LoadFlowProject Final
LoadFlowProject Final
LoadFlowProject Final
Table of Contents
Single Line Diagram and data table of the given 5-bus power system: ....................................2
Solution of given tasks ............................................................................................................. 3-14
Task 1: Simulation ........................................................................................................................3
Simulation using E-tap.........................................................................................................3
Simulation using MATLAB Simulink .................................................................................4
Task 2: Coding in MATLAB ........................................................................................................5
MATLAB coding .................................................................................................................5
MATLAB coding results ......................................................................................................7
Task 3: Applying an undervoltage condition at bus-4 and overcoming it ....................................8
Method one – Static shunt capacitor bank ...........................................................................9
Method two – Transformer tapping ................................................................................... 11
Task 4: Downgrading power flow through a transmission line..................................................13
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Single Line Diagram and data table of the given 5-bus power system: (Base voltage = 10 kV)
Generation Load
Bus no. Bus voltage
1 1.06 + j0.0 0 0 0 0
2 1.0 + j0.0 40 30 20 10
3 1.0 + j0.0 0 0 45 15
4 1.0 + j0.0 0 0 40 5
5 1.0 + j0.0 0 0 60 10
Line impedance
Line Line charging, B
R per unit X per unit
1–2 0.02 0.06 0.0 + j0.03
1–3 0.08 0.24 0.0 + j0.025
2–3 0.06 0.25 0.0 + j0.02
2–4 0.06 0.18 0.0 + j0.02
2–5 0.04 0.12 0.0 + j0.015
3–4 0.01 0.03 0.0 + j0.01
3–5 0.08 0.24 0.0 + j0.025
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Task 1. Perform load flow studies of the power system of Fig. 1 to identify slack bus (Bus no.1)
power and bus voltages (Bus no. 2 to Bus no. 3). Compute line flows and line losses
also. [Use any simulation software]
Here, we have used the simulation softwares “E-tap” and “MATLAB Simulink” to simulate our
given 5-bus power system. Simulation diagrams of the given 5-bus system are given below:
2 40 30 20 10 1.0476 -2.67
3 0 0 45 15 1.0229 -5.12
4 0 0 40 5 1.0225 -5.39
5 0 0 60 10 1.0176 -6.08
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Fig 3: Simulation diagram of given 5-bus system in MATLAB Simulink
2 40 30 20 10 1.0476 -2.7529
3 0 0 45 15 1.0229 -5.2086
4 0 0 40 5 1.0225 -5.4879
5 0 0 60 10 1.0176 -6.1672
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Task 2. Verify the results obtained in Task no. 1 by writing a MATLAB code adopting any load
flow analysis method.
Answer: Here is the MATLAB code for verifying the results obtained in task 1, where we have
used the Gauss Seidel method to perform the load flow analysis:
EECE 305 Open Ended Lab
Group Members:
202116029 : K. M. Taskin Zaman Kafi
202116034 : Mahmuda Akter
202116029 : MD Abrar Shahriar Kabir
clear all
close all
Ymat = zeros(bus,bus);
%Finding OFF DIAGONAl elements
for m = 1:n
Ymat(b1(m),b2(m)) = Ymat(b1(m),b2(m)) - y(m);
Ymat(b2(m),b1(m)) = Ymat(b1(m),b2(m));
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%Finding the diagonal elements
for m=1:bus
for k=1:n
if b1(k)== m
Ymat(m,m) = Ymat(m,m)+y(k)+ B(k);
elseif b2(k)== m
Ymat(m,m)= Ymat(m,m)+y(k)+ B(k);
VB = bus_data(:,2); %Bus Voltage in p.u.
PB = bus_data(:,3); %Bus Phase
P = bus_data(:,4); %Real Power of Bus
Q = bus_data(:,5); %Reactive Power of Bus
bus_n = length(bus_data(:,1));
VR = zeros(bus_n,1); %Resultant Voltage
VR = VB;
for jk= 1:200
for i=2:bus_n
for j=1:bus_n
if i~=j
SUM= SUM+Ymat(i,j)*V_NEW(j);
VR(i) = (((((P(i)-1j*Q(i)))/base)/conj(V_NEW(i)))-
V_NEW(i) = VR(i);
imaginary_part = zeros(bus_n,1);
for ph=1:bus_n
imaginary_part(ph,1)= imag(VR(ph,1));
real_part = zeros(bus_n,1);
for re = 1:bus_n
real_part(re,1) = real(VR(re,1));
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theta(th,1) = atand(imaginary_part(th,1)/real_part(th,1));
fprintf('The column matrix containg Voltage Magnitude:')
magg = abs(VR);
fprintf('The column matrix containg Phase:')
for print=1:bus_n
fprintf('The voltage of BUS %d is %f \n ',print,magg(print,1))
fprintf('\n \n \n')
for print=1:bus_n
fprintf('The phase of BUS %d is %f \n ',print,theta(print,1))
fprintf('\n \n \n')
Here are the results that we have obtained from our MATLAB code:
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Task 3. Make an undervoltage event in Bus-4 and apply any technique to overcome the
undervoltage problem of the system. (Consider, below 90% be undervoltage for any bus)
Answer: When the voltage level in an electrical system falls below the typical range, it is said to
be undervoltage. To guarantee the proper operation of electrical equipment and appliances, the
standard voltage level is often set and maintained within a specific range in power systems.
