Digital Tools For Medical Education
Digital Tools For Medical Education
Digital Tools For Medical Education
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Review Article
© 2023 Journal of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 29
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difficulties in fully preparing students for the future of entirely depends on the technology chosen for the job
medicine.[2] and how educators adapt to them.
Today, technology is ubiquitous, and many individuals There are virtual teaching tools out there for every different
and firms adapt to it in their daily lives. Since the teaching approach for different age groups’ needs and
beginning of the 21 st century, the world has seen abilities. These tools cover over a wide range of things
significant technological advancements. The emergence from colleague interaction, video classrooms, classrooms,
of smartphones, the Internet, computers, social media to managing schedule and sticking to work hour.[6]
and websites has paved the way for the development of
digital tools that will enhance educational teaching and Some digital tools are as follows:
learning processes. There are more digital tools that are
being adopted in education at present, and they have Zoom
become the most important tools to help teachers and The COVID‑19 pandemic popularised the Zoom
students improve their communication, collaboration platform. In addition to using Zoom to video call family
and creativity skills.[3] members, it is a useful tool virtual classrooms and
departmental meetings. This popular video conferencing
This study aims to review the various digital tools for platform allows more than 100 participants and helps
clinical learning, the benefits of these tools, particularly create several breakout rooms, share screens and use
in the COVID‑19 pandemic, the challenges associated group chats for smaller discussions during a lesson. It
with their use and their prospects in order to proffer provides the opportunity to easily record lectures and for
recommendations on the use of digital tools for both sharing meetings with colleagues who could not attend.[6]
students and medical educators.
Google classroom
Digital Tools for Clinical Learning Learning management system software provides a
single space for all organisations’ administration,
Digital learning includes teaching and learning that is documentation, reporting and training needs, in addition
enabled by information and communications technology, to the tools to plan teaching, host virtual lessons and
both inside and outside the classroom.[4] The use of create assignments. Google Classroom brings together
digital tools is the new trend in teaching and assessment all its standard G Suite tools such as Docs, Sheets and
methods. [2] The digital technologies introduced in Hangouts, to help seamlessly manage and deliver virtual
medical and dental education include Google Forms teaching.[6]
to collect students’ answers, Zoom video conferencing,
YouTube live streaming, Google art and culture (an Computer‑aided instruction (computer‑assisted
online art museum) and choose‑your‑own‑adventure learning)
as a story‑telling technique.[2] This learning method has the advantage of being able
to easily visualise complex procedures, and its principal
Digital tools are programmes, websites or online advantage may be excellent accessibility.[7] Through the
resources that can make tasks easier to complete. widespread use of the Internet and various electronic
Many digital tools can be accessed everywhere via devices, clinical education, which conventionally could
web browsers that do not require downloading, and only be conducted in the school setting, and especially in
that are accessible anywhere. Digital tools, such as practice rooms, can now be carried out at home, on the
websites, applications (apps) and their extensions, offer road and above all repeatedly at the pace of learning until
interesting digital learning experiences.[3] Digital tools the students are fully acquainted with the corresponding
provide a way to implement text, images, audio and material. Wang conducted computer‑aided training
video for an immersive experience. Frequently used in pharmacology practice classes for Australian
digital classroom learning tools such as Chromebooks, medical school students and then surveyed students to
Airtame (for wireless presentations) and tablets offer evaluate their understanding through a standardised
participatory and explorative digital learning for questionnaire. [8] In their study, 98.7% of students
students.[5] successfully achieved their learning goals with a positive
result.[8] This method has some limitations, as the content
COVID‑19 fundamentally changed education, forcing provided on some screens may be insufficient to replace
hundreds of colleges, universities, schools, training in‑person teaching and physical practice.[8]
centres and tutors to move physical teaching to virtual
settings. While many institutions and public learning YouTube
spaces are now reopening, hybrid forms of teaching are YouTube is an online video platform wherein its
likely to continue for a while. The success of this model users can upload videos worldwide. [2] In addition,
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our brains, making the information stick longer than These have led to a massive shift from conventional
when reading print media. It helps students grasp face‑to‑face learning, teaching and assessment to that
information regarding different topics. Viewing the of an online interface. Some examples of these digital
film in the classroom gives visual representation to tools that have facilitated clinical learning include online
abstract thoughts, and seems to aid better retention reference materials, games, blogs and search engines.
