vol. 1, pt. 3,
Irıterscience, 1968, p. 1494. With permission.]
Extrusion of hollow sections are performed using one of three
> Fixed Mandrel
> Piercing Mandrel
> Bridge- or spider-type dies
This methods is used with aluminum alloys only where no
lubricant is used.
Bridge and Spider Dies for Hollow Sections
Extrusion tubing with a porthole die
• The metal is forced to
flow into separate streams
and around the central
bridge, which supports a
short mandrel.
büyük kesite
Die design
• Die design is at the heart of efficient extrusion production.
• Dies must withstand considerable amount of stresses,
thermal shock, and oxidation.
Die design Die design
Die design consideration
CAD/CAM • Wall thickness: different wall thicknesses in one
↓ section should be avoided.
Milling • Simple shapes: the more simple shape the more
↓ cost effective.
Wire sparkling erosion • Symetrical: more accurate.
↓ • Sharp or rounded corners: sharp corners should
Finishing be avoided.
↓ • Size to weight ratio:
Inspection • Tolerlances: tolerances are added to allow some
distortions (industrial standards).
Die materials
• Dies are made from highly alloy tools steels Ceramic
or ceramics (zirconia, Si3N4 ). (for cold extrusion dies
extrusion offering longer tool life and
reduced lubricant used, good wear
• Wall thickness as small as 0.5 mm (on flat
dies) or 0.7 mm (on hollow dies) can be made
for aluminium extrusion. steel extrusion dies
• Heat treatments such as nitriding are
required (several times) to increase hardness
(1000-1100 Hv or 65-70 HRC). This improves
die life. Avoiding unscheduled press shutdown
(programlanmamış basın kapatma).
Ekstrüzyon Kalıplarının iki tipi vardır. (There are two general types of extrusion dies)
1-) Düz yüzeyli kalıplar- Flat-faced dies ( a )
2-) Konik girişli kalıplar- Dies with conical entrance angle ( b )
1) Flat-faced (square) dies 2) Dies with conical entrance angle
(concical die)
• Metal entering the die will form a dead • requires good lubricants.
zone and shears internally to form its • decreasing die angle → increasing
own die angle. homogeneity, lower extrusion pressure
• A parallel land on the exit side of the (but beyond a point the friction in the die
die helps strengthen the die and allow for surfaces becomes too great.
o o
reworking of the flat face on the entrance • for most operation, 45 < α < 60
side of the die without increasing the exit Konik girişli kalıplarda optimum kalıp yarım
diameter. açısı () 45-60o arasındadır.
Matris tasarımı ekstrüzyon prosesinin veriminin kalbidir.
Yüksek gerilmelere, termal şoklara, oksidasyona dayanım
Matrisin giriş kenarları yuvarlatılmalıdır. Yuvarlatma
nisbeten zor şekillendirilen metallerin ekstrüzyonunda
yüzey çatlaklarının oluşumunu engeller.
(Al ve alaşımlarının ekstrüzyonu düz yüzeyli matrislerde
Yatak uzunluğu büyük çaplı ve ekstrüzyonu kolay
malzemeler için uzun alınabilir. Ancak Al ve alaşımlarının
matris yüzeyine yapışma eğilimleri nedeniyle kısa alınır.
Matrislerin tasarımı: Kesitler simetrik olmalı, keskin
köşeler ve ani kesit değişimleri bulunmamalı.
General Design Considerations
• The die stack consists of the die, which is supported by a die holder
and a bolster (destek), all of which are held in a die head.
• The entire assembly is sealed (kapatıldı) against the container on a
conical seating (konik oturan) surface by pressure applied by a wedge
(kama, takoz).
• A liner is shrunk in a more massive container to withstand high
• The follower pad is placed between the hot billet and the ram for
protection purpose. Follower pads are therefore replaced periodically
since they are subject to many cycles of thermal shock.
Bolster:destekleyici, KALIP YATAĞI
Remarks; transfer equipment (for hot billets) is required prior heating of the container.
■ Temperature
■ Extrusion Speed
■ Die Design
Ekstrüzyon için gerekli kuvvetlere (veya basınca) etki eden
başlıca faktörler;
a-) Ekstürzyon Türü ( Direkt, Endirekt )
b-) Ekstrüzyon Oranı ( R )
c-) Ekstrüzyon Sıcaklığı ( T )
d-) Ekstrüzyon Hızı (Deformasyn Hızı)
e-) Takozla alıcı/matris arasındaki sürtünme Kuvvetleri
f-) Matris geometrisi
g-) Takoz uzunluğu
h-) Takım sıcaklığı
i-) Alaşımın kimyasal komposizasyonu
a-) Ekstrüzyon Türü ( Direkt , Endirekt ):
Direkt ve endirekt ekstrüzyonda, ekstrüzyon basıncının işlem
sırasındaki değişimi grafikte verilmiştir.Direkt ekstrüzyonda
basınç hızla artarken takozun kovan içine iyice dolması sağlanır.
