Plaque Metrics Predict Mace Gu 2024
Plaque Metrics Predict Mace Gu 2024
Plaque Metrics Predict Mace Gu 2024
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Keywords: Background and aims: Anatomical imaging alone of coronary atherosclerotic plaques is insufficient to identify risk
Atherosclerotic plaques of future adverse events and guide management of non-culprit lesions. Low endothelial shear stress (ESS) and
Acute coronary syndrome high plaque structural stress (PSS) are associated with events, but individually their predictive value is insuffi
Patient outcomes
cient for risk prediction. We determined whether combining multiple complementary, biomechanical and
Risk stratification
Intravascular ultrasound
anatomical plaque characteristics improves outcome prediction sufficiently to inform clinical decision-making.
Methods: We examined baseline ESS, ESS gradient (ESSG), PSS, and PSS heterogeneity index (HI), and plaque
burden in 22 lesions that developed subsequent events and 64 control lesions that remained quiescent from the
Results: 86 fibroatheromas were analysed from 67 patients. Lesions with events showed higher PSS HI (0.32 vs.
0.24, p<0.001), lower local ESS (0.56Pa vs. 0.91Pa, p = 0.007), and higher ESSG (3.82 Pa/mm vs. 1.96 Pa/mm, p
= 0.007), while high PSS HI (hazard ratio [HR] 3.9, p = 0.006), high ESSG (HR 3.4, p = 0.007) and plaque
burden>70 % (HR 2.6, p = 0.02) were independent outcome predictors in multivariate analysis. Combining low
ESS, high ESSG, and high PSS HI gave both high positive predictive value (80 %), which increased further
combined with plaque burden>70 %, and negative predictive value (81.6 %). Low ESS, high ESSG, and high PSS
HI co-localised spatially within 1 mm in lesions with events, and importantly, this cluster was distant from the
minimum lumen area site.
Conclusions: Combining complementary biomechanical and anatomical metrics significantly improves risk-
stratification of individual coronary lesions. If confirmed from larger prospective studies, our results may
inform targeted revascularisation vs. conservative management strategies.
* Corresponding author. Section of Cardiorespiratory Medicine, University of Cambridge, Heart & Lung Research Institute, Papworth Road, Cambridge Biomedical
Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0BB, UK.
** Corresponding author. Harvard Medical School, Director, Vascular Profiling Research Group, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham & Women’s Hospital,
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA, 02115, USA.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P.H. Stone), [email protected] (M.R. Bennett).
These authors contributed equally as joint first authors.
These authors contributed equally as joint senior authors.
Received 30 October 2023; Received in revised form 18 December 2023; Accepted 9 January 2024
Available online 11 January 2024
0021-9150/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
Table 1
Cox proportional hazard regression: Factors associated with MACE.
Univariate Analysis Multivariate Analysis Adjusted Modela
CI = confidence interval; ESS = endothelial shear stress; ESSG = ESS gradient; HI = heterogeneity index; HR = hazard ratio; MACE = major adverse cardiovascular
events; MLA = minimum lumen area; PB = plaque burden; PSS = plaque structural stress.
Age, sex and smoking status adjusted model.
High ESSmean cut-off = 2.7Pa, determined by Youden index on receiver operating characteristic analysis.
3. Results ESSmin <1.3 kPa, but so did many non-MACE plaques (Supplementary
Fig. 2A). High PSS HI combined with low ESSmin best predicted MACE vs.
3.1. Baseline patient and anatomical lesion characteristics non-MACE lesions (72.7 % vs. 17.2 %, p<0.001) (Supplementary
Fig. 2A), compared with 50 % vs. 10.9 % (p<0.001) for low ESSmin/high
Fifty-one NCLs caused subsequent MACE in PROSPECT, including 8 ESSG, and 36.4 % vs. 3.1 % for high ESSG/high PSS HI (p<0.001)
non-fibroatheromas, which were excluded. Two lesions were too short (Supplementary Figs. 2B–C). Similarly, combined high ESSG/high PSS
(<9 mm) for any meaningful ESS or PSS heterogeneity evaluation. ESS HI identified fewer MACE vs. non-MACE lesions if only lesions with a
vascular profiling CFD analyses require specific biplane coronary an low baseline ESS (<1.3Pa) were studied (36.4 % vs. 4.5 %, p = 0.002)
giograms to reconstruct coronary 3D structure and to allow the merging (Supplementary Fig. 2D).
