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Safety Manual

This document has been prepared by the

Environmental Health and Safety
Department and reviewed and approved
by the Laboratory Safety Committee on
July 31, 1991
Revised October 2005
Reviewed April 21, 2009
Revised November 23, 2009
Revised April 2013
Revised June 2013
Revised June 2016
Reviewed March 2019
Reviewed May 2022

Page 1
SCOPE AND APPLICATION................................................................................................................... 4
CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN ................................................................................................................. 5
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................... 9
CWRU SAFETY POLICY ........................................................................................................................ 9
RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................... 9
EMERGENCIES AND HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL SPILLS................................................................ 10
Emergencies ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Hazardous Chemical Spills ................................................................................................................. 11
Decontamination Procedures ............................................................................................................. 12
LABORATORY DECOMMISSIONING PROCEDURES ..................................................................... 13
SAFETY RULES FOR LABORATORIES ...................................................................................... 14
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES.......................................................................................... 14
Introduction to Safe Laboratory Practices ......................................................................................... 14
Laboratory Practices for Specific Procedures .................................................................................... 18
PPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Administrative Controls ...................................................................................................................... 23
Engineering Controls .......................................................................................................................... 23
Personal Protective Equipment .......................................................................................................... 27
CHEMICAL STORAGE ......................................................................................................................... 30
General Rules ..................................................................................................................................... 30
Storage of Flammable Chemicals ....................................................................................................... 31
Storage of Corrosive Chemicals ......................................................................................................... 31
Hazardous Waste Storage ................................................................................................................... 32
CWRU HAZARD WARNING SIGNS.................................................................................................... 34
Description.......................................................................................................................................... 35
Policy .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Methods of Posting ............................................................................................................................. 35
NFPA Signage..................................................................................................................................... 36
Availability of Signs ............................................................................................................................ 36
HEALTH HAZARDS ...................................................................................................................... 37
TOXICOLOGY ....................................................................................................................................... 37
General Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 37
Dose-Response Relationships ............................................................................................................. 37
Routes of Entry Into the Body ............................................................................................................. 37
Exposure Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 38
Other Factors Affecting Toxicity......................................................................................................... 39
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS.................................................................................................. 39
Definition and Policy .......................................................................................................................... 39
CLASSIFICATION OF TOXIC MATERIALS....................................................................................... 39
Physical Classifications ...................................................................................................................... 39
Physiological Classifications .............................................................................................................. 40
WORKING SAFELY WITH HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS .................................................................. 43
Suggested References on Hazardous Chemicals ................................................................................. 43
PROPERTIES OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, 3RD EDITION, WILEY, 2007 .............................. 43
Hazardous Chemicals ......................................................................................................................... 44
Controlled Substances ........................................................................................................................ 45
Chemical Safety .................................................................................................................................. 45
Select Carcinogens, Reproductive Hazards, and Chemicals with a High Degree of Acute Toxicity .. 46
Creating a Designated Area ............................................................................................................... 46

Page 2
General Procedures ............................................................................................................................ 46
Operational Procedures...................................................................................................................... 47
Working with Select Carcinogens ....................................................................................................... 48
Working with Reproductive Hazards .................................................................................................. 49
Working with Substances with High Acute Toxicity ............................................................................ 50
Experimentation with Animals ............................................................................................................ 50
ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION EXPOSURE ......................................................................................... 50
Effects of Exposure ............................................................................................................................. 50
Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure ........................................................................... 50
BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS ..................................................................................................................... 51
Select Agent Program ......................................................................................................................... 51
WASTE DISPOSAL AND WASTE REDUCTION .......................................................................... 52
DISPOSAL OF CHEMICAL WASTE .................................................................................................... 52
Table of Incompatible Chemicals ....................................................................................................... 53
Disposal of Chemicals in Sanitary Sewers (Drains) ........................................................................... 57
DISPOSAL OF EXPLOSIVE OR EXTREMELY REACTIVE MATERIALS ....................................... 58
DISPOSAL OF SELECT AGENT........................................................................................................... 58
DISPOSAL OF OTHER LABORATORY WASTE ................................................................................ 59
Classification of Waste and Disposal Procedures .............................................................................. 59
DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE .............................................................................................. 62
WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING ........................................................................................... 62
Waste Reduction Procedures .............................................................................................................. 62
Recycling Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 63
E-Waste ............................................................................................................................................... 64
SPECIFIC LABORATORY PROCEDURES .................................................................................. 65
CENTRIFUGE SAFETY......................................................................................................................... 65
COMPRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS.............................................................................................. 67
General Standards .............................................................................................................................. 67
Restricted Products ............................................................................................................................. 71
Flammable Gases................................................................................................................................ 72
Accepting Cylinders from Vendors ..................................................................................................... 73
Pressure Regulators and Needle Valves ............................................................................................. 73
Leak Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 75
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHTS – USE AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................... 75
Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................... 75
WORKING WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS .............................................................................. 77
Z-LIST OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES.................................................................................................78
LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS ....................................................................82
Carcinogens ........................................................................................................................................ 82
Reproductive Hazards ......................................................................................................................... 91
Chemicals with a High Degree of Acute Toxicity ............................................................................... 91
GLOVE COMPATIBILITY CHART ................................................................................................ 92
TABLE OF CHEMICAL INCOMPATIBILITIES ............................................................................. 94
SMALL SPILL CLEAN-UP GUIDELINES ..................................................................................... 95
SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 97
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ................................................................................................................ 99
GLOSSARY OF ORGANIZATIONS ............................................................................................ 109

Page 3

In January 1990, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

(OSHA) released its final ruling on occupational exposure to
hazardous chemicals in laboratories. This ruling, commonly referred

to as the Laboratory Standard (29 CFR 1910.1450), was to be
implemented by January 31, 1991. The Laboratory Standard is a
generic, performance-based standard, emphasizing safe handling
and use of hazardous chemicals through procedures to be
established by the employer and outlined in a written Chemical
Hygiene Plan (CHP).

In order to comply with the regulations of this standard, Case

Western Reserve University’s (CWRU) Department of Occupational
& Environmental Safety (EHS), in coordination with the Laboratory
Safety Committee, has written this Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM).
It is further required that Principal Investigators (PIs) develop CHPs
specific to their laboratories. This manual can serve as a basic
model from which all PIs can create more specific documents. The
details of this requirement are outlined below.

EHS is comprised of two divisions: Radiation Safety, and

Biological/Chemical Safety. Biological/Chemical Safety will be
hereafter referred to in this document as “Safety Services.”


Laboratories are covered by the Laboratory Standard if they meet all

of the following requirements:

1. Chemical manipulations are carried out on a “laboratory use


2. Multiple chemical procedures or chemicals are used.

3. The procedures involved are not part of a production process,

nor in any way simulate a production process.

4. Protective practices/equipment is available and in common

use to minimize the potential for employee exposure to
hazardous chemicals.

Page 4
29 CFR 1910.1450 supersedes the requirements of all other OSHA standards
applicable to laboratories, except for the requirement to maintain employee
exposures below permissible exposure limits (PELs). PELs are maximum air
concentrations of hazardous chemicals to which an employee can be exposed to
within an 8-hour work shift. If atmospheric concentrations are routinely high, then
specific exposure monitoring and medical surveillance requirements may apply.
In addition, if any regulated chemical under SARA Title 313 Appendix A is being
used or stored, applicable standards must be followed (see Appendix A).


The basic requirement of the Laboratory Standard for employers is to establish a

written Chemical Hygiene Plan. The Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) describes:
Standard operating procedures for using hazardous chemicals; hazard-control
techniques; equipment-reliability measures; employee information and training
programs; conditions under which the employer must approve operations,
procedures, and activities before implementation; and medical consultations and
examinations. The CHP also designates personnel responsible for implementing
the CHP, and specifies the procedures used to provide additional protection to
employees exposed to particularly hazardous chemicals. The PI is ultimately
responsible for implementing the CHP. It is recommended that a committee
comprised of the PI and researchers write the CHP jointly. The recommended
format for the CHP is available on the EHS website ( under
“Forms/Manuals,” and this LSM may be used as a reference.

Outlined below are the major elements that must be included in each laboratory’s

1. Standard operating procedures

Included in this LSM are approved operating procedures for dealing with
hazardous chemicals. These procedures shall be adopted by individual
laboratories to meet the requirements of the Laboratory Standard. In
addition, the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for every chemical in
use in the laboratory must be available to all employees of that laboratory
at all times. The MSDS provides essential information on chemical
handling, containment, labeling procedures, and emergency medical
information. MSDSs are available on the EHS website
( under “MSDS.”

Page 5
2. Control measures

Criteria to determine and implement specific control measures such as

engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective
equipment (PPE). This LSM addresses specific control measures such
as engineering controls and PPE. Safety Services will assist with
training and special needs as they arise.

3. Chemical hoods

Safety Services tests chemical hoods at least once a year. This is a

requirement to ensure that chemical hoods are functioning properly.
ASHRAE 110 Tracer Gas testing is performed on every chemical hood
that is new, moved from one location to another or is repaired. The
chemical hood is velocity tested during the other four years to ensure
that it has not deviated from the conditions under which it passed the
ASHRAE 110 Tracer Gas test. Contact Safety Services (368.2907) if
you have any questions about the chemical hoods in your area.

4. Information and training requirements

Employee training is a central element of the Laboratory Standard. The

training shall be appropriate for each specific laboratory and take into
account the level of education and knowledge of the individuals being
trained. EHS offers general radiation, X ray, laser, chemical, and
biological safety training programs, as well as hazardous materials
shipment and respirator training, both in person and online. Training
class schedules can be obtained by calling Radiation Safety (368.2906)
or Safety Services (368.2907). Training class schedules are also
available on the EHS website ( under “Training.”

5. Circumstances under which a particular laboratory operation shall require

prior approval from the employer

In most cases, the “employer” will be the PI. The PI may wish to institute
procedures for prior approval for the use of certain extremely hazardous
chemicals. A list of extremely hazardous chemicals, as defined by
OSHA, can be found in Appendix B of this LSM.

Except for Class IA flammable liquids (those having flash points below
73ºF and a boiling point below 100ºF), Safety Services does not require
prior approval for the possession of any chemicals (check with Safety
Services for exceptions). However, an approved laboratory chemical
protocol is required as part of the University Laboratory Standard.

Page 6
6. Provisions for medical consultation and medical exams whenever:

a. An employee develops signs or symptoms of exposure to a

hazardous chemical;

b. Medical surveillance reveals routine exposure above the action

level or PEL; or

c. A hazardous chemical spill, leak, or explosion occurs. Employers

shall provide employees an opportunity to receive medical
attention, including any follow-up exams with University Health
Services. University Health Services will address Laboratory
Standard related medical consultations and medical exams. Call
University Health Services (368.2450) for additional information.
Call Safety Services (368.2907) immediately if a hazardous
exposure occurs during the course of your work (between 8:30
a.m. and 5:00 p.m.). Between 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.,
weekends, and holidays, call Protective Services (368.3333).

7. Chemical Hygiene Officer

OSHA regulations stipulate that a Chemical Hygiene Officer (CHO) must

be designated for each laboratory. Since PIs hold the primary
responsibility for safety in their laboratory, the PI will therefore be
designated as CHO. The department chairperson may, under special
circumstances, designate an alternate person to assume this

8. Protective measures

The Laboratory standard 29 CFR 1910.1450 also covers requirements

for development of additional employee protection when working with
particularly hazardous substances such as select carcinogens,
reproductive toxins, and substances with a high degree of acute toxicity.
Protective measures include the following:

a. Establishment of a designated area (such as a chemical hood)

b. Use of containment devices
c. Procedures for safe removal of hazardous waste
d. Decontamination procedures

The effectiveness of the CHP must be reviewed annually within each

laboratory and submitted to Safety Services for review. Additionally,
Safety Services conducts safety inspections to ensure chemical hygiene
and laboratory safety procedures are up-to-date and in compliance.

Page 7
This introduction summarizes the requirements of the OSHA Laboratory
Standard, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapter 29, Section 1910.1450
entitled: “Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories.” If
you have any questions as to what is required for the development of the CHP,
or wish to obtain a copy of the Laboratory Standard or information on any aspect
of the Standard, contact Safety Services (368.2907).

Page 8


This LSM has been written to acquaint all laboratory personnel with
an important phase of their responsibility – safety, or accident
prevention. Accident prevention must be included in the
performance of every task. It cannot be considered a separate

entity but is an integral part of everyone’s work. Safety is made
possible by careful planning of all work based on an understanding
of the hazards involved and a knowledge of the work area and safe
working procedures. Accident prevention pays in the injuries it
prevents, the research time it saves, and the healthy attitude it

The objective of this LSM is two-fold:

1. To provide general guidelines and recommendations for safe

laboratory practices, and

2. To comply with OSHA’s Laboratory Standard, 29 CFR


This manual is not intended to be, nor can it be,

complete and all-inclusive.


The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the

managerial and supervisory staff of the University. Vice Presidents,
Deans, Chairpersons, Directors, Heads of Units, Laboratory
Supervisors, PIs, and all other supervisory personnel will be
accountable for the health and safety of employees engaged in
activities under their supervision. This responsibility cannot be
delegated. Supervisors must realize that it is their responsibility to
ensure that workers are educated about safety issues and comply
with safety rules. Supervisors must continuously promote and insist
upon safety.

Page 9
Safety Services will assist supervisory personnel in establishing and maintaining
a safe working environment. EHS interprets the standards and regulations to
ensure the safety, education, information monitoring, and recommendations for
improvements. EHS will initiate the establishment of standards and regulations
for safety, education, information monitoring, and recommendations for
improvements. Safety Services will also maintain and provide general safety
training, while PIs provide site-specific training.



Each laboratory should develop its own protocol for emergency situations, taking
into account the following information:

1. CWRU emergency telephone numbers:

Emergency (injury, fire, life-endangering spill) ..................... 216.368.3333

CWRU Protective Services .................................................. 216.368.3333
University Circle Police Department..................................... 216.368.2222
University Hospitals Protective Services .............................. 216.844.4357
CWRU EHS Radiation Safety .............................................. 216.368.2906
CWRU EHS Safety Services ............................................... 216.368.2907

2. General emergency procedures:

a. Alert those working in the critical area(s):

b. Call 216.368.3333) or University Hospitals (844.4357), for

laboratories in UH. Clearly give a description and location of the
event, indicate if an ambulance is needed, specify location where
ambulance attendants, fire fighters or police will be met by the
caller, and do not hang up the telephone.

3. In case of an injury or chemical splash:

a. Remove the source of the chemical hazard and any contaminated


b. In case of a chemical splash, flush affected area for a minimum of

15 minutes using the appropriate safety shower or eyewash station.
If the exposed individual is a student, they must go to University
Health Services for further examination. If the exposed individual is
a member of the faculty or staff, they must visit their primary care
physician. For immediate help with serious injuries, everyone must
go to University Hospitals ER or call 216.368.3333 for help.

Page 10
4. In case of an accident, serious illness or injury, do not attempt to move the
injured person. Call Security (368.3333). Remember: All injuries are
potentially dangerous. It is better to err conservatively and have the injury
inspected as soon as possible by medical personnel.

5. Report all incidents to your PI or supervisor and, in writing, to Safety


6. Students who suffer injuries in the laboratory must report to their

supervisor (professor) or teaching assistant after receiving medical
assistance. Minor injuries can be treated at University Health Services
(368.2450). For serious injuries and/or need for an ambulance, call
Security (368.3333).

7. Faculty or staff members who suffer relatively minor injuries during

working hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) can receive treatment at University
Health Services (368.2450). At all other times, report to the Emergency
Room of University Hospitals.

Hazardous Chemical Spills

Accidents involving hazardous chemicals require special consideration. The

following steps MUST be taken:

1. Immediately evacuate the affected area.

2. Call Security at 368.3333 at any time, 24/7, and they will contact the
proper authorities, including Safety Services.

3. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE AREA until the proper authorities indicate that it
is safe to re-enter.

a. The importance of keeping everyone out of the area where the

accident occurred cannot be overemphasized. If a hazard exists
and the area must be entered, safety personnel can re-enter in
protective clothing, allowing them to work safety in contaminated

b. Remember that even though an area looks safe, it may still be

dangerous. Chemical spills may evaporate rapidly or may remain
for a longer time. The probability of fire or explosion is high when
flammable chemicals are spilled and ignition sources are present.

Page 11
c. Any incident in University Hospitals that involves CWRU personnel
must be reported to Safety Services (368.2907) in addition to
University Hospitals Protective Services (844.4357).


Notify Safety Services (368.2907) of the circumstances and that the sign
has been posted.

a. Safety Services will assist supervisors in cleaning up the spill, as

well as directing exposed persons to treatment and check-up

b. Supervisors are responsible for submitting appropriate accident

reports to Safety Services and University Hospitals Protective

5. For clean-up of small spills that can be managed by laboratory personnel,

refer to Appendix E (Small Spill Clean-up Guidelines). Contact Safety
Services for guidelines on disposal of spent material or other post-
management concerns.

Decontamination Procedures

1. Chemical spill response

General spills of many innocuous laboratory chemicals can be handled by

laboratory personnel with appropriate procedures (see Appendix E). If
laboratory personnel have knowledge of the chemical involved and can
discern that the spill does not pose a hazard, clean-up may begin without
the presence of EHS specialists from Safety Services. If at any time there
is doubt as to the nature or extent of the hazard, call Safety Services
(368.2907). Laboratories at University Hospitals, must call UH Protective
Services for assistance (844.4357). UH Protective Services will then
notify Safety Services. Regardless of the nature of the spill, contact
Safety Services before proceeding with any decontamination or clean-up.

2. Chemical spill kit

Spill kits should be available in every laboratory. Spill kits suitable for
responding to typical laboratory spills are available from commercial
vendors. Alternatively, you may prepare your own spill kits. A spill kit
should contain the following items:

a. Spill pillows
b. Silicon-based absorbent such as Oil-Dry, kitty litter, or vermiculite
c. Dust pan

Page 12
d. Broom or brush
e. Plastic bags
f. Hazardous waste labels
g. Rubber gloves (check chemical compatibility before use)
h. Rubber boots or foot protectors
i. Chemical splash goggles


Safety Services has developed certain decommissioning procedures for PIs

whose research at CWRU will terminate. PIs who are leaving CWRU are
responsible for proper disposal (or transfer to another PI with appropriate
paperwork) of all commercial chemicals and research products. Contact Safety
Services (368.2907) to arrange for disposal of hazardous waste.

The guidelines for decommissioning and relocation are located on the EHS
website ( under “Forms/Manuals,” and pertain to PIs who are
transferring their laboratory to another location either within or outside the

This form also covers clearances for equipment disposal.

Contact Safety Services (368.2907) if you have any questions concerning the
above procedures. Procedures for decommissioning laboratories using
radioactive materials are available in the Radiation Safety Lab User Manual
(available on the EHS website under “Forms/Manuals”). It is
important that these items be completed before equipment is disposed of, or you
leave the University.

Page 13


Introduction to Safe Laboratory Practices

A number of rules for safe laboratory practices are outlined below.

This listing is intended to provide a practical base line for
laboratories required to handle hazardous chemicals. Because of
the nature of specific chemical hazards, this list is not
comprehensive, but it will help PIs provide an appropriate safety
plan for their laboratories. EHS is available for consultation on all
safety and health-related issues.

1. General safety

a. Be alert to unsafe conditions and actions, calling

attention to them so corrections can be made as
soon as possible. Safety is a community

b. Post warning signs and labels when unusual hazards

such as radiation, lasers, flammable materials,
infectious agents, or other special hazards exist.

Caution/Emergency Information Signs (available

from Safety Services) are to be posted on all
entrances to the laboratory, clearly visible to
personnel entering the lab. The Emergency
Contact Information must be completed (listing
two laboratory contacts) on each posted sign.

c. Unauthorized minors and general population are

prohibited in all laboratories.

d. Visitors in laboratories must be accompanied by

faculty, staff, or a graduate student. Visitors must
wear the appropriate PPE in labs presenting a
chemical or physical hazard.

Page 14
e. No undergraduate laboratory class work shall be
carried out in the absence of an instructor.
Unauthorized experiments, as well as misconduct, are
prohibited. Unapproved variations in experiments,
including changing the quantities of reagents, may be
dangerous and must be strictly guarded against in
undergraduate laboratories.


