Challenges Faced by Marginalized Communities in A
Challenges Faced by Marginalized Communities in A
Challenges Faced by Marginalized Communities in A
Challenges Faced by Marginalized Communities in a
Post-Disaster Context: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Kalindu Mendis 1, * , Menaha Thayaparan 1 , Yamuna Kaluarachchi 2 and Chaminda Pathirage 3
Abstract: Many international organizations embrace the ideals of resilience and inclusion in the
service of marginalized communities but neglect their inclusion in post-disaster settings. It is
imperative to explore the challenges faced by marginalized communities to increase their inclusion
in the post-disaster context. Therefore, this paper presents a systematic literature review of the
challenges facing marginalized communities in the post-disaster context. The study identified
57 challenges faced by children, women, people with disabilities, and older adults under six categories:
social, health, political, infrastructure, economic, and communication. The most common challenges
all four marginalized communities face are the development of post-traumatic stress disorder, the
struggle to acquire the necessities of life due to unequal distribution, the lack of income-generating
opportunities, and sexual and gender-based violence. Most studies focus on women’s challenges,
followed by those of children, older adults, and persons with disabilities. The study also explored
the challenges faced in terms of intersectionality, experienced by groups of people who fall under
more than one marginalized community. Finally, a conceptual framework was developed to improve
the inclusion of marginalized communities during the post-disaster context by incorporating the
Citation: Mendis, K.;
Thayaparan, M.; Kaluarachchi, Y.;
challenges as one of the key components of the framework.
Pathirage, C. Challenges Faced by
Marginalized Communities in a Keywords: challenges; inclusivity; marginalized communities; post-disaster context; systematic
Post-Disaster Context: A Systematic literature review
Review of the Literature.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754.
su151410754 1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Mauro Sarrica
Globally, there has been an increase in disaster severity over the past decade, con-
tributing to a growing number of deaths [1]. The consequences of these recent disasters are
Received: 28 April 2023 significant and have severe repercussions on social life and the distribution of economic
Revised: 3 July 2023 power. Disaster management includes all activities, programs, and initiatives before, dur-
Accepted: 6 July 2023 ing, or after disasters to prevent and reduce their effects and to provide ways of healing
Published: 8 July 2023
from the consequences of disasters [2]. The post-disaster situation can be complex and
challenging, and perhaps the most critical challenge is determining the needs quickly to
provide crucial assistance to affected communities [3]. Furthermore, people affected by
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
disasters face daily challenges such as losing their routine, lacking social and domestic roles
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
and leisure activities, and, more significantly, losing their purpose in life [4]. Among these
This article is an open access article
people, marginalized communities are exposed to relatively high risks and are consequently
distributed under the terms and more severely affected by disasters than others are [5]. Marginalization denies groups and
conditions of the Creative Commons individuals access to significant economic, religious, or political positions and symbols in
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// a society [6,7]. Generally, each community has identified a group of people considered vulnerable in mainstream society. These groups include children, women, disabled people,
4.0/). minorities, poor people, older adults, and low-income groups [8]. However, in the face of
natural disasters, it is mainly women, older adults, people with disabilities, and children
who are often affected by multilayered kinds of marginalization and are less resilient to
risk aversion [9,10].
Community involvement in post-disaster management programs is increasingly im-
portant and has received consideration from researchers, academics, policymakers, and
national and international organizations [11]. The community is the first to respond to
any disaster, and disaster management procedures would become ineffective without their
involvement [12]. Since marginalized communities are the ones most affected, it is essential
to engage them in any post-disaster program [13]. However, it is worrying that many of
these communities are usually invisible, and their participation in post-disaster activities
is not recognized. This unrecognition leads to higher fatalities, injuries, and economic
damage rates with a comparatively longer recovery time [8,14].
Disasters intensify socioeconomic disparities and wealth, making the marginalized
most likely to be left behind [15,16]. According to Zayas et al. [17], although inclusivity is a
buzzword for post-disaster management, its real challenges include deep-rooted obstacles
in various social organizations and governance procedures. Therefore, it is crucial to iden-
tify the challenges marginalized communities face in the post-disaster context to ensure the
equitable distribution of resources, improve the effectiveness of post-disaster management
efforts, reduce vulnerabilities, promote resilience, and foster inclusivity and social justice.
By identifying the specific needs of these communities, post-disaster management efforts
can tailor their response to address their unique challenges and promote their recovery
from the impact of a disaster.
Therefore, this paper first presents the adopted methodology for the systematic lit-
erature review, followed by an analysis of the challenges marginalized communities face
in post-disaster situations to develop a framework to improve their inclusion in the post-
disaster contexts.
2. Research Methodology
2.1. Scope of the Literature Review and Search Strategy
Following the PRISMA guidelines, forming the research question is the first step
in a systematic literature review [18]. The research question “What are the challenges
faced by marginalized communities in the post-disaster phases?” was developed using the
PICO (population, intervention, comparison, and outcome) approach. The PICO approach
provides a solid foundation for developing research questions and establishing keywords
for the literature review based on the terms of the research questions [19]. According to
Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt [20], “Comparison” is the only optional component in the
PICO approach. In this instance, the comparison component was excluded as there was
no comparison; an alternative is to compare the interventions in the research question. A
logic grid was created using the PICO approach, and a preliminary search was initiated
using the key terms. Subsequently, the title and abstract of the articles obtained during the
preliminary search were reviewed, and alternative key terms for building a comprehensive
logical grid were identified, as shown in Table 1.
