Qir 2017 8168499
Qir 2017 8168499
Qir 2017 8168499
Abstract— Power transformer (PT) is one of the most PT will incredibly affect to the overall performance of electrical
important parts in electrical power system. In some cases, many power system. Thus, failure to maintain the PT will result in
electric utilities do not consider to capitalize the power losses, significant lost and degrade the reliability of electrical power
resulting in uneconomical decision during the purchasing. In this system [2].
study, to evaluate the best purchase choice of a 60 MVA 150/129
kV PT, we examine the total cost of ownership (TCO) as the basis In recent years, many electric utilities demanded the PT
for determining the total economic value of PT. When purchasing specifications to be more environmental friendly and more
and designing the PT, the optimum parameters are not only solely optimum in term of cost and technical aspects. For this reason,
determined by the design and the lowest cost, but also influenced calculating of total cost of ownership (TCO) of PT becomes an
by material cost, power losses and its typical operation. Hence, important factor to consider as this makes the buyer or user
design optimization and calculation of TCO of PT is of importance comprehensively understand the direct and indirect cost
to provide a reliable and economical product. Here it is realized associated with a certain product [3]. There are many users and
by reviewing the existing design and fabrication as well as the cost manufacturers consider only for the initial purchase price of PT
structure, design optimization and total cost ownership in their decision-making, rather than taking into account the
calculation. The result shows that the PT design optimization technical, economical and operational aspects. As a
employing losses capitalization exhibits the most economical value, consequence, the purchased PT was not as-desired one [4].
reducing TCO up to 3%. We found that the losses capitalization
and TCO of PT are sensitively affected by interest rate, economic This paper will address the following research-problem
life of PT, electricity cost, load factor and losses. Those factors are questions: (1) how to optimize the design of PT to achieve the
key components to determine the suitable specification, design most optimum cost? (2) how to calculate and achieve the most
evaluation and operation of the transformer. This practical study economic total cost of ownership in line with PT operation? and
is beneficial both for the owner and manufacturer of PT, thus (3) what consideration to be taken and what is the critical factor
giving the right specification and design to support purchasing in designing the PT? These critical questions are utmost
process of PT. important to optimize and evaluate TCO of PT as a base for
determining the optimum specification in PT purchasing
Keywords—total cost of ownership; power transformer; optimum
design; losses capitalization;
Power transformer (PT) is one of the most important parts in II. METHODOLOGY
electrical power system with the functions of stepping-up-and- We use a case study on PT design of 60 MVA 150/20 kV.
down the voltage, delivering electricity from the power plant to The evaluation was carried out by design optimization, losses
the consumer. Due to its critical function, PT acquisition capitalization and TCO calculation. We limited the scope of this
significantly contributes to the total electricity cost as it requires study to the existing data of PT design, material cost,
high initial capital cost [1]. On the other hand, the manufacturing transformer operational, cost of electricity and its financial
of PT takes considerable time owing to complicated procedures aspects. PT was designed and manufactured based on
to meet the high standard design. The reliability and quality of
978-602-50431-1-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 291 2017 15th Intl. Conf. QiR: Intl. Symp. Elec. and Com. Eng
customized specification, applicable standard and (controlling the reactance), current density and cooling capacity.
manufacturer’s practice. Table 1 shows the specification of PT We further considered the no-load losses, full-load losses and
reference. noise level of the PT during the optimization. This study applied
two optimization approaches, namely optimization with fixed
TABLE I. SPECIFICATION OF PT REFERENCE (PT REF) no-load and load losses and optimization with evaluation of no-
load and load losses. The former approach will minimize the
Design Remark losses and cost, realized by varying the core diameter, flux
No-load losses (kW) 27 density, current density and cooling duct number. The goal of
Load losses (kW) 112 this approach was to meet guaranteed PT losses with a certain
Impedance (%) 12.57 value. Only losses as the pre-determined variable (input) was
Winding specs TV 226 mm2 (12.5 x 6.1mm) taken into calculation, while other parameters were optimized
Core specs 23SDR85, 0.8 W/kg
and analyzed. The later method minimizes the cost by varying
the core diameter, flux density, current density and cooling duct
Tank specs ST37
number. What makes different from the former scheme is that
Oil spec Uninhibited oil here the losses were capitalized.
