Developmental Milestone Checklist
Developmental Milestone Checklist
Developmental Milestone Checklist
Stands up from middle of floor Able to do simple shape puzzle with minimal Finds familiar object not in sight
Stoops to pick up object from floor and assistance Says 15 meaningful words
returns to stand Turns thick pages in books Asks “whats that?”
Throws a ball Stacks blocks greater than six high
Drinks from a cup with minimal spills
Can jump down from a step Uses two word phrases frequently
Ascending/Descending alternating feet with Imitates vertical stroke
Strings one-inch beads Uses fifty different words
one hand held
Can walk on tip toes Removes shoes Follows a two-step related command
Walks in circles Uses zipper
Scoops food to feed self
Identifies 3-5 body parts
Follows simple two-step directions
Plays well with others