System faults: A decline in voltage levels can be caused by flaws in the power distribution
system, such as short circuits, equipment breakdowns, or transformer problems.
Overloading: A voltage drop may occur when the electrical demand exceeds the power system's
capability. This generally occurs at periods of peak demand or when many high-power gadgets
are used simultaneously.
Voltage Regulation problem: Voltage regulation refers to the process of keeping the voltage
within a predetermined range. Undervoltage circumstances may come from faulty or incorrectly
adjusted voltage regulating devices or systems.
Long Transmission Lines: Electrical power is transmitted over long distances through
transmission lines. Resistance and other factors can cause voltage drops along the transmission
lines, leading to undervoltage at the receiving end.
Grid Instability: Instabilities in the power grid caused by sudden changes in demand, network
faults, or inadequate generation capacity can result in voltage fluctuations,
including undervoltage.
There are several methods of overcome undervoltage situation or power factor improve such as-
Static capacitor bank: Static capacitor bank, also known as power factor correction capacitors,
improve power factor by compensating for reactive power, reducing voltage drops, and
increasing system efficiency. They help regulate voltage, reduce line losses, increase system
capacity, and improve overall power factor by minimizing the consumption of reactive power.
There are two type of static capacitor parallel and series capacitor.
Transformer tapping: Transformer tapping does not directly improve power factor (PF).
However, by allowing for voltage regulation, transformer tapping can indirectly influence power
factor by maintaining a stable voltage level, which can help mitigate power factor variations
caused by fluctuating load voltage.
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Method one: Static Shunt Capacitor Bank
At undervoltage situation current flows to the load is 12.853KA, and power factor drops at
89.84%. and this bus operating at 8.984KV but here desire voltage is 10KV that’s why it’s
showing undervoltage condition. We need to compensate the voltage for improving pf otherwise
it can drastically reduce the life of the equipment and eventually lead to premature failure.
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Fig 7: Applying static shunt capacitor bank to overcome undervoltage condition
If we want to obtain 0.96 power factor then we need to connect 1x55.18 var shunt capacitor bank
in parallel between bus4 and bus5. In this case we took more capacitance instead of our
calculated value because capacitor value is static but load can be changed by any moment so we
inject more reactive power so that It will compensate required voltage in over loading situation.
Before connecting capacitor bank load draws load current which increases loss but after
connecting capacitor bank current is reducing that minimize the rate of loss.
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Method two: Transformer tapping
We can do positive or negative tapping according to our requirement, In this PS bus4 is primary
side and bus5 is secondary. Bus4 is undervoltage so we need to increase primary side voltage by
positive tapping or decrease secondary side voltage by negative tapping.
Power factor (PF) does not directly improve with transformer tapping. Transformer tapping can,
however, indirectly affect power factor by keeping a constant voltage level, which can help
lessen power factor changes brought on by varying load voltage. In order to directly enhance
power factor, power factor correction techniques are used, such as the usage of reactive power
compensation devices.
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In case of negative tapping at secondary side,
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Task 4. If the power flow through the transmission line (2-5) is to be made 75% of the normal
condition, what should be the steps that can be adopted to do it? Implement any of them
to do this job.
Answer: Before doing 75% power flow towards transmission line (2-5)
Fig 11: Power flow through the transmission line (2-5) in normal conditions
For obtaining 42 MW, here we have used transformer tapping. We know that reactive power
depends on voltage when transformer create voltage difference between two bus bar. Then
reactive power will change so that overall power flow will change.
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Fig 11: Power flow through the transmission line (2-5) made 75% by using transformer tapping
Transformer rating 25MVA means transformer can transmit maximum 25MVA if power flow
exceeds rating power, then it will show overload.
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