Maksimum ekstrüzyon
basıncında metal kalıptan
çıkmaya başlar. Takoz
prenslenip kovan içindeki kısmı
azaldıkça ekstrüzyon basıncı
Endirekt tipte takoz, kovan içinde hareketsiz olup takoz – kovan
arasında sürtünme kuvveti olmadığından basınç değişmez ve
direkt ekstrüzyona göre daha azdır.
In the extrusion of (a) solid, (b) semihollow and (c) hollow configurations
process difficulty increases with increasing circumference-to-area ratio.
c-)Ekstrüzyon Sıcakığı ( T )
TP P = Ekstrüzyon kuvveti
Örneğin; çeliklerin sıcak ekstrüzyonunda takozlar 1100–1200oC
tavlanır, takımlar ise 350oC’a kadar ısıtılır.
Düşey çizgilerde
Köşelerde malzeme hareketsizdir ve giriş
açısının (2=)90̊ᴼ olmasına yol açar.
1-) Ekstrüzyon Tipi,
2-) Ekstrüzyon Oranı,
3-) Kalıp Şekli,
4-) Yağlama.
(a) The most homogeneous flow pattern is obtained when there is no friction at the
billet container-die interfaces (Fig. 3 a). This type of flow occurs when the lubricant is
very effective or with indirect extrusion.
(b) When friction along all interfaces is high, a dead-metal zone develops (Fig. 3 b).
Note the high-shear area as the material flows into the die exit, somewhat like a
funnel. This configuration may indicate that the billet surfaces (with their oxide layer
and lubricant) could enter this high-shear zone and be extruded, causing defects in
the extruded product.
(c) The high-shear zone extends farther back (Fig. 3 c). This extension can result from high
container-wall friction, which retards the flow of the billet, or materials in which the flow
stress drops rapidly with increasing temperature. In hot working, the material near the
container walls cools rapidly and hence increases in strength. Thus the material in the central
regions flows toward the die more easily than that at the outer regions. As a result, a large
dead-metal zone forms and the flow is inhomogeneous. This flow pattern leads to a defect
known as a pipe or extrusion defect. a dead metal zone will form in the corners of the
container against the die. We can assume that this is equivalent to a semi die angle α = 60ᴼ.
Thus the two factors that greatly influence metal flow in extrusion are the frictional
conditions at billet-container-die interfaces and thermal gradients in the billet.
Direct and Indirect Extrusion
Where τi = uniform interface shear stress between billet and
container liner
L= length of billet in the container liner
D= inside diameter of the container liner.
Analysis of the Extrusion Process
Using upper-bound (good aggrement on hydrostatic extrusion)
analysis based on a velocity field, Depierre use the following
equation to describe die pressure in hydrostatic extrusion;
Analysis of the Extrusion Process
Using a slab analysis to account for friction on extruding through
a conical die, Sash has performed the analysis for Coulomb
sliding friction,
Where B = μ cot α
α = semi die angle
R = extrusion ratio = Ao/A
=friction coefficient
* This analysis includes die friction but excludes redundant
Analysis of the Extrusion Process
Variation of local strain rate
• Using the technique of visioplasticity to map out the distribution of
strain and strain rate and to calculate the variation of temperature and
flow stress within the extrusion.
• There are local maxima near the exit from the die on the surface,
and along the centre line of the extrusion.
and the time to fill the volume of
the deformation zone is
The time average mean strain rate (HOT EXTRUSION) is given by
For a 45o semicone For the general semi die
angle (flat die), angle α,
Eq.17 Eq.18
Example: An aluminium alloy is hot extruded at 400oC at 50 mm.s-1 from 150 mm diameter
to 50 mm diameter. The flow stress at this temperature is given by = 200 * 0,15 (MPa).
If the billet is 380 mm long and the extrusion is done through square dies without
lubrication, determine the force required for the operation.
