Literature Summary - Fecal Sludge
Literature Summary - Fecal Sludge
Literature Summary - Fecal Sludge
In faecal sludge treatment, the efficiency of the employed treatment mechanism is affected
by the variability in the characteristics of the faecal sludge. Some of the properties of the
faecal sludge that must be considered include water content, pH, dissolved oxygen,
degradable organic matter, nutrients, density, particle size and pathogens.
Dewatering is also necessary prior to resource recovery for applications such as composting, or
combustion as a fuel. Dewatering is based on physical processes such as evaporation,
evapotranspiration, filtration, gravity, surface charge attraction, centrifugal force and pressure.
The dewatering, or thickening process can also include adding dry materials such as sawdust to
increase the solids content, This is a common practice in processes such as composting where
the sawdust also increases the carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio.
Mechanical dewatering
The following technologies are well recognised for wastewater management, and preliminary addition
of fl occulant is recommend for all of them to facilitate the separation of liquid from the solid particles.
Although they are widely used for treating wastewater sludge, further experiments are required before
recommendations can be made on design and operation of such systems for FS treatment.
Belt fi lter press: This allows the water to be squeezed out of the sludge as it is compressed between two
belts. The main disadvantages of a belt fi lter press compared to other mechanical dewatering techniques
are the need for skilled maintenance and the diffi culty in controlling odors. The system consists of:
• a gravity drainage zone where the fl occulated sludge is deposited and conveyed on a porous and
mobile belt;
• a compression zone where a second belt is applied on the upper layer of the sludge, and compresses
it to a pressure that can reach 7 bars; and
• a zone where the belts are separated and the dewatered sludge is released.
Centrifuge: This technology dries the FS as it is squeezed outwards on the surface of a cylinder rotating
around its horizontal axis, due to the centrifugal force. The fl occulated sludge is injected into the
middle of this cylinder, and the particles are pushed outward against the surface. An Archimedean
screw transports the released liquid to the side where the sludge entered, while another transports
the sludge to the other end. The main disadvantage of the centrifuge is the high energy requirements.
Frame filter press: This system consists of porous vertical frames fi xed in two walls that are positioned
in front one of the other to create a chamber. This is a batch process in which the sludge is fi lled into
the chamber at high pressure (up to 15 bars resulting in the leachate being released through the porous
frames and the dewatered sludge being released through the opening of the lower wall).
Screw press: A screw press consists of a rotational screw placed in a perforated cylinder. The sludge is
loaded at one end, it is pressurised due to a diminishing distance between the screw and the cylinder,
and the liquid that is squeezed out is removed through the pores in the cylinder. The dewatered
sludge is discharged at the other end. Screw presses provide dewatering at relatively low equipment
and operational costs, and minimal maintenance skills are required. However, the dewatering is
comparatively lower than other mechanical dewatering technologies.
Potential advantages and constraints of mechanical sludge treatment
The main constraints of these technologies in comparison to non-mechanical options are the investment
costs, the O&M requirement, the need to add fl occulants and the dependency on electricity. The general
advantages are the compactness, and the speed of the process. To transfer these types of technologies to
treat FS, information from manufacturers, laboratories, and pilot-scale tests is necessary.
Co-composting (Strande et al., 2014)
Composting is a biological process that involves microorganisms that decompose organic
matter under controlled predominantly aerobic conditions. The resulting end product is
stabilised organic matter that can be used as a soil conditioner. It also contains nutrients which
can have a benefi t as a long-term organic fertiliser. There are two types of composting systems,
open and closed, of which open systems are lower in capital and operating costs but typically
require more space. In an open composting system, raw organic matter is piled up into heaps
(called windrows) and left for aerobic decomposition. To increase space efficiency, the heaps of
waste can also put into walled enclosures which is called box composting. If untreated waste
feedstock is placed in a closed container this is called in-vessel or closed drum composting and
is considered in the category of closed systems.
Co-composting of FS with MSW is best implemented with sludge that has undergone dewatering
(e.g. settling-thickening tanks or drying beds). Although untreated FS can also be used and
sprayed over the compost heaps, its high water content will only allow the use of very little
volume before the compost heap is too wet and is therefore not practical. Organic MSW usually
already has a moisture of 40-60% so typically not much additional moisture can be added
before the system gets too wet. In the case of dewatered sludge, FS with a total solids (TS)
content higher than 20% is mixed together with MSW in compost piles (Koné et al., 2007). For
further guidance on ensuring optimal carbon, nitrogen and moisture content, refer to the
Sandec website (, including the publications: Cocomposting of Faecal Sludge
and Municipal Organic Waste and Marketing Compost (EAWAG and IWMI 2003) Rouse et al.
