Peds Assessment (Solon&Tubongbanua)
Peds Assessment (Solon&Tubongbanua)
Peds Assessment (Solon&Tubongbanua)
J. P verbalized that her pregnancy was sensitive, in terms of pain and discomfort she felt throughout her
pregnancy. At 9 weeks, J.P. said that she experienced bleeding, and was immediately rushed to WVMC. No complications
were found at consultation and was only told to be cautious with her daily activities. J.P. also stated that throughout her
pregnancy, she experienced muscle pain and fatigue, expressing difficulty in rising from bed.
OB Score: GTPAL: G3 T3 P0 A0 L3 LMP: June 21, 2023 EDD/EDC: March 28, 2024 AOG: ___N/A_____
Birthing Center_________
Consultation during pregnancy: Private Physician ________ Municipal health Officer ___✔___
Others: ____________
APGAR Score________
Type of Check and Age started Type of milk Dilution Total intake
feeding Specify for 24- hours
Bottlefeeding x N/A N/A N/A N/A
Breastfeeding ✓ Birth Breast milk Pure J.P. does not
measure as it
is directly
from her.
Mixed feeding x N/A N/A N/A N/A
A. Bowel Elimination
Frequency twice a day
Problems and usual remedy N/A
B. Urinary Elimination
Frequency 4-5 times a day
Problems and usual remedy N/A
C. Toilet Training
Age started
Bowel N/A
Urine N/A
General Appearance : Alert and responsive to the environment, good muscle tone, symmetrical blinking and
movement, light brown skin color, no signs of distress, lesion found on the right cheek.
Head: Midline; Thin black hair; Anterior fontanelle: firm, slightly curved inward, soft, flat; Head circumference: 42 cm.
Eyes: Eyelashes: equally distributed, curled slightly outward; Pupils: black, equal in size; Symmetrical blinking and
movement; No discharge or lesions.
Ears: Pinna: symmetrical, no lumps or lesions; Cerumen present: off-white to yellowish color.
Nose: Midline and symmetrical; Uniform in color; No discharge, flaring, lumps, or lesions.
Mouth: Lips: pink, slightly moist, symmetrical; No teeth observed; Gums, Buccal Mucosa, Tongue: uniformly pink and
Skin: Uniform in color: light brown; Lesion (birthmark) found on the right cheek; No bruises or lacerations.
B. FINE MOTOR Starts to transfer objects When given an object, like Fine motor skills
DEVELOPMENT hand to hand a towel or a small toy, involve movements
D.E.T. is seen holding and that use small
transferring it to the other muscle groups,
hand. such as those in the
hands and fingers.
This milestone is
normal for infants
in this age. This
demonstrates their
increasing hand-eye
coordination skill
and their improving
C. SENSORY Vision: 6 month old infants Vision: observed The ability to
DEVELOPMENT are capable of organized to be able to focus on perceive depth is
depth perception objects and people at crucial for tasks like
Hearing: 6 month old infants different distances. reaching for
are able to locate sounds Hearing: D.E.T is able to objects, navigating
made above them move his vision to look at their environment,
sources of loud sounds or and developing
speech. When clapping spatial awareness.
above the D.E.T., he looks Also, the ability to
up at the direction of the focus on objects at
sound. different distances
indicates that the
baby's eyes are
developing the
C. REFLEXES Moro and tonic neck reflex, These reflexes are not Reflexes are
palmar grasp starts to fade apparent when observed. involuntary
movements that are
present at birth and
gradually disappear
over time as the
child’s nervous
system matures.
The fading of these
reflexes indicate
that the infant’s
brain allows for
more voluntary
control over their
D. PSYCHOSOCIAL May start to show fear of D.E.T. did not frown or cry This is a common
DEVELOPMENT strangers at 7 months at the sight of strangers. developmental
AND stage, often
SOCIALIZATION referred to as
"stranger anxiety,"
that typically begins
around 7 months
old. The absence of
stranger anxiety at
this stage doesn't
mean that the
infant won't
develop it later on.
Some infants may
show stranger
anxiety at a later
age. However, the
lack of fear at this
stage is generally
considered a
positive sign of
healthy social
I. LANGUAGE / Starts saying vowel sounds, J.P. verbalized that D.E.T. The infant’s ability
SPEECH (oh-oh) says vowel sounds like to produce vowel
DEVELOPMENT “oh-oh” or ‘ah-ah” during sounds
play and waking hours. demonstrates that
their vocalization
skills are
● Pathway to house is ➢ Ensure to always look at
slippery where you walk, have it
● Trash and debris in the cleared for better view
surroundings and if possible, have a
● Mosquitoes present as stable support like a cane
SAFETY verbalized by J. P. (can be an umbrella or a
strong piece of wood)
➢ Clean and clear the
surroundings of the trash
and debris to lessen risk
of accidents
➢ Use mild mosquito
repellants and mosquito