WORKING ALONE. This rule may be relaxed whenever there are
other laboratory personnel in the area.

g. Eating, drinking, chewing gun, taking medications, applying

cosmetics, and the use of certain hand lotions, as well as smoking,
are prohibited in ALL laboratory areas.

h. According to OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030 (Occupational

Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens), hand lotion is not considered
a cosmetic and is permitted. However, after this rule went into
effect, it was brought to OSHA’s attention that petroleum-based
hand lotions affect the integrity of latex gloves. The following is a
list of five recommended hand lotions that are non-petroleum based

• Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion

• Cetaphil
• Jason Natural Cosmetics
• Keri Lotion

If you are concerned that the hand lotion you are using contains
petroleum, contact Safety Services (368.2907).

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

a. The minimum PPE requirement for a laboratory is goggles/face

shield, a buttoned laboratory coat, and appropriate chemically
resistant gloves. Laboratory coats, gloves, and other PPE shall
not be worn outside the laboratory area.

b. Clothing shall be appropriate to the laboratory – long pants and

regular shoes, for example. Sandals or open-toed shoes, shorts,
ties, or other dangling clothing can pose a safety threat in the

Page 15
c. Contact lenses are a risk when working with hazardous chemicals.
Particulate matter, vapors, and liquids can lodge behind the contact
lens, causing considerable eye damage before they can be washed
with water from an eyewash station. In addition, solvent vapors can
weld contact lenses to the eyes, requiring surgery to remove them.
d. Select appropriate gloves when working with toxic or corrosive
materials. Call the glove manufacturer or consult Appendix C of
this LSM for a discussion of glove compatibilities. Glove
compatibilities can also be found under “Laboratory Safety” –
“Glove Page” on the EHS website ( under
“Chemical Safety.”

e. Proper PPE must be worn at all times in the laboratory. Avoid

direct contact with all chemicals. Keeping chemicals away from
hands, face and clothing (including shoes) is especially important.
Many substances are readily absorbed into the body through the
skin, or may enter through the mouth because of contamination of
the hands. In case of any accidental contact with chemicals,
immediately wash the site of contact with soap and copious
amounts of water, but take care not to abrade the skin.

f. A change of clothing should be available in the laboratory in case of

an accident.

3. Housekeeping

a. Aisles and hallways shall have proper egress.

b. Keep drawers and cabinets closed while working.

c. Avoid slippery floors by picking up any ice, glass beads, glass rods,
or other small items. Mop up any spilled water.

d. Keep the workplace uncluttered. Benches, floors, desks, and

tables are work areas, not storage spaces. Keep the workplace
free from extraneous chemicals and non-essential objects.

Page 16
4. Safety with chemicals

a. All heating of potentially hazardous chemicals must be performed in

a chemical hood. Prior to heating a liquid, place boiling stones in
vessels (other than test tubes). Use an alcohol thermometer
(mercury thermometers are prohibited in laboratories) in a boiling
liquid if there is the possibility of a dangerous exothermic
decomposition, as in some distillations. Explosions are one of the
most serious physical hazards in the laboratory.

b. NEVER place your nose directly over a container to smell the


c. NEVER look down the opening of a vessel unless it is empty.

d. Caution should be used when opening bottles which the lid or

stopper is stuck. Wrap the bottle with a towel and place it in a
container before applying additional force. The same precaution
should be taken when opening ampoules.

e. All containers with hazardous chemicals must be clearly labeled

with the contents of the container. Use the complete chemical
name, not the chemical formula or abbreviation (see Chapter Four).

f. NEVER use any substance from an unlabeled or inadequately

labeled container. Any unlabeled containers should be disposed of
according to the University guidelines on waste disposal outlined in
Chapter Four of this LSM.

g. Flasks containing large volumes of toxic solutions, volatile solvents,

boiling liquids and so forth, should be kept in pans large enough to
contain the contents if the flask breaks. These should also be
transported in appropriate transport containers.

h. All chemicals or biological materials with an objectionable odor

should be kept in the chemical hood or in an appropriately vented
safety cabinet.

5. Waste disposal

a. Hazards to the environment must be avoided by following the

University guidelines on waste disposal outlined in Chapter Four of
this LSM.

b. Chemicals shall not be poured down the sanitary drains except for
specific instances described in Chapter Four of this LSM.

Page 17
Laboratory Practices for Specific Procedures

1. Flammable substances

a. A chemical fume hood should be used for reactions in which

flammable vapors are released (e.g. during the distillation of ether).
If noxious or flammable gases are likely to be evolved in any
process, the equipment must be confined to a chemical fume hood
behind an explosion shield (see Chapter Two for a discussion of
chemical fume hoods.)

b. Ethers and other peroxide-forming chemicals should be dated when

they are received and when they need to be disposed of. Ether
should not be stored past the expiration date. Purchased ethers
generally contain inhibitors to prevent the build-up of peroxides.
Any distilled or processed ether no longer contains these inhibitors
and should be used immediately or disposed of using the University
guidelines on waste disposal for ethers described in Chapter Four
of this LSM.

c. Do not pour ether, petroleum, or other flammable water-immiscible

liquids into the sanitary sink to be washed down with water. Fires
and explosions have been caused in laboratories by vapors
returning through the drainage system (e.g. during aspiration or
rotary evaporation). See the University guidelines on waste
disposal outlined in Chapter Four of this LSM.

d. Dispose of glass in special waste receptacles designed and labeled

for glass.

2. Reactive substances

a. When conducting a reaction where there is a possibility of an

explosion, use a face shield that is sufficiently large and strong
enough to protect the face and neck, or use a standing shield.
Goggles must be worn even when using a shield.

b. When sodium, potassium, or lithium is used, the cuttings or residual

pieces must be immediately disposed of by properly using the
University guidelines on waste disposal described in Chapter Four
of this LSM. Store these metals in oil, toluene, xylene, or other
saturated hydrocarbon with a high boiling point.

c. NEVER leave chemical reactions unattended that have not

achieved kinetic equilibrium.

Page 18
3. Corrosive substances

a. Always pour acid into water. NEVER add water to acid as it can
cause an exothermic reaction. For the same reason, pour
concentrated solutions into water or less concentrated solutions
while stirring.

b. Always rinse the outside of acid bottles before opening them. Do

not place a cap from an acid bottle on a surface where someone
may rest a hand or arm. Keep acid bottles tightly closed. Rinse
and dry them before storing them (do not store acids with bases).
Make certain that no spills remain on tables, floor, or bottle.

c. Bottles containing acids or other corrosive liquids shall be carried in

the protective containers supplied for that purpose.

d. Use the proper techniques for inserting and removing a glass tube
from a stopper. Protect your hands. Shortcuts can lead to a
severe puncture wound.

4. Electrical equipment

a. All electrical connections should be grounded.

b. Service cords for electrical equipment should be in good condition.

Qualified personnel should repair frayed cords or exposed wires.

c. Avoid overloading circuits. Do not use multiple outlet plugs for

additional connections.

d. Do not handle any electrical connections with wet hands or when

standing in or near water.

e. Do not use electric equipment, such as mixers or hot plates, around

flammable chemicals.

f. Do not try to repair equipment yourself unless you are qualified and
fully understand the repairs required. Qualified personnel should
do all repairs.

g. NEVER try to bypass any safety device on a piece of electric


h. In case of a fire on or near any electrical equipment, turn the

equipment off if it can be done safely.

Page 19
5. Apparatus

a. Use pipetting devices. Do not mouth pipette chemicals.

b. Know the location of the nearest safety shower, fire extinguisher,

fire blanket, eyewash station, and spill kit to be used after a
chemical has been spilled.

c. Apparatus attached to a ring stand should be positioned so that the

system’s center of gravity is over the base and not to one side. The
lower the center of gravity, the better. Leave adequate room for
removing burners or baths.

d. Equipment with moving parts (gears, belts, and pulleys) must be

equipped with protective guards.

e. Make certain all personnel who operate centrifuges are well trained.
Centrifuge tubes should be in good condition with no chips or other
flaws. Tubes and rotor buckets must be balanced when in use.
Inspect the rotors periodically and do not use them beyond their
stated lifetime.

f. Each water supply outlet within the laboratory must be equipped

with either a vacuum breaker or a backflow prevention device. No
auxiliary plumbing should be connected to a water distribution line
unless adequate backflow prevention is provided.

g. Secure all gas cylinders against walls or laboratory benches with

safety straps or chains to prevent them from falling. Compressed
gas cylinders in use should have pressure regulators attached to
them and gas cylinders being in storage or empty gas cylinders
should have valve protection caps secured on them. Store
compressed gas cylinders by gas compatibility (no oxygen and
hydrogen gas cylinders stored together). Store incompatible gas
cylinders within at least 20 ft from each other.

h. Use undamaged, clean glassware without chips or other flaws.

i. Dewar flasks should be taped when in use or enclosed in metal

mesh to protect personnel from shattered glass particles.

j. Glass devices in vacuum systems should be epoxy-coated, taped,

or shielded with wire mesh to protect personnel from fragmentation.

Page 20
k. Sink traps and floor drains should be kept filled with water at all
times to prevent escape of sewer gases into the laboratory. Such
gases may be toxic or flammable and may be ignited, causing flash

l. Do not use or place burners, hot plates, or non-explosion proof

motors near experiments which may generate flammable gases.

m. Use beaker covers to prevent splattering when heating liquids on a

hot plate. Keep a pair of tongs conveniently at hand. A specific
tong for the dish crucible, beaker, casserole, or flask should be

n. In general, if the apparatus is likely to shatter either because of

pressure or vacuum, surround it with mesh or cloth to limit the
possibility of shards of shattered glass from becoming dangerous

o. Glassware or any potential SHARPS (including chemical bottles

and test tubes) should be set back from the front edge of the work
bench to lessen the risk of injury if there is an accidental breakage
of glass.

p. Adequate traps must be used in vacuum systems. When using a

vacuum source, it is important to place a trap between the
experimental apparatus and the vacuum source. The vacuum trap:

i. Protects the pump and the piping from the potentially

damaging effects of the material which could be infectious (if
being used inside of bio-safety cabinet).

q. Protects maintenance workers who must work on the vacuum lines

or system.

Prevents vapors and related odors from being emitted back into the
laboratory or system exhaust.

Do not release the vacuum in any apparatus when the temperature is greater
than 167ºF. The hot vapors may explode. To prevent contamination, all lines
leading from experimental apparatus to the vacuum source should be equipped
with filtration or other trapping as appropriate.

i. For particulates, use filtration capable of efficiently trapping

the particles in the size range being generated.

Page 21
ii. For most aqueous or non-volatile liquids, a filter flask at
room temperature is adequate to prevent liquids from getting
to the vacuum lines and vacuum source.

iii. For solvents and other volatile liquids, use a cold trap of
sufficient size and cold enough to condense vapors
generated, followed by a filter flask capable of collecting fluid
that could be aspirated out of the cold trap.

iv. For highly reactive, corrosive or toxic gases, use a

sorbent canister or scrubbing device capable of trapping the

v. Periodically disinfectant the chemical trap flasks. MAKE sure

that disinfectant is compatible with chemicals collected in

vi. Inline HEPA filters should be used as vacuum line filters;

they should be inspected and replaced if clogged.

vii. Vacuum traps/flasks should be placed into secondary

containers to prevent leakage in case of a broken flask.

r. Oven temperature regulators should be checked periodically to

ensure the oven is functioning properly.

s. Bunsen burners should never be left burning when not in use.

They should be turned off at the petcocks – do not depend upon
the valve at the base of the burner.

t. Do not use natural gas in laminar flow or non-vented hoods.

u. Use laboratory approved heat guns in lieu of hairdryers. Switches

and heating elements may cause a spark hazard.

Page 22


Administrative controls, engineering controls, and PPE are designed to address

and prevent hazards associated with the introduction of chemicals into the body.
The major routes of entry into the body are inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion,
injection, and subcutaneous entry. Engineering controls that ventilate gases,
vapors, and small particulates are designed to eliminate the hazards associated
with inhalation – the major route of entry. PPE is designed to eliminate exposure
through all the above routes of entry and is to be used in conjunction with
administrative and engineering controls.

Administrative Controls

Administrative controls are methodological procedures are those incorporated

into activities in order to eliminate or minimize the potential for exposure to
hazards. These include isolation of the operator or the process; hazards
education; job rotation to limit time exposure to hazardous substances;
substitution of less hazardous equipment or process (e.g. safety cans for glass
bottles); and substitution of a less hazardous substance.

Engineering Controls

Engineering controls include tools or devices that reduce the hazard at the
source. These include: Local and general ventilation (e.g. use of chemical fume
hoods); use of biological safety cabinets or glove boxes; placing walls or
increased distance between the operator and the hazard; and using appropriate
disposal containers.

1. Laboratory ventilation

a. Control of airflow in the laboratory – Safety in laboratory areas

partially depends upon keeping infectious, toxic, and flammable
airborne materials away from personnel. Controlling airflow helps
accomplish this.

b. Laboratory doors – In general, doors to laboratories should remain

closed. When the airflow is correctly balanced, air pressure in the
corridor is higher than in the laboratories and the air flows under the
doors and through the door slots into the laboratory. This moving
curtain of air keeps airborne substances generated in the work
areas from entering the corridors.

Page 23
2. Chemical hoods

a. In general, chemical hoods offer two significant types of protection

from atmospheric exposure to hazardous materials:

i. Local ventilation to prevent toxic, offensive, or flammable

vapors from entering the room.

ii. A physical barrier between the researcher and the chemical

reaction when that reaction is performed in a chemical fume
hood, especially with the chemical fume hood sash closed.
This barrier can protect the researcher from hazards such as
chemical splashes or sprays, fires, and minor explosions.

Chemical fume hoods should be considered primary safety devices

that can contain and exhaust toxic, offensive, or flammable
materials when the design of an experiment fails and particles or
gases/vapors escape from the apparatus being used. Fume hoods
should never be used as a means of disposing chemicals.

Chemical fume hoods are tested at least annually by Safety

Services, using two methods of testing:

iii. Velocity testing is performed annually on each chemical

fume hood with a smoke test to assure that the chemical
fume hood has not deviated from the conditions under which
the hood passed its ASHRAE 110 Tracer Gas test.

iv. ASHRAE 110 Tracer Gas testing is performed on each

chemical fume hood once in a five-year cycle. The fume
hood is velocity tested during the other two years. The
ASHRAE 110 Tracer Gas test utilizes SF6 (sulfur
hexafluoride) as a tracer gas that is released into the fume
hood. A gas detector is used to measure leakage from the
hood under varying conditions. If the fume hood does not
spill more than an average of 100 ppb of SF6 during the test,
the fume hood passes this test.

If you need assistance or more information about a chemical fume

hood in one of your laboratories, or if your chemical fume hood is
not posted with a label or sticker showing that it has been tested
within the past year, contact Safety Services (368.2907).

Page 24
NOTE: Use perchloric acid only in a specifically designated
chemical fume hood. DO NOT use other chemicals in that
chemical hood. Clearly mark that the chemical fume hood is
for use only with perchloric acid.

b. Safe chemical fume hood work practices

i. Keep work surfaces within the fume hood clear.

ii. Make sure the exhaust blower is operating and air is

entering the fume hood prior to starting an experiment.

iii. If there is a problem with airflow, call Plant Services

(368.2580). They will notify Safety Services, if necessary.

iv. Do not disable flow measurement devices or alarms.

v. Work with the sash at the proper operating level as indicated

by Safety Services’ sticker test arrows.

vi. Do not place your face inside of a chemical fume hood.

Keep hands out as much as possible.

vii. Keep sources of emission at least six inches inside the fume

viii. Do not store chemicals in the fume hood. Immediately

clean-up minor spills. Provide catch basins (secondary
containers) for containers that could break or spill, to
minimize the spread of spilled hazardous materials.

ix. Avoid blocking the baffle exhaust slots in any manner. Keep
large equipment two inches off the base of the chemical
fume hood and at least two inches from the sides of the

x. Be aware of other room ventilation factors that may interfere

with the chemical fume hood operation, such as open doors
and windows, blocked exhaust ports, or heating and air
conditioning vents.

xi. Avoid cross drafts and disruptive air currents in front of the
chemical fume hood.

Page 25
xii. Use the sash as a safety shield when boiling materials or
conducting an experiment with reactive materials.

xiii. Close the chemical fume hood sash when the hood is not in

3. Laminar airflow equipment

Two types of laminar airflow equipment – the Biological Safety Cabinet

(BSC) and the laminar flow clean bench – are discussed in this section.
NOTE: Laminar flow hoods are not safety devices.

a. BSC – If biological safety is an issue with your work, use a BSC

with or without glove attachments as warranted by the experiment.
BSC’s include 100% exhaust laminar flow hoods and glove boxes
with chemical traps or exhaust access to a chemical fume hood.

Laminar flow equipment (including BSCs) will be leak tested,

adjusted, or repaired by a certified contractor. Submit a request for
repair or recertification, available on the EHS website
( under “Biological Safety.”

b. Laminar flow clean bench – Protects the product from airborne

contamination but does not protect the operator. Because of the
risk to personnel, working with hazardous materials on a laminar
flow clean bench is not advisable. Use of clean benches should be
limited to the preparation of sterile media, the assembly of sterile
components into complete units (e.g. membrane filters), the
examination of sterilized equipment and materials for possible
contamination, and similar operations. Work with pathogens is
not permitted.

A large number of companies manufacture both vertical and

horizontal laminar flow clean benches. Most of the commercially
available equipment is adequate when:

i. The High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter has been

tested and certified. To meet standards, this filter should be
at least 99.97% efficient in removing particles 0.3 microns or
larger by the Dioctylphthalate (DOP) test.

ii. The HEPA filter housing has been properly sealed around
the edges to prevent unfiltered air from bypassing the filter.

iii. The airflow is adjusted to 80-100 linear feet per minute.

Page 26
The pre-filter is periodically cleaned or replaced when the magnahelic gauge
indicates it is full because of a pressure drop.

4. Biological Safety Cabinet

The BSC protects both product and operator and may be used for
organisms which exceed Biosafety Level 2. (See CDC/NIH publication
“Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories” for a list of
organisms and applicable biosafety levels. Check the CDC/NIH website
regularly for updated information: Safety
and desirability of using this equipment to contain infectious material
should be determined on an individual basis, depending upon the agent,
the proposed activity, and the need to prevent cross-contamination. This
hood, however, cannot replace the standard gastight Class III BSC for
extremely hazardous work.

Do not use open flames in a BSC.

Personal Protective Equipment

Along with carefully planned work practices, administrative and engineering

controls, PPE is the key element in minimizing the potential for worker exposure
to hazardous chemicals. Proper use of PPE requires that the supervisor assess
the hazard presented and attempt to apply administrative and/or engineering
controls first. PPE is used when administrative and/or engineering controls will
not be effective.

The performance of PPE as a barrier to chemicals is determined by the materials

and quality of its construction. Three important factors to keep in mind when
considering PPE are:

i. In general, there is no such thing as “impermeable” plastic or rubber


ii. No one clothing material will be a barrier to all chemicals; and

iii. For certain chemicals or combination of chemicals, there is no

commercially available glove or clothing that will provide more than an
hour’s protection following contact. In this case, it is recommended that
PPE be changed frequently or as soon as it comes into contact with
chemicals or hazardous mixtures.

Of principal importance in the selection of PPE for protection from chemicals is:
the rate at which chemicals permeate clothing materials, and the time elapsed

Page 27
between the contact with the chemical, and the appearance of the chemical on
the inside of the PPE (called breakthrough time).

1. Respiratory Protection

The basic purpose of any respirator is to protect the respiratory system from
inhalation of hazardous atmospheres. Respirators provide protection either
by removing contaminants from the air before it is inhaled or by supplying an
independent source of respirable air.

Safety Services has implemented a comprehensive Respiratory Protection

Program. This training involves a physical examination at University Health
Services, getting fit-tested with a respirator through Safety Services, and
receiving proper training. Refer to the CWRU Respiratory Protection
Program, which can be found on the EHS website ( under
“Laboratory Safety – Forms and Manuals”. Annual retrain and fit-test are
required for all respirator users. Respirator use, mandatory or voluntary,
requires prior approval from Safety Services.