of artery centreline with IVUS imaging. There were 19 (37 %) lesions Of all biomechanical and anatomical parameters, only high ESSG,
with insufficient imaging to perform CFD [11] and were excluded high PSS HI, smaller MLA and PB>70 % were associated with MACE on
(Fig. 1A). The final dataset comprised 86 NCLs (22 MACE plaques from univariate analysis (Table 1). High ESSG (hazard ratio [HR] 3.36, 95 %
20 patients, 2 MIs, 4 unstable angina, 14 rehospitalization; 64 confidence interval [CI] 1.40–8.07, p = 0.007), high PSS HI (HR 3.91,
non-MACE plaques from 47 patients), and patient demographics were 95 % CI 1.47–10.4, p = 0.006), and large PB (HR 2.60, 95 % CI
well matched with the full PROSPECT cohort, apart from more current 1.07–6.31, p = 0.035) were also independent predictors of MACE in
smokers (63.6 % vs. 47.7 %, p = 0.02) (Supplementary Table 1). Patients multivariable analyses. Similar results were seen in an age-, sex- and
had a median age of 57.5 years, 83.6 % were male and patient de smoking-adjusted multivariate model (Table 1).
mographics were well matched between MACE (n = 20) and non-MACE
(n = 47) groups (Supplementary Table 2). 3.3. Incorporating PSS heterogeneity and ESSG improves prediction of
Lesions were distributed across all main coronary arteries, with 51.2 MACE
% in the proximal vessel (Supplementary Table 3). Overall, 64 % were
TCFAs, with similar TCFA and ThCFA proportions in MACE and non- While MACE only occurred in plaques with baseline low ESSmin
MACE groups. MACE plaques had significantly smaller MLA (3.83 vs. (<1.3Pa), 77.2 % of non-MACE plaques had focal areas with low ESSmin
5.05 mm2, p = 0.002), larger PB at MLA (70.0 % vs. 59.4 %, p<0.001), (Supplementary Fig. 2A). However, combining high ESSG or high PSS HI
and were longer (29.0 vs. 19.8 mm, p = 0.001). By VH-IVUS, MACE individually with low ESSmin increased cumulative NCL-MACE proba
plaques had significantly larger overall PB (54.1 vs. 50.9 %, p = 0.02); bilities from 33 % to 64.6 % and 61.5 %, respectively, in all NCL
otherwise, EEM, lumen or plaque areas or plaque composition were fibroatheromas (Fig. 2A–B), and from 32.5 % to 87.3 % and 59.8 %,
similar (Supplementary Table 3). respectively, in TCFAs (Fig. 2C–D). Combining high ESSG/high PSS HI
with low ESSmin increased cumulative MACE probabilities further
3.2. Association of baseline ESS, ESS gradient and PSS heterogeneity with (Fig. 2E), with observed MACE rates of individual plaques increasing
future MACE with number of high-risk metrics present. For example, NCL MACE rates
(Fig. 3A) and plaque Hazard Ratios (HR) (Fig. 3B) were higher in pla
Baseline ESS and PSS parameters were calculated on 55 TCFA and 31 ques with a low baseline ESS combined with a high baseline ESSG, a high
ThCFA co-registered lesions (Fig. 1B). MACE plaques had lower baseline PSS HI, or both. Indeed, lesions containing these three biomechanical
local minimum ESS (ESSmin, 0.56 vs. 0.91Pa, p = 0.007), higher local metrics showed 80 % MACE rates, and lesions containing all three
maximum ESS (ESSmax, 5.81 vs. 4.37Pa, p = 0.011) and higher ESS biomechanical metrics plus PB ≥ 70 % had 100 % MACE rates (HR 8.29)
gradient (ESSG, 3.82 vs. 1.96 Pa/mm, p = 0.007) compared to non- (Fig. 3A–B). As expected, the prevalence of these progressively higher
MACE plaques (Supplementary Table 4). MACE plaques had lower risk combinations was progressively less frequent.
