Neuropsychiatric disorders are closely associated with a persistent low-grade inflammatory state. This suggests that the
development of psychopathology is not only limited to the brain, but rather involves an additional systemic aspect, accounting for the
large body of evidence demonstrating co-presentation of mental illness with chronic inflammatory conditions and metabolic
syndromes. Studies have shown that inflammatory processes underlie the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms, with recent
studies revealing not only correlative, but causative relationships between the immune system and psychopathology.
Lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise may influence psychopathology, and this may occur via a bidirectional relationship.
Mental illness may prevent health-seeking behaviours such as failing to maintain a balanced diet, whilst adopting a ‘healthy’ diet
rich in fruits, vegetables and fish alongside nutritional supplementation correlates with a reduction in psychiatric symptoms in
patients. Obesity and the gut microbiome have proven to be further factors which play an important role in inflammatory signalling
and the development of psychiatric symptoms. In a related paper we focus on the role of exercise (another significant lifestyle factor)
on mental health (Venkatesh et al. 2020).
Lifestyle modifications which target diet and nutrition may prove therapeutically beneficial for many patients, especially in
treatment-resistant subgroups. The current evidence base provides equivocal evidence, however future studies will prove significant,
as this is a highly attractive therapeutic avenue, due to its cost efficacy, low side effect profile and preventative potential. By
promoting lifestyle changes and addressing the limitations and barriers to adoption, these therapies may prove revolutionary for
mental health conditions.
* * * * *
Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
Western diets which are typically much richer in (SFAs) improvement in the positive symptoms (psychosis), sup-
and refined sugars may have the opposite effect. A plementation was associated with enhanced cognitive
meta-analysis conducted by Lai et al. showed that a diet ability. Despite this positive response, the evidence base
which is high in fruit, vegetables, fish and whole grains for Vitamin D3 supplementation in mental health con-
reduced the odds of developing depression (Lai et al. ditions is poor and requires further investigation.
2014). Furthermore, there is a large body of evidence
which confirms that this pattern of dietary intake is Obesity
associated with reduced all-cause mortality. The anti- Obesity is a highly prevalent condition affecting our
inflammatory nature of these foods may be the linking population today and is defined as a BMI of greater than
factor by which there is reduced prevalence of mental 30. It is a multifactorial disease which draws on both
health conditions. Conversely, the high SFAs have a genetic and environmental factors and is strongly asso-
largely pro-inflammatory effect which may influence ciated with increased morbidity and mortality. A bidirec-
the underlying pathology through various mechanisms. tional relationship between obesity and psychiatric dis-
Diets rich in pro-inflammatory foods such as SFAs orders is evident, particularly with disorders of mood
may lead to the development of psychiatric symptoms. and cognition. A meta-analysis conducted by Luppino et
Animal models suggest that these effects are mediated al. found conclusive evidence that there is a strong
through elevated levels of cytokines which result in reciprocal relationship between obesity and depression
downstream low-grade inflammation. Rats fed a high and that having one condition significantly predisposes
fat diet (60%) for 16 weeks exhibited anxiety and an- to developing the other (Luppino et al. 2010).
hedonic behaviour (Dutheil et al. 2016). Researchers The development of dementia is well known to be
found that this was accompanied by increased levels of linked to inflammatory risk factors such as obesity and
cytokines, primarily IL-1ȕ, IL-6 and TNF-Į in the hippo- other metabolic syndromes such as type 2 diabetes
campus – a structure which is intimately involved in mellitus, insulin resistance and hypertension (de la
learning, memory and the target of many antidepres- Torre 2013). Moreover, a 27-year longitudinal popula-
sants. Similarly, abnormalities and alterations in the tion-based study illustrated that obesity in middle-age
levels of inflammatory cytokines has been well establi- correlated with a 74% significantly increased risk of
shed in patients with schizophrenia and these changes developing dementia in later life (Whitmer et al. 2005).
