Otg - BSMT
Otg - BSMT
Otg - BSMT
Course recorder
.3 Course alarm
Estimate and make allowance
for leeway and tidal currents
.5 Practice tidal calculations
Calculate Estimated Time of
Arrival (ETA)
Practice calculations for distance,
.1 average speed course made
good, set and drift, ETA
Determine and apply compass
1.5 error for courses and compass
.1 Apply magnetic variation and
.2 Practice use of the azimuth mirror
.4 Amplitudes
Understand the use of and make
.5 entries in the compass error book
and interpret information
Recognize conspicuous
objects and other
1.6 terrestrial/celestial aids to
navigation in daylight and at
Identify aids to navigation
.2 including lighthouse, beacons
and buoys
.3 Identify star constellations and
stars of first magnitude and learn
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
.4 Parallel indexing
.5 Practice using ARPA
.6 Demonstrate an understanding of
the limitations of radar
.8 Understand other uses and
capabilities of AIS
.9 Operate distance/ speed
Satellite navigation set up
.11 Use of correction tables
Fixes by satellite navigation
.12 (GPS) applying applicable
Compare a manually developed
.13 passage plan with a generated by
use of electronic systems
.14 Set up and use ECDIS or ECS as
an aid to navigation
Determine the most probable
1.10 position of the ship by
observing the sun, stars or
.1 Identify stars of first magnitude
.2 Demonstrate use of the
.3 Understand use of chronometer
rate book
.4 Practice sus sights
Practice noon calculations e.g.,
.5 distance, average speed, course
made good, set and drift and ETA
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
Maintain a safe navigational
On preparing for sea, check
ship's draught, and the
21. necessary bridge equipment is
operational and that proper
sailing information is available
.2 Use internal communications and Short video recording/ clip
test alarm systems
Read the draught and check Photocopy/picture of departure and
.3 freeboard on arrival and
arrival draught
.4 Check and calibrate draught Picture of monitoring draught gauge
gauges, when fitted
Picture of hydrometer and its
readings and electronic or manual
5 Take dock water density and
calculate dock water allowance Dock Water Allowance (DWA)
Assist in checking bridge steering
control equipment, Picture of departure bridge
. 6 communication systems and all checklist signed with 00W and its
other navigational aids before date
Inspect the ship to sailing to Picture of departure bridge
7 ensure that the ship is all secure checklist signed with 00W and its
to proceed to sea date
2 2 On leaving or entering port
notify the master/engine-room
as appropriate and assist in
carrying out the
master's/pilot's orders/
direction while, monitoring the
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
action collision
Video clip/photo and explain briefly
8 Show an ability to supervise how to supervise ratings in watch
ratings in watch keeping duties
keeping duties
Video clip/photo and explain briefly
.9 Assist officer of the watch in in Assisting officer of the watch in
anchor watch duties
anchor watch duties
Read and understand the Explain briefly the purpose and
.10 purpose and contents of the Night
contents of the night order book
Orders book
Adjust the ship's course and
2.5 speed to the traffic, the waters
and the meteorological
Attached photo and explain briefly
.1 Read barometer and derive the barometer and derive corrected
corrected barometric pressure
barometric pressure
Attached photo and explain briefly
.2 Read barograph and obtain the barograph and obtain the
barometric tendency
barometric tendency
Attached photo and explain
3 Read hygrometer and calculate
dew point hygrometer and calculate dew point
Attached photo and explain briefly
4 Obtain sea and air temperature how to obtain sea and air
Explain briefly the wind force,
.5 Estimate wind force, direction and
sea state direction and sea state
Explain briefly the identification of
.6 Identify main cloud types
cloud types
Recognize the need to adjust Explain briefly the need to adjust
7 course and/or speed in heavy
course and/or speed in heavy seas
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
.5 Weather fax
Use of radar and ARPA
maintain safety of navigation
Carry out operational checks
3.1 and adjust the equipment to
proper performance
1 Practice radar set-up procedure
and system tests
2 Practice set-up procedure for true
motion display
.3 Understand the limitations of
Demonstrate an understanding of
.4 the information provided from:
A thorough understanding of
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
A, B, G, H, 0, P, Q
Practice coding and decoding
.3 using the International Code of
Maneuver the ship
Use available information as to
9.1 the ship's turning circles and
stopping distances when
.1 Demonstrate an understanding of
the operation of the steering gear
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
and whippings
.2 Practice splices in ropes and wire
.3 Identify types of ropes and wire
and know their uses
4 Break out new coils of ropes and
.5 Stow wire and ropes with due
regard to their preservation
. 6 As a team member assist with the
rigging of heavy lift derricks
Inspect holds for safety, with
special regard to hatch boards,
.7 ladders, guard wires and
stanchions, permanent dunnage,
beams and beam bolts, lightning
and accesses
. 8 Assist with rigging clusters and
portable lights
With due regard to safety, start,
.9 operate and assist with routine
inspection and maintenance of:
.10 Derrick/cranes
.11 Assist with topping and lowering
cranes and derricks
10.3 Supervise the loading
1 Assist in the supervision of
loading of cargo
.2 Assist in cargo documentation
Check that dangerous goods are
.3 being stowed in accordance with
the IMDG Code
.4 Assist the chief officer with testing
and verification of bulk cargo
moisture content and report
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
3 Identify the dew point
temperature from data collected
10 10 Take actions to avoid damage
to the ship of cargo
Tend mooring lines, wires and
.1 gangway while vessel is
As a team member assist with
2 battening down and securing
hatches and/or cargo tank lids
3 Keep a security deck watch
Inspect hatch covers, gear and
10.11 cargoes before and during
Under supervision:
Rig and use sages and bosun's
.2 Overhaul running rigging
Overhaul blocks and shackles .