The extrusion load is P = peA and from Eq.12 and Eq.13
Since we use square dies without lubrication, see Fig, a dead metal zone will form in
the corners of the container against the die. We can assume that this is equivalent to
a semi die angle α = 60ᴼ. Therefore the extrusion pressure due to flow through the
die is
, μ is assumed ~ 0.1
If large reduction ratio with poor lubrication, dead zone will develop:
Silindirik .
6vd 02 tan
m = d 3 − d 3
= C m
bağıntısından hesaplanmalıdır.
P=(17671,5)(113)[0,8+1,2ln36]=10,2 ton
d0 = 200 mm
Lo = 400 mm
di = 20 mm
ΔL = 5 m
Çubuk boyu
Çubuğun boyunun 5 m daha uzun olması istendiğine göre;
Ls = 40 + 5 = 45 m olur.
45 m uzunluğunda ve 20 mm çapındaki çubuğun hacmi
p1=38,6 p2 = 33,7
p2 = 33,7 < p 1 = 3 8 , 6 olduğundan takozun çapının büyütülmesi
halinde daha düşük basınçla işlem gerçekleştirilebilir.
3. Mechanics of Extrusion
The following different situations will be considered for the calculations
of the ram force in direct extrusion.
3.1. Ideal Deformation
The extrusion ratio R and The absolute value
of the true strain defined as in (1), (2)
Based on the assumption that the frictional stresses is equal to the shear yield stress
k, and that because of the dead zone formed, the material flows along a 45o die angle,
an estimate of p can be given as:
Where L is the length of the billet
remaining in the container.
2. The frictional work increases with decreasing die angle because the length of
contact at the billet-die interface increases, thus requiring more work.
3. The redundant work caused by inhomogeneous deformation increases with die
Because the total ram force is the sum of these three components, there is an
angle where this force is a minimum (Fig. 7). Unless the behavior of each
component as a function of the die angle is known, determination of this
optimum angle is difficult.
3.4. Forces in Hot Extrusion
Because of the strain-rate sensitivity of metals at elevated temperatures, forces in
hot extrusion are difficult to calculate. The average true strain rate is
Where Vo is the ram velocity. Do and Df diameters of billet and final production,
respectively. Note from this equation that for high extrusion ratios (Do >> Df) and for
α = 45°, as may be the case with a square die (thus developing a dead zone) and
poor lubrication, the strain rate reduces to
The effect of ram speed and temperature on extrusion pressure is shown in Fig. 8. As
expected, pressure increases rapidly with ram speed, especially at elevated
temperatures. As extrusion speed increases, the rate of work done per unit time also
Dieter p.524-526
Ram speed, extrusion ratio and temperature
• A tenfold increase in the ram speed results in about a 50% increase in
the extrusion pressure.
• Low extrusion speeds lead to greater cooling of the billet.
• The higher the temperature of the billet, the greater the effect of low
extrusion speed on the cooling of the billet.
• Therefore, high extrusion speeds are required with high-strength
alloys that need high extrusion temperature.
•The selection of the proper extrusion speed and temperature is best
determined by trial and error for each alloy and billet size.
Relationships between extrusion ratio, temperature and pressure
• For a given extrusion pressure, extrusion ratio R increases with
increasing Extrusion temperature.
• For a given extrusion temperature, a larger extrusion ratio R can be
obtained with a higher extrusion pressure.
Extrusion temperature
Extrusion ratio (R)
Extrusion pressure
Dissipation: yayılma
Example: Extrusion of aluminium
Hot aluminum
↓ billet
Press through dies (450-500oC)
↓ Dies are
Length cutting preheated
Stretching both ends Reorientation
↓ of grains
Heat treatment Improve
↓ mechanical Aluminium Aluminium
Finishing and properties extrusion extrusion
inspection process part
Extrusion defects
• If lubricant film is carried into the interior of the extrusion along the
shear bands, this will show as longitudinal laminations in a similar way
as oxide.
• discard the remainder of the billet (~30%), where the surface oxide
begins to enter the die, not economical.
• use a follower block with a smaller diameter of the die to scalps the
billet and the oxidised layer remains in the container (in brass
Ekstrüzyon Kusurları
1)Heterojen Deformasyon:
➢ Takoz/alıcı arasındaki yüksek sürtünme ve takozun dış kısmının hızlı
soğuması yüzey kısmındaki malzemenin akışını güçleştirir ve iç kısma
kıyasla daha yavaş akar.
➢ Direk ekstrüzyonda takozun 2/3’ü ekstrüde edildikten sonra dış kısım
merkeze doğru hareket ederek çubuğun orta kısmını oluşturur. Dış
yüzeyde oksit tabakası varsa oksitler çubuğun orta kesitinde birikirler.