maximum PSS (PSSmax, 115.5 vs. 124.4 kPa, p = 0.038) in this un
matched cohort consistent with their higher PB and lower MLA (ac 3.4. Plaque risk stratification
cording to Laplace’s law), but higher PSS heterogeneity index (PSS HI,
0.321 vs. 0.241, p<0.001 (Supplementary Table 4). The progressive increase in MACE rates in plaques with more
ROC analysis was performed to identify ESS and PSS parameters biomechanical features provides a valuable platform to find the best
thresholds that best predicted future MACE, and used to classify each sequence of metrics to predict MACE in NCLs. We developed a stepwise
parameter into ‘low’ and ‘high’ indices. Cumulative MACE probabilities decision tree based on PPV and NPV to both identify and exclude high-
were higher in plaques with lower local ESSmin (≤1.3Pa, p = 0.005), risk plaques. Combining high ESSG and low ESSmin improved PPV to
higher ESS gradient (ESSG, ≥4.0 Pa/mm, p< 0.001), or higher PSS HI 61.1 % with a NPV of 83.8 % (Fig. 3C). Adding high PSS HI to low ESSmin
(≥0.29, p< 0.001)(Supplementary Fig. 1). However, the ability to increased PPV from 33.3 % to 59.3 %, maintaining a high NPV at 89.8 %,
identify MACE lesions varied across different combinations of biome but combining PSS HI, ESSG, and ESSmin further improved PPV to 80 %,
chanical parameters. For example, all MACE plaques had a baseline still maintaining a high NPV at 81.6 % (Fig. 3C). Similarly, different
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
Fig. 2. Incorporation of high ESSG and high PSS HI improves risk stratification of low ESS lesions.
Cumulative MACE probability in lesions with low ESS and high or low (A) ESSG, (B) PSS HI, in TCFA lesions with high or low (C) ESSG, (D) PSS HI, or (E) com
bination of ESS, ESSG and PSS HI. ESS = endothelial shear stress; ESSG = ESS gradient; HI = heterogeneity index; MACE = major adverse cardiovascular events; PSS
= plaque structural stress; TCFA = thin cap fibroatheroma.
combinations of biomechanical features were associated with lesser or coronary interventions (PCI). Low ESSmin and high ESSG sites were
even no risk, with no events with physiologic/high local ESS (≥1.3Pa). identified in each plaque, together with the highest PSS HI over a 10 mm
plaque segment (PSS HI10mm) 5 mm proximal and distal to a reference
point moving along each plaque (Fig. 4A–B). 95 % of MACE plaques
3.5. Spatial relationship of high-risk features in individual plaques and exhibited two or more higher-risk features (low ESSmin, high ESSG, high
their relationship to the MLA PSS HI10mm) clustered within 1 mm of each other, compared with only
36 % of non-MACE plaques (p<0.0001) (Fig. 4C). Importantly, the
We further examined whether the 3 prognostic biomechanical met mean distance between the colocalised high-risk features and the MLA
rics were clustered spatially or located distant from each other, and their was ≥13 mm in both MACE and non-MACE plaques.
relationship to the MLA, the site targeted by most percutaneous
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
Fig. 3. Combined ESS, ESS gradient (ESSG) and plaque structural stress (PSS) heterogeneity index (HI) improves MACE prediction.
(A) Observed MACE rates in different combinations of biomechanical metrics. (B) Hazard Ratio (HR) and feature prevalence at lesion level. (C) Stepwise decision tree
for plaque risk stratification based on predictive values. CI = confidence interval; MACE = major adverse cardiovascular events; NPV = negative predictive value;
PPV = positive predictive value.
