UsefulUSSDCodesinRwanda 1723346451147
UsefulUSSDCodesinRwanda 1723346451147
UsefulUSSDCodesinRwanda 1723346451147
Easy USSD Codes For MTN and Airtel-Tigo in
What is USSD?
USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) is a
protocol used by Global System for Mobile (GSM) cellular
telephones to communicate with the service provider's
computers. It is a capability of GSM cellular telephones
that allows users to access various services through the
use of shortcodes entered into their phones. These codes
are usually entered by typing * (star) followed by the
code and #, then pressing the call or send button.
In this quick guide, we'll list all USSD codes that are used
for MTN, Airtel-Tigo Telecommunication Networks, and
USSD codes that are used by both.
16 *650# NCBA
Airtel Rwanda
No USSD Code Product or Service Umumaro
8 *700# Self-registration on
Airtel Money
No Code Ikigo/Company/Organization Umumaro
10 *720# Kugura
11 *456*2# Kureba 4G
kuri tel cg
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