2. Dermal protection

a. Gloves – Type of PPE that serves as hand protection and used to

prevent cuts, abrasions, burns, and skin contact with chemicals that
are capable of causing local or systemic effects following dermal
exposure. Proper gloves must be used in the laboratory and should
be selected on the basis of chemical compatibility (see Appendix C).
In general, latex gloves do not provide adequate protection and are not
recommended for any chemical operation. Reusable gloves that are
readily available on campus include: Neoprene and nitrile-butadiene
rubber. For the best gloves to use with your laboratory process,
contact Safety Services (368.2907), or refer to the glove compatibility
table listed in Appendix C of this LSM, or refer to the EHS website
( under “Laboratory Safety – Glove Page.”

b. Laboratory coats – Should always be worn during active work in the

laboratory and should be buttoned completely. Laboratory coats are
loose-fitting by design so, in case of chemical contact, there is ample
time to react before a chemical gets to the undergarments and
ultimately to the skin. Laboratory coats shall not be taken home for
any reason. They are not to be laundered in a public laundromat;
instead, arrangements should be made in the laboratory group for
laundry service.
Refer to the EHS website ( under “Laboratory
Safety – Forms and Manuals” for further laboratory coat laundering

Page 28
3. Eye protection

This LSM defines eye hazard areas where wearing eye protection equipment
is mandatory. It also sets forth the supervisor’s responsibilities, both in
identifying locations where possible damage to the eyes could occur and in
enforcing precautionary procedures in those areas.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and good safety practices
dictate that “protective eye and face equipment shall be required where there
is a reasonable probability of injury that can be prevented by such equipment
– suitable eye protectors shall be provided where machines or operations
present the hazard of flying objects, glare, liquids, injurious radiation, or a
combination of these factors.”

The type of eye protection required depends on the hazard. For most
situations, safety glasses with side shields are not adequate. Where there is
danger of splashing chemicals or hazardous gases/vapors, special non-
ventilated sealed goggles are required. For more hazardous operations, a
face shield or a combination face shield and safety goggles shall be used.
Failure to wear and to require the persons supervised to wear the
prescribed eye protection equipment will present grounds for
disciplinary action. Safety Services can assist in the choice of suitable
protective eye equipment.

a. Special hazards – Contact lenses shall not be worn by persons

exposed to hazardous chemicals. It is the responsibility of
supervisors to identify employees who wear contact lenses.
Contact lenses do not provide eye protection. The capillary space
between the contact lenses and the cornea may trap material present
on the surface of the eye. Chemicals trapped in this space cannot be
washed off the surface of the cornea. If the material in the eye is
painful or the contact lens is displaced, muscle spasms will make it
very difficult to remove the lens.

Supplies of caustic chemicals (e.g. ammonia solution, liquid phenol,

acids, strong bases, etc.), should be stored no higher than countertop
level to minimize the possibility of facial and upper body burns in the
event of spills or breakage of containers. It is also a good practice to
use the smallest size container compatible with the need.

b. Eyewash facilities – Emergency eyewash facilities shall be available in

the following areas, or other areas as deemed necessary, where:

i. Chemicals are handled

ii. Explosive materials are handled
iii. Hollow glassware is under vacuum or pressure

Page 29
iv. Cryogenic materials are handled
v. Airborne particles may be generated (grinders, mills, power
saws, drill presses, lathes, etc.)
vi. Molten metal is used or metal is melted (soldering, leading
joints, etc.)
vii. Gas or electric arc welding is performed
viii. Processes can produce aerosols of infectious agents (e.g.
removing lyophil vials from liquid nitrogen)

c. Supervisor’s responsibilities – Failure of the supervisor to enforce

eye protection requirements will present grounds for disciplinary
action. The supervisor is responsible for:

i. Determining that an eye hazard exists

ii. Placarding the work area with proper signage
iii. Determining the type of eye protection equipment needed
iv. Obtaining necessary assistance from Safety Services
v. Ensuring that the equipment is available to employees
vi. Ensuring that the necessary PPE is worn by employees
vii. Supplying all PPE as necessary


General Rules

1. Keep minimum quantities of chemicals in the laboratory. Purchase only

what is needed. Never acquire more than a year’s supply of reactive or
combustible chemicals.

2. Chemicals shall be stored in cabinets or on shelves. Long-term storage of

chemicals on the floor, benches, or in chemical hoods is prohibited.
Liquids should be stored below eye level.

3. Use spill trays under containers of strong reagents. Perchloric acid should
be kept on glass or ceramic trays of sufficient capacity to hold all of the
acid in case of breakage.

4. Do not store chemicals past their expiration date. Ethers, for example,
generally contain inhibitors to prevent the build-up of peroxides. Any
distilled or processed ether no longer contains any inhibitors and should
be used immediately or disposed using the University guidelines on waste
disposal described in Chapter Four of this LSM.

5. Store chemicals according to compatibility. Within compatible classes,

chemicals may be stored alphabetically. See Appendix D for a table of

Page 30
incompatible chemicals or consult an MSDS.

6. Label all containers (new bottles as well as temporary containers) properly

with the following information: Your name, PI name, date, contents, purity
location, hazards (if known).

7. Dispose of unwanted chemicals promptly using the University guidelines

on waste disposal described in Chapter Four of this LSM.

Storage of Flammable Chemicals

The following guidelines establish policy and describes cabinets for storing
flammable chemicals in the laboratory. In this guide, flammable chemicals are
defined as liquid substances having a flash point below 140ºF and having a
vapor pressure not exceeding 40 p.s.i.a. at 100ºF. All flammable chemical
supplies exceeding a cumulative total of two gallons when kept in one laboratory
room must be stored in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) approved
flammable chemical storage cabinets. Safety Services can advise on NFPA
approved cabinets.

1. Several sizes of cabinets are manufactured to fit funds and available

space. Many laboratories may require storage of only a few chemicals
and the supervisors may wish to share cabinets with adjoining

2. Commercially manufactured flammable storage cabinets are sold by

several laboratory supply firms. These larger boxes hold either 30 or 45
one-gallon containers.

3. Laboratory supervisors should determine their storage needs and order

appropriately sized and certified flammable storage cabinets.

4. 4. Flammable liquids should not be stored in the refrigerators unless it is

UL approved for flammable liquid storage. Storage of flammable liquids in
household grade refrigerators is a fire/explosion hazard. Household grade
refrigerators should be labeled: "No food or flammable liquid storage".

Storage of Corrosive Chemicals

The following guidelines establish policy and provide information pertinent to the
safe storage of corrosive chemicals (acids and bases).

1. Acids and bases shall not be stored together or kept in a flammable

storage cabinet. An exception is glacial acetic acid which is also
flammable, and it is suggested to store glacial acetic acid in the certified

Page 31
flammable storage cabinet.

2. Different types of storage cabinets are sold by laboratory supply firms.

Acids and bases shall be stored in separate storage cabinets
manufactured specifically for corrosives, or one cabinet with two isolated
sections. In both cases, there shall be no risk of acids and bases coming
into contact with each other in case of a spill or accident.

3. Maintaining neutralizing agents for acid and base spills is recommended.

4. Acids and bases shall not be stored with active metals such as sodium,
potassium, or magnesium. Contact Safety Services for more information.

Hazardous Waste Storage

The proper storage of hazardous chemical waste is no different than the proper
storage of hazardous chemicals. Hazardous waste is still hazardous chemicals.

1. Segregate the hazardous chemical waste by chemical properties to avoid

adverse reactions.

2. Store flammable liquid waste in a flammable liquids storage cabinet or in

containers clearly marked “Hazardous Waste”.

3. Do not store chemical waste acids with waste bases.

4. Do not store chemical waste oxidizers with flammable liquids.

5. Segregate all hazardous waste toxic materials from acids, oxidizers, and
flammable liquids.

6. Hazardous waste can be stored properly with chemicals still in use as long
as care is taken to avoid incompatibilities.

7. All hazardous waste chemicals must be labeled with the words

“Hazardous Waste,” AND the chemical contents of the waste container.

Chemical Compatibility Chart

Group 1-A Group 1-B

Alkaline Liquids Acid Liquids

Potential consequences: Heat generation, violent


Page 32
Group 2-A Group 2-B
Aluminum Wastes in Group 1-A or 1-B
Other reactive metals and metal hydrides

Potential consequences: Fire or explosion generation of

flammable hydrogen gas

Group 3-A Group 3-B

Alcohols Concentrated waste in Groups 1-A or 1-B
Water Calcium
Metal hydrides
SO2Cl2, SOCl2, PCl3, CH3SiCl3
Other water-reactive wastes

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or heat

generation; generation of flammable or toxic gases.

Group 4-A Group 4-B

Alcohols Concentrated Group 1-A or 1-B wastes
Aldehydes Group 2-A wastes
Halogenated hydrocarbons
Nitrated hydrocarbons
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Other reactive organic compounds and

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or violent


Group 5-A Group 5-B

Spent cyanide and sulfide solutions Group 1-B wastes

Page 33
Potential consequences: Generation of toxic hydrogen
cyanide or hydrogen sulfide gas

Group 6-A Group 6-B

Chlorates Acetic acid and other organic acids
Chlorine Concentrated mineral acids
Chlorites Group 2-A wastes
Chromic acid Group 4-A wastes
Hypochlorites Other flammable and combustible wastes
Nitric acid, fuming

Potential consequences: Fire, explosion, or violent



In an effort to bring the system of signs used at CWRU into agreement – to warn
of danger and to direct pedestrian traffic away from laboratory work areas –
uniform hazard warning signs have been designed. This LSM describes these
signs and sets forth the conditions under which the signs are to be posted. It is
important that all employees and visitors comply with the policy for entering areas
where these signs have been posted.

Page 34

Samples of commonly used warning signs are illustrated on the EHS website
( – see “Labels and Warnings” under “Laboratory safety”).
The signs inform employees and visitors that a hazard exists in an area. The
degree of danger is indicated by the sign. In high-risk areas, admission is
forbidden except to those assigned to that area. In low-risk areas, visitors must
obtain permission from the PI to enter the laboratory.


The PI in charge of the laboratory is responsible for posting the signs in

accordance with policy set forth in this LSM. Upon request, Safety Services will
assist PIs in determining the need for posting warning signs.

The signs will be posted only while a hazard exists and must be taken
down as soon as the source of danger is removed. Hazard signs will not
be posted when no hazard exists simply to discourage pedestrian traffic
through an area.

At the end of working hours, decontaminate laboratory work areas so that

custodial personnel, plant personnel, firefighters, and other can safely enter the
area. If this is not done, post a special “DANGER – DO NOT ENTER” sign.
Hazard warning signs will show the name of the hazard, the PI and an alternate
contact, and their home telephone or cell numbers. When appropriate, similar
signs must be posted on both the laboratory and animal holding rooms.

The PI named on the hazard sign will determine when visitors are permitted in
the laboratory. The PI is ultimately responsible for everyone’s including visitor’s
safety while they are in the laboratory. Visits are restricted to those who have a
need to observe laboratory procedures. Social visits by unauthorized individuals
are prohibited in areas where biohazards are present.

Methods of Posting

Signs that are to be used permanently will be posted only in permanent

frames. The PI in charge of the laboratory is responsible for requesting the
installation of the frames. Signs that are to be used on a temporary basis (less
than one month) will be posted in permanent frames if such frames have been
installed. If frames have not been installed, these signs will be posted with
masking tape on a glass surface or, if more appropriate, on refrigerators,
freezers, doors, etc. Signs will not be posted with tacks, pins, or any adhesive

Page 35
material that would damage the doors, walls, or building when the signs are

NFPA Signage

OSHA has adopted the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) standard
704 signage to indicate the hazards present in a given location. The NFPA
diamond contains four sections. Each section contains a number from zero (for
minimal hazard) to four (for the highest possible hazard). These signs shall be
posted outside each laboratory and shall be filled in with the information on the
highest possible hazard present in each laboratory. The color of the diamond
indicates the type of hazard, while the number represents the degree of hazard.

Availability of Signs

The PI in charge of the laboratory is responsible for obtaining the appropriate

signs and frames. These are available through most laboratory supply
companies. Most commonly used signs are available from Safety Services.

Special signs for shared cold or warm rooms, and experiments in progress, are
available from Safety Services. Experiments that are in progress after regular
business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.) or on weekends and holidays, must have
an “Experiment in Progress” sign posted on the door. The signs and labels can
be ordered from EHS by following instructions in the order form:
( – see “Caution Sign and Label order form” on the bottom of
the page under “Laboratory Safety” link).

Page 36


General Definitions

1. “Toxicology” is the study of the nature, effects and detection
of poisons and the treatment of poisoning.

2. “Toxicity” is the degree to which a substance can harm

humans or animals, and the chemical’s ability to produce
injury once it reaches a susceptible site in or on the body.

3. “Toxicity hazard” is the probability that injury will occur

considering the manner in which the substance is used.

Dose-Response Relationships

The potential toxicity inherent in a substance is manifest only when

that substance comes into contact with a living biological system. A
chemical normally thought of as harmless will evoke a toxic
response if added in sufficient amount to a biological system. The
toxic potency of a chemical is thus ultimately defined by the
relationship between the dose (the amount) of the chemical and the
response that is produced in a biological system.

Routes of Entry Into the Body

There are four main routes by which hazardous chemicals enter the

1. Inhalation through the respiratory tract is the most important

in terms of severity and the most common route of exposure.

2. Absorption through the skin is the most frequent cause of

occupational disease (such as dermatitis).

3. Ingestion through the digestive tract can occur through

eating with contaminated hands or in contaminated work

4. Injection into the skin by contaminated sharps such as a

needle or broken glass.

Page 37
Most exposure standards, Threshold Limit Values (TLVs), and Permissible
Exposure Limits (PELs), are based on the inhalation route of exposure when
airborne gases, fumes or particulates of the chemical enter the body via
respiratory system. These limits are normally expressed in terms of either parts
per million (ppm) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) in air.
If a significant route of exposure for a hazardous substance is through skin
absorption, its MSDS will have a “skin” notation. Examples include pesticides,
carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, dioxane, mercury, thallium compounds,
xylene, hydrogen cyanide, and benzene.

Exposure Definitions

1. Acute poisoning is characterized by rapid absorption of the substance and

the exposure is sudden and severe. Normally, a single large exposure is
involved. Examples include carbon monoxide or cyanide poisoning.

2. Chronic poisoning is characterized by prolonged or repeated exposures

of a duration measured in days, months, or years. Symptoms may not be
immediately apparent. Examples include lead or mercury poisoning, and
pesticide exposure.

3. Local refers to the site of action of an agent and means the action takes
place at the point or area of contact. The site may be skin, mucous
membranes, the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal system, eyes, etc.
Absorption does not necessarily occur. Examples include strong acids or

4. Systemic refers to a site of action other than the point of contact where
presupposed absorption has taken place. Examples include an inhaled
material that may act on the liver; arsenic affects on the blood, nervous
system, liver, kidneys, and skin; benzene affects in bone marrow.

5. Cumulative poisons are characterized by materials that tend to build up in

the body as a result of chronic exposure. The effects are not seen until a
critical body burden is reached. Examples include heavy metals.

6. Synergistic or potentiating effects occur when two or more hazardous

materials are present in combination. The resulting effect can be greater
than the effect predicted based on the individual substances. Examples
include transport or carrier substances, such as dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO), which is readily absorbed through the skin and can carry with it a
more dangerous substance, which by itself is not easily absorbed.

Page 38
Other Factors Affecting Toxicity

1. Rate of entry and route of exposure.

2. Concentration of chemical present in the air or amount of chemical

absorbed into the body.

3. Age of affected individual, possibly affecting the capacity to repair tissue


4. Previous exposure history, possibly leading to tolerance or increased


5. State of health, physical condition, and lifestyle. Pre-existing disease can

result in increased sensitivity.

6. Environmental factors such as temperature and pressure.

7. Host factors including genetic predisposition and the sex of the exposed


Definition and Policy

A chemical’s MSDS provides the user with information on that particular

chemical. The information is provided by the manufacturer or distributor of that
chemical. OSHA requires that the MSDS for each chemical used in the
laboratory be accessible to every employee of that lab. A compilation of MSDS’
are available online through the EHS website (, under
“MSDS.” This MSDS system is available 24-hours a day through the EHS
website. However, EHS recommends that laboratories download, in Adobe
Acrobat format (.pdf), the MSDS for each chemical used in their laboratory in the
event of a University power failure.


Physical Classifications

1. A gas is a substance that exists in a state of single molecularity at room

temperature and pressure, having the capability of indefinite expansion.

2. A vapor is the gaseous phase of a material which is ordinarily a solid or a

liquid at room temperature and pressure.

Page 39
When considering the toxicity of gases and vapors, the solubility of the
substance is a key factor. Highly water-soluble materials, such as
ammonia, irritate the upper respiratory tract. However, low water-soluble
materials, such as nitrogen dioxide, penetrate deep into the lung. Fat-
soluble materials, such as pesticides, tend to have longer residence times
in the body.

3. A liquid is the state of matter between a solid and a gas. Liquids present
skin and ingestion hazards. A liquid can evaporate to the gaseous state
and present a respiratory hazard.

4. An aerosol (including smog, smoke, fumes, etc.) is composed of

microscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed in a gaseous medium. The
toxic potential of an aerosol is only partially described by its concentration
in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). For a proper assessment of the
toxic hazard, the size of the aerosol’s particles is important. Particles
above 5 µm tend to deposit in the upper respiratory tract. Particles below
5 µm enter the lungs. Very small particles (<0.2 µm) are generally not
deposited but are instead absorbed like gases or vapors.

Physiological Classifications

1. Respiratory

a. Mucous membranes (nose, mouth, throat, lungs) may become

inflamed by contact with certain chemical irritants. Inflammation of
tissue results from concentrations far below those needed to cause
corrosion. Examples include ammonia, alkaline dust and mist,
arsenic trichloride, diethyl/dimethyl sulfate, hydrogen chloride,
hydrogen fluoride, halogens, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, phosgene,
and phosphorus chlorides. Irritants can also cause changes in the
mechanics of respiration and lung function. Examples include
acetic acid, acrolein, formaldehyde, formic acid, iodine, sulfuric
acid, and sulfur dioxide. Long-term exposure to irritants can result
in increased mucous secretions and chronic bronchitis.

i. A primary irritant exerts no systemic toxic action either

because the products formed on the tissue of the respiratory
tract are non-toxic or because the irritant action is far in
excess of any systemic toxic action. An example includes
hydrogen chloride.

ii. A secondary irritant’s effect on mucous membranes is

overshadowed by the systemic effect resulting from
absorption. Exposure to a secondary irritant can result in
pulmonary edema, hemorrhage, and tissue necrosis.

Page 40
Examples include hydrogen sulfide, and aromatic

b. Central nervous system depressants, such as anesthetics, affect

the brain. Examples include chloroform, diethyl ether, hexane, and
other nerve-depressing organic substances and alcohols. Many
other chemicals also have deleterious effects on the central
nervous system.

c. Asphyxiants have the ability to deprive tissue of oxygen. Simple

asphyxiants are inert gases which displace oxygen. Examples
include carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, and nitrous
oxide. Chemical asphyxiants render the body incapable of utilizing
an adequate oxygen supply. They can cause damage at very low
concentrations. Examples include carbon monoxide, and hydrogen

d. Pulmonary agents damage the lungs. Examples include

asbestos, coal dust, cotton dust, silica, and wood dust. Dusts can
cause a restrictive disease called pneumoconiosis (“black lung”
disease). Other types of lung injuries include edema, which can be
caused by hydrogen fluoride, nickel carbonyl, and perchlorethylene;
and emphysema, which can be caused by ozone and oxides of
nitrogen. Signs and symptoms include tightness in chest, and
shortness of breath.

2. Skin and ingestion

a. Skin toxins may result in anything from acute irritation to corrosion.

Benzocaine, formaldehyde, and neomycin are common chemicals
which cause contact allergies. A sensitizer causes a substantial
proportion of exposed people to develop an allergic reaction in
normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical. The
reaction may be as mild as a rash (contact dermatitis) or as serious
as anaphylactic shock. Examples include chlorinated
hydrocarbons, chromium compounds, epoxies, nickel compounds,
dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), and toluene diisocyanate. Signs
and symptoms include defatting of the skin, rashes, and irritation.

b. Eye toxins cause damage to the eye by direct contact, like any of
the skin or mucous membrane toxins, or by systemic chemicals.
The antimalarial drugs quinacrine and chloroquine have been
shown to affect the cornea after oral administration. Signs and
symptoms include conjunctivitis, and corneal damage.