than reading texts alone. [13] It helps students gain
in‑depth knowledge, develops critical interpretation The use of online reference materials and search engines,
and actively involved students in their studies.[14] When such as eMedicine, UpToDate, Medscape, Google
teaching abstract material in multicultural academic Scholar, ResearchGate and Wikipedia, has shifted
colleges, it is especially important to create a classroom clinical learning to an unprecedented new height.[17]
climate that encourages all students to bring their own The interface and resources available from these tools
authentic selves to the classroom. In such a climate, the have immeasurable advantages and usefulness to the
instructor works hard to bring her or his whole self to end-users as well as the facilitators. However, some
the classroom. Watching films enable students to make studies conducted have shown the information contained
the connection between theory and real‑life situations.[14] in these tools and resources are not always authentic
and accurate, as there are errors contained in them.[17]
Digital cameras Applications and game‑based learning tools are also part
Digital cameras are used to enhance learning, provide of the curriculum of some schools in developed nations
motivation and as a convenient tool to empower both and are utilised as tools for clinical learning.
students and teachers. Cameras are becoming easier to
use, smaller, cheaper and powerful. Teachers and students Social media
can now readily produce and use digital images with ease Social networks and virtual communities hold great
in any learning area.[15] This is perhaps a justification for value as a teaching learning tool.[18] They may appear
the inclusion of digital cameras in the curriculum.[15] relatively novel or unfamiliar tools to some educators
but not with the Internet‑savvy students. Social media
Scanner provide a user‑generated and collaborative dimension
Scanning software is an electronic device that replicates of participatory learning. [9] Social media enhance
the digital representation of an image, such as a photo medical and clinical learning by facilitating engagements
or document for data input into a computer. A scanner and self‑reflections. They provide real‑life learning
optically generates digital images from printed texts and experiences as students may be expected to tweet
images, which are in paper format. In a school setup, questions as lectures are ongoing.
many people can use the scanner as the scanning software
is essential to office attendants, teachers and students.[16] Teleconferencing
As a learning aid, a scanner benefits both the teacher Teleconferencing is used in continuing medical
and students in that it helps the teacher and students education courses, post‑graduate medical education and
to replicate learning materials such as documents and telementoring.[19‑21]
images, capture and store images. It is easy to use,
fast and convenient, especially for students above the Online medical applications
elementary level. In a classroom, the scanning software Numerous applications (Apps) assist health‑care
is very powerful and invaluable if used together with a practitioners with many important tasks, such as clinical
computer and a whiteboard. In class, a scanner would decision‑making, medical education and training. Some
be very handy in reproducing all sorts of documents and of the popular medical applications include mHealth,
images. To use a scanner as a learning aid, a teacher needs Brainscape, AnkiMobile, Quizlet, MDCalc, prognosis,
a document, text or photograph, a scanner and several daily rounds, human anatomy atlas, Epocrates,
networked computers that are functioning well.[16] Medscape, Micromedex and PEPID. They are designed
to make clinical learning easier in this technological
Websites and applications: Online reference advanced world.[22]
materials, games, blogs and search engines
Content websites and applications have been in use Some other online technological communication
for clinical learning for some time; however, their platforms identified that are changing clinical training
widespread use has been facilitated by recent advances include Hangout, Future learn, Teams, Google Classroom,
in technology and the recent COVID‑19 pandemic.1[7] Code Academy, Wevideo, Examus, Coursera, ClassDojo,
Adobe Captivate, Classtime, Claswize, Neo, Articulate
1 Wong A, Ho S, Olusanya O, Antonini MV, Lyness D. The use
360, Edmodo, Blackboard Learn, Docebo, Buncee,
of social media and online communications in times of pandemic
COVID-19. Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 2021;22(3):255-260. Bakpax, Elucidat, FeedbackFruits, FlipGrip, Flop, Gynzy,
doi:10.1177/1751143720966280 Goguardian, Kami, G Suite, Kialo Edu, Hapara, Edx,
32 Journal of the Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria - Volume 7, Issue 2, December 2022
