Raz lk29 Drum CLR Ds
Raz lk29 Drum CLR Ds
Raz lk29 Drum CLR Ds
The Drum
A Reading A–Z Level K Leveled Book
Word Count: 433
Writing and Art
What is something kind you can do
for someone else?
Draw a picture and write about it.
Social Studies
Discuss with your class where India is
located and how its location compares
to where you live.
K •N
An Indian Folktale
H •
Retold by Katherine Follett
Illustrated by Teresa Martinez
Words to Know “When you are kind, your good deeds
come back to you,” Mother said.
deeds miserable
disappointed musicians It was a lesson the boy never forgot.
goods roti
The Drum
Level K Leveled Book
© Learning A–Z
An Indian Folktale Correlation
Retold by Katherine Follett LEVEL K
Illustrated by Teresa Martinez
Fountas & Pinnell J
All rights reserved. Reading Recovery 17
DRA 18
The boy shouted with joy. He One day, Mother asked the boy,
tapped, slapped, and banged his “Would you like something from
new drum. the market?”
When he got home, the boy told “More than anything else, I want
his mother the whole story. a drum!” the boy said.
14 The Drum • Level K 3
The boy hopped off the horse and
handed him the reins. “You need
this horse more than I do!” he said.