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
contrast to some studies [24,25], high ESS (i.e. high ESSmean, cut-off = biomechanical and anatomical features (Fig. 3D). No lesion with a
2.7Pa determined by Youden index on ROC analysis) was also not an physiological/high ESS (≥1.3Pa) alone led to MACE during a median
independent predictor of future MACE. A luminal stenosis creates both follow-up of 3.4 years, suggesting that baseline ESS could act as the first
high shear stress at the MLA and low shear stress up and down stream to screen. High ESS gradient and high PSS HI were additive in
the MLA. The metric of “average” plaque ESS used in those studies may risk-stratifying lesions, leading to a stepwise decision tree to aid plaque
miss highly focal areas of low ESS (<~1.0Pa), located adjacent to high risk-stratification. Plaques with low ESS, high ESSG and high PSS HI had
ESS areas (>5Pa), which becomes subsumed by averaging. In contrast, a PPV of ≥80 %, whereas different combinations of parameters could
the metric “ESSG” reflects both the combined pathobiology of high ESS identify intermediate-risk lesions. Heterogeneity is a consequence of the
and the adjacent low ESS, and thereby provides a powerful independent dynamic and variable plaque natural history and vascular remodelling
predictor. along the course of each lesion [30], resulting in changes in plaque and
Although previous studies have shown that individual biomechan lumen morphology [31], ESS, ESSG, and PSS within individual plaques.
ical metrics (low ESS or high PSS HI) improve MACE prediction when A comprehensive plaque risk assessment thus requires careful evalua
combined with high-risk anatomical variables [10,11,17], their predic tion of multiple plaque and arterial wall features along the entire lesion,
tive accuracy was still low. Our current results show that incorporating and the co-localised highest-risk portion of the plaque may be distant
mechanistically complementary biomechanical metrics together with from the MLA.
anatomical large PB dramatically improves MACE prediction, identi
fying almost all future MACE plaques over 3.4 years of follow-up. The
additive effect of these three biomechanical variables is mechanistically 4.1. Limitations
reinforced by their each being independent predictors of MACE. These
destabilizing features are spatially located near each other in MACE This study has some important limitations: (1) Although we studied
plaques compared to similar no-MACE plaques, and likely represent a one of the largest prospectively enrolled patient cohorts of the natural
local “perfect storm” of high-risk features of both plaque anatomical history of atherosclerosis, only 54 % of MACE NCLs were technically
vulnerability (PSS, PSS HI, PB) and local haemodynamic destabilizing suitable for local ESS calculation, potentially introducing some selection
influences (ESS, ESSG). Other biomechanical stresses, such as axial bias. However, a large number of randomly selected, well-matched
plaque stress [26] or other local flow disturbances [27,28], may further control (non-MACE) plaques were evaluated, and the additive value of
increase the prognostic ability of these combined biomechanical and combined biomechanical variables was consistently demonstrated in
anatomical plaque risk features. Higher-risk biomechanical features multiple analyses. In addition, patients in our study are well-matched
co-localised spatially, and our finding that these features are relatively with the main PROSPECT cohort (Supplementary Table 2). (2) This is
distant from the MLA in most future MACE plaques is important clini a retrospective, post-hoc analysis of a specific patient population from
cally. Standard clinical practice deploying coronary stents around the the PROSPECT trial, limiting the generalisability of our results.
MLA may not cover areas of adverse biomechanical and anatomical Although it provides an invaluable proof-of-concept incorporating all of
plaque features located substantially proximal or distal to the MLA [29]. the currently available biomechanical and anatomical prognostic met
Coronary atherosclerotic plaques are complex, lengthy, and hetero rics, large-scale prospective studies involving a wider patient population
geneous, and accumulating evidence suggests that MACE are related less with these or other biomechanical/anatomical metrics will be required,
to flow-limiting stenosis than overall plaque burden, be it obstructive or assessing both clinical and cost-effectiveness outcomes. (3) Side
non-obstructive [29]. Our findings suggest the potential value of branches were not considered in our CFD analysis, which could alter the
screening all portions of atherosclerotic plaques for higher-risk ESS calculation. However, such single-conduit models have reasonable
test accuracy to rule out pathological ESS (sensitivity 67.7 %, specificity
S.Z. Gu et al. Atherosclerosis 390 (2024) 117449
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