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Raster @ RCA-6F6 Power Amplifier Pentode The 6F6 is a heater-cathode power-amp! ifier pentode of the metal type for use in the audio-output stage of a-c receivers, It is capa- ble of giving large power output with a relatively smail input volt age. Secause of the heater-cathode construction, a uniformly low hum-level is attainable in power-amplifier design. TENTATIVE CHARACTERISTICS HEATER VOLTAGE (A.C. or D.C.) 6.3 Volts HEATER CURRENT 0,7 Volts MAXIMUM OVERALL LENGTH 3-1/4" MAXIMUM DIAMETER 1.5716" BASE ‘Small Octal 7-Pin Single-Tube Class A Amplifier Pent ode Connection Triode Connection Screen tied to plate PLATE VOLTAGE 250-315 max. 250 max. Volts SCREEN VOLTAGE 250 315 max. - Volts GRID VOLTAGE “16.5 -22 -20 Volts PLATE CURRENT 34 os 34 Mil liamperes SCREEN CURRENT 6.5 - Milliamperes PLATE RESISTANCE 80000° 750008 2600 Ohms AMPLIFICATION FACTOR 200° 200° 7 MUTUAL CONDUCT ANCE 2500 2650 2700 Micromhos LOAD RESISTANCE 7000 7000 4000 Ohms TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION 7 7 5 Per cent POWER OUTPUT 3 5 0.85 Watts Under the above maximum voltage conditions, transformer or impedance input-coupling devices are recommended. If resistance-coupiing is used, refer to last paragraph of APPLICATION, © approxinate. Push-Pull Class AB Amplifier (Pentode Connection) Fixed-Bias Sel f-Bias PLATE VOLTAGE 375 max. 375 max, Volts SCREEN VOLTAGE 250 max, 250 max. Volts GRID VOLTAGE -26 min. - Volts SELF-{BIAS RESISTOR - 340 min. Ohms ZERO-SIGNAL PLATE CUR. (Per tube) 7 27 Milliamperes ZERO-SIGNAL SCREEN CUR, (Per tube) 2.5 4 Mill iamperes LOAD RESISTANCE (Per tube) 2500 2500 Ohms EFFECT IVE LOAD RESISTANCE Piate-to-plate! 10000 10000 Ohms. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION 5 5 Per cent POWER OUTPUT (2 tubes) \Qapprox.* 19 apfrox.sWatts ~10. Under the above maximum voltage conditions, transformer or impedance input-coupling devices must be used, * With one triode-connected FS as driver operated at plate volts of 250, volte of ~20, and with « minimum plate losd of approximately 10000 ohas transformer br is 3.32, The plate, tnd erid supply have negligible # With one triode-connected @F6 as driver operated at plate volts of 250, grid volts of -20, and with a minimum plate load of approximately 10000 ohne! input traneformer ratio, primary to one-half secondary: ie 2.5. The plate and screen supply have negligible resistance. Le given for che eelf=b vo ts determined for a minimum grid dies of Push=Pull Class AB Amplifier (Triode Connect ion) Screen tied to plate Fixed-Bias Self-Bias PLATE VOLTAGE 350 max. 350 max. Voits GRID VOLTAGE 38 - Volts SELF-BIAS RESISTOR - 730 min. Ohms ZERO-SIGNAL PLATE CURRENT (Per tube) 22.5 25 Mit tiamperes LOAD RESISTANCE (Per tube) 1500 2500 Ohms EFFECTIVE LOAD RESISTANCE (Plate-to-p late} 6000 10000 Ohms TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION al 7 Per cent POWER OUTPUT (2 tubes) 18 approx.0 \4aptrox.? Watts Under the above maximum voltage conditions, transformer or impedance input-coupling devices must be used. ° With one triode-connected 6F6 as driver operated at plate volts of 250, volts of -20, with transformer ratio, prima rid AnimuR plate 10ad of approximately 10000 ohms: input to onehalf secondary, 16 1.67, The plate and grid supply have negligible reaistancs © with one triode-connected 6F6 as driver operated at plate volts of 250, grid volte of -20, with a minimum plate load of approximately 10000 ohae! input primary to one-half secondary, is 1.20. The plate supply tance. The value given for the self-biae re i grid bias of -36.5 volts. INSTALLATION The base pins of the 6F6 fit the seven-contact octa!-base socket (or the universal eight-contact socket) which may be installed to hold the tube in any position. The heater is designed to operate at 6.3 volts. The transformer supplying this voltage should be designed to operate the heater at this recommended value for full-load operating conditions at average Vine voltage. The cathode should preferably be connected directly toa mid= tap on the heater winding or toa center-tapped resistor across the heater winding. If this practice is not followed, the potential difference between heater and cathode should be kept as low as possi- ble. APPLICATION As a Class A power-amplifier pentode, the GF6 may be used either singly or in push-pull, Recommended operating conditions are given under CHARACTERISTICS, 1f a single 6F6 is operated at a plate volt age of 250 volts, the self-bias resistor should have a vatue of approximately 410 ohms; at 315 volts, 440 ohms. For two tubes in the same stage, the value of the self-bias resistor should be approxi- mately one-half that for a single tube. As a Class A power-amplifier triode, the 6F6 may be used either singly or in push-pull. For this service the screen is connected to the plate, Recommended operat ing conditions are given under CHARAC TERISTICS, If a single 6F6 is operated as a Class A triode at a plate voltage of 250 volts, the self-bias resistor should have a value of approximately 650 ohms. For two tubes in the same stage, the value of the self-bias resistor should be approximately one-half that for a single stage. As a Class AB power-amplifier triode or pentode, the 6F6 should be operated as shown under the CHARACTERISTICS. The values shown cover operation with fixed-bias and with self-bias, and have been determined on the basis of some grid-current flow during the most positive swing of the input signal and of cancellation of second~ harmonic distortion by virtue of the push-pull circuit. Self-bias resistors should be shunted by a filter network to avoid degeneration at the low audio-frequencies, The filter network may be omitted for push-pull Class A pentode and Class A triode service. The type of input coupling used should not introduce too much resistance in the grid circuit. Transformer= or impedance—coup! ing devices are recommended, When the grid circuit has a resistance not higher than 0.05 megohm, fixed bias may be used; for higher values, self-bias is required. With self-bias, the grid circuit may have a resistance as high as, but not greater than, 0.5 megohm provided the heater voltage is not allowed torise more than 10% above rated value under any condition of operation. G2 Si @ ©) "FI OA. OZOs, oer BOTTOM VIEW <12- AVERAGE, PLATE, CHARACTERISTICS - . dat ESAS i, Ne twee 66 <3 Set feitt0 | senbdnt vores 250 g eaf-4ecbeadue 33 ; 7 eg To #3 2 i i “| i i os 5 y i t 2 ers 2 gn 5 A : el = 7 =6.5| ? Rae vous ween aast AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS ; FaaT SAAS Tree 8F6 rpeea wars i * y ; [ Su P - 4 y oy y 8 5 2 ; Ee re z & Y Py 2 S ti = SS is rs PATE. yours ec aaaa “Be

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