Class Notes - SURAH ABASA..

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Unit Three

Lesson -1 Surat Abasa

Learning Objectives
 Recite Surat Abasa correctly and properly
 Demonstrate that Islam is the religion of equality
1) “Design a poster or draw a picture that represents showing kindness “

2)Fill in the blanks :-

1. Surah Abasa is the …………………………….. chapter of the Quran.
(Answer: 80th)
3. The Prophet (SAW) was criticized for …………………………… a blind man.
(Answer: frowning)
4. The blind man came to the Prophet (SAW) seeking ……………………………..
(Answer: guidance)
5. The Surah warns against ……………………………..and neglecting those in need.
(Answer: turning away)
6. Surah Abasa has……………………………..verses.
(Answer: 42)

3) Compare and complete the following table:

Aspects of Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum Leaders of Quraysh

The choice Disbelief in Allah (SWT)


The social status From the poor and vulnerable


 A rightly guided Muslim;  Arrogant and tyrannical

towards Allah (SWT) and
towards the truth.
The Attributes ……………………………………………keen
on seeking knowledge.
from Allah (SWT) knowing
Him and obedience towards
4) Key words

َ‫عَبَ َس‬ He frowned

‫يَ َّز َّ َىَك‬ Purify himself

‫ٱ أ َۡل أ َۡع ََى‬ the blind man

‫ِذ ْكر‬ Reminder

‫تَ ْق َوى‬ piety, righteousness, or fear of Allah

َ‫قَ َ ََتة‬ Darkness

َ‫ُّم َك َّر َمة‬ Honored

‫ُّم َطه ََّر َِة‬ Purified

5)Write True or False
1) The Prophet (SAW) was praised for his treatment of the blind man.
Answer: False (He was criticized for frowning at the blind man by Allah (SWT)

2) The surah emphasizes the importance of wealth and status.

Answer: False (It emphasizes the importance of preaching and kindness to all)

3) The blind man was a wealthy and powerful individual.

Answer: False (He was a poor and needy individual)

4) The surah encourages turning away from those in need.

Answer: False (It warns against turning away and encourages kindness)

5) The Prophet (SAW) was commanded to focus only on the rich and powerful.
Answer: False (He was commanded to preach to all, regardless of status)

6)Answer the following :-

Q1: What is the main theme of Surah Abasa?

A: The main theme is the importance of preaching and spreading Allah's message to all
people, regardless of their social status.

2: Why was the Prophet (SAW) criticized in Surah Abasa?

A: He was criticized for frowning at a blind man who came to him seeking guidance,
while he was engaged in preaching to the leaders of the Quraysh tribe.

3: What is the significance of the blind man in Surah Abasa?

A: The blind man represents those who are in need of guidance and attention, while the
rich and powerful men represent those who are often prioritized.

4: What is the message of Surah Abasa ?

A: The message is to treat all people with kindness and respect, regardless of their social
status, and to prioritize spreading Allah's message to all
5. How does the Surah's emphasis on preaching to all people, regardless of status, relate
to our modern-day responsibilities as Muslims?

A: It reminds us to prioritize spreading Allah's message and being inclusive in our

interactions, avoiding discrimination or bias.

7)Search and write

a) The contributions made by the UAE to taking care of people with special needs







b) What is the reason for the revelation of Surat Abasa?





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