Page 41
3. Systemic

a. Hepatotoxic agents cause damage to the liver. Examples include

carbon tetrachloride, nitrosamines, and tetrachloroethane. Signs
and symptoms include jaundice, and liver enlargement.

b. Nephrotoxic agents damage the kidneys. Examples include

halogenated hydrocarbons, and uranium compounds. Signs and
symptoms include edema, and proteinurea.

c. Neurotoxic agents damage the nervous system. The nervous

system is especially sensitive to organo-metallic compounds and
certain sulfide compounds. Examples include carbon disulfide,
manganese, methyl mercury, organo-phosphate insecticides,
tetraethyl lead, thallium, and triakyl tin compounds. Signs and
symptoms include narcosis, behavioral changes, and decrease in
motor function.

d. Hematotoxic agents act on the blood, bone marrow, or

hematopoietic system. Examples include aniline, benzene, nitrites,
nitrobenzene, and toluidine. Benzene damages bone marrow
which can lead to leukemia. Signs and symptoms include cyanosis
(a bluish coloration to the skin) and loss of consciousness.

e. Carcinogenic agents can initiate or speed the development of

malignant or potentially malignant tumors or other malignant
neoplastic proliferation of cells. Known human carcinogens are
listed in Appendix B.

f. Reproductive toxins cause damage to either the reproductive

system directly or to the fetal tissue. 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane
(DBCP) causes infertility (azoospermia) in males, while lead and
ethylene oxide can cause infertility in males and females.
Teratogens (embryotoxic or fetotoxic agents) interfere with normal
embryonic development without damage to the mother or lethal
effect on the fetus. Effects are not hereditary. Examples include
lead, and DBCP (see Appendix B for a list of reproductive toxins).
Signs and symptoms include sterility, and birth defects.

g. Immune system toxins, specifically immunosuppression, can be

caused by a wide variety of chemicals, including arsenic, benzene,
cadmium, lead, methyl mercury, nitrous oxide, and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

Page 42
h. Cardiotoxic agents cause damage to the cardiovascular system.
These chemicals may either cause damage to the heart directly
(examples include aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes, and glycols) or
they may also cause damage to the vascular system (examples
include heavy metals such as lead, and cadmium).


It is the responsibility of the PI to determine the hazards associated with all of the
chemicals used in his/her laboratory. There are many excellent compilations of
the hazards associated with chemicals. The following references can be
extremely useful and it is recommended that each laboratory have at least one of
the following reference manuals available. All are available through the
University libraries.

Suggested References on Hazardous Chemicals

Klaasen, C.D., Amdur, M., Doull, J., Cassarett and Doull’s Toxicology: The
Basic Science of Poisons, Third Edition, New York: Macmillan Publishing
Company, 1986.

Lenga, R.A., The Stigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data, Edition II,
Volumes I and II, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, 1988.

Lewis, R.J., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 8th ed. 3

vols., New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996.

National Research Council, Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous

Chemicals in Laboratories, Washington DC: National Academy Press, 1981.

Perrin, D.D., Armarega, W.L.F., Perrin, D.R., Purification of Laboratory

Chemicals, 4th ed., New York: Pergamon Press, 1996.

Raffle, P.A.B., Lee, W.R., McCallum, R., Murray, R., Hunter’s Diseases of
Occupations, 8th ed., London, Boston: E. Arnold, 1994.

Richard J. Lewis Sr., Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference, 6th Edition, Wiley,
Pradyot Patnaik, A comprehensive guide to the hazardous properties of
chemical substances, 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2007

See the Select Bibliography for additional references.

Page 43
Hazardous Chemicals

The following is a list of types of hazardous chemicals, divided into eight general
classes based on the predominant effects of those general chemical types:

1. Caustic or corrosive: These are typically acids or bases which may burn
or otherwise damage human tissue on contact. The corrosion of
equipment should also be considered. Examples include chromic acid
cleaning solutions; concentrated acids such as hydrochloric, sulfuric, and
nitric; and acid-releasing substances such as thionyl chloride, and
halogens (bromine, chlorine).

2. Poisons: The relative toxicity of this general class of chemicals is

dependent on a large number of factors. This class would also include
carcinogens. Examples include cyanide, and azide salts.

3. Flammables liquids: These are materials that will easily ignite, burn, and
serve as a fuel for a fire. Examples include most common laboratory
organic solvents such as acetone, tetrahydrofuran, diethylether, and
petroleum distillates (pentanes, hexanes) as well as acetaldehyde, carbon
disulfide, ether, methanol and glacial acetic acid.

4. Explosives: Chemicals in this class should be protected from shock,

elevated temperatures, sparks, rapid temperature changes, and mixture
with other reactive chemicals. Examples include nitroglycerin,
nitrocellulose, and organic peroxides.

5. Oxidizing and reducing agents: The reactions of these agents can

generate heat and are often explosive. Oxidizing agents include oxygen,
perchloric acid, peroxyacids, peroxide forming compounds, and bleach
(hypochlorite compounds).. Reducing agents include hydrogen, metallic
hydrides, alkali metals, and active zinc and phosphorus.

6. Water-reactive: These chemicals react with water, steam, and moisture

in the air to evolve heat and/or flammable or explosive gases. Isolate
water sensitive substances from other reactive chemicals and store in a
cool, dry area. Examples of chemicals that liberate heat only include
strong acids and bases, acid anhydrides and sulfides. Examples of
chemicals that liberate flammable gases include alkali metals, hydrides,
nitrides, and anhydrous metallic salts.

7. Acid-sensitive: These chemicals react with acids to evolve heat,

flammable and/or explosive gases and toxicants. Examples include alkali
metals, cyanides, sulfides, carbonates, arsenic, and related elements.

Page 44
8. Pyrophoric: These chemicals burn when exposed to air. In general, they
require absolute protection from air. Examples include:

a. Phosphorus (white or yellow)

b. Alkali metals such as sodium and potassium

c. Metal hydrides or nonmetal hydrides including germane, diborane,

sodium hydride and lithium aluminum hydride

d. Partially or fully alkylated derivatives of metal and non-metal

hydrides like diethylaluminum hydride, trimethylaluminum,
butyllithium and triethylboron

e. Used hydrogenation catalysts such as Raney nickel

f. Grignard reagents of the form RMgx

g. Alkylated metal alkoxides or nonmetal halides such as

diethylethoxyaluminum or dichloro(methyl)silane

h. Metal carbonyls like pentacarbonyliron, octacarbonyldicobalt and

nickel carbonyl

i. Finely divided metals such as calcium and zirconium

j. Methanetellurol (CH3TeH)

k. Pyrophoric gases include arsine, diborane, phosphine, and silane

l. Pyrophoric liquids include hydrazine

Controlled Substances

Chemicals considered to be controlled substances are regulated by specific

Federal and state regulations. In order to purchase and distribute controlled
substances (such as opiates, barbiturates, or anesthetics), appropriate Federal
and state licenses must be obtained. If use of these classes of chemicals is
required, contact Safety Services for information at 216.368.2907.

Chemical Safety

The potential dangers that may be encountered when working with hazardous
chemicals are very diverse and depend greatly upon the type of exposure. The
dangers inherent in use of all chemicals in this LSM are not completely

Page 45
It is the responsibility of the PI to be aware of hazards that exist when
using the chemicals in his/her laboratory. MSDS’ are available on the EHS
website ( under “MSDS” and contain detailed information to
inform workers of potential dangers of these materials.


Select Carcinogens, Reproductive Hazards, and Chemicals with a High Degree

of Acute Toxicity

When working with certain hazardous chemicals, the Laboratory Standard, 29

CFR 1910.1450, requires that you designate an area for such work. Chemicals
for which special precautions are to be taken include carcinogens, reproductive
toxins, and certain chemicals with a high degree of acute toxicity. A list of these
substances is provided in Appendix B.

Creating a Designated Area

The designated area for use of extremely hazardous substances, as defined by

the Laboratory Standard, may be a chemical fume hood or a portion of the
laboratory, or the entire laboratory itself, depending on individual circumstances.
The only requirements are that the area must be posted as to the nature of the
hazard and that all employees who work in this area be informed as to the
hazards involved. “Employees” include maintenance personnel who may be
exposed to the hazard while working in the area.

In general, engineering controls such as chemical fume hoods or glove boxes are
required to be used to contain select hazardous substances which may become
volatile, result in the release of aerosols during manipulation, or may, through
handling or reaction, result in the uncontrollable release of the substance. In
addition, procedures for decontamination and the safe removal of contaminated
material must be outlined. The PI is strongly urged to seek the advice of Safety
Services prior to experimentation with these substances.

General Procedures

1. All guidelines for safe laboratory practice – such as use of proper eye
protection, wearing proper protective clothing, following correct pipetting
procedures, wearing the appropriate gloves, and not permitting smoking,
eating, chewing gum, drinking, taking medications, or application of
cosmetics in the laboratory – must be observed at all times in the
laboratory, including when working with extremely hazardous chemicals.

2. Laboratory coats should be adequate to protect street clothing and should

never be worn outside of the laboratory area.

Page 46
3. Disposable gloves should be discarded after each use and immediately
after overt contact with extremely hazardous chemicals. Gloves should
never be worn outside of the laboratory area.

4. All personnel must wash their hands immediately after removing gloves
and after the completion of any procedure using chemical hazards.

Operational Procedures

1. Work areas within a laboratory, where carcinogens or reproductive

hazards are used, should be clearly marked with a warning sign which
storage of these chemicals should also be identified in a similar manner.
Chemical-specific signs and labels are available from Safety Services.

2. Work areas where select hazards are being used should only be entered
by authorized personnel. When extremely hazardous chemicals are being
used in an area of a larger laboratory, the area should be clearly identified
and should not be a high pedestrian traffic area in order to minimize
exposure to uninvolved laboratory personnel with hazardous substances.

3. Work surfaces should be covered with impervious material such as dry

absorbent plastic backed paper. The protective material should be
decontaminated or disposed of as hazardous waste after the procedures
are completed.

4. Adequate chemical traps must be used on all vacuum lines to prevent

contamination of the vacuum systems. A separate vacuum pump should
be used for extremely hazardous chemicals, and any service company
should be informed of this use of the pump prior to servicing.

5. Procedures involving volatile chemicals, or those which may result in the

generation of aerosols or dispersible particulates, should be conducted in
a chemical fume hood. Work which may present a biological hazard
should be conducted in a biological safety cabinet (BSC) or in a glove box.
Precautions should also be taken to prevent exposure to aerosols that
may be generated during such biological procedures. Equipment should
be positioned so that any vapors or aerosols produced can be vented into
a chemical fume hood. Aerosols can be generated from opening and
closing vessels, transfer of chemicals (weighing chemicals),
homogenization, open vessel centrifugation, and the application, injection,
or incubation of extremely hazardous chemicals to experimental animals.

Page 47
6. Minimum containment for tissue culture can be provided by a Class II,
Type B BSC. The PI should refer to the CDC/NIH publication “Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories,” 5th Edition, USDHHS, 2007,
for information concerning appropriate containment equipment and its
usage (CDC website ).
7. Stock and sample containers of regulated chemicals, as found in 29 CFR
1910 Subpart Z, should be stored in a designated area that is clearly
marked with the warnings such as, “CAUTION – POTENTIAL CANCER
PI must maintain an inventory of each carcinogen and other hazardous
substances defined by OSHA as “regulated chemicals”. This inventory
should include the quantities and the date purchased. The storage vessel
should also be marked with a label indicating the specific potential danger
of the substance. Working quantities should be kept to a minimum and
should also have the same label. Chemical-specific labels are available
from Safety Services.

8. If it is necessary to transfer the chemicals from one site to another, the

chemicals must be placed in durable secondary containment. Biologically
contaminated materials should be placed in properly labeled biohazard
bags to indicate the potential biohazard. Safety Services should be
contacted for the proper disposal of hazardous chemical waste. Customer
Services should be notified for disposal of biological waste. Organic liquid
waste should also be disposed in containers per the University guidelines
on waste disposal outlined in Chapter Four of this LSM. In all cases, prior
to initiating any experiments with select chemical hazards, the PI should
make plans for the handling of hazardous waste.

9. In order to ensure that the laboratory meets the standards for the use of a
select chemical hazard (i.e. flow rate of the chemical fume hood), the PI
should contact Safety Services prior to initiating experiments.

Working with Select Carcinogens

“Select carcinogens” are defined by the Laboratory Standard as being any

substance which meets one of the following criteria:

1. It is regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen.

2. It is listed under the category “known to be carcinogens” in the Annual

Report on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program
(NTP, latest edition).

3. It is listed under Group 1, “carcinogenic to humans,” by the International

Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs (IARC, latest edition).

Page 48
4. It is listed in either Group 2A or 2B by IARC or under the category
“reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens” by NTP. These chemicals
cause statistically significant tumor incidence in experimental animals in
accordance with any of the following criteria:

a. After inhalation exposure of 6-7 hours per day, 5 days per week, for
a significant portion of a lifetime at dosages of less than 10 mg/m3;

b. After repeated skin application of less than 300 mg/kg of body

weight per week (<20 g/week for an average adult);

c. After oral dosages of less than 50 mg/kg of body weight per day (<3
g/day for an average adult).

The most recent list which fulfills the first three of these criteria is in Appendix B.
Additional information on the use of chemical carcinogens can be obtained from
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by requesting “NIH
Guidelines for the Laboratory Use of Chemical Carcinogens” and from Chemsyn
Science Laboratories which will supply “Handling Chemical Carcinogens: A
Safety Guide for the Laboratory Researcher” by Mary K. Dornhoffer. Refer to the
MSDS to determine whether a particular chemical falls into this category.

Working with Reproductive Hazards

“Reproductive hazards” is defined by the Laboratory Standard as “toxins (which)

may manifest themselves in lethal effects on the fertilized egg, developing
embryo or fetus or teratogenic (malformation) effects in the fetus. In addition,
certain reproductive toxins may cause infertility in males and females.”

Reproductive hazards include chemicals which target developing embryos and

fetuses. Ebryonic and fetal development is characterized by rapid growth and
differentiation. In addition, maternal blood flow through the placenta increases
and allows for fetal exposure to potential teratogens. Due to this unique
sensitivity, any woman who believes she is pregnant should take special
precautions to protect the developing fetus. If she chooses to declare her
pregnancy, she should speak to her supervisor, informing him/her of her
pregnancy, and they should then work together to develop ways to minimize her
exposure to hazardous chemicals. Since disclosure of pregnancy is voluntary,
the PI should protect his/her liability by warning all female laboratory employees
of potential teratogenic or other reproductive hazards in the workplace. While no
employee may be forced to resign from her job due to pregnancy, the PI should
discuss any potential risks of exposure as soon as the fact of the pregnancy is
known, and assist the employee in developing programs to minimize exposure.

Page 49
The use of PPE or chemical fume hoods may substantially reduce exposures
and they are of particular significance for a pregnant employee. Examples of
reproductive toxins include benzene, mercury, ethylene dibromide, carbon
monoxide, anesthetic gases (halothane), ionizing radiation, ethylene oxide, and
glycidyl ethers. A more complete list of known reproductive hazards is presented
in Appendix B. In addition, the MSDS may be consulted for information on
additional chemicals with reproductive toxicity which may be in use in the
laboratory. Safety Services is available for consultation on both hazards and
means of reducing exposures.

Working with Substances with High Acute Toxicity

The Laboratory Standard requires that “substances with high acute toxicity
such as hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen dioxide are included
under the category of substances for which employers must consider the need
for special precautions. Such substances may be fatal or cause damage to
target organs as a result of a single exposure or exposures of short durations.”

Experimentation with Animals

The use of extremely hazardous chemicals in experimental animals must be

arranged with the personnel in the ARC. Call 368.3490 for information. Specific
recommendations will be made by the Animal Research Committee on protocols
to be used with chemical carcinogens.


Effects of Exposure

The eyes and skin should not be exposed to direct or strongly reflected ultraviolet
(UV) radiation. The effect of UV radiation overexposure is dependent on such
factors as dosage, wavelength, portion of body exposed, and the sensitivity of
the individual. Overexposure of the eyes will result in a painful inflammation of
the conjunctiva, cornea, and iris. Symptoms will develop 3 to 12 hours following
exposure. There is a very unpleasant foreign body sensation accompanied by
watery eyes. The symptoms usually disappear in a day or two. Overexposure to
the skin will produce erythema (reddening) 1 to 8 hours following exposure.

Protection Against Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure

Adequate eye and skin protection must be worn when working in a UV radiation
area. Contact lenses do not offer protection against UV radiation. Safety
glasses designed specifically for use with UV light and with side shields, or
goggles with solid side pieces should be worn. The side pieces prevent the
entrance of reflected UV radiation and direct radiation from a side source.

Page 50
Skin protection is afforded by face shields, caps, gloves, gowns, etc.
Overexposure to UV radiation should be reported to University Health Services.

For further information regarding UV radiation exposure, consult the EHS

Physical Safety Manual available on the EHS website ( under
“Plant Safety” link under “Forms and Manuals.”


Any person working with infectious agents should be familiar with the CDC/NIH
manual “Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.” Safety
Services recommends the CDC website for up-to-date information or to order a
copy of the manual (

For further information regarding bloodborne pathogens, consult “Working with

Bloodborne Pathogens” in Chapter Five of this LSM.

Select Agent Program

All persons having access to select agents and toxins MUST complete forms and
training which are available at Safety Services. The select agents and toxins are
housed and used in special biological safety facilities and are specifically
equipped for prion research.

Page 51

This chapter discusses the University procedures for all types of

hazardous waste classifications, containment, labeling, and
handling. These procedures are necessary for compliance with
regulations of the United States and Ohio Environmental Protection

Agencies (EPA & OhioEPA), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC), the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Occupational
Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and the Ohio Department
of Health (ODH).

PIs and area supervisors must ensure that the appropriate

personnel follow the procedures outlined in this LSM. Call
Safety Services (368.2907) with specific hazardous waste disposal
questions or problems. In the University Hospitals’ area, contact UH
Safety (844.1458) for hazardous waste disposal procedures. For
disposal of SHARPS and biohazardous waste in CWRU buildings,
contact Customer Services (368.2580) to schedule a pick-up. In
University Hospitals’ buildings, contact the Environmental Services
Department (844.3071).

All researchers who handle potentially hazardous materials should

recognize the hazards and be aware of procedures required to
protect themselves and the environment from the effects of these

The determination of whether a material is regulated as a hazardous

waste is often a complex task. Generally, the physical state of a
material (e.g. solid, liquid, gas) is not a determining factor. When in
doubt, assume that the material is hazardous waste and manage the
material accordingly until you receive instructions to the contrary
from Safety Services.


Disposal of Chemicals

Wastes regulated by the EPA as “hazardous wastes” are not

permitted to be disposed in the sanitary sewer or in the normal
trash. These waste chemicals must be retained by each laboratory
in a separate container labeled with the hazardous waste tag
provided by Safety Services.

Page 52
Laboratories are permitted to accumulate and store waste under
what is known as Satellite
Accumulation. Bins and labels for Satellite Accumulation are available by
contacting Safety Services (368.2907). A laboratory may not store more than 55
gallons of waste chemicals. Safety Services must be notified when storage
capacity exceeds 55 gallons or 1 kilogram of acutely hazardous waste.

The following procedures should be performed to properly dispose of hazardous


1. Segregate hazardous chemical waste by compatibility (see table

below) and clearly label waste bottles with the hazardous waste tags
provided by Safety Services. Plastic bottles are preferred over glass
for storing hazardous waste, but first check the compatibility of the
waste with the specific plastic. Compatibility charts are available from

2. When containers have reached their capacity, or when laboratory

safety requires disposal, complete a Hazardous Waste and Unwanted
Chemical Disposal Listing Form and return it to Safety Services.
Chemicals will be picked up for disposal at the earliest possible date
after receipt of this form. In the University Hospitals’ area, contact
Environmental Services (844.3071). Chemical waste containers
should be labeled with the following information and must be
accompanied by a completed Hazardous Waste Information Form:

a. Identity (full chemical name) and quantity of the waste

b. Generation date of the waste
c. Place of origin (department, room number)
d. PIs name and telephone number
e. Bottle number assigned on corresponding waste sheet

Table of Incompatible Chemicals

Chemicals may be sorted and stored in the following categories. Care should be
taken since it is not unknown for two chemicals in the same group to be

Acids Bases
Oxidizers Reducers
Flammable Liquids Non-Flammable Liquids
Toxics/Poisons Non-Hazardous Chemicals

Page 53
The following general classes of chemicals are incompatible with one another:

General Classes of Incompatible Chemicals*

Acids, oxidizing agents Bases, metals, reducing agents
Chlorates Ammonia, Anhydrous and aqueous
Chromates Carbon
Chromium trioxide Metals
Dichromates Metal hydrides
Halogens Nitrites
Halogenating agents Organic compounds
Hydrogen peroxide Phosphorus
Nitrates Silicon
Nitric acid Sulfur

*These examples of oxidizing and reducing agents are illustrative of common laboratory
chemicals; they are not intended to be exhaustive. See Appendix D for a table of specific
chemical incompatibilities.

