DLL Matatag - Mathematics 1 - Q2 - W3
DLL Matatag - Mathematics 1 - Q2 - W3
DLL Matatag - Mathematics 1 - Q2 - W3
Reading the
Developing To aid the discussion, Tell the learners that they Provide each learner with a Provide each learner with
Understandin have the following will be performing an smaller version of the a smaller version of the
g of Key prepared beforehand: activity. Hundred Chart, which is Hundred Chart, which is
Idea/ Stem 1. a copy of the Divide the learners into available on the last page of available on the last page
problem written on four groups. Give each this exemplar. of this exemplar. Ensure
Manila paper group a cube with faces Ensure that it is that it is photocopied
2. a big illustration of a numbered differently: photocopied according to according to the number
tray big enough to the number of learners. Tell of learners. Tell the
place the cutouts of Group 1 – 50 to 55 the learners that they will learners that they will use
biscuits Group 2 – 65 to 70 use the Hundred Chart in the Hundred Chart in
3. cutouts of biscuits as Group 3 – 83 to 88 doing a task. doing a task.
shown in the problem; Group 4 – 91 to 96
These cutouts should Write a number on the board Write a number on the
be placed on the big Give them also a chart as and explain how we will refer board and explain once
tray using masking shown and a marker pen. to its parts: the left part as again how we will refer to
tape to hold them in Make sure that the rows in the “1st number” and the its parts: the left part as
place. This will make it the chart are enough for right part as the “2nd the “1st number” and the
easier to transfer them all the members of the number.” right part as the “2nd
from the big tray to group. number.”
the smaller trays 25
during the discussion. 25
Prepare additional st nd
1 2
cutouts of each shape st nd
1 2
of biscuit.
Note: At this point, the
4. illustrations of three
concept of digit has not yet Give them the following
identical small trays,
been introduced, so we instructions:
each is big enough to
cannot use it to refer to the 1. Encircle number 5.
fit the cutouts of the
shaped biscuits that Give the following parts of the given number. 2.Encircle all the numbers
will be placed in them. instructions to the that have 5 as its 2nd
learners: Give them the following number.
Post the following problem 1. Write your names in instructions: 3. Box all the numbers that
on the board and read it the chart. 1. Cross out number 1. have 0 as its 2nd
aloud. 2. Take turns in rolling 2. Cross out the numbers number.
the numbered cube that have 1 as its 2nd 4.Cross out all the
Mother baked three once. number. other numbers
different shapes of 3. Write the number that 3. Cross out the numbers that are not
biscuits. She asked her appears on top of the that have 3 as its 2nd encircled and
children, Nena and Lito, cube on the second number. boxed.
to place each shape of column beside your 4. Cross out the numbers
biscuit into its own tray. name. that have 5 as its 2nd Move around to check on
number. the learners’ progress.
5. Cross out the numbers
that have 7 as its 2nd
How many biscuits of Ask the learners if they 6. Cross out the numbers Once everyone has
each shape are there? have questions or need that have 9 as its 2nd finished, ask the learners,
clarifications. If there is number. “What numbers were left
Name Number
none, let them do the uncrossed?”
activity. Move around to Move around to check on
check on each group’s the learners’ progress. Write the numbers on the
progress. Give them about board with spaces
10 minutes to complete the Once everyone has finished, between each number.
activity. After finishing the ask the learners, “What Make sure that the
activity, have each group numbers were left numbers are in increasing
post their chart on the uncrossed?” order.
Assess learners’ Listen to their answers and 5, 10, 15, 20
understanding of the Have the learners observe affirm each correct answer. 25, 30, 35, 40
problem. the charts posted on the For any incorrect answers, 45, 50, 55, 60
board. help the learners realize why 65, 70, 75, 80
Ask the following Ask the following questions: their answer is incorrect by 85, 90, 95, 100
questions: What did asking guide questions.
