CREC 2014 06 19 pt1 PgH5505

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Mr. Speaker, at this time, I would Pastor Barnes made a positive im- cessful surgery and clinical trials,
ask for everyone to rise to observe a pact on my life, and I ask my col- Larry is alive and well.
moment of silence in the House to leagues to join me in remembering this Now, he has dedicated his life to
honor the life and memory of our great man. working with the Pancreatic Cancer
friend, Carol Dixon. f Action Network to help others fight
f this deadly disease. They were here
IMMIGRATION CRISIS Monday, walking the halls of Congress,
(Mr. WILLIAMS asked and was given urging us for more research money.
(Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given My hope is that the awareness of this
permission to address the House for 1
permission to address the House for 1 critical issue will be an impetus for ac-
minute and to revise and extend his re-
minute and to revise and extend his re- tion and improvement of the way we
marks.) treat pancreatic cancer in order to
Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. WILLIAMS. Mr. Speaker, a na-
tional crisis is happening right now in fight the disease and save lives.
couldn’t believe my ears when the IRS
revealed last week that they have lost my home State of Texas. Thousands f
all of the emails that have been re- upon thousands of people from Central
ceived and sent to outside individuals America are coming across our so-
by Lois Lerner from 2009 to 2011. called southern border, and they are
bankrupting Texas and wearing out our (Mr. DESJARLAIS asked and was
Coincidentally, this timeframe is
resources. given permission to address the House
critical to the investigation into the
A recent headline reads: ‘‘Feds look- for 1 minute and to revise and extend
IRS’s targeting of Americans based on
ing for babysitters to help with illegal his remarks.)
their personal beliefs. This excuse
immigrant kids.’’ This is where our tax Mr. DESJARLAIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise
would be laughable if it weren’t so seri-
dollars are going. The border towns in today to honor a courageous American
Despite the agency’s promise of full Texas are literally overflowing with and proud son of Tennessee, Sergeant
cooperation and full disclosure, we now unaccompanied minors. Fayne Haynes.
know that is not happening. It turns More than 162,000 people from coun- Mr. Haynes of Murfreesboro was only
out that the IRS knew since February, tries other than Mexico have crossed 20 years old when he entered the Army
and they sat on this knowledge that the southern border of the United in 1942 at the height of World War II.
they would not be able to produce Ms. States since last October. That is more He served on the front lines of Europe
Lerner’s emails. than a 100 percent increase from the and was one of the first to land on
They waited 3 months, and then they previous year. Omaha Beach.
buried it in a 27-page report and re- As my Democratic colleague Con- He also fought in the Battle of St.
leased it on a Friday afternoon news gressman HENRY CUELLAR said: Lo, the Battle for Brest, and the Battle
dump. This is not the transparency the If we don’t send the message that they of the Bulge. He credits the good Lord
American people deserve. can’t come and stay here, this problem is for saving his life numerous times in
Mr. Speaker, enough is enough. While going to continue. combat.
the House will continue its investiga- It is going to get worse. The answer Sergeant Haynes was eventually cap-
tion to get answers, it is time for full is simple: secure the border. tured and spent 4 months in a prisoner
accountability and the Department of If we don’t secure our border, our of war camp, but managed to escape,
Justice to step up to the plate and work in Congress is obsolete. Of course, aided by a German Army field map
fully investigate the targeting of the President is absent during this cri- which hangs in his office today.
Americans by the IRS. sis, and it should be his number one After the war, Sergeant Haynes be-
f priority: enforce the law of the land, came a successful businessman, oper-
and secure our border. ating the Haynes Brothers Candy Com-
HONORING PASTOR MAURICE pany in Murfreesboro. In 2000, Mr.
EDWARD BARNES In God we trust.
Haynes switched his business to flags.
(Mr. VEASEY asked and was given f Known as the Flag Man, he sells thou-
permission to address the House for 1 FUNDING PANCREATIC CANCER sands of American flags each year.
minute.) RESEARCH Thank you, Sergeant Haynes, for
Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise your service. You truly embody the
today to express my sadness and also (Ms. HAHN asked and was given per-
spirit of the Greatest Generation.
honor the passing of a great man, Pas- mission to address the House for 1
minute.) f
tor Maurice Edward Barnes. Pastor
Barnes lived a life of service to both Ms. HAHN. Mr. Speaker, pancreatic b 1215
the church and community. cancer is one of the deadliest cancers.
A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is VOTING RIGHTS AMENDMENT ACT
Born on July 30, 1945, to Charittie
and the late Reverend Robert Barnes, often a death sentence. Of all of the pa- (Ms. CHU asked and was given per-
Sr., he grew up in the Lake Como com- tients diagnosed with pancreatic can- mission to address the House for 1
munity of Fort Worth. cer, 73 percent die within the first year, minute and to revise and extend her re-
After completing his undergraduate most within the first 3 to 6 months. marks.)
studies at Texas Wesleyan University, I think we should reverse these Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, one of the
Trinity Valley, and Southern Bible In- alarming statistics and give hope to most precious rights we have as Ameri-
stitute, he answered his call to preach. those who are affected by this disease. cans is the right to vote. But every day
For over 20 years, he was the faithful Fifty years ago, women were dying of it is becoming more difficult to do it.
servant of God in the church in which breast cancer at an alarming rate; but Today is nearly 1 year after the Su-
he grew up, at the Zion Missionary today, with more scientific research, preme Court’s Shelby decision, which
Baptist Church on Horne Street in the early detection techniques, and afford- gutted provisions of the Voting Rights
Como community. able health care, the survival rate is Act. States quickly moved to restrict
As a man who diligently served those much higher. Women are fighting and voting rights. In fact, hours after
around him, Pastor Barnes was not beating breast cancer. Shelby, Texas announced its voter ID
only a leader in the church, but also I think we should invest more fund- law would be implemented imme-
ing for advanced research for pan- diately. Thank goodness the Federal
tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE

showed great leadership in organiza-

tions aimed at improving the commu- creatic cancer that could save thou- court blocked it.
nity, like the NAACP. sands of lives. Without these protections, minority
My heartfelt sympathy to his wife, Pancreatic cancer, unfortunately, communities will be disproportionately
first lady Debra Watson Barnes; his touched the life of my friend, Larry affected. The Voting Rights Act en-
children; extended family; and his Clark, former mayor of Rancho Palos sured equal access to the ballot box,
friends. Verdes, California; but thanks to a suc- and it protected voters like Rose

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