Hazardous Waste Labeling and Waste Procedures

All materials destined for disposal, that are regulated by the EPA under CFR 40
and may not be disposed to the environment, are considered hazardous wastes.
Containers must be labeled “hazardous waste” and contain all the information
previously listed above.

Laboratories must maintain “weekly leakage logs” for the storage containers
used for chemical waste. The log must be in a bound composition book with
date of inspection, name of inspector, and the status of the waste container at
that time (“acceptable” or “leaking”). It is recommended that the PI choose a
member of his/her staff to conduct the weekly (every seven days) inspections
and to keep the log in the laboratory area for future Safety Service inspections.

1. Handling and storage instructions for hazardous wastes

a. Ignitable liquids and organic solvents

i. Keep halogenated solvent wastes separate from non-

halogenated solvent wastes.

ii. Separate organic solvents from aqueous solutions.

iii. For larger waste volumes, use a covered 5-gallon metal can.

Page 54
iv. For smaller waste volumes, or for solvents that react with
metal, use a covered 1-gallon glass (or, preferably, plastic)
container (check compatibility).

b. Acids, bases, and aqueous solutions

i. Collect concentrated acids or bases in 1-gallon glass bottles

if possible; otherwise, use a covered 5-gallon container.
Exception: hydrofluoric acid must be stored in plastic.

ii. Do not mix strong acids or oxidizers with organic


iii. Keep all perchloric acid wastes in exclusive-use containers.

c. Heavy metal solutions

i. Keep solutions containing arsenic, barium, cadmium,

chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver, or other heavy
poisonous metals separate from other wastes.

d. Paint and paint thinners

i. Keep water and water-based paint wastes separate from oil-

based wastes. Rinsate from water-based paint clean-up is
non-hazardous and can be disposed of in the sanitary

e. Used chromatographic adsorbent

i. When possible, segregate chromatographic adsorbents from

liquid wastes.

f. Indicate the chemical in the adsorbent material and its

concentration of contaminants.

g. Animal waste contaminated with hazardous chemicals

i. Procedure for handling animal wastes are implemented by

the ARC (368.3490).

h. Mixed waste (radioactive waste combined with chemical waste or

radioactive waste combined with bio-hazardous waste). Please
contact Safety Services (368.2907) for detailed guidelines in proper
disposal of mixed wastes.

Page 55
i. Broken mercury thermometers

i. Attach a hazardous waste tag to the container with broken

mercury thermometer and label the material as “broken
thermometer and elemental mercury.”

ii. NOTE: Mercury volatilizes and can be a hazard. Even the

mercury from one thermometer can create a potential health
risk. Call Safety Services (368.2907) for disposal and pick-
up. In the University Hospitals’ area, contact UH Protective
Services (844.HELP) or UH Safety (844.1458).

iii. For larger spills of mercury (>3 cc), evacuate the area and
call Safety Services. They will respond, clean the spill, and
monitor the room air to ensure the area is safe to re-enter.
For a spill in a University Hospitals’ laboratory, operated by
Case Western Reserve University employees, contact
Protective Services at 368-3333. They will then call Safety

2. Discarded hazardous substances

a. Gas cylinders

i. Promptly return discarded or empty gas cylinders and lecture

bottles to the vendor to regain your deposit on the cylinder
and minimize rental charges. Small lecture bottles must be
disposed of as a hazardous chemical waste.

b. Chemicals in original containers

i. Label these containers with the same information as you

would a hazardous waste.

Page 56
Disposal of Chemicals in Sanitary Sewers (Drains)

Hazardous wastes are regulated by the EPA under the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act (RCRA). In general, these regulations do not permit any drain
disposal, except for those items listed below. For questions, contact Safety
Services (368.2907).

1. Inorganic acids and bases that have a pH between 5 and 10.

These pH limits are imposed by regional sewer regulations. Sewer

disposal is permitted provided no other regulated chemical is present.
Neutralization is permitted to change the pH to within acceptable limits if it
is written into the experiment’s protocol.

2. Aqueous buffer solutions containing no regulated materials or

biohazardous threat (e.g. common salt solutions or tissue culture media).

Such solutions may contain millimolar concentrations of common

biochemicals, buffers, serum by-products, or cell metabolites. When in
solution, common salts (chlorides, bromides, bicarbonates, citrates,
phosphates, sulfates, acetates) of sodium, potassium, magnesium,
ammonium, and calcium may be disposed in the sanitary sewer.

3. Aqueous High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) solutions or

other solutions containing less than 24% ethanol, propanol, or isopropanol
(no other alcohols).

The 24% limit is based on flammability of the alcohol. HPLC solutions

containing any amount of acetonitrile or other organic solvents must be
disposed through Safety Services. In University Hospitals, contact UH
Safety (844.1458) to arrange for disposal of these chemicals.

4. Bacteriological and tissue culture media.

All media containing live organisms must be sterilized by autoclaving or by

another acceptable procedure and must not contain anything other than
common biochemicals. Serum byproducts or cell metabolites containing
azides or thioglycolate must be disposed by Safety Services or, in
University Hospitals, by UH Safety.

5. Mixed waste handling must be taken care of properly, and all waste
handling protocols must be included in the laboratories Chemical Hygiene
and Exposure Control Plans. SAFETY SERVICES and/or THE

Page 57
a. Radioactive-Chemical mixed waste must be classified by chemical
and level of radioactivity before drain disposal. Refer to the
Radiation Safety Laboratory User Manual for disposal procedures
and acceptable limits. The manual is available on the EHS website
( under “Forms/Manuals.”

b. Radioactive-Biohazardous waste must either be disinfected, then

disposed of as radioactive waste, or held until 10 half lives are
reached, then be disposed of as biohazardous waste. DO NOT

c. Radioactive-Biohazardous waste must either be disinfected, then

disposed of as radioactive waste, or held until 10 half lives are
reached, then be disposed of as biohazardous waste. This can be

6. No more than unavoidable traces of highly toxic organic chemicals, such

as those found on glassware surfaces, of either synthetic or biological in
origin, should be allowed in the sanitary sewer.

NOTE: Hazardous waste cannot be diluted with a material which is not a waste
(e.g. fresh water) in order to bring them to concentration suitable for drain
disposal, unless this dilution is part of an experimental procedure.



1. Potentially explosive materials, such as dry picric acid or old ethers, will be
picked up separately from other hazardous wastes. Contact Safety
Services (368.2907) as soon as possible upon discovering potentially
explosive materials.

2. In general, extremely reactive materials should be disposed in a

compatible bottle. These should be taped if there is potential for explosion
or implosion from developing pressure or vacuum.

3. Alert handling and disposal personnel to the hazardous nature of these



The “Destruction of Select Agent” form must be completed when a select agent
and toxin is destroyed. The form can be downloaded from DOES web site under
“Biological Safety” link in “Select Agents”.

Page 58
Before any destruction, please contact Safety Services (368.2907) to obtain
permission and to verify the procedure. Destruction of select agents and toxins
requires a 5-day notice to either APHIS or CDC. Ignoring the notification
procedure can result in fines and/or imprisonment.


Classification of Waste and Disposal Procedures

Prior to disposal, non-chemical waste must be classified as one of the following:

SHARPS, non-SHARPS, or uncontaminated laboratory waste.

Wastes which contain both chemical waste and another type of waste (e.g.
animal parts stored in formalin) must be separated and disposed according to
each pertinent waste policy. That is, the animal waste is disposed as
biohazardous waste, and the formalin is disposed as chemical waste.

In addition, local landfills no longer permit the University to dispose of any

biohazardous waste (whether or not autoclaved) or SHARPS in the regular trash.
Therefore, it is essential to classify waste properly. Safety Services is available
for consultation on a case-by-case basis. A summary of the following “bag”
policies is described below. For University Hospitals, contact Environmental
Services (844.3071) for information on disposal of biohazardous waste.


Definition: Examples include discarded hypodermic needles,

syringes, and scalpel blades; cannulas, coverslips, microscope
slides, all pipettes (glass or plastic) and pipette tips, test tubes, and
glass Petri dishes; glassware, and any other item capable of
causing puncture wounds or cuts.

Procedure: All SHARPS, contaminated or not, must be contained

in puncture-resistant containers. Call Customer Service (368.2580)
for disposal.

a. All needles, syringes, and scalpel blades; and any SHARP

designed for use in biological, etiological, bacteriological, or tissue
culture work must be placed in red rigid SHARPS containers. Call
Purchasing (368.2560) for a list of vendors. Hypodermic needles
should not be recapped, clipped, broken, or disassembled.

Page 59
Under no circumstances are hypodermic needles, syringes,
scalpel blades; or materials designed for use in biological,
etiological, bacteriological, or tissue culture work permitted to be
disposed of in any container other than the red rigid SHARPS
container. All needles, syringes, scalpel blades and razor blades,
whether contaminated with biologicals or not, must be disposed of
in a properly marked and labeled rigid sharps container.

b. All other SHARPS (such as broken glassware) which are NOT

contaminated may be discarded in red SHARPS containers or in a
cardboard box labeled “SHARPS.” The box must be lined with a
plastic bag to prevent leaking, and sealed with tape. The box must
be clearly labeled “SHARPS” so that anyone inspecting the box will
be aware of the nature of the hazard.

c. Empty glass chemical bottles must be marked “MT” or “EMPTY”

with its label defaced or removed and, once decontaminated, be
placed in a cardboard box marked “SHARPS” and sealed with tape.
All bottle caps must be removed. A bottle is decontaminated after it
is triple rinsed. The first rinsate is disposed of as hazardous
chemical waste. The second and third rinsates can be disposed of
in the drain. This same procedure is followed for disposal of plastic
and metal containers except, once decontaminated, they are
discarded in regular trash.

IMPORTANT: NO items that have been contaminated by chemotherapeutic

drugs or anti-neoplastic agents (with the exception of trace amounts) can be
disposed in SHARPS containers. Call Safety Services (368.2907) for disposal

Radioactive SHARPS – Refer to the Radiation Safety Laboratory User Manual

for the proper disposal of radioactive SHARPS. This manual is available on the
EHS website ( under “Forms and Manuals.”


Definition: All infectious plastic Petri plates and plastic tissue culture
vessels containing media, cultures, and stocks of infectious agents;
devices used to transfer, inoculate or mix such agents; and paper or cloth
material contaminated with these agents.

Procedure: All of the above materials present a potential hazard to

workers and must be treated prior to disposal. Treatment of this waste is
the responsibility of each researcher.

Laboratories should maintain preventive maintenance and repair activity

Page 60
records for all instruments and equipment (including pH meters, analytical
balances, incubators, refrigerators, autoclaves, and water baths). Steam
sterilization for the appropriate amount of time and at the proper
temperature is the simplest, most effective method. STEAM SHOULD BE

All waste must be sterilized in red or orange biohazardous bags. All

bags must be able to be autoclaved and conspicuously labeled with
the international biohazard symbol. Biohazard bags can be ordered
from scientific supply houses. After sterilization and cooling, these bags
are to be denoted “sterilized” and tagged with the PI’s name and date of

NO SHARPS (which includes glass, plastic pipettes and tips) are

permitted to be placed in these autoclaved bags or any other bag. Such
SHARPS are a hazard when handling these bags and cause
contaminants to leak from bags in transit. They must be disposed if in a
red rigid SHARPS container as biohazardous SHARPS.

After all autoclaved biohazardous waste has been appropriately tagged,

Custodial Services will remove the waste in the evening for incineration.
Arrangements for pick-up must be made by contacting Customer Service
(368.2580) by 4:30 p.m. All biohazardous bags must remain in the
laboratory for evening pick-up. Biohazardous waste must be disposed of

Liquid biomedical waste that has been treated to render it non-infectious

can be poured in the sanitary drain, which should then be flushed with


a. Any liquid biomedical waste which contains radioactive materials.

Contact Radiation Safety (368.2906) to receive disposal
instructions for this exception or refer to the Radiation Safety
Laboratory User Manual.

b. Any liquid biomedical waste which contains hazardous chemicals

as set forth in the University Chemical Disposal Policy. Contact
Safety Services (368.2907) to receive disposal instructions for this

3. Uncontaminated laboratory waste

Page 61
Definition: All laboratory waste which has not been contaminated by
radioactive, chemical, or infectious agents, such as: Petri plates, plastic
tissue culture vessels, paper cloths, gloves, tubing, non-sharp laboratory
wastes, empty chemical containers, as well as “ordinary trash” such as
computer paper, cardboard, packing materials, and the like.

Procedure: Pick-up is provided by Custodial Services.


The RSOF provides radioactive waste pick-up and radiation disposal

services for all University laboratories. Typically, individual laboratories
collect radioactive waste in suitable containers, label the material with a
yellow radioactive waste tag, and provide secondary packing, if necessary.
A Disposal Listing for Radioactive Waste Form must be completed and
faxed to the RSOF (fax: 368.2236). An RSOF specialist will call the
laboratory to arrange a time and date for pick-up.


Wastes regulated by the EPA are not permitted to be disposed of in the sanitary
sewer or into a landfill, making them expensive to dispose of in an
environmentally responsible manner. Reducing the amount of hazardous waste
produced, both before the experimental procedure and after, and recycling
whenever possible, provides a vital means of controlling the amount of
hazardous waste generated.

Waste Reduction Procedures

1. Pre-experiment techniques

a. Pre-weigh chemicals for undergraduate teaching

laboratories. This will reduce spills and other wastes
generated by students weighing their own materials.

b. Substitute less hazardous chemicals in experiments to

reduce the cost of the disposal of hazardous chemicals (i.e.
use alcohol instead of benzene; sodium hypochlorite instead
of sodium dichromate).

c. Use alcohol or digital thermometers instead of mercury

thermometers which are easily broken and extremely
expensive to clean up and dispose of. (Mercury
thermometers are prohibited in laboratories).
d. Purchase only what is needed. Do not order larger
quantities to take advantage of unit cost savings. Future

Page 62
disposal for the unused portion of the chemical greatly
exceeds the initial savings. The University’s supplies store
(Fisher Scientific stock room) sells chemicals in smaller
quantities at bulk prices to facilitate waste minimization in

2. Post-experiment techniques

a. When cleaning with solvents, use spent solvent for the initial
cleaning and use fresh solvent only for the final rinse.

b. Destroy wastes as part of the last step of the experiment, if

possible, provided the result is not a regulated material (call
Safety Services to confirm). Such end-procedure
neutralization techniques include oxidation-reduction, or
precipitation and filtration of solids.

c. Label all containers, new or temporary, with the proper

information, even if the solutions they contain are innocuous.
Disposing of an “unknown” waste, which is what materials in
unlabeled containers often become, requires time-
consuming and costly analysis. In addition, unknowns are
dangerous in that they may explode or cause adverse

Recycling Procedures

Items currently managed by Safety Services for recycling as a hazardous waste

are fluorescent and ultraviolet lamps, computers and computer monitors,
batteries, lead, and paints.

Fluorescent lamps contain small amounts of mercury (0.6 mg), as well as lead
found in the end caps. These items are currently managed as a recyclable
material. Custodial Services will pick-up and remove fluorescent lamps provided
they are properly boxed and marked. The laboratory may also treat fluorescent
lamps as hazardous waste by labeling the boxed lamps with the hazardous
waste tag, completing the Hazardous Waste Disposal Form, and submitting the
form to Safety Services. This may be necessary with smaller laboratory scale
lamps since they are considered laboratory materials.

Page 63

Computers and computer monitors and other electronic devices contain large
amounts of lead in the solder of the circuit boards. Monitors in the form of
Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) also contain barium. Both are highly regulated
materials. If you wish to dispose of any electronic waste please complete the
online e-Waste disposal request form which can be submitted via email by
clicking the "SUBMIT" button at the bottom of the form. The form can be found on
DOES web site under “Laboratory Safety” link:

Page 64


This LSM provides standards for the use of bench and floor
centrifuges commonly used in clinical and biochemical laboratories,
and procedures to be followed if a centrifuge accident occurs. Each
employee using the centrifuge must become familiar with

requirements for operation of the instrument. Assistance is available
upon request from Safety Services (368.2907).

Each employee shall be instructed on proper operating procedures

before being permitted to use the centrifuge. Instructions should
include requirements for balancing loads, using the proper
centrifuge head, and using accessory equipment. Conditions for
loading and operating an ultra-centrifuge and preparative centrifuge
vary considerably. Therefore, even experienced investigators
should review procedures before operating an unfamiliar instrument.

Each employee who uses a centrifuge is responsible for the

condition of the machine at the end of the procedure. This includes
entering data in the log book, turning off the power, and cleaning
spills, broken glass, etc. Detailed records of operation should be
made for most high-speed centrifuges and rotors. The safe speed
that rotors can be operated is determined by a rating formula which
is based on numbers of starts and stops, rpm, and total “G” loads.
Also, warranty coverage and service procedures for the machine are
determined by hours of operation. These records should be kept in
log books placed near each machine.

1. Safety precautions

a. Laboratory area

Rooms where live etiologic agents are centrifuged

should be identified with a warning sign. Because of
the hazards involved, continuous flow centrifugation of
live etiologic agents may be done only in installations
approved by Safety Services, including using batch
type zonal rotors that require seal disconnection when
in operation. This protocol must be included in the
laboratory’s Exposure Control Plan.

Page 65
b. Tubes

Reusable centrifuge tubes and centrifuge buckets should be

carefully inspected prior to each ultra-centrifuge cycle. Only sound
tubes and buckets should be used to process infectious material.
Reusable tubes used in an ultra-centrifuge are subjected to great
pressure, which sometimes causes them to break, especially after
they have been through several cycles. Tubes likely to fail can
often be identified by stress lines which appear in the area of
junction of the sides and the bottom. Such tubes should be

Tubes to be used in angle-head centrifuges must never be filled to

the point that liquid is in contact with the lip of the tube when it is
placed in the rotor, even though the meniscus will be vertical during
rotation. When the tube lip is wetted, high G forces drive the liquid
past the cap seal and over the outside of the tube.

Nitrocellulose tubes should be used only when “fresh,” meaning,

clear, without discoloration, and flexible. Small lots should be
ordered several times a year instead of one large lot once a year.
Storage at 4ºC extends shelf life. Used nitrocellulose tubes should
be disinfected in a solution known to be effective against the agent
being processed and discarded as solid waste.

c. Carrier rotors and cups

Rotor corrosion can create a hazardous condition, best prevented

through cleanliness. Ultra-centrifuge heads in particular must be
protected. After each use, the rotor should be rinsed in warm tap
water and then with distilled water. If solid deposits persist, clean
with a mild detergent solution and a stiff test tube brush. Do not
scratch the surface of the tube wells in aluminum rotors. Rinse off
the detergent with warm tap water and distilled water, and dry
before use. Since caustic solutions are particularly damaging to
rotors, clean them promptly after use.

When centrifuge tubes are used in dirty or rough cups, the tubes
expand and seize against the walls of the cup, making it very
difficult to remove the tubes. In some instances, tubes have had to
be pulled with pliers and have been torn or broken in removal. To
avoid this possibility, the inside of the cups may be sprayed with a
silicon aerosol spray or similar product (see instructions that come
with these ultra-centrifuges, as rotors require special care which
may differ from instructions in this guide).

Page 66
2. Post-accident procedures

a. Major accident

In case of a major centrifuge accident involving potential exposure

to hazardous chemical or biological materials, immediately contact
Safety Services (368.2907) for instructions.

b. Spill response

Clean-up and decontamination of laboratory equipment for reuse

are the responsibilities of the user. Safety clearances for disposal
of equipment contaminated with biohazardous or radioactive
materials will be carried out by EHS If the spill involves pathogens
or radioactive materials, EHS must be contacted immediately
(Safety Services: 368.2907; Radiation Safety: 368.2906). In
University Hospitals, contact UH Environmental Services
(844.3071) for instructions on disposal of biohazards.


