Enhancement Framework in ABAP 1725388528
Enhancement Framework in ABAP 1725388528
Enhancement Framework in ABAP 1725388528
1. What is Enhancement?
In Sap systems, techniques that allow adding new features to the system or extending existing
functions without changing the current functionalities of any object are used. SAP offers various
enhancement methods to provide flexibility according to the specific needs of customers.
• Flexibility and Customizability: Enhancements provide the flexibility to tailor SAP systems
according to the specific requirements of businesses. It allows customization of the customer's
business processes.
• Compatibility with System Updates: Since additions are made without changing SAP's standard
objects, compatibility issues are avoided during system updates and upgrades.
• Ease of Maintenance: Enhancements make it easier to track and manage changes made in the
system. This improves the effectiveness of maintenance and support processes.
If don't pay attention some of the disadvantages of using Enhancements are as follows:
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2. Implicit Enhancements
Implicit enhancements are points that SAP usually creates at the beginning or end of an object
(function module, subroutine or program). These points allow developers to add their own code during
certain standard SAP operations. To create an Implicit Enhancement, first go to the source code of the
object to be enhanced.
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After entering Enhance mode, options such as
Create/Change/Replace/Undo will appear as
on the left. To show Implicy Enhancement
Option; Edit > Enhancement Operations >
Show Implicit Enhancement Options must be
After clicking the Show Implicit Enhancement option, an arrow sign will appear in the editor, as in lines 71, 73
and 79 above, and SAP will tell you that enhancements can be made to these sections.
Right-click on the dotted line to the right of the arrow, select enhancement operations, and select create
implementation from the menu that appears.
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After selecting Create Implementation, the
enhancement mode must be selected. There are two
options here: declaration and code.
• Declaration: Implementation is created statically. This means that it can always be used in all
• Code: Implementation is created dynamically.
In general, 'Decleration' is based on an unconditional call system, while 'Code' is based on a conditional call
system. An unconditional call, 'Decleration', is a static call that is called independently of the client. The
definition of subroutines, methods and local classes can only be applied in unconditional calls. The
conditional call, 'Code', is called dynamically in this case depending on the current settings of the switches.
For more information, click on the "Info" button.
After clicking the Declaration button, a pop-up will appear as above. From the fields here;
• Short Text: Contains a short description of the Enhancement Implementation. This description
should summarize the purpose of the implementation or what it is used for.
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After filling in the required fields and clicking the Next button, SAP
asks which package the relevant enhancement will be saved in. In
projects, such enhancements are usually saved in General Module
Packages (ZMM000, ZPP000 etc.).
After selecting the package, the enhancement is now created. Enhancement codes can be written between
the open lines. Now the additional enhancement made to a standard object can be tested. When you double-
click on the Enhancement, you can view its information in more detail.
On this screen;
• Enhanced Development Object: This field shows which enhancement object the enhancement
implementation affects.
• Enhancement Spot / Program: This column shows the name of the enhancement point or program.
In this example, it is specified as "DEMO_DATA_PROCESS_FIELDS".
• Overview: This column provides a general summary of the enhancement point. In this example, it is
specified as "Static Enhancement Point/Section".
• Enhancement Implementation Type: This column shows the type of enhancement implementation.
In this example, it is specified as "Static Enhancement Point/Section".
• Enhancement Implementation Point/Section: This column shows the full path of the enhancement
point or section.
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In other tabs;
• Properties: Contains general and metadata properties of the Enhancement Implementation.
• History: Shows the change history of the Enhancement Implementation.
• Technical Details: Contains technical details of the Enhancement Implementation.
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After the switch is created, the package selection in the Packages tab is important because when the
enhancement and the switch are in the same package, the enhancement automatically inherits the features
of that switch.
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If you want to delete or deactivate this Business Function
from the SFW5 screen in the future, the Reversible feature
in the Properties tab must be activated. Otherwise, no
changes can be made after it is activated.
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4. Explicit Enhancement
Explicit enhancements are enhancements made through specific enhancement points. SAP specifies
these points on any line and developers can add their own code at these points. In this example, we will
work on transaction code LMGMMI05, where the enhancement point affects the material number control in
transaction code MM01.
After pressing the Enhance button and switching to the enhance mode, right-click on the enhancement point
line as above;
Enhancement Implementations can be created using the Enhancement Operations > Create
Implementations or Edit > Enhancement Operations > Create Implementations option.
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The code to be developed to the opened
enhancement point. Then the enhancement is
activated. As above, if the SAP system user is not
'DDURAK' and the relevant material number is not
'0123456789', the code of a process that will give
a message is written and an error message is
received as on the left.
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In addition to Enhancement Point, Enhancement Section can
also be used in enhancements. Enhancement Section has
"default" standard codes in the section between
SECTION. If a new enhancement is implemented in
Enhancement Section, these standard codes will also come to
the new implementation and will be overwritten. In other words,
the implemented codes will work instead of the codes between
If the enhancement section on the left is implemented and
commented completely, it is observed that SAP will no longer
automatically give a material number.
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The Create Enhancement Option feature allows you to create a new
enhancement point in the SAP ABAP Enhancement Framework. With this
option, additional functionality can be added to a specific point in an
existing program or function. Right-click on any line where empty code can
be written and select Enhancement Operations > Create Option.
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After the Enhancement Point is created, it is activated
and the normal editing mode in the program is exited.
Enhancement mode is entered. The Enhancement
Implementation point is created by right-clicking on the
relevant Enhancement Point point. Here, the pop-up with
Declaration or Code options does not appear. The reason
for this is that the Enhancement Point is given the
dynamic or static feature. The enhancement point on the
left is static.
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