Mother bake? Note: The answers to the Once all the numbers are
Mother baked biscuits. questions will depend on Post a bigger version of the written on the board, ask
the actual results of rolling Hundred Chart on the board, the learners to read them
the cube. with the numbers in the 1st, aloud from the top to the
How many different 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th columns bottom.
shapes of biscuits are Did each member of your crossed out.
there? What are the group get the same Have this chart prepared Mention that in their
shapes? There are three number? Not all of us got the beforehand. Ask the previous lesson, we
different shapes of biscuits: same number. learners to compare their discussed counting by 2s.
star, square, and circle. work with the one posted This time, we are focusing
Did your group get the on the board. on counting by 5s.
What did Mother ask same numbers astothe When counting by 2s, we
does the problem Ask the learners read Point at the numbers that Present the following
want us to find out? We the numbers on the board. were left uncrossed. Have illustrations to the
need to determine the the learners read the learners as you explain.
number of biscuits of each Ask the following numbers aloud as you point
shape. questions: How are the to them individually, starting +5 +5 +5
(5 more) (5 more) (5 more)
numbers arranged? The from 2 and moving from left
How will you find the numbers are arranged from to right.
5 10 15 20 …
answer to the problem? the largest (greatest) to the
First, place biscuits of the smallest (least). Inform the learners that this is Counting by 5s is another
same shape into their own another way of counting. It is way of counting. As seen
tray. Then, count the biscuits Note: The learners might counting by 2s. In this chart, on the board, we started
in each tray. give this answer, as they we started from 2 and from 5 and counted by 5s:
have learned how to order counted by 2s: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and so
Direct learners’ attention numbers from smallest to and so on. on. Notice that the number
to the big tray of largest in their previous
after 5 is 10. Ten is 5 more
biscuits. Place the three lesson. Emphasize that “Counting by than 5, which means we
small trays in a line on 2s means adding two to the add 5 to 5 to get 10. The
the board, labeling each How do you know that the previous number to get the number after 10 is 15.
one as follows: Star numbers are arranged next number.” Fifteen is 5 more than 10,
Biscuits, Square Biscuits, from the largest (greatest) which means
and Circle Biscuits. to the smallest (least)? The Present the following we add 5 to 10 to get 15.
numbers are arranged in illustrations to the learners The number after 15 is 20.
Call on two learners to decreasing order. The first as you explain. Twenty is 5 more than 15,
get the star-shaped number is 55 followed by 53.
which means
biscuits from the big tray Fifty-three is two less than 55 +2 +2 +2
(2 more) ( 2 more) (2 more) we add 5 to 15 to get 20.
and put them in the (or 55 is two more than 53), so
Therefore, to determine
“Star Biscuits” tray. Help these two numbers are in the
2 4 6 8 … the next number, where
them arrange the correct order. Next is 50,
we count by 5s, we should
biscuits in an orderly way which is three less than 53 (or To “add 2” or “plus 2” means add 5 to the previous
to make counting easier. 53 is three more than 50), that: number.
You may ask the whole meaning these numbers are (1) the next number is two
class to count the also in the correct order. Since more than the preceding Following the pattern,
biscuits aloud. After these numbers are arranged in number; or (2) the next what number is next to 20
counting, write the decreasing order, they are number increases by two. when counting by 5s? How
number beside the label. arranged from largest do you know? To find out,
(greatest) to smallest (least). Challenge the learners to add 5 to 20. The next number
give the number that comes to 20 is 25 because 25 is 5
after 14 when counting by more than 20.
2s, without looking at the
chart. Ask them to explain
how they got their answers.
55, 53, 50 Expected answer: 16 +5 +5 +5
5 more) (5 more) (5 more)
largest smallest
(greatest) (least) Listen to the learners’
10 15 20 25 …
answers and explanations.
Emphasize that since
each number is less than How about the number that
Possible explanation:
the one before it, we can is next to 95 when you
Following the pattern of counting
say that the numbers are count by 5s? How do you
by 2s, we add 2 to 14 to find the
arranged in decreasing know? To find out, add 5 to 95.
next number. So, after 14, the
order. If the numbers are The next number to 95 is 100
next number is 16. This is
Leave enough space at in decreasing order, then because
because 16 is two more than 14.
the bottom to make it they are arranged from 100 is 5 more than 95.
easier to combine the largest (greatest) to +2 +2 +2
+5 +5 +5
additional biscuits with smallest (least). (2 more) (2 more) (2 more)
(5 more) (5 more) (5 more)
the existing ones later on.