Users of compressed gases should be familiar with the pertinent equipment and
the characteristics of the gases. Safety Services has information available on
most of the gases likely to be used in CWRU laboratories. It has detailed
information available on detecting leaks, selecting needle valves and regulators,
toxicity, explosion hazards, chemical incompatibilities, etc. Use of flammable or
explosive gases (i.e. hydrogen gas) requires notification of and prior approval by
Safety Services.

General Standards

1. Rules for handling compressed gases

a. Always use a cylinder hand truck for transport.

b. Chain or otherwise secure cylinders in an upright position, away

from chemical and mechanical damage. Only two cylinders may be
chained together in a group. To store more than two cylinders in
the same grouping, a cylinder rack must be installed.

c. Do not drop cylinders or permit them to fall against each other.

d. Leave valve caps on cylinders until secured and ready for use.

e. Close all valves when not in use.

Page 67
f. Use the proper regulator for the particular gas.

g. Always consider cylinders to be full and handle accordingly.

h. Cylinders should be considered empty when approximately 25 psi

still remains, in order to prevent contaminated air from entering the

i. See the table below for maximum size and quantity of cylinders
permitted in any one laboratory unit.

Flammable Flammable Liquified Liquified

Gases with
Gases and/or Gases and/or Flammable Flammable
Oxygen Oxygen Gases Gases
Rating of
Sprinklered Nonsprinklered Sprinklered Nonsprinklered
3 or 4
Space Space Space Space
Max. number
of cylinders
6 3 3 2 3
per 300
sq. ft. or less
Max. cylinder
10 x 50 10 x 50 9 x 30 9 x 30 4 x 15
size (in.)
water volume 2.0 2.0 0.6 0.6 0.1

j. Identify the contents of cylinders with decals, stencils, glued or

wired-on tags, or other markings on the cylinders. Color codes
alone or tags hung around the necks of the cylinders are not
acceptable. Cylinders lacking proper identification must not be
accepted from the vendors. A safe handling procedures sign
should be posted above the cylinder storage area. The information
about compressed gas cylinders safety can be found on EHS web
site under “Chemical Safety”.

k. Employees must not attempt to repair cylinders or cylinder valves,

or to apply force to stuck or frozen cylinder valves.

l. Empty cylinders must be marked “EMPTY” or “MT” with grease

pencils. Generally, this marking should be on a large piece of
adhesive or masking tape secured to the cylinder. Some cylinders
have tags wired to the valve that identify their contents; in this case,
the bottom half of this tag may be torn off to indicate an empty
cylinder. In all cases, empty cylinders must be easily identifiable so
as to not be confused or stored with full cylinders.

Page 68
m. Cylinders not in use must have cylinder caps in place.

n. It is both prudent safety practice and cost effective to return

cylinders to vendors as soon as they are empty.

2. Storing compressed gases

a. Store cylinders in a cool, dry, and adequately ventilated area. If the

cylinder contains a flammable compressed gas, it must be stored in
a fire-resistant area.

b. The storage area should not contain any sources of ignition.

c. Storage area temperature should not exceed 100ºF.

d. The floor should be level and designed to protect cylinders from


e. Cylinders should be protected from weather extremes, direct

sunlight, and other heat sources.

f. Store oxygen-containing cylinders at least 25 feet from fuel gases,

preferably in another storage area.

g. Cylinders shall be stored in a well-protected, well-ventilated, dry

location, at least 20 feet from highly combustible materials.

h. Cylinders should be stored in definitively assigned places away

from elevators, stairs, or gangways, or other areas where they
might be knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects, or
subject to tampering.

i. Empty cylinders shall have valves closed.

j. Valve protection caps, where the cylinder is designed to accept a

cap, shall always be in place, hand-tight, except when cylinders are
in use or connected for use. The valve protection cap is designed
to protect the valve in case the cylinder falls.

k. Fuel-gas cylinder storage shall be limited to a total gas capacity of

2000 cubic feet or 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas.

l. Acetylene cylinders shall be stored valve end up. If the cylinder is

on its side, acetone may leak out and create a dangerous condition.

Page 69
a. Oxygen cylinders in storage shall be separated from fuel-gas
cylinders or combustible materials (especially oil or grease), a
minimum distance of 20 feet or by a non-combustible barrier at
least 5 feet high having a fire resistance rating of at least one-half

2. Other tips for safe handling of compressed gases

a. Oil should never be used with oxygen. Oxygen under pressure will
rapidly oxidize oil or grease and result in an explosion. Only
equipment cleaned for oxygen service must be used for oxygen

b. Without a proper regulator, or when exposed to an ignition source,

acetylene can explode. It can also form explosive compounds in
contact with copper or brass. An automatic pressure regulator is
the only type of control valve satisfactory for acetylene.

c. Regulators can leak and build pressure within a closed gas delivery
system. Insert pressure relief devices and include appropriate
traps in outlet lines to prevent liquid from flowing back into the
cylinder. If the liquid phase is being delivered from the cylinder, a
trap will not prevent backflow, but a check valve will. Traps should
be of sufficient capacity to hold all of the materials which could be
drawn back into a cylinder during its operation.

d. Open the cylinder valve only after connecting the regulator to the
cylinder using a proper National Compressed Gas Association

e. Do not pressurize glass equipment. A general rule is: Do not apply

pressure greater than 10 inches of water if you are not wearing
protective equipment.

f. Never mix gases in a cylinder. Explosion, contamination, corrosion,

and other hazards can result.

g. To prevent corrosion, regulators, valves, and fittings used in

compressed gas systems which conduct corrosive gases should be
flushed with nitrogen or dry air after each use.

h. The cap should be firmly in place when moving the cylinder.

Page 70
i. Any system should be leak-tested before it is used. To check for
leaks, use a leak detector or spread liquid soap or soapy water over
all joints. The system is leaking if any bubbles appear.

j. The researcher is responsible for knowing the characteristics of the

gases being used: toxicity, flammability, compatibility with
materials and other gases.

m. Contact the cylinder manufacturer immediately if a leak or other

malfunction is discovered. If a poison gas, such as chlorine, or a
flammable gas, such as hydrogen, is found leaking, immediately
contact Protective Services (368.3333) and Safety Services
(368.2907). In University Hospitals, contact UH Protective Services

n. Do not purchase a concentrated gas (such as hydrogen) and mix to

a lower concentration. Purchase gas at the needed working
concentration to avoid the possibility of explosion.

Restricted Products

1. Some highly toxic gases may have regulations concerning their use.
Ethylene oxide is one such gas. Therefore, consult and obtain written
permission from Safety Services before purchase of any such product.
Safety Services must be notified of intent prior to their proposed purchase
to allow time for making necessary safety preparations. Large cylinders of
toxic gases should not be purchased if it is possible to use small cylinders.

2. Laboratories using toxic gases should have respirators available that are
effective against the agent. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring
that employees are instructed in how to use respirators and other
protective equipment. Respirators can only be used after training by
Safety Services. Contact Safety Services (368.2907) for information on
respirator selection and training requirements of the University’s
Respiratory Protection Program.

Page 71
Purchase and use of the following gases are controlled and some require
respirator training before use:

Ammonia Iodine pentafluoride (liquid shipped in gas-type

Arsine cylinder)
Boron trifluoride Methyl bromide (bromomethane)
Chlorine Methyl chloride
Dimethylamine Nitric oxide
Ethylene oxide Nitrogen dioxide (nitrogen tetroxide)
Fluorine Nitrogen trioxide
Hydrogen bromide (hydrobromic acid) Nitrosyl chloride (nitrogen oxychloride)
Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) Phosgene
Hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid) Silicon tetrafluoride (tetrafluorosilane)
Hydrogen sulfide Sulfur dioxide

3. Safety Services will notify PIs in charge of laboratories as soon as a EHS

specialist determines that requirements for safe use of the gas have been
fulfilled. PIs planning to use these gases are reminded that some of them
are extremely toxic and may require both isolated laboratory space and
equipment that is not immediately available. Additional training may also
be required for some gases such as ethylene oxide or hydrogen. For
these reasons, certification for use should be requested well in advance of
the proposed use.

Flammable Gases

Because of the fire and explosion hazards that can result when these products
are used in confined spaces, special care must be taken:

1. When reactive cylinders are kept inside a building, do not manifold two or
more cylinders together. However, several instruments may be operated
from one cylinder.

2. If more than one cylinder of highly flammable gas is to be placed in a

laboratory, written permission must be obtained from Safety Services.
Consideration for granting permission will include size and location of the
room, airflow, other equipment in use, and ease of access to cylinders.

3. Standby cylinders of flammable gases (full reserve cylinders) or empty

cylinders must not be stored in laboratories. Cylinders must be stored in
restricted, shaded spaces outside and delivered to the laboratory on

4. Limit cylinder size to 210 cubic feet.

Page 72
5. Close valves on flammable gas cylinders before all employees leave the
laboratory at the end of their work day, unless the cylinders are being
used in a controlled experimental environment.

6. Tank adapters may be used only upon written permission from Safety
Services. Only the approved regulator and valve units specified for use
with a specific gas may be used.

7. Piping must be compatible with the gas (e.g. no copper piping for
acetylene; no plastic tubing in any high-pressure portion of a system).

8. Only the appropriate regulator and valve unit specified for use with a
specific gas may be used.

Accepting Cylinders from Vendors

1. The contents of cylinders must be identified with decals, stencils, glued or

wired-on tags, or other markings on the cylinders. Color codes alone or
tags hung around the necks of the cylinders must not be used. Cylinders
lacking proper identification must not be accepted from a vendor.

2. Cylinders must not be accepted from a vendor unless the valve safety
covers are in place and properly tightened.

3. Cylinder valves must conform to standards of the National Compressed

Gas Association (i.e. they must be in serviceable condition and free of

Pressure Regulators and Needle Valves

1. The valve fittings of cylinders used to store different families of gases are
different and will only allow regulators or needle valves to be attached that
are safe for use with those gases. Cylinders must not be purchased or
accepted whose fittings do not conform to standards of the National
Compressed Gas Association. Use of adapters to connect regulators to
cylinder valves defeats this safeguard and must not be used without
written permission from Safety Services. Only pressure regulators and
needle valves approved for the specific gases may be used.

2. Threads and points of unions must be clean and should be inspected

before they are connected. Personnel must not attempt to lubricate
threads or fittings.

Page 73
3. When attaching regulators or needle valves, personnel must firmly tighten
the connections. Nonadjustable wrenches of the proper size should be
used. Pliers or adjustable wrenches should not be used as they damage
the nuts, most of which are brass and rather soft. Need for excessive
force often indicates that the regulators or needle valves do not fit the
cylinders. Leaks at the unions between the regulators and the cylinder
valves are usually due to damage to the faces of the connections.
Attempts to force a tight fit may damage the previously undamaged half of
the connection. If the cylinder valve faces are damaged, the cylinders
must be returned to the vendor. Employees must not attempt to repair
cylinders in regulators. Damaged regulators must not be used until

4. After attaching the pressure regulator to the cylinder, personnel should

turn out the delivery pressure adjusting screw of the regulator until it turns
freely. The cylinder valve should be opened slowly. Laboratory personnel
should avoid standing directly in front of the regulator at any time as the
pressure of the cylinder may blow out the glass face of a faulty gauge.
The cylinder valve handle should be left attached to the valve while the
cylinder is in use. A cylinder valve that “sticks” and does not open when
the usual amount of force is applied, may be damaged. Personnel must
not attempt to force it open, but should return the cylinder to the vendor,
stating on the cylinder that the valve is stuck.

5. Pressure in full cylinders should be indicated on the cylinders or labels.

Lack of full pressure may indicate leaks at the connections between the
cylinders and valve regulators, damaged regulators, or incompletely filled

6. Connect delivery lines to the low-pressure outlet of the regulator valve or

to the needle valve. Where low-pressure lines are used, their valves
should be closed, and the line pressure adjusted, by turning the regulator
delivery pressure-adjusting screw until the desire pressure is shown on
the delivery pressure gauge.

7. If the gases are not to be used over a considerable length of time (24
hours), the cylinder valves should be closed, the lines bled, and the
pressure-adjusting screws turned back until they turn freely. Damage to
gauges and inaccurate readings may result if pressure is left on the
gauges during extended periods of non-use.

Page 74
Leak Testing

Compressed gas cylinders are tested for leaks when they are filled. However,
leaks have been detected when cylinders were received in laboratories.
Personnel should not attempt to repair cylinder leaks or leaks caused by loose
valve stem packing.

1. Leak testing using a soap solution should be performed twice. The first
test should be made before the regulator or needle valve is attached to
determine if there are leaks at the union of the cylinder and the cylinder
valve, and to determine if the valve is leaking. The second test should be
made after the regulator is attached and the cylinder valve is opened to
detect leaks around the valve stem packing, the connecting fittings, the
regulator or needle valve, or the transfer lines to the instrument.

2. Cylinders leaking nontoxic, nonflammable gas may be taken to a loading

dock or other place having suitable airflow for regular and scheduled
vendor pick-up. Leaks from cylinders of toxic or flammable gases require
immediate attention and should be reported to Safety Services or
University Security.

3. Assistance with problems arising during use of gas products can be

obtained from EHS Safety Services, local fire departments, or Protective
Services of University Hospitals, depending on the location of the
laboratory and the hazard involved.


Ultraviolet (UV) radiation includes that portion of the radiant energy spectrum
between visible light and X-rays (approximately 3900 to 136 angstrom units).
Under certain conditions, including radiation intensity and exposure time, UV
radiation will kill many types of microorganisms – its greatest effectiveness being
against vegetative forms of organisms. UV light is not a sterilizing agent, except
in certain exceptional circumstances. Rather, it is used to substantially reduce
the number of microorganisms on surfaces and in the air.


Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps, which emit 95% of their radiation in the 2537
angstrom unit region, are generally used for germicidal purposes. These lamps
are used to reduce the number of microorganisms on exposed surfaces and in
the air. Since such factors as lamp age and dust accumulation contribute to
decreased efficiency of these lamps, and since care is required to maintain and
use them properly and safely, the following guidelines have been developed:

Page 75
1. Laboratories shall perform periodic intensity testing of all UV installations.
UV lamps in constant use should be replaced every six months. NOTE:
UV lights often continue to emit blue light after effective energy output has
fallen well below a useful range. Periodic monitoring with an appropriate
light energy meter is necessary to verify proper output of UV light sources.
Contact Radiation Safety (368.2906) to perform UV light monitoring.

2. UV lamps in air locks and door barriers will be turned on continuously.

Skin or eye protection is not usually required for persons walking through
these areas. Protection is required, however, for persons exposed to the
radiation for longer than a few seconds.

UV lamps in BSCs will be turned on only when the cabinet is not in use.
The lamps in the BSC lethal chamber above the filters are turned on
automatically when the blower is turned on. Personnel must wear PPE
(goggles, caps, gowns, and gloves) or turn off the lights before entering
laboratories, animal rooms, or exposed spaces which have UV

3. All UV lamps except those located in the BSC lethal chamber above filters
must be cleaned at two-week intervals, or more often if located in an
unusually dusty area. The lamps should be turned off and wiped with a
soft cloth moistened with alcohol. Cleaning is the responsibility of the
personnel in charge of the laboratory. Cleaning dates should be logged
on a card and attached to the installation.

4. Special problems concerning use, cleaning, or installation of UV lamps

should be referred to Radiation Safety (368.2906).



All laboratory sink traps and drains which have not been converted to polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) are potentially contaminated with azides. Therefore, they must be
chemically treated prior to any maintenance to remove the salts (usually lead
azide). If you believe that azides were previously disposed in your laboratory’s
drain and they have not been decontaminated, contact Safety Services
(368.2907) for information or assistance in decontaminating prior to any
maintenance work.

Page 76

The OSHA regulation known as The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is intended

to reduce occupational exposure to Hepatitis B (HBV), Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV), and other bloodborne pathogens. OSHA fully intends that, if
necessary, your physical facility, work practices, and other areas will be modified
to attain this goal, and that employees will be informed and educated so they can
contribute to this reduction/elimination of exposure as well. These regulations
affect all laboratories using the following materials:

1. Human pathogenic organisms found in blood, blood products, semen,

vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid,
pericardial fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental procedures, any body fluid
that is visibly contaminated with blood, and all body fluids in situations
where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between body fluids.

2. Any unfixed tissue or organ (other than intact skin) from a human (living or

3. HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, and HIV- or HBV-

containing culture medium or other solutions; and blood organs, or other
tissues from experimental animals infected with HIV or HBV. Any
materials known to be contaminated with HIV or HBV.

4. Any perceived or contaminated “SHARPS” (see Chapter Four of this LSM

for a complete definition).

5. All etiologic agents (CWRU also includes these as bloodborne


Page 77

The following table lists toxic chemicals which are regulated by

OSHA and have restrictions concerning their use.

Source: OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1000: Table Z-1. Limits for

Air Contaminants.

Check the chemical’s MSDS for information on the following limits

before beginning work:

1. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) – The term used by

OSHA to indicate the maximum air concentration to which
employees can be exposed during an 8-hour day on a regular
basis. Exceeding these levels may result in additional duties,
such as medical monitoring, or introduction of engineering
controls to reduce air exposure levels.

2. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) – The term used by the

American Conference of Governmental and Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH), an independent group, to indicate the
time weighted average concentration (TLVTWA) for a normal
8-hour work day and a 40-hour work week, to which nearly all
employees may be repeatedly exposed, day after day,
without adverse exposure.

3. Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL or TLV-STEL) – The

concentration to which an employee can be exposed for no
more than 15 minutes at a time, no more than 4 times a day.
There must be at least 60 minutes between exposures at the
STEL level.

4. Ceiling (TLV-C) – The highest concentration to which an

employee can ever be exposed.

5. SKIN – This designation sometimes appears alongside a TLV

or PEL. It refers to the possibility of absorption of the
particular chemical through the skin and eyes. Thus,
protection of large surface areas of skin through the use of
chemical PPE, such as gloves, should be considered so that
the TLV is not invalidated.

