Switch Statement
Switch Statement
Switch Statement
The switch statement in C is an alternate to if-else-if ladder statement which allows us to execute
multiple operations for the different possibles values of a single variable called switch variable.
Here, We can define various statements in the multiple cases for the different values of a single
1. switch(expression){
2. case value1:
3. //code to be executed;
4. break; //optional
5. case value2:
6. //code to be executed;
7. break; //optional
8. ......
10. default:
11. code to be executed if all cases are not matched;
12. }
Let's try to understand it by the examples. We are assuming that there are following variables.
1. int x,y,z;
2. char a,b;
3. float f;
Valid Switch Invalid Switch Valid Case Invalid Case
switch(x) switch(f) case 3; case 2.5;
switch(x>y) switch(x+2.5) case 'a'; case x;
switch(a+b-2) case 1+2; case x+2;
switch(func(x,y)) case 'x'>'y'; case 1,2,3;
C Program:
1. #include <stdio.h>
3. int main() {
4. int num = 2;
5. switch (num) {
6. case 1:
7. printf("Value is 1\n");
8. break;
9. case 2:
10. printf("Value is 2\n");
11. break;
12. case 3:
13. printf("Value is 3\n");
14. break;
15. default:
16. printf("Value is not 1, 2, or 3\n");
17. break;
18. }
20. return 0;
21. }
Value is 2
Step-by-step Process:
1. The switch variable num is evaluated. In this case, num is initialized with the value 2.
2. The evaluated num (2) value is compared with the constants specified in each case label
inside the switch block.
3. The switch statement matches the evaluated value (2) with the constant specified in
the second case (case 2). Since there is a match, the program jumps to the code block
associated with the matching case (case 2).
4. The code block associated with case 2 is executed, which prints "Value is 2" to the
5. The "break" keyword is present in the code block of case 2. As a result, the program
breaks out of the switch statement immediately after executing the code block.
6. The program control continues after the switch statement, and any statements following
the switch statement are executed. In this case, there are no statements after the switch,
so the program terminates.
7. The switch statement evaluated the value of the variable num, found a match with case
2, executed the corresponding code block, and then exited the switch block due to the
presence of the "break" statement.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=0;
4. printf("enter a number:");
5. scanf("%d",&number);
6. switch(number){
7. case 10:
8. printf("number is equals to 10");
9. break;
10. case 50:
11. printf("number is equal to 50");
12. break;
13. case 100:
14. printf("number is equal to 100");
15. break;
16. default:
17. printf("number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100");
18. }
19. return 0;
20. }
enter a number:4
number is not equal to 10, 50 or 100
enter a number:50
number is equal to 50
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int x = 10, y = 5;
5. switch(x>y && x+y>0)
6. {
7. case 1:
8. printf("hi");
9. break;
10. case 0:
11. printf("bye");
12. break;
13. default:
14. printf(" Hello bye ");
15. }
17. }
Break and Default keyword in Switch statement
Let us explain and define the "break" and "default" keywords in the context of the switch
statement, along with example code and output.
1. Break Keyword:
The "break" keyword is used within the code block of each case to terminate the switch
statement prematurely. When the program encounters a "break" statement inside a case block,
it immediately exits the switch statement, preventing the execution of subsequent case blocks.
The "break" statement is crucial for avoiding switch statements' "fall-through" behavior.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main() {
3. int num = 3;
5. switch (num) {
6. case 1:
7. printf("Value is 1\n");
8. break; // Exit the switch statement after executing this case block
9. case 2:
10. printf("Value is 2\n");
11. break; // Exit the switch statement after executing this case block
12. case 3:
13. printf("Value is 3\n");
14. break; // Exit the switch statement after executing this case block
15. default:
16. printf("Value is not 1, 2, or 3\n");
17. break; // Exit the switch statement after executing the default case block
18. }