are more distinct in treatment-resistant patients. More- This study not only suggests that obesity is correlated
over, a higher ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 intake, which with dementia, but that this relationship may, in fact, be
is a key feature of Western diets, has been associated with highly preventable. Alzheimer’s dementia is a subtype
systemic inflammatory conditions such as cardiovascular of dementia which is characterised by the production
disease and cancer, whereas a low ratio has suppressive of Aȕ amyloid plaques in the brain and research into
effects on inflammation (Simopoulos 2002). the role of inflammation in Alzheimer’s dementia
Neuroinflammation may also be affected by foods found that obese patients with dementia had increased
with anti-inflammatory properties such as polyun- systemic amyloid levels in blood plasma which was
saturated fatty acids (PUFAs). PUFAs are an integral reduced with active weight loss (Jahangiri et al. 2013).
part of the neuronal cell membrane, with both anti-in- Another study revealed enhanced permeability of the
flammatory and anti-apoptotic properties. The litera- blood-brain barrier in individuals who were over-
ture suggests two main omega-3 PUFAs of note, doco- weight or obese in middle-age (Gustafson et al. 2007).
sahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid There is growing evidence that dysregulated insulin
(EPA), that have long been associated with cardio- signalling is an important pathway by which metabolic
vascular health and recent evidence suggests they may conditions such as obesity exert their inflammatory
hold some significance in mental health too. Indeed, effects on the brain. It is understood that obesity may
McNamara et al. conducted post-mortem analyses of lead to systemic insulin resistance which will in turn
patients with depression and found that there was a result in reduced insulin signalling in the brain. The
deficit of DHA in the orbitofrontal cortex of these pa- physiological effects of this will include alterations in
tients (McNamara et al. 2007). A further study asses- cerebral glucose metabolism but this has also been
sed whether these effects could be reversed by supple- associated with increased levels of monoamine oxi-
mentation of the EPA (Mocking et al. 2016), which dases (MAO) and enhanced dopamine clearance. As
found a beneficial effect comparable to that of anti- illustrated by the monoamine hypothesis of depression
depressant administration. and the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia, this
Vitamin D has also been identified as an anti-inflam- activity is negatively correlated with psychiatric symp-
matory nutrient. Low levels of Vitamin D3 have been toms. In mice, this was investigated using a brain-spe-
associated with depression and attention deficit hyper- cific knockout of the insulin receptor and it was shown
activity disorder (ADHD). A randomised control trial to lead to anxiety and depressive behaviours (Klein-
assessed the outcomes of supplementing Vitamin D3 in ridders et al. 2015). Further investigation showed that
clozapine-treated schizophrenic patients (Krivoy et al. this behaviour was in fact allayed by administration of
2017). Findings showed that although there was no MAO inhibitors.
Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
Figure 2. The gut-microbiota-brain axis is the communication pathway by which the enteric nervous system can
communicate with the central nervous system by means of the vagus nerve (CN X). The gut microbiota may be able to
influence neuroinflammation by two hypotheses: (i) neuroactive endocrine secretions, (ii) dysbiosis, or the ‘leaky gut
hypothesis; and thereby contribute to neuropsychiatric disease
Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
balances’ in these substances have been implicated in low-inflammatory index may be of particular signifi-
the pathogenesis of mood disorders and schizophrenia cance as it may provide a reduction in the low-grade
and thus it is thought that secretion allows for increa- chronic inflammation. Ketogenic diets are high-fat, low-
sed bioavailability in the CNS which may contribute to carbohydrate diets which have an anti-inflammatory
alterations in levels of these compounds. Similarly, effect. This diet has been used in the treatment of neuro-
secretions of potentially harmful substances such as psychiatric conditions such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s
amyloid peptides and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are disease and has shown to result in improved cognition
thought to increase the permeability of the blood brain (Brietzke et al. 2018). Further approaches in nutritional
barrier (BBB) and contribute to some degree of neuro- psychiatry include nutraceutical interventions which in-
inflammation. volves targeting specific nutritional alterations known to
Another theory as to how the gut induces an inflam- be involved in inflammation and psychopathology. As
matory state is illustrated by the ‘leaky gut’ hypothesis mentioned earlier PUFAs have been shown to have a
which states that alterations to the composition of gut beneficial effect in depression as well as other con-
microbiota, ‘dysbiosis’, may result in the development ditions such as ADHD and Alzheimer’s disease. Recent
of psychiatric disorders by inducing an immune res- evidence suggests that simply supplementing either
ponse which leads to low-grade inflammation. It has DHA or EPA is insufficient for therapeutic benefit and
emerged this dysbiotic state and the production of rather the ratio of these substances is important. As
potential pathogens leads to an increased permeability illustrated by many clinical trials, it seems as though a
of the intestinal wall which allows for leakage of sub- dose with high EPA:DHA ratio is more effective in
stances such as LPS into the bloodstream. LPS acts treating symptoms of depression, whereas doses of high
upon toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 to induce a systemic DHA:EPA are more effective in improving cognition
inflammatory response. TLR-4 activation has been im- (Song et al. 2016).
