The Magician As Spiritual Anarchist: By: Saint Faust, Imperium Magus
The Magician As Spiritual Anarchist: By: Saint Faust, Imperium Magus
The Magician As Spiritual Anarchist: By: Saint Faust, Imperium Magus
Based on the writings of Hakim Bey, the Gnostics, & Cyber-Punk Fiction
All Magical Experiments Conducted by Saint Faust & Crius, Along With the Order of
Ento-Pan from March 2005 – May 2005.
By practicing magick, we make this world into something a bit more strange – a bit more imaginative. If you
don’t see a need for this, then take a good goddamn look around. Many people spend most of their lives in a
dull classroom setting just so they can later spend the rest of their lives in a fucking cubicle supposedly mak-
ing a living.They come home and bitch at their families and endlessly bemoan the need for a better education
– despite the fact that they obviously aren’t happy.
Freedom is finding happiness for yourself, and following your dreams and desires. If you can’t follow your
dreams and desires, then why live life at all? Why continue waking up every day? Just start making the choices
that will define who you are right way.Turn off the television, burn the newspaper, toss that book out the win-
dow and go buy a cup of coffee and meet someone new. Make life an adventure – live it as imaginatively and
creatively as possible.
Don’t bemoan revolution or insurrection right away – one person can make a drastic change in the life of
another. If we win over just one more person for every “spiritual anarchist” all ready out there, and they win
over others, the changes will begin to become as enormous as ever. It’s time to start carrying the torch and
proving that we can put the money where our mouth is.
As a final note, just two weeks ago I was able to download a documentary on the “tele-street” movement in
Spain. In a place where almost all media is controlled by one man, there has begun an underground street war
against the media in which pirate TV stations now flow openly to those who want it. One of the founders of
the ideas now permeating the movement even referred the stations as “temporary autonomous zones.” Given
enough time, such a movement can even spread to our super-materialist world of America and the surround-
ing countries and be one more force in the resistance ultra-consumerism.
It has always been my dream to see this world change to suit those with imagination, and that the next gener-
ation will itself has more imagination than those that came before.
The new Aeon is here; now is the time to begin placing the stresses where we must so that the 5th version of
Baphomet becomes as potent as ever, and any dual currents appearing become as we wish them. Let us pro-
claim an end to the world that we can only derive so much pleasure from, and that the beginning of another
is here.