Developmental Milestone Checklist

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 Supine gets head to midline  Closes fist/fingers on object put in hand  Follows moving person with eyes
 Moves all extremities through wide range  Reaches for object 6"-9” in front of self  Attends to voice; turns head to voice
 Sitting: in supported sitting aligns head  Holds hands open most of the time  Vocalizes sounds other than crying or cooing
 Prone: lifts head ~45 degrees  Brings hands to mouth
 Supports upper body with arms when on tummy
 While on back, visually tracks moving toys
 Babbles: “mamama”, “dadada”
 Starting to sit independently  Transfers object hand to hand  Anticipates feeding upon sight of bottle
 Rolls from back to stomach  Holds own bottle  Recognizes/responds to own name
 Good head control in all positions  Grasps and holds two objects
 Uses arms simultaneously  Returns smile of adult(s)
 Starting to pivot in prone
 Starting to play with feet in supine  Reaches with one hand and reaches for toys
 Grasps and releases toys
 Explores with hands and mouth
 Finds objects that are partially hidden  Responds with gesture to “come up”
 Drags objects towards self  Searches for partially hidden object
 Creeping on hands and knees  Points at objects and picks up small objects  Vocalizes four different syllables
 Rolls supine to prone, prone to supine  Starts to self-feed using fingers  Seeks comfort from familiar adult(s)
 Transitions in and out of sitting  Drinking from sippy cup
 Claps hands together
 Picks up head and pushes through arms during
tummy time
 Pulling to stand  Releases objects voluntarily  Says one to two words spontaneously besides
 May be cruising  Puts objects in container “mama” or “dada”
 Stands alone briefly  Waves goodbye  Understands and follows simple commands
 Walks with both hands held  Uses pincher grasp regarding body action: “sit down”, “come here”,
 May be walking independently  Pulls off socks “give me”
 Holds spoon  Participates in common games:
 Eats soft foods “pat-a-cake”, “peekaboo”
 Walks independently  Stacks blocks
 Walks backwards  Squats to pick up toys  Says 8-10 words spontaneously
 Walks up and down steps one at a time with  Helps with dressing  Shows symbolic use of objects: pretends to feed
one hand held or holding on to a hand rail  Brings spoon to mouth and enjoys food variety doll
 Kicks a stationary ball  Regular sleep schedule  Identifies two or more objects or pictures from
 Interested in interacting with people group
 Maintains eye contact
 Points to objects of interest
 Scribbles on paper

 Stands up from middle of floor  Able to do simple shape puzzle with minimal  Finds familiar object not in sight
 Stoops to pick up object from floor and assistance  Says 15 meaningful words
returns to stand  Turns thick pages in books  Asks “whats that?”
 Throws a ball  Stacks blocks greater than six high
 Drinks from a cup with minimal spills

 Can jump down from a step  Uses two word phrases frequently
 Ascending/Descending alternating feet with  Imitates vertical stroke
 Strings one-inch beads  Uses fifty different words
one hand held
 Can walk on tip toes  Removes shoes  Follows a two-step related command
 Walks in circles  Uses zipper
 Scoops food to feed self
 Identifies 3-5 body parts
 Follows simple two-step directions
 Plays well with others

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