TCO calculation involves the costs of initial PT acquisition
We employed a case study for 60 MVA 150/20 kV PT and and operational costs to maintain the PT lifetime. The purpose
assessed its design optimization, losses capitalization, and of the TCO analysis is to minimize overall cost of PT, while
material selection to determine the optimum framework for PT increasing its possible lifetime, which is performed by
design. Variable input was given to the target design of PT minimizing the Equation 1.
reference. In consisted of general input such as delivery time
that affects to material price and technical input parameters ܥܱܶ݊݅ܯൌ ݊݅ܯሾ ܶܥ ܲݔܣ ܲݔܤ ሿ (1)
such as voltage and capacity, maximum oil temperature rise
(maximum guaranteed value at highest capacity), maximum where TCO is total cost of ownership (Rp), CT is the initial price
winding temperature rise (maximum guaranteed value at of transformer (tendered price, Rp), A is capitalization cost of
highest capacity), maximum hotspot temperature rise no-load losses (Rp/kW), P0 is no-load losses (kW), B is
(maximum guaranteed value at highest capacity), hotspot capitalization cost of load losses (Rp/kW) and PK is load losses
factor, the thickness of cooling duct (average), radiator type and (kW).
number, noise level, transformer tank thickness and type and Here CT was calculated as follow:
maximum transformer weight. Meanwhile, the economic
parameters for optimization include currency, core material ܶܥൌ
price, winding (cooper) material price, transformer oil price, ଵିௌெ ଵିௌெ
insulation material price, transformer tank price and labor cost.
where CTM is PT manufacturing cost (Rp), SM is selling margin
(%), CMM is main material cost of PT (Rp) such as core,
winding, oil, tank, insulation, and cooling system, CRM is other
material cost (Rp) such as protection and control system, on load
tap changer and CLab is production or labor cost (Rp).
The steps to calculate the TCO of PT has been outlined in [6]
as follows: (1) calculating the material cost of transformer (CT
component); (2) calculating the manufacturing cost (CT
component); (3) calculating the selling price of transformer
(CT); and (4) calculating the TCO of PT. The capitalization
losses cost is analyzed by net present value (NPV) of electricity
cost [7-8] as follow:
ܣൌ ͺͲ ݔσୀଵ ቀ ቁ (3)
ܤൌ ͺͲ ݔσୀଵ ቀ ቁ ݔሺಳሻଶ (4)
ሺଵାሻ ೃ
Fig. 1. Design Optimization Process of Power Transfomer
The optimization procedure, starting with existing PT design ܥൌ ͺͲ ݔσୀଵ ቀ ቁ ݔܨܨݔሺಳሻଶ (5)
ሺଵାሻ ೃ
as reference is shown in Fig.1. The PT reference was with fixed
winding configuration and comparable both voltage and
where A is no-load losses cost, B is load losses cost, C is cooling
impedance. The optimization process includes the main
fan losses cost, n is transformer economical life (25 years), BPP
parameters such as core diameter, flux density, winding height
is cost of electricity, k is incremental factor of BPP, i is interest
rate (%), IB is load current (A), IR = nominal current (A), and FF
is PT capacity (p.u) where the cooling fans start to operate (0.6).
The optimization results for each scenario is shown in Table
As described in Equation 3 and 4, component A and B are 3.
unique factors for PT owners that are depending on PT loading
and cost of electricity. PO and PK are technical parameters of PT TABLE III. COMPARISON OF OPTIMIZATION DESIGN AMONG THE SCENARIOS
representing no-load and load losses respectively.
Parameter D1 D2 D3 D4
TCO calculation was then performed with a reference to Ref.
