Simplified Socratic Dialogue Assessment PDF

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Socratic Dialogue Assessment - Challenge II

Socrates was all about seeking truth, even when that meant he would be proven wrong.
That humility of intellect is essential for us all. We will be looking for that in the dialogues.

Names of Students

What process did the student go through to invent his/her speech?

Did he/she use an organized method?


Did the dialogue have a logical progression/order?

Could you easily determine which student was in the role of

"teacher" and which student was in the role of "student"?


Were the words used fitting for the dialogue?

Could you clearly understand the issue or topic on which the

dialogue was focused?

Is the "teacher" asking sincere questions as opposed to trying to

trap or trap the "student"?

Is the "teacher" more concerned with winning the discussion or

with leading both persons closer to truth?


Were at least some of Socrates' methods of discussion used?

(definition of terms, use of examples, use of analogies to help
explain, questioning opinions to help "student" determine
validity of those opinions)

Was there enough familiarity with the script that student was
comfortable with the memorized material?


Did the students transition from one word or sentence to the next
without saying: "like, um, you now, I mean, uh," etc?

Was the student's delivery polished and confident with smooth

General Comments:

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