Consider any three 10 12 14 16 …
85 90 95 100 …
Repeat the process with numbers from group 2’s
the other shapes of chart, for example: 70, 66, How about the number next
Reiterate that “Counting
biscuits. and 67. Write these to 20 when you count by 2s?
by 5s means adding five to
numbers on the board. Ask Explain your answer. Next to 20
the previous number to get
Expected answers: the learners to arrange is 22. Two more than 20 is 22.
the next number.”
the numbers from largest
+2 +2 +2
(greatest) to smallest (2 more) (2 more) (2 more) Ask the learners to count
(least) and write their by 5s starting from 5 to
answers in their show-me 16 18 20 22 … 100 once more.
boards. Have the learners
explain their answers. Now, direct learners’
Process all unique answers attention to the numbers
given by the learners, you boxed.
addressing any incorrect What numbers were boxed?
answers as needed.
Write the numbers on the
Provide the correct answer board with spaces
and label the largest between each number.
(greatest) and the Make sure that the
smallest (least) numbers. numbers are in increasing
Expected answer: 6
Once all the numbers are
Reiterate that numbers written on the board, ask
that are in decreasing the learners to read them
order are arranged from aloud.
largest (greatest) to
smallest (least). We have already counted
by 2s and by 5s. Now, let
us learn another way of
counting: counting by 10s.
Can you tell what counting
Once done, the small by 10s means? When we
trays will look like this
count by 10s, we add 10 to
on the board. the previous number to get
the next number.
+ 10 + 10 + 10
(10 more) (10 more) (10 more)
10 20 30 40 …
17 20 24
Smallest Largest
(Least) (Greatest)
Deepening Suppose Mother baked Consider group 3’s and Ask the learners to bring Prepare the necessary
Understandin additional biscuits as group 4’s charts. Choose out their show-me boards. illustrations for the
g of Key shown below. any two numbers from Tell them that you will post problem beforehand.
Idea/Stem group 3’s chart, say 85 some sets of numbers on
and 88, and write them the board and their task is
Present the following
on the board. to write the missing
Next, choose any two numbers in each set on
numbers from group 4’s their show-me boards. One afternoon, Lito and
chart, say 91 and 95, and Tesa helped their mother
write them on the board Prepare the following sets sell fish balls. Tesa was
beside the first two of numbers on strips of able to sell 10 sticks,
numbers. paper, which will be posted with five fish balls on
on the board one by one. each stick.
These biscuits will be Ask the learners to read
added to those in the the numbers written on Examples:
trays. How do we the board. a) 32, 34, 36, 38, (40)
arrange the total b) 50, 52, 54, , 58 (56)
number of each type of 85, 88, 91, 95 c) 62, 64, 66, , 70 (68)
d) 76, 78, 80, , 84 (82) Lito sold five sticks, with 10
biscuit from smallest
Ask the following e) 88, 90, 92, , 96 (94) fish balls in each stick.
(least) to largest
(greatest)? questions: Are the
numbers arranged from Have a discussion afterward
largest (greatest) to to reinforce the concept. To
Prepare an illustration aid in the discussion, use
smallest (least)? No, they
of a big tray and the Hundred
are not.
cutouts of the
additional biscuits. As How are the numbers Chart. Reiterate that Who sold more fish balls,
before, place the arranged? They are arranged counting by 2s means Lito or Tesa? Explain your
additional cutouts on the from smallest (least) to largest adding 2 to the previous answer.
tray using masking tape (greatest). number to get the next one.
to hold them in place. To find the answer to the
This will make it easier Why do you say so? Each Ask the learners to count by problem, ask the following
to combine them with number is greater than the one 2s from 2 to 100 once more. questions:
the existing biscuits for before it. Also, the numbers
each type. are arranged in increasing What did Lito and Tesa
order. sell? They sold fish balls on
Call on two learners to sticks.
get the star-shaped How will you arrange the
biscuits from the big tray numbers from largest How many sticks of fish
and add them to the (greatest) to smallest balls did Tesa sell? Tesa
existing biscuits in the (least)? The numbers should sold 10 sticks, with five fish
“Star Biscuits” tray. Help be arranged as 95, 91, 88, 85. balls on each stick.