The search strategy was developed using the terms identified in Table 1. There, quotation
marks (“”) were used to derive articles that matched the exact terms and wildcard characters
(* and ?) to identify different variations of a specific term. Subsequently, the identified terms
were combined using Boolean operators, “OR’” and “AND”, as shown in Figure 1.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 20
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Study
Study selection
selection flow chart.
flow chart.
Figure 2,
Per Figure 2, the
refinedthethe search
search forfor
thethe most
most relevant
relevant articles
articles for
for three
three reasons.
reasons. After After a screening
a screening of title,
of title, abstract,
abstract, andand keywords,
keywords, 439 439 articles
articles thatthat
not relevant
relevant to context
to the the context
werewere removed
removed (Reason(Reason
1), in1), in addition
addition to 26to 26 articles
articles that only
that had had
only abstracts
abstracts (Reason
(Reason 2) and2)180
180 articles irrelevant
irrelevant to thetoresearch
the research question
question (Reason(Reason
3). 3).
At the end of the screening process, 61 (706–439–26–180) articles were retrieved for
the qualitative analysis and included 50 journal articles from databases, 7 reports were
from organizations
organizationsand andwebsites,
and4 4journal
from outside
addition, twotwo
In addition, records
recordswere added
were to strengthen
added to strengthenthe the
framework to improve
to improvethe
inclusivity of marginalized
the inclusivity of marginalized communities
communities in the
in post-disaster
the post-disaster context (Reason
context 4). 4).
Figure 3 shows that most articles (35) are from Asian countries. The World Bank [22]
has identified South Asia as one of the most vulnerable regions to disaster-induced
consequences. However, the United States (11 articles) has conducted the highest number
of studies, closely followed by Nepal (9 articles).
In addition, a “Treemap” was created to present the dispersion of different
marginalized communities
Figure 3.3. Mapping
Figure Mapping involved
of articles
of articles originin
by the systematic review (shown in Figure 4).
Figure 3 shows that most articles (35) are from Asian countries. The World Bank [22]
has identified South Asia as one of the most vulnerable regions to disaster-induced con-
sequences. However, the United States (11 articles) has conducted the highest number of
studies, closely followed by Nepal (9 articles).
In addition, a “Treemap” was created to present the dispersion of different margin-
alized communities involved in the systematic review (shown in Figure 4).
Figure 4. Dispersion
Figure of of
4. Dispersion different types
different of of
types marginalized communities
marginalized considered
communities forfor
considered the review.
the review.
3. Data Analysis
The code-based content analysis method was utilized to analyze the data gathered
from the systematic literature review [24]. The primary codes and sub-codes were derived
mainly to identify the challenges faced by marginalized communities, to develop the
conceptual framework, and to suggest future research directions to improve the inclusivity
of 4. Dispersion
marginalized of different types
communities in theofpost-disaster
marginalized context.
communities considered
All four forwere
authors the review.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754 6 of 22
in the coding process one after the other. This process was carried out in two rounds to
reduce the subjectivity of the identified codes.
Figure Keychallenges
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754 8 of 22
According to Witting et al. [30], prejudice towards widows manifests in various forms,
including sexual abuse, social stigma (e.g., the belief that widowed women bring bad
luck), and the belief that they are promiscuous and may threaten existing family units.
Therefore, widows may have limited mobility [31] and sometimes are compelled to hide
their widowhood from their children, and in Southeast Asia, there are little or no safe and
lucrative forms of employment they can attain or social gatherings [33] they can attend.
In some Southeast Asian countries, single women and widows are deemed “unwanted
insiders” in society [34]. While women are marginalized in the aftermath of a disaster,
widowed women face a critical stigma on religious, patriarchal, and social grounds [30].
In the aftermath of disasters, parents have expressed despair and concern that their
children had to “beg” for food and water at times [35]. Lord et al. [36] claimed that child
traffickers use this as an opportunity to persuade parents to give up their children by
promising food, education, and a better life for their children. It is significant to highlight
that young boys and girls may both be as vulnerable to trafficking, although there is only
limited data that focuses on the age and gender of children who are at risk or who were
rescued [31]. Children with disabilities such as autism are often uncomfortable in the
presence of crowds and the general environment of shelters. Therefore, a great deal of stress
exists for parents who must handle such situations in the post-disaster relief phase [37].
