Soil Stabilization
Soil Stabilization
Soil Stabilization
Soil stabilization is a method to improve the quality of interior soil with respect to strength,
density, stability, bearing capacity etc.
Here is a soil stabilization technique that can build Road and Building to long last, building
them at low costs. Roads for trucks and tourists, for produce and pleasure, ferrying the
country’s people need.
The bituminous surface does not carry the traffic loads. This is borne by the whole
thickness of the road and the soil beneath, down to a considerable depth. The base course
is the layer of hard stable material, whose function is to spread these loads so that the soil
does not deform or move.
The object of the surfacing is to prevent dust and skidding and reduce wear and damage to
the pavement.
Base materials are many and varied, but the crushed stone is most commonly used. Here,
however, instead of quarrying rock, surface limestone has been collected and is being
stockpiled at the crusher site. This limestone is common in certain parts of “Rocky terrain as
well as Himalayan Region or mountainous area” and crushed makes a good base for roads.
Nearby the crushing plant is being erected. Involves the use of heavy machinery which
causes high cost, and because of the large quantities of base material used a six-inchlayer
total over two thousand tones per mile.
Costs of material can become staggering. That is why construction men are always
searching for good rubble or gravel pits. Little or no blasting, no crushing, easy loading and
one handling from the pit to the road is all that is required. The cost is often less than half
that of crushed rock.
Cartage costs increase alarmingly if the trucking distance is long, and pits like these close
to the road, mean big savings. But here where there is neither stone nor rubble, but just
miles of drift sand and some sand mixed with clay, what can be used for base material?
Dry sand is loose and unstable, hard to walk on and useless for traffic.
Yet it only needs to be damp to make it more stable. As witnessed, car racing on wet
Clay reacts to water, in the opposite way to sand, when wet it is soft and plastic.
It means the ability to be deformed into any shape without cracking or rebound, at all glaze
of plastic in the right range of water content. And dry clay can be might hard.
So just the right amount of clay added to sand will set it hard when it is dry. Giving a stable
pavement, in all weathers.
Yet we don’t want the mixture to have excess clay and soften when wet. And For this
reason careful control is essential and this is done by precipitate tests on the mixture.
Here in the pictures is a highways department laboratory, all materials used in road making
are tested, and processes such as mixers are controlled.
Again consider the sand and clay mixture, dry it is a rigid solid. Pressure does not
permanently deform it, but under heavy blow, it shatters. A solid When rather wetter, the
block can be deformed and doesn’t return, but cracks, not yet fully plastic. Now the material
is truly plastic.
Rather on the wet end of the plastic range, a soft cohesive mess. And finally, cohesion
went it flows as a true liquid.
The actual tests are done on a fraction of the material which passes a 36 mesh sieve.
Measure of Plastic-limit
These tests determine the moisture content of which a degree of plasticity is reached, and
more clay present, the more water needed to bring it to that state.
The wetter a clay is the thinner it can be rolled before it crumbles and breaks. Either the
hand or a glass plate may be used. When it is just plastic enough, to roll into a cylinder,
one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and then breaks into beads it is defined to be at its lower
plastic limit. This is measured by the percentage of moisture it then contains.
Then the soil is thoroughly dried in the oven. Taken out, and the tin and dry soil re-weighed.
When clay is wet beyond the plastic limit, it becomes more and more like a liquid, and the
percentage of water at which it just flows, when jarred, determines the upper end of the
plastic range.
A special device is used to make this test more accurate. Although it can be done by hand
in an evaporating dish.
A groove is cut in the wet clay, and the pan dropped into a rubber base.
The moisture content, at which 25 blows caused enough flowing to close half an inch of this
groove, measured the lower liquid limit.
This being found as before, by weighing and drying. Clay shrinks as it dries and this
property forms the basis of a simpler test of the activity of the clay present in the soil. The
material passing the 36 mesh sieve is weathered to the liquid limits and the mould is filled.
As it dries, a clay soil shrinks. Then the soil as freshly placed in the mold, then mold
showed the same soil partly and fully dried.
All the deposits of sand clay are thoroughly sampled and tested.
And the conclusion is, that two parts of sand clay mixed with one part of sand, will give a
stable pavement, whether wet or dry.
So at suitable sites, pits are opened and bulldozers push up great heaps of sand clay ready
for the loader to lift and dump into trucks. Despite the varying colors, the sand-clay is fairly
uniform in clay content.
Any wide variations could make it difficult, impossible to obtain a sufficiently uniform
mixture. The bulldozer by taking a long cut from top to bottom is mixing and making the
sand clay more uniform.
On the road, the material is tipped at measured intervals, sufficient to give and even
thickness of four inches throughout. The grader spreads the loads and levels the surface
until this thickness is obtained. Construction and ordinary traffic and rain have set the sand-
clay hard. So before mixing, it is broken up, by ploughing.
Development of the rotary hoe is this pulverizer, designed to break up hard lumps and
make the intimate mix. The back of the cover levels and smooths the mixed material. Here it
is stabilizing an over plastic stony river gravel by mixing in the sand. It’s tynes are
spring loaded on a revolving shaft and so can strip under heavy impact avoiding damage to
the machine.
As a smooth mix is obtained the length is ready for sampling and testing the pavement.
The testing closely follows the mixing so that a stretch of road with the wrong percentage of
clay can be corrected before the construction equipment has moved too far ahead.
Back at the construction camp, a field laboratory has been setup in one of the huts. Then
the samples are tested, checking that the mix is within the proper limits. Each morning, the
tester technician have to give the list of the results. Showing where the mix is right and
where corrections are needed.
Sometimes this is done by adding sand clay. Others by ploughing up more sand. That
time the foreman is supervising the adding of sand clay to a stretch which is too sandy, and
would crumble when dry. The grader follows to spread the material evenly over the right
Then follows the usual sequence of mixing, sampling, and testing. Until the whole stretch
is right.
The mix is then given the right shape and a smooth surface by the grader. Finally, the
length of road is watered until it reaches the moisture content at which compaction is most
The mix may be compacted by various types of rollers, and one of the theme is solid tyre
compactor is working its motor other mixture of local sand and clay in waste mine residues.
This waste is a crushed rock which has lost its fine during the extraction of copper.
So in places like these, without a local stone, a stable base can be built by the methods
shown. At a far lower cost than by bringing stone over long distances.
There are many other materials which are not naturally satisfactory for road making, but
with modification, make excellent base courses. Often the change of plasticity is all that
is needed. For example, such a material is an ironstone gravel. Lacking in a binder, it
travels and corrugates easily. This can be corrected by the addition of sand clay.
But when tackling these stabilization jobs you must remember these main four points. You
must be able to pulverize the clay material. All the material to be used must be tested.
The right mix must be calculated and checked. And you must have proper testing right with
the construction gang to ensure the results.
So using many materials and methods we can build roads most reliable. Building them to
last, building them at low costs. Roads for trucks and tourists, for produce and pleasure,
ferrying the country’s people and they’re goods, serving you daily in an endless variety of