Haseeb Voucher
Haseeb Voucher
Haseeb Voucher
Payable At any Branch of MCB Bank Limited. Payable At any Branch of MCB Bank Limited. Payable At any Branch of MCB Bank Limited.
Title of Account:Al-Khidmat Welfare Society Title of Account:Al-Khidmat Welfare Society Title of Account:Al-Khidmat Welfare Society
Account No:1091152351004807 Account No:1091152351004807 Account No:1091152351004807
IT Course:Digital Marketing & Freelancing IT Course:Digital Marketing & Freelancing IT Course:Digital Marketing & Freelancing
Security Deposit Refundable 3000 Security Deposit Refundable 3000 Security Deposit Refundable 3000
In Rupees: Three Thousand Only/- In Rupees: Three Thousand Only/- In Rupees: Three Thousand Only/-
Depositor Sig: Bank Cashier Depositor Sig: Bank Cashier Depositor Sig: Bank Cashier
Note: If you choose to pay your Student Fee through 1link, Note: If you choose to pay your Student Fee through 1link, Note: If you choose to pay your Student Fee through 1link,
please note that you need to pay an additional fee of PKR 30. please note that you need to pay an additional fee of PKR 30. please note that you need to pay an additional fee of PKR 30.
However if you use the MCB bank cash counter, there will be However if you use the MCB bank cash counter, there will be However if you use the MCB bank cash counter, there will be
no additional charges. no additional charges. no additional charges.