Page 78
Acetaldehyde sec-Butyl alcohol Cobalt metal (dust and fume)
Acetic acid tert-Butyl alcohol Coke oven emissions
Acetic anhydride Butylamine Copper dusts and mists
Acetone tert-Butyl chromate (as CrO3) Copper fume
Acetonitrile n-Butyl glycidyl ether Cotton dust
2-Acetylaminofluorene Butyl mercaptan Crag herbicide (Sesone)
Acetylene dichloride p-tert-Butyltoluene Cresol, all isomers
Acetylene tetrabromide Cadmium (as Cd) Crotonaldehyde
Acrolein Calcium carbonate Cumene
Acrylamide Calcium hydroxide Cyanides (as CN)
Acrylonitrile Calcium oxide Cyclohexane
Aldrin Calcium silicate Cyclohexanol
Allyl alcohol Calcium sulfate Cyclohexanone
Allyl chloride Camphor, synthetic Cyclohexene
Allyl glycidyl ether Carbaryl (Sevin) Cyclopentadiene 2,4-D
Allyl propyl disulfide Carbon black Decaborane
alpha-Alumina Carbon dioxide Demeton (Systox)
Aluminum Metal Carbon disulfide Diacetone alcohol
4-Aminodiphenyl Carbon monoxide 1,2-Diaminoethane
2-Aminoethanol Carbon tetrachloride Diazomethane
2-Aminopyridine Cellulose Diborane
Ammonia Chlordane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane
Ammonium sulfamate Chlorinated camphene (DBCP)
n-Amyl acetate Chlorinated diphenyl oxide 1,2-Dibromoethane
sec-Amyl acetate Chlorine Dibutyl phosphate
Aniline and homologs Chlorine dioxide Dibutyl phthalate
Anisidine (o-,p-isomers) Chlorine trifluoride o-Dichlorobenzene
Antimony and compounds Chloroacetaldehyde p-Dichlorobenzene
(as Sb) a-Chloroacetophenone 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine
ANTU Chlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane
Arsenic, organic and o-Chlorobenzylidene 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl
inorganic compounds malononitrile hydantoin
Arsine Chlorobromomethane Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
Asbestos 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene (DDT)
Azinphos-methyl Chlorodiphenyl (42% 1,1-Dichloroethane
Barium, soluble compounds Chlorine) 1,2-Dichloroethane
(as Ba) Chlorodiphenyl (54% 1,2-Dichloroethylene
Barium sulfate Chlorine) Dichloroethyl ether
Benomyl 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane Dichloromethane
Benzene 2-Chloroethanol Dichloromonofluoromethane
Benzidine Chloroethylene 1,1-Dichloro-1- nitroethane
p-Benzoquinone Chloroform 1,2-Dichloropropane
Benzo(a)pyrene (Trichloromethane) Dichlorotetrafluoroethane
Benzoyl peroxide bis(Chloromethyl) ether Dichlorvos (DDVP)
Benzyl chloride Chloromethyl methyl ether Dicyclopentadienyl iron
Beryllium and beryllium 1-Chloro-1-nitropropane Dieldrin
compounds Chloropicrin Diethylamine
Biphenyl beta-Chloroprene 2-Diethylaminoethanol
Bismuth telluride, undoped 2-Chloro-6- Diethyl ether
Boron oxide trichloromethylpyridine Difluorodibromomethane
Boron trifluoride Chromic acid and chromates Diglycidyl ether
Bromine (as CrO3) Dihydroxybenzene
Bromoform Chromium (II and III Diisobutyl ketone
1,3-Butadiene compounds as Cr) Diisopropylamine
Butanethiol Chromium metal and Dimethoxymethane
2-Butanone insoluble salts (as Cr) Dimethyl acetamide
2-Butoxyethanol Chrysene Dimethylamine
n-Butyl-acetate Clopidol 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene
sec-Butyl acetate Coal dust Dimethylaminobenzene
tert-Butyl-acetate Coal tar pitch volatiles Dimethylaniline
n-Butyl alcohol (benzene soluble fraction) Dimethylbenzene

Page 79
Dimethyl 1,2-dibromo-2,2 Grain dust (oat, wheat, Methylal
dichloroethyl phosphate barley) Methyl alcohol
Dimethylformamide Graphite (natural and Methylamine
2,6-Dimethylheptanone synthetic) Methyl amyl alcohol
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine Guthion Methyl n-amyl ketone
Dimethylphthalate Gypsum Methyl bromide
Dimethyl sulfate Hafnium Methyl butyl ketone
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers) Heptachlor Methyl cellosolve
Dinitro-o-cresol n-Heptane Methyl cellosolve acetate
Dinitrotoluene Hexachloroethane Methyl chloride
Dioxane Hexachloronaphthalene Methyl chloroform
Diphenyl n-Hexane Methylcyclohexane
Diphenylmethane 2-Hexanone Methylcyclohexanol
diisocyanate Hexone (Methyl isobutyl o-Methylcyclohexanone
Dipropylene glycol methyl ether ketone) Methylene chloride
Di-sec-octyl phthalate sec-Hexyl acetate Methyl ethyl ketone
Emery Hydrazine Methyl formate
Endrin Hydrogen bromide Methyl hydrazine
Epichlorohydrin Hydrogen chloride Methyl iodide
EPN Hydrogen cyanide Methyl isoamyl ketone
1,2-Epoxypropane Hydrogen fluoride Methyl isobutyl carbinol
2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol Hydrogen peroxide (90%) Methyl isobutyl ketone
Ethanethiol Hydrogen selenide Methyl isocyanate
Ethanolamine Hydrogen sulfide Methyl mercaptan
2-Ethoxyethanol Hydroquinone Methyl methacrylate
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate Iodine Methyl propyl ketone
Ethyl acetate Iron oxide fume alpha-Methyl styrene
Ethyl acrylate Isomyl acetate Methylene bisphenyl
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) Isomyl alcohol isocyanate
Ethylamine Isobutyl acetate Mica
Ethyl amyl ketone Isobutyl alcohol Molybdenum (soluble and
Ethyl benzene Isophorone insoluble compounds)
Ethyl bromide Isopropyl acetate Monomethyl aniline
Ethyl butyl ketone Isopropyl alcohol Monomethyl hydrazine
Ethyl chloride Isopropylamine Morpholine
Ethyl ether Isopropyl ether Naphtha
Ethyl formate Isopropyl glycidyl ether Naphthalene
Ethyl mercaptan Kaolin alpha-Naphthylamine
Ethyl silicate Ketene beta-Naphthylamine
Ethylene chlorohydrin Lead, inorganic (as Pb) Nickel carbonyl
Ethylenediamine Limestone Nickel (metal and insoluble
Ethylene dibromide Lindane compounds as Ni)
Ethylene dichloride Lithium hydride Nickel (soluble compounds as Ni)
Ethylene glycol dinitrate Liquified petroleum gas Nicotine
Ethylene glycol methyl acetate Magnesite Nitric acid
Ethyleneimine Magnesium oxide fume Nitric oxide
Ethylene oxide Malathion p-Nitroaniline
Ethylidene chloride Maleic anhydride Nitrobenzene
N-Ethylmorpholine Manganese (compounds and p-Nitrochlorobenzene
Ferbam fumes) 4-Nitrodiphenyl
Ferrovanadium dust Marble Nitroethane
Fluorides (as F) Mercury Nitrogen dioxide
Fluorine Mesityl oxide Nitrogen trifluoride
Fluorotrichloromethane Methanethiol Air Contaminants
Formaldehyde Methoxychlor Nitroglycerin
Formic acid 2-Methoxyethanol Nitromethane
Furfural 2-Methoxyethyl acetate 1-Nitropropane
Furfuryl alcohol Methyl acetate 2-Nitropropane
Glycerin Methyl acetylene N-Nitrosodimethylamine
Glycidol Methyl acetylene propadiene Nitrotoluene
Glycol monoethyl ether mixture Nitrotrichloromethane
Methyl acrylate Octachloronaphthalene

Page 80
Octane Rhodium (metal fume and Tetrachloromethane
Oil mist, mineral insoluble compounds as Rh) Tetrachloronaphthalene
Osmium tetroxide (as Os) Rhodium (soluble compounds Tetraethyl lead (as Pb)
Oxalic acid as Rh) Tetrahydrofuran
Oxygen difluoride Ronnel Tetramethyl lead (as Pb)
Ozone Rotenone Tetramethyl succinonitrile
Paraquat Rouge Tetranitromethane
Parathion Selenium compounds (as Se) Tetryl
PCB Selenium hexafluoride Thallium (soluble compounds as Tl)
Pentaborane Silica, amorphous 4,4'-Thiobis(6-tert, Butyl-mcresol)
Pentachloronaphthalene precipitated Thiram
Pentachlorophenol and gel Tin, inorganic compounds
Pentaerythritol Silica, amorphous, (except oxides)
Pentane diatomaceous Tin, organic compounds
2-Pentanone earth, containing less than 1% Titanium dioxide
Perchloroethylene crystalline silica Toluene
Perchloromethyl mercaptan Silica, crystalline cristobalite Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate
Perchloryl fluoride Silica, crystalline quartz o-Toluidine
Petroleum distillates Silica, crystalline tridymite Toxaphene
(Naphtha) Silicates (less than 1% Tremolite
Phenol crystalline Tributyl phosphate
p-Phenylene diamine silica) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
Phenyl ether (vapor) Silicon 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
Phenyl ether-biphenyl mixture Silicon carbide Trichloroethylene
(vapor) Silver Trichloromethane
Phenylethylene Soapstone Trichloronaphthalene
Phenyl glycidyl ether Sodium fluoroacetate 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
Phenylhydrazine Sodium hydroxide 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-
Phosdrin (Mevinphos) Starch trifluoroethane
Phosgene Stibine Triethylamine
Phosphine Stoddard solvent Trifluorobromomethane
Phosphoric acid Strychnine 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol
Phosphorus (yellow) Styrene 2,4,6-Trinitrophenylmethyl
Phosphorus pentachloride Sucrose nitramine
Phosphorus pentasulfide Sulfur dioxide Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
Phosphorus trichloride Sulfur hexafluoride Triorthocresyl phosphate
Phthalic anhydride Sulfur monochloride Triphenyl phosphate
Picloram Sulfur pentafluoride Turpentine
Picric acid Sulfuric acid Uranium (soluble and insoluble
Pindone Sulfuryl fluoride compounds as U)
Plaster of paris Systox Vanadium (as V2O5 dust and
Platinum (soluble salts as Pt) 2,4,5-T fume)
Portland cement Talc Vegetable oil mist
Propane Tantalum (metal and oxide Vinyl benzene
beta-Propriolactone dust) Vinyl chloride
n-Propyl acetate TEDP Vinyl cyanide
n-Propyl alcohol Tellurium and compounds (as Te) Vinyl toluene
n-Propyl nitrate Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te) Warfarin
Propylene dichloride Temephos Xylenes
Propylene imine TEPP Xylidine
Propylene oxide Terphenylis Yttrium
Propyne 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2- Zinc chloride fume
Pyrethrum difluoroethane Zinc oxide fume
Pyridine 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1,2- Zinc oxide
Quinone difluoroethane Zinc stearate
RDX 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Zirconium compounds (as Zr)

Page 81

The chemicals listed in the following three categories are considered

extremely hazardous chemicals, and the handling of them must be
completed only in a designated area. The three categories are:
select carcinogens, reproductive toxins, and chemicals with a high
degree of acute toxicity.


The following is a list of chemicals which OSHA considers confirmed
human carcinogens:

2-Acetylaminofluorene 4-Aminodiphenyl
Benzidine bis-Chloromethyl ether
3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts) 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene
Ethyleneimine Methyl chloromethyl ether
Alpha-Naphthylamine beta-Naphthylamine
Beta-Propiolactone 4-Nitrobiphenyl

“Select carcinogens” are defined by the Laboratory standard 29 CFR

1910.1450 as being any substance which meets one of the following

1. It is regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen.

2. It is listed under the category, “known to be carcinogens,” in

the Annual Report on Carcinogens published by the National
Toxicology Program (NTP, latest edition).

3. It is listed under Group 1, “carcinogenic to humans,” by the

International Agency for Research on Cancer Monographs
(IARC, latest edition).

Page 82
4. It is listed in either Group 2A or 2B by IARC, or under the
category “reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens,” by NTP
and causes statistically significant tumor incidence in
experimental animals in accordance with any of the following

a. After inhalation exposure of 6-7 hours per day, 5 days

per week, for a significant portion of a lifetime to
dosages of less than 10 mg/m3.

b. After repeated skin application of less than 300 mg/kg of body

weight per week.

c. After oral dosages of less than 50 mg/kg of body weight

per day.

Though many of these chemicals are in common use, they have been listed by
the corresponding agency as being carcinogenic. The following is a list of
chemicals which fulfill the above criteria with an indication of the agency or group
which has so classified that chemical. This compilation, though at present
complete, is a guide only. Regulating agencies add chemicals to their lists on a
regular basis. For the most current information on a chemical’s carcinogenic
status, refer to Section 3 of its MSDS, “Hazards Identification.”

Substance Source

acetaldehyde NTP, IARC

acetamide IARC
2-acetylaminofluorene OSHA, NTP
acrylamide NTP, IARC
acrylonitrile OSHA, NTP, IARC
adriamycin NTP, IARC
aflatoxins NTP, IARC
2-amino 9H-pyrido[2,3-b]indole IARC
2-aminoanthraquinone NTP
para-aminoazobenzene IARC
o-aminoazotoluene NTP, IARC
4-aminobiphenyl OSHA, IARC, NTP
1-amino-2-methylanthraquinone NTP
2-amino-5-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole IARC
amitrole NTP, IARC
androgenic (anabolic) steroids IARC
o-anisidine IARC
o-anisidine hydrochloride NTP
antimony trioxide IARC
aramite IARC
arsenic (and certain arsenic compounds) OSHA, IARC, NTP
asbestos OSHA, IARC, NTP
atrazine IARC
auramine IARC
azaserine IARC
azacitidine IARC
azathioprine IARC, NTP
benzene OSHA, IARC, NTP

Page 83
Substance Source

benzidine OSHA, IARC, NTP

benz[a]anthracene IARC
benzidine-based dyes IARC
benzo[a]pyrene IARC
benzo[b]fluoranthene IARC
benzo[j]fluoranthene IARC
benzo[k]fluoranthene IARC
benzofuran IARC
benzotrichloride NTP
benzyl violet 4B IARC
beryllium and Be compounds NTP, IARC
N,N-Bis(chloroethyl)-2-naphthylamine (Chlornaphazine) IARC
bis(chloromethyl) ether and chloromethyl
methyl ether(technical grade) OSHA, IARC, NTP
bischloroethyl nitrosourea NTP, IARC
bleomycins IARC
bracken fern IARC
bromodichloromethane NTP, IARC
1,3-butadiene IARC, NTP
1,4-butanediol dimethanesulfonate (myleran) IARC, NTP
butylated hydroxyanisole IARC, NTP
b-butyrolactone IARC
cadmium and Cd compounds NTP, IARC
caffeic acid IARC
captafol IARC
carbon black IARC
carbon tetrachloride NTP, IARC
ceramic fibers (respirable size) NTP, IARC
chlorambucil NTP, IARC
chloramphenicol IARC
chlordane IARC
chlordecone (kepone) IARC
chlorendic acid NTP, IARC
chlorinated paraffins (C12, 60% chlorine) NTP
chlorinated toluenes IARC
p-chloroaniline IARC
1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea(CCNU) NTP, IARC
1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea (methyl CCNU) NTP, IARC
chloroform NTP, IARC
3-chloro-2-methylpropene NTP
1-chloro-2-methylpropene IARC
chlorophenols IARC
chlorophenoxy herbicides IARC
4-chloro-o-phenylenediamine NTP, IARC
p-chloro-o-toluidine IARC
chlorozoticin IARC
chromium and certain chromium compounds IARC, NTP
CI Acid Red 114 IARC
CI Basic Red 9 monohydrochloride NTP, IARC
CI Direct Blue 15 IARC
ciclosporin IARC
cisplatin NTP, IARC
citrus red no. 2 IARC
clonorchis sinesis (infection with) IARC
cobalt and cobalt compounds IARC
cotton dust OSHA
p-cresidine NTP, IARC
cupferron NTP
cycasin IARC
cyclophosphamide NTP, IARC

Page 84
Substance Source

dacarbazine NTP, IARC

dantron IARC
daunomycin IARC
N,N'-diacetylbenzidine IARC
2,4-diaminoanisole IARC
2,4-diaminoanisole sulfate NTP
4,4'-diaminodiphenyl ether IARC
2,4-diaminotoluene NTP, IARC
dibenz[a,h]acridine IARC
dibenz[a,j]acridine IARC
dibenz[a,h]anthracene IARC
7H-dibenzo[a,h]carbazole IARC
dibenzo[a,e]pyrene IARC
dibenzo[a,h]pyrene IARC
dibenzo[a,i]pyrene IARC
dibenzo[a,l]pyrene IARC
1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane OSHA, NTP, IARC
1,2-dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide) NTP
1,4-dichlorobenzene NTP, IARC
3,3-dichlorobenzidine NTP, IARC
3,3-dichlorobenzidine and its salts OSHA
3,3'-dichloro-4,4'-diaminodiphenyl ether IARC
1,2-dichloroethane NTP, IARC
dichloromethane (methylene chloride) NTP, IARC
1,3-dichloropropene (technical grade) NTP, IARC
dichlorvos IARC
diepoxybutane NTP, IARC
di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate NTP, IARC
diethylstilbestrol NTP, IARC
diethyl sulfate NTP, IARC
1,2'-diethylhydrazine IARC
diglycidyl resorcinol ether NTP, IARC
dihydrosafrole IARC
diisopropyl sulfate IARC
3,3-dimethoxybenzidine NTP, IARC
3,3-dimethoxybenzidine 2HCl NTP
4-dimethylaminoazobenzene OSHA, NTP, IARC
5-[2-(5-nitro-2-furyl)vinyl]-1,3,4-oxadiazole IARC
2,6-dimethylaniline IARC
3,3-dimethylbenzidine NTP, IARC
dimethylcarbamoyl chloride NTP, IARC
dimethylformamide IARC
1,1-dimethylhydrazine NTP, IARC
1,2-dimethylhydrazine IARC
dimethyl sulfate NTP, IARC
dimethyl vinyl chloride NTP
3,7-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
3,9-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
1,6-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
1,8-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
2,4-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
2,6-dinitrofluoranthene IARC
1,4-dioxane NTP, IARC
direct Blue 6 NTP
direct Black 38 NTP
disperse blue 1 IARC
epichlorohydrin NTP, IARC
Epstein-Barr virus IARC

Page 85
Substance Source

erionite NTP, IARC

estrogens (conjugated) NTP
estradiol 17 beta
ethinyl estradiol
estrogen replacement therapy IARC
estrogens (steroidal and non-steroidal) IARC
ethyl acrylate NTP, IARC
ethylene dibromide IARC
ethyleneimine OSHA
ethylene oxide OSHA, IARC, NTP
ethylene thiourea NTP, IARC
ethyl methanesulfonate NTP, IARC
N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea IARC
formaldehyde OSHA, NTP, IARC
2-(2-formylhydrazino)-4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)thiazole IARC
furan IARC
glass wool (respirable size) NTP, IARC
glu-P-1 (2-amino-6-methyldipyrido[1,2-a:3'2'-d] imidazole IARC
glu-P-2 (2-aminodipyrido[1,2-a:3'2'-d] imidazole IARC
glycidaldehyde IARC
glycidol NTP
griseofulvin IARC
HC blue No. 1 IARC
heliobacter pylori (infection with) IARC
hepatitis B and C viruses (chronic infection with) IARC
heptachlor IARC
hexachlorobenzene NTP, IARC
hexachloroethane NTP
hexachlorocyclohexanes IARC
hexamethylphosphoramide NTP, IARC
human immunodeficiency viruses 1 and 2 (infection with) IARC
human papillomavirus types 16, 18, 31, 33 IARC
human papillomaviruses: other types IARC
human T-cell lymphotropic virus IARC
hydrazine and hydrazine sulfates NTP, IARC
hydrazobenzene NTP
indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene IARC
IQ (2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline IARC
iron dextran complex NTP, IARC
isoprene IARC
Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8 IARC
kepone (chlordecone) NTP
lasiocarpine IARC
lead acetate and lead phosphate NTP
lindane and other hexachlorocyclohexane isomers NTP
magenta (containing CI basic red 9) IARC
meA-a-C-((2-amino-3-methyl-9H -pyrido[2,3-b ]indole IARC
medroxyprogesterone acetate IARC
meIQ (2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline) IARC
meIQx (2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline) IARC
melphalan NTP, IARC
merphalan IARC
5-methoxypsoralen IARC
8-methoxypsoralen(methoxsalen) with Ultraviolet A therapy (PUVA) NTP, IARC
2-methylaziridine (propyleneimine) NTP, IARC
methylazoxymethanol acetate IARC
methyl chloromethyl ether OSHA
methylchrysene IARC

Page 86
Substance Source

4,4-methylenebis(2-chloroaniline)(MBOCA) NTP, IARC

4,4-methylenebis(2-methylaniline) IARC
4,4-methylenebis(N,N-dimethyl)benzenamide (Michler's base) NTP
methylene chloride OSHA, NTP, IARC
4,4-methylenedianiline and its dihydrochloride NTP, IARC
methylmercury and its compounds IARC
methyl methanesulfonate NTP, IARC
2-methyl-1-nitroanthraquinone (uncertain purity) IARC
N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine NTP, IARC
N-methyl-N-nitrosourea IARC
N-methyl-N-nitrosourethane IARC
methylthiouracil IARC
metronidazole NTP, IARC
Michler's ketone NTP
mineral oils, untreated and mildly treated IARC
mirex NTP, IARC
mitomycin IARC
monocrotaline IARC
5-(morpholinomethyl)-3-[(5-nitrofurfurylidene)amino]-2-oxazolidinone IARC
MOPP and other combined chemotherapy including alkylating agents IARC
mustard gas (sulfur mustard) NTP, IARC
nafenopin IARC
2-naphthylamine NTP, IARC
alpha-naphthylamine OSHA
beta-naphthylamine OSHA
nickel and Ni compounds NTP, IARC
niridazole IARC
4-nitrobiphenyl OSHA
nitrilotriacetic acid (and its salts) NTP, IARC
5-nitroacenaphthene IARC
2-nitroanisole IARC
nitrobenzene IARC
6-nitrochrysene IARC
nitrofen NTP, IARC
2-nitrofluorene IARC
1-[(5-nitrofurfurylidene)amino]-2-imidazolidinone IARC
N-[4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazolyl]acetamide IARC
nitrogen mustard IARC
nitrogen mustard hydrochloride NTP
nitrogen mustard N-oxide IARC
2-nitropropane NTP, IARC
1-nitropyrene IARC
4-nitropyrene IARC
N-nitrosodi-n-butylamine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosodiethanolamine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosodiethylamine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosodimethylamine OSHA, NTP, IARC
N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine NTP
3-(N-nitrosomethylamino)propionitrile IARC
N-nitroso-N-ethylurea NTP
4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone IARC
N-nitrosomethylethylamine IARC
N-nitroso-N-methylurea NTP
N-nitrosomethylvinylamine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosomorpholine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosonornicotine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosopiperidine NTP, IARC
N-nitrosopyrrolidine NTP, IARC
N-nitrososarcosine NTP, IARC
norethisterone NTP