Çözüm1: takozun 1/3 ü kalınca oksitin içeri girmesini engellemek için
ekstrüzyonu durdurmak ancak malzeme kaybı nedeniyle ekonomik
Çözüm2: Ön lavhanın çapı takozdan küçük tutularak oksit tabakası
sıyrılıp alınır.
Çözüm3: Sürtünme ve sıcaklık gradyanları düşürülerek homojen
deformasyon sağlamak.
Not:Yağlayıcıların tabaka şeklinde malzeme içine girmesi de hataya
neden olabilir.
4. Defects In Extrusion
Surface Cracking
Fir-tree cracking or speed cracking.
If the extrusion temperature, friction, punch speed or extrusion
speed is too high, surface temperatures rise significantly and can
lead to surface cracking and tearing. Is usually the result of hot
shortness, this situation can be avoided by using lower
temperatures and speeds.
Stick- slip or bamboo defect
> Surface Cracking:
■ High Temperatures: Crack from along the grain boundaries.
Typically occur in aluminium, magnesium, and zinc alloys
■ Cold Temperatures: Caused by sticking of billet material at the
die land. Known as the “Bamboo Defect” because of its similar
appearance to bamboo
■ Extrusion temperature, friction, extrusion speed is too high.
Surface cracking, ranging from a badly roughened surface to
repetitive transverse cracking called fir-tree cracking, see Fig.
This is due to longitudinal tensile stresses generated as the
extrusion passes through the die.
Surface cracks from heavy die
friction in extrusion
• In hot extrusion, this form of cracking usually is intergranular
and is associated with hot shortness.
• The most common case is too high ram speed for the extrusion
• At lower temperature, sticking in the die land and the sudden
building up of pressure and then breakaway will cause transverse
Çevresel yüzey çatlakları
V ise veya kalıp-metal arasında ise oluşur.
2)Yüzey Çatlakları:
➢Ekstrüzyon sıcaklığı, ekstrüzyon hızı ve sürtünme çok yüksek
olduğunda yüzey sıcaklığı önemli oranda artar ve yüzey çatlakları
➢Yüksek sıcaklıkta, sıcak kırılganlık nedenli taneler arası çatlaklar
oluşur.(genellikle Al,Mg,Zn alaşımlarında) Kusurun giderilmesi için
sıcaklık ve hız düşürülmelidir.
➢Düşük sıcaklıkta, takoz matrise yatak uzunluğu boyunca periyodik
olarak yapışır. Yapışma nedeniyle ekstrüzyon basıncı hızla artar,
hareket sağlanır ve tekrar basınç düşer. Bu tekrarlı yüklenmeler
taneler arası çatlaklara neden olur. Etkin yağlamayla önlenebilir.
4. Defects In Extrusion
4.2. Extrusion Defects
Extrusion defect, pipe, tailpipe, or fishtailing.
Drawing surface oxides and impurities toward the center of the
billet, much likes a funnel. This defect can be reduced by
a. Modifying the flow pattern to a less inhomogeneous one,
such as by controlling friction and minimizing temperature
b. Another method is to machine the surface of the billet prior
to extrusion to eliminate scale and impurities.
1) İç çatlaklar
Mikroyapıdaki değişiklikler:
➢ Uniform olmayan şekil değişiminden dolayı farklı sacaklık
gradyenleri malzemenin enine ve boyuna kesitlerinde farklı tane
boyutu oluşumuna neden olabilir. Sürtünme kuvvetlerinden dolayı
oluşan yüksek sıcaklık ya da prosesin yüksek sıcaklıkta yapılması
tane büyümesine neden olabilir.
•Describe the extrusion process illustrating with sketch.
•Make line diagram showing the method of operation of the press.
•Sketch the compete set of the extrusion die, container and punch.
•Find the extrusion ratio (Ao/ Af). Where Ao=Original billet area before
extrusion. Affinal area of extruded section.
•Find the extrusion reduction in area (Ao - Af)/ Ao
•Find the flow pattern with the extrusion billet for friction and frictionless
•Discuss Extrusion methods and Extrusion defects?
• Dieter, G.E., Mechanical metallurgy, 1988, SI metric edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-
• Edwards, L. and Endean, M., Manufacturing with materials, 1990, Butterworth
Heinemann, ISBN 0-7506-2754-9.
• Beddoes, J. and Bibbly M.J., Principles of metal manufacturing process, 1999, Arnold,
ISBN 0-470-35241-8.
• Metal forming processes, Prof Manas.