plicated in many other metabolic inflammatory condi- Targeting the gut-microbiota-brain axis has been sug-
tions such as increased dietary fat intake, obesity and gested by prebiotics (non-digestible food components
dysregulated insulin signalling. such as complex carbs which are thought to nurture and
cultivate enteric flora as well as by the ingestion of
Therapeutic implications, limitations probiotic microorganisms in foods such as natural bio-
and barriers to adoption yoghurt. The latter may be of particular importance in
older patients as it is known that the population of gut
Current management of psychiatric disorders prima- microbiota decreases with age.
rily consists of pharmacological and psychological the- The evidence for the effectiveness of using nutrition
rapies (i.e. cognitive behavioural therapy). However, in treating disorders is promising but inconclusive and
these interventions are only effective in treating around there are many more questions to be answered. Of the
half of the disease burden with large number of patients studies conducted, many are relatively short-term, often
being treatment-resistant. From the evidence as presen- under 6 months, and thus the impact of a long-term die-
ted above, diet and nutrition play a highly significant tary change remains unknown. Despite psychiatric dis-
role in the development of mental health conditions. orders and variations in the gut microbiome having a
Further investigation to enhance our understanding may significant genetic and environmental component, most
allow for careful manipulation of these biochemical and of the research has been conducted in Western countries
physiological systems to provide therapeutic benefit to or with populations composed mainly of Caucasian
patients. individuals. Similarly, even though nutritional interven-
The novel field of nutritional psychiatry harnesses tions are likely to have been used in treatment-resistant
our current understanding of diet and its role in mental subgroups of patients, our understanding of the benefit
health with a view to managing and treating some of of nutritional interventions in varying severity of mental
these conditions. A comprehensive literature search to illness is lacking. Another noteworthy point is that a
ascertain effectiveness of using diet as treatment reveals modified diet may only be of benefit in specific psychia-
equivocal data. One randomised control trial analysed tric conditions. For example, a systematic review asses-
the benefits of implementing a modified Mediterranean sing the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation in
diet in patients with depression (Jacka et al. 2017). Over children with autism spectrum disorder revealed in-
the course of twelve weeks, individuals underwent conclusive evidence for beneficial use (Sathe et al.
weekly diet and nutritional counselling. Their results 2017). However, it was noted that not surprisingly there
show a significant improvement in depression scores of is often a very low side-effect profile associated with
the Mediterranean diet cohort (using the Montgomery- nutritional therapies.
Aޡsberg Depression Rating Scale) compared to the control In the future, with greater understanding of nutri-
group and indeed a significant number of individuals tional psychiatry and its effectiveness in treating neuro-
achieved remission. Moreover, a further meta-analysis psychiatric disorders, it is hoped that ‘healthy’ dietary
revealed that adherence to a Mediterranean diet resulted strategies will be adopted by patients. A scoping review
in low depression scores in a dose-response manner analysing the barriers to ‘healthy eating’ in young adults
(Molendijk et al. 2018). Similarly adopting a diet with a found the key barriers to include, relative indifference of
Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
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Shantal D. Edirappuli, Ashwin Venkatesh & Rashid Zaman: THE EFFECT OF NUTRITION ON MENTAL HEALTH:
A FOCUS ON INFLAMMATORY MECHANISMS Psychiatria Danubina, 2020; Vol. 32, Suppl. 1, pp 114-120
Rashid Zaman, BSc (Hons) MB BChir (Cantab) DGM MRCGP FRCPsych
HPFT & Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
E-mail: [email protected]