(2008) and Strauss et al. (2003).
The main advantage of co-composting is formed by the thermophilic conditions and the
resulting pathogen inactivation. The output of co-composting is a good soil conditioner which
provides potential for income generation depending on the demand for compost (see Chapter
10). However, operating a co-composting plant and generating a safe product with value
requires technical and managerial skills, which can be limiting if not available.
With regard to helminth eggs, an optimum composting period of at least 2 months was
necessary to produce compost that complied with the WHO guidelines of 1 Ascaris egg/gTS.
High Ascaris inactivation effi ciency (90–100%) was reached after 80 days due to heat
generation during the composting process, thus exposing the helminth eggs for more than one
month to temperatures over 45˚C . Note that if these conditions are not met, pathogen reduction
will not be adequate to meet the WHO guidelines. In that case, one possibility is extended
storage prior to enduse. (Adapted from Cofi e and Kone, 2009)
Co-treatment in waste stabilisation ponds
Waste stabilisation ponds (WSPs) are widely used for the treatment of municipal wastewater.
The mechanisms for stabilisation are based on natural processes that occur in aquatic
ecosystems. WSPs are considered to be good options for wastewater treatment in low-income
countries when adequate land is available, particularly in tropical climates (Mara, 2004). WSPs
consist of several ponds having different depths and retention times.
Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic digestion treats organic waste in airtight chambers to ensure anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic
digestion has been widely applied in centralised wastewater treatment facilities for the digestion of
primary sludge and waste activated sludge, typically with plug fl ow (PFR) or continuously stirred
reactors (CSTRs). Anaerobic treatment technologies also include upfl ow anaerobic sludge blanket
(UASB) reactors, anaerobic baffl ed reactors (ABRs) and anaerobic fi lters. Anaerobic treatment is also
well known and developed for industrial wastes and highly loaded wastewater treatment plants (e.g.
agro-industries, Arthur et al., 2011). Throughout Asia, the onsite anaerobic digestion of animal manure
with or without the addition of FS is widely practised (Koottatep et al., 2004). However, the potential
for semi-centralised to centralised treatment of FS in urban areas still remains untapped. There is great
potential for the future development of anaerobic digestion of FS.
Arthur et al. (2011) and Klingel et al. (2002) recommend preliminary thickening to reduce the sludge volume
consequently, the digester size.
Potential advantages and constraints of anaerobic digestion for faecal sludge management
Anaerobic digestion has the potential to produce biogas while stabilising FS, reducing sludge volume
and odors. However, operation and maintenance (O&M) of anaerobic digesters requires a relatively
high level of skilled operation. Inhibition of digestion needs to be considered due to the inconsistent
nature of FS, and also detergents and heavy metals should be addressed at the household level. A
constraint of anaerobic digestion as a technology for FS treatment is that, despite the vast amount
of knowledge on anaerobic digestion, it has not yet been proven for FS alone in semi-centralised to
centralised treatment in urban areas
Vermicomposting Technology for stabilizing the sewage sludge from rural waste water
treatment plants
Author- Lina Cardoso V 2008
A vermicomposting system that uses earthworms of the species Eisenia foetida, which
stabilise sludge and reduce its harmful effects, has been recommended by the Mexican
Institute of Water Technology as one of the low-cost technologies that should be
Anaerobic Digestion
For the urea, the dose was 1.5% by weight of the sludge and for the 22 lime, it was 10% by
Objective of faecal sludge treatment: The overall objective of faecal sludge management is to
ensure that the faecal material removed from on-site and decentralized sanitation facilities is
dealt with in a way that protects both public health and the environment and does not create a
local nuisance. The objective of treatment is to convert unpleasant and potentially harmful
faecal sludge and septage into inoffensive products that harm neither public health nor the
environment and are easy to handle. In sensitive environments, it may also be necessary to
reduce the nutrient content (for example, nitrogen and phosphorus) of any liquid effluent
discharged directly or indirectly to watercourses. (Tayler, 2018)