Equation 3, 4 and 5 for transformer lifecycle. This calculation No-load losses (kW) 27 30(*) 25(*) 20 31
Load losses (kW) 112 115(*) 110(*) 253 124
was based on cost of electricity and transformer loading, as well Total losses (kW) 139 145 135 273 155
as an estimated energy price and load growth. Interest rate and Impedance (%) 12.57 12.5 12.5 12.5 13
economic life was also included to precisely determine TCO. In Core weight (%)(1) 100 97 103 63 96
general, TCO components is displayed in Fig.2. Winding weight (%)(1) 100 85 113 44 72
Oil weight (%)(1) 100 94 105 67 89
Tank weight (%)(1) 100 95 104 67 91
Radiator weight (%)(1) 100 108 95 256 116
Total weight (%)(1) 100 93 106 64 88
Material cost (%) (1)(2)(3) 100 91 119 57 88
Cost of losses (k $)(2)(4) 580 609 560 1,069 648
Cost of losses (%)(1)(2) 100 105 97 183 112
Total Cost (%) (1)(2)(5) 100 99 102 130 97
Notes :
(*) Losses value as input for optimization, (1) Value in the table is comparison with design reference.(2)
Material cost describe initial purchase cost of transformer, meanwhile total cost describe initial cost and
losses cost during transformer operation. (3) Material cost is material and labor cost which depend on
weight of material and unit material cost. (4) Losses cost was calculated as follow: losses cost = A x PO
+ B x PK with Factor A = 5,874 $/kW and Factor B = 3,759 $/kW and (5) Calculation results ($), total
cost is the sum of material cost (1) and losses cost (2).
Fig. 2. Components of Transformer TCO The highest material cost of PT was achieved by the lowest
load losses and vice versa. We found the optimum design was
V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION exhibited by scenario D4 (97%), postulating the lowest losses
The PT optimization was conducted by taking the PT capitalization compared to PT reference and other scenarios.
reference of 60 MVA 150/20kV, following four (4) scenarios: When the PT purchase only consider initial cost of PT
acquisition, the total cost can be decreased up to 57% of PT
1) Scenario D1: optimization with fixed losses in which the reference cost. The reason is because the optimization
losses value of observed PT is higher than that of PT calculation consider only for material cost. In contrast, the
reference losses (PO and PK of observed PT > PO and optimization with losses capitalization resulted in a decreased
PK of PT reference) TCO for about 3% from PT reference.
2) Scenario D2: optimization with fixed losses in which the For TCO calculation we employed 5 scenarios as shown in
losses value of observed PT is lower than that of PT Table 4. The calculation process follows the procedures as
reference losses (PO and PK of observed PT < PO and outlined in Fig.3.
PK of PT reference).
3) Scenario D3: optimization with losses evaluation and
no-losses capitalization. Scenario Interest Cost of Loading Economic
Rate (%) Electricity Factor (%) Life (years)
4) Scenario D4: optimization with losses evaluation and (Rp)
losses capitalization (including both no-load and load PT Ref. 10 890 and 1% 80 25
losses cost (scenario D4) increase
In this study we assume some parameters based on actual TCO 1 Interest rate is changed, other parameters are fixed
price applied by PT manufacturer in Indonesia. Table 2 shows TCO 2 Economic life is changed, other parameters are fixed
TCO 3 Cost of electricity is changed, other parameters are fixed
our assumption for this study. TCO 4 Loading factor is changed, other parameters are fixed
TCO 5 Load losses is changed, other parameters are fixed
cost of electricity will increase the TCO for about 9%, meanshile
a decreased 20% of that will decrease TCO for about 9%. A 20%
increased economic life will increase 2% TCO, in opposite a
20% decreased will decrease 3% TCO, as shown in TCO3. For
TCO4, an increase load factor of 20% will increase TCO of
19%, a decrease of that value will decrease TCO for about 15%.
This is due to the load losses during operation. Finally for TCO5,
a 20% increase and decrease of load losses will increase and
decrease TCO for about 4%, respectively.
Sensitivity analysis was then carried out to assess the effect
of input change to TCO values as shown in Fig. 4.
funding scheme managed by the Directorate for Research and
Community Engagement (DRPM) Universitas Indonesia.