Does The Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Does The Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Does The Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards Environmental Issues
Indonesia Public Service Innovation Towards
Environmental Issues
1 Introduction
Environmental degradation is a old problem that must be resolved collectively. However,
as the principal inhabitants, humans should be able to preserve the environment, not the
other way around. The human artifact entity to come together to manage and organize
together is the state through various public policies. The government bears a big respon-
sibility for public policies that can reduce the risk of environmental damage or even have
entirely solved the problem. Governments in global regimes have agreed and struggled
2 Method
This study applies content analysis to analyze the public service innovation competition
report (KIPP) document by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform
(Kemenpan-RB). The data is downloaded directly from the Kemenpan-RB website with
the results of the Top 99 public service innovations from 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2019, 2020, and 2021. In addition, the report ranks the 99 Best Public Service Innovations
in one year [13–20].
In the context of the competition, Kemenpan-RB is the only institution that con-
ducts competitions and evaluates public service innovations in Indonesia. However, in
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation 129
Fig. 1. The Number of Public Service Innovations related to the Environment in 2014–2021
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation 131
Fig. 2. The Number of Public Service Innovations related to the Environment in 2014–2021 based
on Government Level
Fig. 3. The Number of Public Service Innovation Sector related to the Environment in 2014–2021
The data shows that all levels of government are capable of creating innovations
related to environmental issues. However, more effort is a must to spread these inno-
vations across institutions at various levels. This effort is essential because there is a
tendency for the public to be disappointed with the government’s efforts to deal with
environmental conservation [23]. Ultimately, this disappointment will reduce trust in the
government, thus clouding the joint efforts to improve the environment.
Further analysis reveals different public service innovation areas related to environ-
mental issues. For example, Fig. 3 shows ten areas that are the domain of environmental
issues, namely: 1) Health, 2) Land management, 3) Clean energy, 4) Clean water, 5)
Education, 6) Nature conservation, and 7) Governance of Environmental data, 8) Waste
management, 9) Environmental policy, and 10) Sanitation.
These environmental sectors have become the focus of public service innovation
from 2014 to 2021, but various trends have emerged in each field that can show trends
132 M. R. Pratama et al.
Fig. 4. Total Number of Public Service Innovation Sector related to Environment 2014–2021
so far. Waste management became the area of innovation with themost number of 27
innovations, followed by environmental data management with nine innovations, clean
energy and land management with five innovations each, followed by sanitation, envi-
ronmental policy, and environmental health with two each. Innovation, then finally clean
water and nature conservation with two innovations each.
The data can show that the problem of waste is a concern of the government in reduc-
ing environmental damage amid the lack of structural policies on waste management.
However, various other public service innovations are still being treated to overcome
environmental problems because the numbers are minimal but very important, such as
clean energy and clean water (Fig. 4).
Data analysis in urban and rural spatial domains shows different tendencies. For
example, Fig. 5 shows that the Regency Government, which represents the rural char-
acter, is more actively dominating in creating public service innovations related to envi-
ronmental issues than the Municipal Government, which represents the urban character.
The Regency Government shows 30 innovations, while the Municipal Government has
The data shows that at the government level with a rural character, they tend to have
more concern for the relationship between public service innovations and environmental
issues than other levels of government. This finding is slightly different from the analysis
of Muluk & Pratama [11], which shows that even though there are fewer urban areas
than rural areas, local government areas with an urban character dominate public service
On the other hand, other findings also emerged that at the local government level,
both provincial, municipal and regency governments, if classified Java Island spatially
and Outside Java, it shows that local governments outside Java tend to produce more
innovations related to the environment than local governments in Java. Java Island.
Local governments outside Java Island were able to create 30 innovations, while inside
Java Island were 19 innovations from 2014 to 2021. This data can break the argument
that local governments on Java Island are superior in innovation to local governments
outside Java. Previous research has shown that local governments in Java are more active
Does the Environment Matter? Assesing Indonesia Public Service Innovation 133
Fig. 5. The Number of Public Service Innovations related to the Environment in 2014–2021 based
on Urban and Rural Government
Fig. 6. The Number of Public Service Innovations related to the Environment in 2014–2021 based
on the Domain of Java Island and Outside Java
4 Conclusion
Environmental issues are optional in creating public service innovations by all levels
of government. However, all levels of government are capable of creating innovations
related to environmental problems. Therefore, there should be a need for policy coher-
ence in the SDGs with the competition for public service innovation in Indonesia to
encourage more public service innovations that are genuinely related to the environment.
In public service innovation related to the environment, the waste management prob-
lem is becoming the government’s attention in reducing environmental damage amid the
lack of structural policies on waste management. However, other public service inno-
vations are still needed to overcome environmental problems because the numbers are
minimal but very important, such as clean energy and clean water.
Regarding the distribution at the local government level, it shows that the local gov-
ernment with a rural character tends to have more concern for the relationship between
public service innovations and environmental issues than other levels of government.
134 M. R. Pratama et al.
This tendency is different from the previous pattern in that there is a tendency that in
public service innovation, in general, government capacity with an urban character is
considered better by creating more innovations. In addition, the pattern shows that local
governments in the spatial domain outside Java tend to generate more innovations related
to the environment than in the Java Island domain. This tendency also shows a different
distribution pattern because, generally, the government in Java Island is considered to
have a greater innovation capacity and the number of innovations.
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