English For Acad - Claim Lesson Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Schools Division of Leyte
Leyte Agro-Industrial School
Leyte, Leyte


Name of Teacher Nelson P. Balute Date October 21, 2024
I. OBJECTIVE Annotations

Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable MELC-Based

arguments supported by properly cited factual evidences Contextualizatio
CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIa-d-4 n

Writes various kinds of position papers CS_EN11/12A-



A. Topic: Use of
Claims appropriate
B. References teaching and
Budget of Lesson, K-12 MELC, Communicate Today learning
English for Academic and Professional Purposes for resources,
Senior High School by Jessie Saraza Barrot, PhD and Powerpoint
Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio Presentation,
C. Learning Materials ICT,
Powerpoint Presentation, Visual Aid, Strips of Paper Performance
Rubric to
D. Concept address
learning goals
Claims is a clear assertion of a person's ideas,
opinions, or propositions.
-It may serve the purpose of convincing or
persuading readers or a specific audience to agree
with a specific stand or rationale on an issue.

E. Local Heritage Theme: Societal Issue

III. PROCEDURE Annotations
A. Preliminary Activities
A. Preliminary Activities The teacher
1. Introduction and Orientation of Classroom Rules utilizes a word
The teacher orients the students on the following puzzle where
classroom rules: students are
 Show respect to your teacher, classmates, and instructed to
 Be on time.
 Do not use cellphone inside the classroom unless
instructed by the teacher.
 Always wear complete uniform, including ID.
 Raise your hand before you speak.
 Be prepared for class every day.
 Strict adherence to the IATF protocol must be
followed by maintaining physical distancing and
wearing face mask properly.
look for familiar
 Maintain in your seat. Avoid transferring from one
words and
seat to another to prevent
identify the
contamination/transmission of virus.
meaning of the
 If not feeling well, inform the teacher and isolate
given word
yourself in the isolation hub.
based on how it
 Avoid borrowing pen and other materials with
is used in the
your classmates. Use hand sanitizers, if needed.
sentence. The
 Prayer
answers are
 Attendance Checking
flashed through
2. Spelling Drill (WORD PUZZLE)
Students are instructed to arrange the jumbled
letters to identify the word being described. A
volunteer will be asked to give his/her answer.
1. critic
2. position
3. stand
4. issue
5. evidence

B. Review The teacher will

ask students to
Recall the previous lesson about position paper. recall previously
C. Motivation

Complete the word and share ideas about it.

1. V L E

2. F A T

3. P L Y

In this part of
the lesson, the
4. teacher will ask
C A M the learners
about the
relevance of the
(Selected students will share their insights about the game's game to the
relevance to the topic. ATF rules will be reiterated topic.
during class activity)
D. Presentation of the Lesson Teacher will
In the pictures shown on screen, notice that there is a instruct
shift of approach in the dialogue. Why do you think it is students to
done this way? reflect on the
photos that
were flashed on
Development of the Lesson

The teacher

Activity: Traffic made use of a

literary pieces
and local

Lights Game (5
written by local
authors as a

material in
identifying the
differences of

(Class will be divided


into 4)
The teacher will
distribute flaglets for
each group. The
flaglets contain red,
green and orange.
Each of your group
will be given a set.
The teacher will
present a topic on
screen and students
will be given 20
seconds to think and
write their reasons
to defend their
stand. If the member
agrees, he will raise
the green flaglet. If
he does not agree,
raise the red one
and if he is
undecided, he will
raise the
orange one. The
teacher will
randomly select
to defend their
answer. Each
should come
forward and be
ready to defend the
answer of the group
representatives are
only given 20
seconds to answer.
The class will be divided into 4. The students will play a
game called “Is it a Fact or Bluff”
All they need to do is to answer each statement if it is a
fact or a bluff by writing it on the illustration board
provided. Every statement contains 2 points each.

1. The Philippines is the world’s number one producer

of coconut.
2. Octopuses have three hearts.
3. An adult has more bones than baby.
4. The fastest animal is the jaguar.
5. Cows can sleep lightly while standing up.
6. North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can’t
buy Coca-Cola.
(This activity engages students by allowing them to identify
and reflect on issues that are relevant to them. It sets the
stage for deeper analysis in the next phases of the lesson,
helping them connect personally to the manifesto-writing
7. ANALYSIS In this part of
Guide Questions: the lesson, the
 What are Claims? learners are
 What are the three types of Claims? encouraged to
ask questions
 How do we know the reliability of a claim? regarding the
(In this part of the lesson, the students are given time to share
their answers to the class and encouraged to ask questions.
Students will be reminded to wear their face mask properly.)

8. ABSTRACTION In this part of

the lesson, the
The teacher will discuss the claim, and the three types of learners are
encouraged to
claim and give examples of each claim. ask questions
regarding the
1. Claim of Fact. - Asserts that the condition has existed, discussion.
exists or will exist.

2. Claim of Value - Makes a judgment: expresses approval or

disapproval about something; attempts to show that
something is wrong or right, moral/ immoral, beautiful or ugly.

3. Claim of Policy - Argues that something should or should not

be done, believed, or banned; argues for a course of action.
In this part of
9. APPLICATION the lesson, it
Let us do this! PERFORMANCE TASK helps the
The teacher will present the statement on screen and students improve their
will identify if the statement is a Claim of Fact, Claim of Value, work based on
or Claim of Policy. peer feedback
and allows them
1. Teachers should be given an increase in their salary. to hear
2. The hunting of animals is a barbaric practice. perspective on
the same or
3. Global warming is a threat to people living here on Earth. different
societal issues.
4. It is immoral to participate in non-violent strikes in the

5. The age at which people can get a driver’s license must

be raised to 21.

6. Increasing population threatens the environment.

IV. EVALUATION Annotations

Directions: Identify each statement below, taken from or

inspired by the previous text, as a claim of fact, value, or
The students
1. National strength can only be built on character. will be
prompted to
2. The Filipinos of the pat became strong-willed, earnest, and create an
adventurous by necessity: they had to brave the seas, clear infomercial
the forest, and erect towns and cities in the wilderness in order taking one
to establish communities. stand about an
3. To ensure the accomplishment of the task of national
spiritual reconstruction, we shall formulate and adopt a social
code that can be explained in the schools, preached from the
pulpits, and taught in the streets and plazas, and the
remotest corners of our land.

4. Teachers are in the position to inculcate this social code in

the youth because they are in the most contact with them
during their formative years at school.

5. LTFRB should be given the public advance notice about

their fare hike.

6. Donald Trump is awesome.

7. Hilary Clinton would have made a better president than
Donald Trump.

8. Instagram is owned by Facebook.

9. Rodrigo Duterte is the President of the Philippines.

10. I made a sandwich.

V. ASSIGNMENT Annotations

Students will
How will this understanding of claims impact your approach to give
constructing arguments or analyzing information in the explanations or
future? insights about
the question.

MPS: _____________

Prepared by:

Teacher II



Master Teacher II

School Principal II

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