Chapter 1

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KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

Chapter 1. Napoleon, From Schoolboy to Emperor

1) vocabulary items: campaign, desert, excel, figures
2) key phrases: not a good student in A, join the army, be ready to die for~,
fight fiercely against~
3) Notetaking skills to use symbols and abbreviations in listening.
4) key sentences


p. 2
Ⅰ. Topic Preview

알프스를 넘으면서
Napoleon Bonaparte Nothing is impossible in my 프랑스 황제시절

Ⅱ. Before Listening

KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

1. Vocabulary Preview answer check with the class/ reading/ listening

Write down the proper word for each number and then check the answer listening to the

campaign 캠페인, 군사작전

controll 관리하다, 통제하다
desert/deserted 버리다/버려진
emperor 황제
excel 뛰어나다, 탁월하다
fame 명성
figures 인물
victories 승리
a military school 육군사관학교

2. Predictions
 What will be the passage about?
 Write three Questions that will be answered referring to the Topic Preview and Listening
in the Vocabulary Preview


3. Notetaking Preparation
Notetaking basics: Abbreviations and Symbols
 Don’t try to write every word. Use symbols and abbreviations as much as possible.

1. Napoleon was not a very good student.
2. Napoleon died alone in 1821 at the age of 51.
3. At school, Napoleon excelled at two subjects: math and military science.
4. At 16, he joined the French army.

KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

5. He attacked Russia, but his army was defeated.

Discourse Cues for Chronology

 When a year is given, the speaker will fist give the number for the century and then
number within the century.
 When you read a year, you read two digits at a time.

 1823: eighteen twenty-three

 1769
 1902: nineteen 0 two
 1804: eighteen 0 four

1.seventeen sixty-nine
2.seventeen eighty-five
3.eighteen 0 four
4.eighteen twenty-one

Ⅲ. Listening
1. First Listening
 Listen to the lecture about Napoleon. As you listen, put the following parts of the lecture
in the order that you hear them. Number them 1 to 5.
 defeat 패배, military science 군사학

2. Second Listening
 You don’t have to do anything as you listen. Just relax and listen.

3. Third Listening
 Listen to the lecture in two parts.
 part 1:
You will hear the first part of the lecture again. Listen and complete the notes by ading

KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

the abbreviations and symbols from the box.

[email protected].

 part 2:
As you listen to the second part of the lecture, take your own notes using abbreviations
and symbols.

Ⅳ. After Listening
 Accuracy Check
You will hear questions and statements about the lecture. For 1-4, Choose the best answer
for each number. For 5-8, Write T or F listening to the statement.


Ⅴ. Key Expressions
I am going to talk to you about Napoleon Bonaparte, a historical figure, in
European history.
Let’s start by talking about his early life.
He was born in 1769.
He was only 10 years old, his father sent him to military school.
He was not a very good student in most of his classes.
He excelled in mathematics and in military science.

When he was 16 years old, he joined the French army.

He began the military career that would bring him fame.
He had many victories on the battlefield, but he also became involved in French
law and politics.

He was a brilliant military leader.

His soldiers were ready to die for him.
He won many military victories.
he controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and

KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

Austria, fought fiercely against him.

His defeat came when he decided to attack Russia.
The great conqueror died alone, deserted by his family.

listen again.


1. Vocabulary


2. Questions:
1) I am going to _______________, a historical figure, in European history. 그에 대하여 너에게
2) His father __________________. 그를 육군사관학교에 보냈다.
3) He was not ________________ in most of his classes. 우수한 학생
4) He ____________ mathematics and in military science. 뛰어났다. e~~
5) When he was 16 years old, he _________________. 프랑스 군대에 들어갔다
6) He begain the military career that would _________________. 그에게 명성을 가져다 주다.
7) He was ____________________. 탁월한 군 지도자
8) His soldiers were __________________. 기꺼이 그를 위해 죽다
He won many military victories.
9) He controlled most of Europe, but some countries, including England, Russia, and Austria,

KUGEP1-Listening & Notetaking Skills L1 양윤정

___________________ him. 격렬히 저항했다

10) The great conqueror died alone, ____________________ family. 가족에게 버려졌다.

3. Oral Summary & Discussion p. 6


* Chapter 1 First Listening Key Expressions

1) 노트에 손으로 쓰고 해석(영어 한문장-해석 한문장, 타이핑안됨,
주어+동사 표시) 2) 카메라로 찍기 3) TLS 과제에 올리세요.

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