them arrange the
biscuits in an orderly way Ask one learner to write How many sticks of fish
to make counting easier. on the board the balls did Lito sell? Lito sold
You may ask the whole numbers with some five sticks, with 10 fish balls
class to count the spaces between them. on each stick.
biscuits aloud. After
counting, write the 95, 91, 88, 85 What does the problem
number beside the label. want us to find? The
How do you know that the problem wants us to find out
numbers are arranged who sold more fish balls, Lito
from largest (greatest) to or Tesa.
smallest (least)? The
numbers are arranged in How will you determine
decreasing order. the answer to the
problem? We can get the
Comparing the first two total number of fish balls sold
numbers, 95 and 91, we by each child and then
say that 91 is four less compare the results.
than 95 (or 95 is four
You may ask the learners more than 91) so these Using the illustrations
to count on to get the two numbers are in provided in the problem,
total number of biscuits. correct order. Next is 88. let the learners count the
We say that 88 is three total number of fish balls
Repeat the process with less than 91 (or 91 is three sold by each child.
the other shapes of more than 88),
biscuits. so these two numbers are
Direct learners’ attention board. No, we will not get the same
to the number of each answer. If Tesa sold another
type of biscuit. Encircle Expected answer: stick, her total number of fish
the numbers 27, 30, and balls would be 55, because
26 and then write these 94, 90, 87, 83 when counting by 5s, 55
numbers on the board. largest smallest follows 50. On the other hand,
(greatest) (least) if Lito sold another stick, his
total number of fish balls would
be 60, because when counting
by 10s, 60 follows 50. Tesa
sold 55 fish balls and Lito sold
27 30 26 60 fish balls. Lito sold more
fish balls than Tesa.
Are the numbers arranged
in increasing order? Why? Reiterate that when
No. If we compare 27 and 30, counting by 5s, we add 5
30 is greater than 27 (or 27 is to the previous number to
less than 30), so those two get the next number.
numbers are in the correct When counting by 10s, we
order. However, if we add 10 to the previous
compare 30 and 26, 26 is less number to get the next
than 30 (or 30 is greater than number.
26). For the numbers to be in
increasing order, each
number must be greater than
the one before it.
Expected answer:
26 27 30
arranged or ordered in
increasing order? First, we
compared 26 and 27. Since
27 is one more than 26 (or 26
is one less than 27), 27 is
greater than 26. Next, we
compared 27 and 30. Since
30 is three more than 27 (or
27 is three less than 30), 30 is
greater than 27. Since each
number is greater than the
one before it, we can say that
the numbers are arranged in
increasing order.
26 27 30
Smallest Largest
(Least) (Greatest)
26 32 30
26 30 32
Which number is
greatest? It is 32.
26 30 32
Smallest Largest
(Least) (Greatest)
Making How do we arrange or How do we arrange or How do we count by 2s? How do we count by 5s?
Generalization order numbers from order numbers from We count by 2s by adding 2 to the We count by 5s by adding 5 to
s smallest (least) to largest (greatest) to previous number to get the next the previous number to get the
largest (greatest)? We smallest (least)? We have one. next
have to arrange the to arrange the numbers in +2 +2 +2 one.
(2 more) (2 more) (2 more) +5 +5 +5
numbers in increasing order. decreasing order. If the (5 more) (5 more) (5 more)
If the numbers are arranged numbers are arranged in 2 4 6 8 …
in increasing order, they are decreasing order, they are 5 10 15 20 …
also arranged from smallest also arranged from largest
(least) to largest (greatest). (greatest) to smallest (least). How do we count by 10s?
We count by 10s by adding 10
to the previous number to get
the next one.
+ 10 + 10 + 10
(10 more) (10 more) (10 more)
10 20 30 40 …
Evaluating Ask the learners to do Ask the learners to do Ask the learners to do Ask the learners to do
Learning Assessment 1. Assessment 2. Assessment 3. Assessment 4.
Prepared by: Checked by:
Adviser/T-III Principal I