In addition, a loss of livelihood and worsening living conditions can make it difficult for
many women to raise their children [43]. Additionally, in many cases, older adults may
have limited access to income-generating opportunities even before a disaster due to agism,
discrimination, and health challenges [59,60]. These challenges can become even more
pronounced in the aftermath of a disaster, as older adults may face increased difficulty
finding work or starting businesses [52]. Furthermore, a lack of income can lead to various
other challenges, including food insecurity, poor health outcomes, and reduced access to
education and other essential services [41,59,61].
not want to recall their past experiences, they were happy to recall these later and even
share them with others since it felt optimistic that they survived the disaster. Therefore,
while addressing their challenges, highlighting their capabilities is crucial to improve
their inclusion in the post-disaster context. Moreover, collaboration among stakeholders,
policy refinement, and effective implementation are crucial to improving the inclusivity
of marginalized communities in the post-disaster context. Inclusive decision-making and
participatory processes must be prioritized to achieve sustainable recovery.
Sustainability 2023, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEWFrom the findings obtained from the systematic literature review, the authors12devel-
of 20
oped a conceptual framework to enhance the inclusion of marginalized communities in the
post-disaster context (See Figure 6).
Figure 6.
Figure Conceptualframework
6. Conceptual framework
to to improve
improve thethe inclusion
inclusion of marginalized
of marginalized communities
communities in thein the
post-disaster context.
disaster context.
5. Conclusions
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754 12 of 22
5. Conclusions
Through a systematic and comprehensive literature review, this study has established
sound knowledge and understanding of the challenges encountered by marginalized
communities during the post-disaster phases. The systematic review adhering to PRISMA
guidelines identified 57 challenges faced by women, people with disabilities, children,
older adults, and intersectional groups in the post-disaster context. The challenges were
identified to fall under six categories: social, health, political, economic, infrastructural,
and communication. Most of the challenges come under the social category. The common
challenges for all marginalized communities are the development of post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), the struggle to acquire the necessities of life due to unequal distribution,
lack of income-generating opportunities, and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).
The research reveals that most of the challenges are experienced by women. Based on
several combinations of marginalized communities, this paper attempted to derive the
intersectionality of and unveil the complexity of the challenges. However, only limited
sources have explicitly recognized the challenges faced by intersectional groups compared
to other marginalized communities.
Having identified the challenges marginalized communities face, this paper intro-
duced a pathway to enhance their inclusivity in the post-disaster context by developing
a conceptual framework. Challenges, policy gaps, policy implementation barriers, and
stakeholder involvement in the context of the inclusion of marginalized communities in
post-disaster management are the main components of the conceptual framework that can
lead to a visualization of the gaps associated with inclusivity. The framework adopted
four dimensions of inclusion to devise suitable strategies to improve the inclusivity of
marginalized communities in post-disaster situations. This comprehensive approach can
help ensure that these communities are not left behind and have the support they need to
rebuild their lives more equitably and justly.
In summary, as social implications, the study highlights the existing social inequality
and injustice that marginalized communities face and the need for inclusive post-disaster
management efforts that address their unique needs and vulnerabilities. It also emphasizes
the importance of community resilience and social networks in mitigating the negative
impacts of natural disasters. In terms of policy implications, the study stresses the need
for targeted support and interventions to address the specific challenges faced by different
marginalized communities. In addition, the study can inform the development of policies
and guidelines for disaster responses and recovery efforts that promote the inclusivity
and empowerment of marginalized communities. From a theoretical perspective, the
study contributes to the literature on disaster resilience and community empowerment by
identifying the challenges faced by marginalized communities and highlighting the need
for a more inclusive approach to disaster response and recovery. Finally, the developed
conceptual framework can serve as a basis for future empirical research and theoretical
developments in the field of disaster resilience and community empowerment.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754 13 of 22
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, K.M., M.T. and Y.K.; methodology, K.M. and M.T.; formal
analysis, K.M. and M.T.; investigation, K.M., M.T., Y.K. and C.P.; resources, M.T., Y.K. and C.P.;
data curation, K.M., M.T. and Y.K.; writing—original draft preparation, K.M.; writing—review and
editing, M.T., Y.K. and C.P.; visualization, K.M. and M.T.; supervision, M.T., Y.K. and C.P.; project
administration, M.T. and Y.K.; funding acquisition, C.P. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted under the ethics code requirements
of University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, and was approved by University Ethics Review Committee
(UERC) with ethics declaration /clearance number ERN/2022/003 and 24 November 2022 as the
date of approval.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 10754 14 of 22
Appendix A
Table 1. In-depth analysis of the challenges faced by marginalized communities in the post-disaster context.
Marginalized Communities
Post-Disaster Phases Literature Sources Number of Citations Rank
Disabled Women
Older Adults
Disabled Girls
Older Women
of Challenges
Table 1. Cont.
Marginalized Communities
Post-Disaster Phases Literature Sources Number of Citations Rank
Disabled Women
Older Adults
Disabled Girls
Older Women
of Challenges
Table 1. Cont.
Marginalized Communities
Post-Disaster Phases Literature Sources Number of Citations Rank
Disabled Women
Older Adults
Disabled Girls
Older Women
of Challenges
Table 1. Cont.
Marginalized Communities
Post-Disaster Phases Literature Sources Number of Citations Rank
Disabled Women
Older Adults
Disabled Girls
Older Women
of Challenges
Table 1. Cont.
Marginalized Communities
Post-Disaster Phases Literature Sources Number of Citations Rank
Disabled Women
Older Adults
Disabled Girls
Older Women
of Challenges
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