.3 (have knowledge of markings to
be found on them)
Make a survey with the chief
officer of all cargo handling gear
.4 and demonstrate an
understanding of the test
certificates and other documents
Where applicable, assist with the
.5 opening closing and securing
hatch covers, insulated plugs and
.6 As a team member assist with
handling and securing hatch
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
Assist with the inspection of
.7 cargo hooks, chains, swivels and
other gear
Assist in checking the safety of
8 walkways, ladders, handrails,
containers stools and other
container fittings
Demonstrate an understanding of
9 precautions to be taken when
opening and closing hydraulic
and mechanical hatch covers
Ensure that all cargoes are
10.12 discharged in good condition
and at the right destination
As a team member, assist in the
.1 supervision of loading and
discharging of cargo
.2 Document and report cargo
damage caused by stevedores
.3 Assist in the preparation of cargo
.4 Inspect holds for completion of
cargo discharge prior to sailing
Ensure satisfactory trim,
10.13 stability, hogging and sagging
at all times
.1 Practice the use of: Stability
.2 Computer/calculators for trim and
.3 Understudy the deck officer in
supervising a ballasting operation
.4 Under supervision, use heeling
tanks to maintain the vessel in an
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
5 Purging
.6 lnerting
7 Positioning of pollution control
equipment in accordance with
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
.8 Mud box
.9 Tank lids
.10 Air hoist
.11 Educator
.12 Cleaning of manifold save-ails
. 13 Assist with maintenance of: Inert
gas plant and pipelines
14 Oily water separator
.15 Closed circuit loading
.16 Pipelines and valves
environmental protection
Ensure that procedures are
14.2 agreed and properly planned
and all scuppers are blocked
before bunkering
.1 Plug deck scuppers
.2 Demonstrate knowledge of ship's
bunkering procedures
.3 Participate in bunkering
.4 Demonstrate the emergency
shutdown procedure
Initiate immediate investigation
14.3 to detect the source on
discovering any pollution
around the ship
Participate in an emergency
1 response exercise for controlling
spillage of oil or other noxious or
toxic substances on board
Stop or prevent leakages and
14.4 spills of harmful liquids and
solid substances
Demonstrate use of Material
.1 Safety Data Sheets and the
IMDG Code for Obtaining
information on cargo hazards
.2 Participate in drill for clean-up of
hazardous cargo spillage
Sound all tanks and
14 5 compartments if any damage is
1 Participate in an emergency
response exercise for stranding
2 Perform soundings of bilges,
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
on board
16 1 Operate fire and smoke
detecting equipment
Understand the use and assist in
1 the maintenance of Portable CO2
.2 Portable dry powder extinguisher
.3 Portable water extinguisher
.4 Maintain hoses, nozzles and
Ensure that all persons on
watch are able to detect and
16 2 correct hazardous situations
and actions and keep the ship
clean and tidy
.1 Perform fire patrol duties
2 Re-stow gear and secure after
maintenance work
Locate the firefighting
16.3 application, emergency escape
routes and sound alarm
Carry out a full inspection of
1 firefighting equipment and report
to the chief officer
Participate in an emergency
.2 response exercise for the fire at
the sea and fire in port
3 Demonstrate how to raise the
Locate fire stations and
demonstrate proper use of
16 4 fixed installation and other
firefighting appliances and
.1 Assist with the testing of the
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
6 Demonstrate the use of a SCBA
record/control board
Demonstrate ability to act in
16.6 accordance with the
firefighting plan during fire
.1 Take charge of a fire party during
an exercise
Demonstrate the use and location
.2 of all engine-room safety
appliances and escape routes
Operate life-saving appliances
17.1 Organize abandon ship drills
Understand the hazards to
.1 seafarers of manning lifeboats for
drills and exercises
Understand the need to be
.2 familiar with the operations of on-
load release mechanism
Recognize that fall prevention
.3 devices (FPDs) where fitted,
should be used in drills (to
prevent premature detachment)
Recognize the need for
.4 meticulous inspection and
maintenance of on-load release
Understand the maintenance
requirements by shipboard
.5 personnel and by the
manufacturer or manufacturer
approved agents
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)
survival craft
Locate, explain and understand
the operation of distress rockets,
.3 flares and other pyrotechnics
including precautions for their
.4 Explain the operation of rocket
line throwing apparatus
.5 Assist with the maintenance of:
Lifeboats and rescue boats
.6 Lifeboat equipment and
7 Launching davits and gear
Buoyant apparatus, e.g.
8 lifebuoys, lifejackets and
.9 Immersion suit and TPAs
. 10 Other survival craft, specify type
.11 Assist with the routine
maintenance of lifeboat engine
Apply medical first aid on
board ship
Stop excessive bleeding,
18.1 ensure breathing and put
casualties in proper recovery
.1 Participate in an emergency first
aid drill at sea
Demonstrate a basic
2 understanding of first aid
principles: Stopping bleeding
.3 Treatment of
Objective Evidence Task Schedule
(Pictures, Videos, Documents,
Ref. Drawings, Calculations and etc. as
Duty/task Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month
No. per specific task/duty as stated with
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the attestation, actual date and
signature of the 00W)