[Downloaded free from on Sunday, September 24, 2023, IP:], Ted‑Ed, Pronto, Skillshare, Parlay, Udemy, process of engaging with new tools and having little
WizIQ, Seesaw, Plurasight, Out and Lectura Inspire.[23] patience for navigating minor technical issues.[28]
Benefits of Digital Tools for Clinical In addition, the lack of infrastructure, technological
Learning limitations and poor Internet in many low‑ and
medium‑income countries deter the adoption of digital
Traditional clinical learning has its advantages, including clinical learning amongst both educators and students.[4]
closer networking and heightened opportunities to read
body language. Thus, a study by Dim et al. in Nigeria Prospects of Digital Learning
reported that some clinicians preferred physical to digital
learning, possibly because of their belief that clinical Innovation in digital technologies such as artificial
learning was mainly taught physically in the country.[24] intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, robotic
surgery, telemedicine, big data and next‑generation
However, the requirement of being in the same sequencing has led to ongoing development of
physical space became increasingly difficult with rising computer‑aided instruction (computer‑assisted
transportation costs, border limitations, insecurity and instruction), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR)
recently the COVID‑19 pandemic lockdowns. The need and human patient simulation (HPS).[2,29,30]
for digital tools to aid traditional clinical learning was
conceptualised to address some of these limitations Computer‑aided instruction (computer‑assisted
of traditional method of learning and has become an learning)
integral tool of clinical learning in undergraduate, Computer‑assisted learning is the application of
post‑graduate and medical residency programmes of computers to aid or support the education or training
many countries. of people. Other terms include computer‑aided (or
computer‑assisted) instruction (CAI), computer‑based
Digital learning has been shown to reduce the cost and learning and computer‑managed instruction. They
time of traveling within and between countries. It assists are a range of computer‑based packages which focus
in security by avoiding travel to insecure areas or during on providing interactive instruction in a specific
insecure periods. It also assists in the maintenance of subject area.[31] CAI has been applied in monitoring,
social distancing – a key condition to limit the spread of surveillance, detection and prevention of COVID‑19
COVID‑19. Digital tools for clinical learning thus help in a study conducted on digital technology and
overcome the distance, time, security and cost barriers COVID‑19.[32] Computer simulations and interactive
to learning and improve the efficiency of training interfaces have been tried in pharmacology, prediction
programmes by enabling sessions to be taken more of depth of cancer invasion, psychiatry and diagnostic
frequently.[25] Digital learning has indeed revolutionised procedures.[33‑37]
learning by broadening the scope of learning, allowing
learners to learn at different paces and by having a global Virtual reality
reach.[26] VR is the immersion within a completely virtual
environment, which is often or most easily achieved by
Challenges of Digital Tools in Clinical taking over the entirety of a participant’s peripheral field
Learning of view via a head‑mounted display. Visual patients are
being utilised in all medical specialities at present.[38,39]
Lack of technical skills, including insufficient computer A comparative study showed that a group trained with
and typing skills, is one of the barriers that can be met the VR simulator had an overall better performance
by educators when engaging with the development and than those trained conventionally.[40] VR might also be
implementation of online learning, and this can inhibit used in robotic‑assisted surgery and resident procedural
the educator’s willingness or ability to engage in the trainings.
delivery of clinical learning using digital tools.[27]
Augmented reality
Amongst medical educators, the pressure of time to Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital interfaces upon
allocate teaching, research and work–life balance might physical surroundings, producing an environment that
lead to minimal time left for mastery and development is both real and digital. This is unlike Virtual Reality
of digital materials.[28] The negative attitude amongst (VR) which utilises technology that creates artificial
educators in engaging with new technologies and environments through headsets that isolates users
tools can be seen as a barrier to the development and from their surroundings.[41] These applications are
implementation of digital tools in clinical learning. software and/or hardware developed explicitly with AR
Educators noted feeling overwhelmed with the entire functionality and have been applied to medical education
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