Page 87
Substance Source

ochratoxin A NTP, IARC

oil orange SS IARC
opisthorchis viverrini (infection with) IARC
oral contraceptives, combined and sequential IARC
oxazepam IARC
4,4-oxydianiline NTP
oxymetholone NTP
palygorskite (attapulgite) IARC
panfuran S (containing dihydroxymethylfuratrizine) IARC
pentachlorophenol IARC
phenacetin (analgesic mixtures containing) NTP, IARC
phenazopyridine hydrochloride NTP, IARC
phenobarbital IARC
phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride NTP, IARC
phenyl glycidyl ether IARC
phenytoin NTP, IARC
PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine IARC
polybrominated biphenyls(PBB) NTP
polychlorinated biphenyls(PCB) NTP
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) NTP
ponceau MX IARC
ponceau 3R IARC
potassium bromate IARC
procarbazine hydrochloride NTP, IARC
progesterone NTP, IARC
1,3-propane sultone NTP, IARC
beta-propiolactone OSHA, NTP, IARC
propylene oxide NTP, IARC
propylthiouracil NTP, IARC
radon NTP, IARC
reserpine NTP
rockwool IARC
saccharine NTP, IARC
safrole NTP, IARC
schistosoma haematobium (infection with) IARC
schistosoma japonicum (infection with) IARC
selenium sulfide NTP
silica NTP, IARC
slagwool IARC
sodium ortho-phenylphenate IARC
solar radiation IARC
sterigmatocysin IARC
streptozotocin NTP, IARC
styrene IARC
styrene-7,8-oxide IARC

Page 88
Substance Source

sulfallate NTP, IARC

talc containing asbestos fibers IARC
tamoxifen IARC
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) NTP, IARC
thiotepa IARC
tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) NTP, IARC
trichloroethylene IARC
tetranitromethane NTP, IARC
1,2,3-trichloropropane IARC
thioacetamide NTP, IARC
1,4’-thiodianiline IARC
thiourea NTP, IARC
thorium dioxide NTP
toluene diisocyanates NTP, IARC
o-toluidine and o-toluidine hydrochloride NTP, IARC
toxaphene NTP
treosulfan IARC
trichlormethine (trimustine hydrochloride) IARC
2,4,6-trichlorophenol NTP
tris(1-aziridinyl)phosphine sulfide NTP
tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate NTP, IARC
trp-P-1 (3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b] indole IARC
trp-P-2 (3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b] indole IARC
trypan blue IARC
uracil mustard IARC
urethane NTP, IARC
ultraviolet radiation A, B, and C IARC
vinyl acetate IARC
vinyl bromide IARC
vinyl chloride OSHA, NTP, IARC
4-vinylcyclohexane IARC
4-vinylcyclohexane diepoxide NTP, IARC
vinyl fluoride IARC

Page 89
In addition, IARC has listed the following mixtures and exposure circumstances
as carcinogenic:

alcoholic beverages
betel quid with tobacco
chlorinated paraffins of average carbon chain length
coal-tars and coal-tar pitches
coffee (urinary bladder)
diesel engine exhaust
diesel fuel, marine
engine exhaust, gasoline
fuel oils, residual (heavy)
hot mate
mineral oils, untreated and mildly treated
non-arsenical insecticides (occupational exposures in spraying and application)
pickled vegetables (traditional in Asia)
polychlorinated biphenyls
polybrominated biphenyls
salted fish (Chinese-style)
tobacco products, smokeless
tobacco smoke
toxins derived from fusarium moniliforme
welding fumes

Exposure Circumstances:

aluminum production
art glass, glass containers and pressed ware (manufacture of)
auramine, manufacture of
boot and shoe manufacture and repair
carpentry and joinery
coal gasification
coke production
dry cleaning (occupational exposures in)
furniture and cabinet making
hematite mining (underground) with exposure to radon
hairdresser or barber (occupational exposure as a)
iron and steel founding
isopropanol manufacture (strong-acid process)
magenta, manufacture of
painter (occupational exposure as a)
petroleum refining (occupational exposures in)
printing processes (occupational exposures in)
rubber industry
strong-inorganic-acid mists containing sulfuric acid
sunlamps and sunbeds (use of)
textile manufacturing industry (work in)

Page 90
Reproductive Hazards

Reproductive toxins are chemicals or other hazards which may manifest

themselves in lethal effects on the fertilized egg, developing embryo, or fetus, or
have teratogenic effects in the fetus. In addition, certain reproductive toxins may
cause infertility in males and females. The following is a list of chemicals which
have been found to have at least one of the above effects. Source: Zenz C,
Dickerson OB, Horvath EP. Reproductive toxicology and occupational exposure.
Occupational Medicine St Louis: Mosby, 1994 .

Substance Effect

acrylamide decreased fertility

anesthetic gases (halogenated gases) fetal effects
benzene, toluene, xylene decreased fertility
boron decreased fertility
cadmium decreased fertility, fetal effects
carbaryl decreased fertility
carbon disulfide decreased fertility, increased
menstrual bleeding
carbon monoxide decreased fertility, fetal effects
chlordane and heptachlor decreased fertility
chlordecone (kepone) decreased fertility
1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) decreased fertility
dioxin decreased fertility, fetal effects
epichlorohydrin decreased fertility
ethylene dibromide (EDB) decreased fertility, fetal effects
ethylene oxide fetal effects
glycol ethers decreased fertility, fetal effects
hexachlorobenzene (HCB) fetal effects
ionizing radiation (x-rays and gamma rays) decreased fertility, fetal effects
lead decreased fertility, fetal effects
mercury fetal effects
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons decreased fertility, fetal effects
styrene fetal effects
tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) decreased fertility, menstrual disorders
vinyl chloride decreased fertility, fetal effects

“Fetal effects” may include spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, still-births,
neonatal deaths, congenital anomalies, and behavioral or developmental

“Decreased fertility” may include both male and female fertility disorders.

Chemicals with a High Degree of Acute Toxicity

Chemicals with a high degree of acute toxicity are so classified because they
may be fatal or cause damage to target organs as a result of a single exposure,
or exposures of short duration. Examples include hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen
sulfide, and nitrogen dioxide.

Page 91

The following list contains brief guidelines for glove use with common
chemicals. Refer to the glove manufacturer for additional details or if
the chemical with which you are working is not on this list.

Latex gloves are not recommended for any laboratory procedure

involving chemicals, as they do not provide adequate protection.
Source: Adapted from the National Research Council, 1981.


E = Excellent protection
G = Good protection
F = Fair protection
P = Poor protection
-- = no available data

Aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons will attack all types of
natural and synthetic glove materials. Should the gloves swell, the
user should change to fresh gloves and allow the swollen gloves to dry
and return to their normal state.
No data is available on the resistance to dimethyl sulfoxide of
neoprene, nitrile, or vinyl materials. The manufacturer recommends
using butyl rubber gloves.

Page 92
Chemical Neoprene Nitrile Vinyl
Acetaldehyde G E G
Acetic Acid E E E
Acetone G G F
Acrylonitrile G -- F
Ammonium hydroxide E E E
Aniline G E G
Benzaldehyde F E G
Benzenea F G F
Benzyl Chloridea P G P
Bromine G -- G
Butane E -- P
Butyraldehyde G -- G
Calcium hypochlorite G G G
Carbon disulfide P G F
Carbon tetrachloride F G F
Chlorine G -- G
Chloroacetone E -- P
Chloroforma F G P
Chromic acid F F E
Cyclohexane E -- P
Dibenzyl ether G -- P
Dibutyl phthalate G -- P
Diethanolamine E -- E
Diethyl ether G E P
Dimethyl sulfoxideb -- -- --
Ethyl acetate G G F
Ethylene dichloride F G P
Ethyl glycol G E E
Ethylene trichloridea P -- P
Fluorine G -- G
Formaldehyde E E E
Formic acid E E E
Glycerol G E E
Hexane E -- P
Hydrobromic acid (40%) E -- E
Hydrochloric acid (conc) G G E
Hydrofluoric acid G G E
Hydrogen peroxide G G E
Iodine G -- G
Methylamine G E E
Methyl cellosolve E -- P
Methyl chloride E -- P
Methyl ethyl ketone G G P
Methylene chloride F G F
Monoethanolamine E -- E
Morpholine E -- E
Naphthalene G E G
Nitric acid (conc) P P G
Perchloric acid G F E
Phenol E -- E
Phosphoric acid E -- E
Potassium hydroxide (sat) G G E
Propylene dichloridea F -- P
Sodium hydroxide G G E
Sodium hypochlorite P F G
Sulfuric acid (conc) G F G
Toluenea F G F
Trichloroethylene F G F
Tricresyl phosphate F -- F
Triethanolamine E E E

Page 93

The following list illustrates common laboratory chemical

incompatibilities. Chemicals in both columns A and B should be kept
separate from each other. This list is not intended to be exhaustive.
Source: Adapted from the National Research Council, 1981.

*NOTE: Oxidizing agents include the types of compounds listed in the

entry for alkali and alkaline earth metals, etc.

Column A Column B
Acetylene and mono-substituted Groups IB and IIB metals and their salts;
acetylenes Halogens
Acids Bases
Alkali and alkaline earth metals Water; Acids; Halogenated organic
(including carbides, hydrides, compounds; Oxidizing agents* (including
hydroxides, oxides, and chromates, dichromates, halogens,
peroxides) halogenating agents, hydrogen peroxide
and peroxides, nitric acid, nitrates,
perchlorates and chlorates,
permanganates, and persulfates)
Ammonia, anhydrous and Halogens; Halogenating agents; Silver;
aqueous Mercury
Inorganic azides Acids; Heavy metals and their salts;
Oxidizing agents*
Inorganic cyanides Acids; Strong bases
Inorganic nitrates Acids; Metals; Nitrites; Sulfur
Inorganic nitrites Acids; Oxidizing agents*
Inorganic sulfides Acids
Mercury and its amalgams Acetylene; Ammonia (anhydrous and
aqueous); Nitric acid; Sodium azide
Nitric acid Chromic acid and chromates; Metals;
Nitrites; Reducing agents;
Permanganates; Sulfides; Sulfuric acid
Organic compounds Oxidizing agents*
Organic acyl halides Bases; Organic hydroxy compounds
Organic anhydrides Bases; Organic hydroxy compounds
Organic halogen compounds Aluminum metal
Organic nitro compounds Strong bases
Oxalic acid Mercury and its salts; Silver and its salts
Phosphorus (yellow) Oxygen; Oxidizing agents*; Strong bases
Phosphorus pentoxide Halogenating agents; Water
Powdered metals Acids; Oxidizing agents*
Sulfuric acid Metals; Chlorates; Perchlorates;
Permanganates; Nitric acid

Page 94

Spills of many innocuous laboratory chemicals can be handled by

laboratory personnel with appropriate procedures outlined below. If
laboratory personnel have knowledge of the chemical(s) involved and
can discern that the spill does not pose any hazards, clean-up may
begin without the presence of Safety Services. If at any time there is
doubt as to the nature or extent of the hazard, call Safety Services
(368.2907). In University Hospitals, call UH Protective Services for

assistance (844.4357). UH Protective Services will then notify EHS
Safety Services.

Contaminated clothing must be removed immediately and the skin

washed with soap and water. Clothing must be laundered before
reuse and, in some cases, may have to be disposed of.

Proper disposal of chemical waste is outlined in Chapter Four of this

LSM. For University Hospitals’ chemical waste disposal, call
Protective Services (844.4357) or UH Safety (844.1458).

1. Acid – Use an absorbent material which will neutralize the

acid. Commercially marketed acid neutralizers and sodium
bicarbonate powder are recommended. Dry sand can be used
but is much less effective. After neutralization has occurred,
scoop the mixture into a plastic bag and dispose of properly.

2. Flammable Solvents – Turn off all spark-producing

equipment. Use an absorbent noted above that will retard the
vaporization of the solvent; sand is ineffective. Pour the
absorbent around the perimeter of the spill area and proceed
with the clean-up toward the center. Scoop the mixture into a
plastic bag and dispose of properly.

3. Mercury – Mercury is one of the most insidious hazards,

capable of adhering to surfaces (including vertical surfaces)
and lodging into very small openings. When mercury is
spilled, no matter the quantity, evacuate the immediate area.
This includes the mercury which is released upon breakage of
mercury thermometers (see Chapter Four of this LSM on
disposal procedures for broken thermometers).

Page 95
4. Bromine – Spilled bromine should be reacted with sodium
thiosulfate solution (5%-10%). Under no circumstance should
ammonium hydroxide be used, as an explosion may result upon
mixing any of the halogens with ammonia. An appropriate
respirator must be worn during clean-up.

5. Acid Chloride – Use calcined absorbent products, such as Oil-Dry, Zorb-

All, or dry sand. Scoop the mixture into a plastic bag and dispose of

6. Hydrazines – Avoid using anything contaminated with organic materials

as an absorbent. Flush contaminated area with copious amounts of

7. Alkali Metal – The spilled metal should be smothered by using Met-L-X

Yellow Extinguisher and removed to a safe location where it can be
disposed of by reaction with a dry secondary alcohol (such as
isopropanol) or by outdoor burning. Any metal particles splattered on the
skin should be quickly removed, and the skin should then be flushed with

Arrange a follow-up survey with Safety Services to ensure the area is completely
decontaminated. Safety Services will provide for proper waste disposal of any
spilled or contaminated materials.

Page 96

ACGIH. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and

Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati, Ohio:
ACGIH; 1995.

American Chemical Society. Safety in Academic Chemistry

Laboratories. 6th ed. Washington, DC; 1995.

Bretherick, L. Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards. 5th ed.

Oxford, Boston: Butterworth-Heineman; 1995.

CDC/NIH. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical

Laboratories. 3rd ed. Washington DC; 1993.

Dux, J.P., Stalzer, R.F. Managing Safety in the Chemical

Laboratory. New York, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1988.

Furr, A.K. CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety. 4th ed. Boca Raton,
Florida: CRC Press; 1990.

Klaasen, C.D., Amdur, M, Doull, J., Cassarett and Doull's

Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Third Edition, Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York, New York, 1986.

Lenga, R.A., The Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data,

Edition II, Volumes I and II, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, 1988.

Lewis, R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 8th

ed. 3 vols. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1996.

Lewis, R.J. Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference. , New York: Van

Nostrand Reinhold; 1997.

The Merck Index, Eleventh Edition, 1989.

National Research Council. Prudent Practices for Disposal of

Chemicals from Laboratories. Washington, DC: National Academy
Press; 1983.

National Research Council. Prudent Practices for Handling

Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. Washington DC: National
Academy Press; 1981.

Page 97
National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health. Pocket Guide to
Chemical Hazards. Washington DC: USDHHS; 1994.

Patty, F. A. Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. 4th ed. New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1991.

Perrin, D.D., Armarega, W.L.F., Perrin, D.R. Purification of Laboratory

Chemicals. 4th ed. New York: Pergamon Press: 1996.

Raffle, P.A.B., Lee, W.R., McCallum, R , Murray, R., Hunter's Diseases of

Occupations. 8th ed. London, Boston: E. Arnold; 1994.

Zenz, Carl, editor-in-chief, Occupational Medicine. 3rd. ed. St. Louis: Mosby,

Page 98

Acute Severe, often dangerous conditions in which

relatively rapid changes occur.

Acute Exposure An intense exposure over a relatively short

period of time.

Asphyxiant A chemical (gas or vapor) that can cause

death or unconsciousness by suffocation.
Simple asphyxiants, such as nitrogen, either
use up or displace oxygen in the air. They
become especially dangerous in confined or
enclosed spaces. Chemical asphyxiants,
such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen
sulfide, interfere with the body’s ability to
absorb or transport oxygen to the tissues.

Boiling Point The temperature at which the vapor pressure

of a liquid equals atmospheric pressure or at
which the liquid changes to a vapor. The
boiling point is usually expressed in degrees
Fahrenheit (ºF). If a flammable material has
a low boiling point, it indicates a special fire

“C” or Ceiling A description usually seen in connection with

a published exposure limit. It refers to the
concentration that should not be exceeded,
even for an instant. It may be written at TLV-
C or Threshold Limit Value Ceiling (see also
Threshold Limit Value).

Carcinogen A substance or physical agent that may

cause cancer in animals or humans.

C.A.S. Number Identifies a particular chemical by the

Chemical Abstracts Service, a service of the
American Chemical Society that indexes and
compiles abstracts of worldwide chemical
literature called “Chemical Abstracts.”

Page 99
Chemical As broadly applied to the chemical industry, an element
or a compound produced by chemical reactions on a
large scale of either direct industrial and consumer use
or for reaction with other chemicals.

Chemical Reaction A change in the arrangement of atoms or molecules to

yield substances of different composition and
properties (see also Reactivity).

Chronic Persistent, prolonged, or repeated conditions.

Chronic Exposure A prolonged exposure occurring over a period of days,

weeks, or years.

Combustible Liquid According to DOT and NFPA, combustible liquids are

those having a flash point at or above 100ºF, or liquids
that will burn. They do not ignite as easily as
flammable liquids. However, combustible liquids can
be ignited under certain circumstances and must be
handled with caution.

Concentration The relative amount of a material in combination with

another material. For example, 5 parts (of acetone) per
million (parts of air).

Corrosive A substance that, according to DOT, causes visible

destruction or permanent changes in human skin tissue
at the site of contact, or is highly corrosive to steel.

Cubic Meter (m3) A measure of volume in the International System (SI) of


Cutaneous Pertaining to, or affecting the skin.

Decomposition The breakdown of a chemical or a substance into

different parts of simpler compounds. Decomposition
can occur due to wear, chemical reaction, decay, etc.

Dermatitis An inflammation of the skin.

Designated Area An area which may be used for work with select
carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or substances with a
high degree of acute toxicity (see Appendix B). A
designated area may be the entire lab or a section of it,
such as a chemical hood.

Page 100
Page 101
Dilution Ventilation See General Ventilation.

Dyspnea Shortness of breath; difficult or labored breathing.

Employee An individual employed in a laboratory workplace who

may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the
course of his/her assignments.

Epidemiology The study of disease in (human) population.

Erythema A reddening of the skin.

Evaporation Rate The rate at which a material is converted to vapor

(evaporates) at a given temperature and pressure
when compared to the evaporation rate of a given

Explosive A chemical that causes a sudden, almost

instantaneous release of pressure, gas, or heat when
subjected to sudden shock, pressure, or high

Eye Hazard A chemical which affects the eye or visual capacity.

Signs and symptoms include conjunctivitis, corneal
damage. Chemicals include organic solvents, acids.

Flammable Aerosol An aerosol that, when tested by the method described

in 16 CFR 1500.45, yields a flame projection
exceeding 18 inches at full valve opening or a
flashback (a flame extending back to the valve) at any
degree of opening.

Flammable Gas a) a gas that, at ambient temperature and pressure,

forms a flammable mixture with air as a concentration
of 13% by volume or less; or b) a gas that, at ambient
temperature and pressure, forms a range of
flammable mixtures with air wider than 12% by
volume, regardless of flash point below 100ºF, except
any mixture having components with flash points of
100ºF or higher, the total of which make up 99% or
more of the total volume of the mixture.

Page 102
Flammable Liquid According to DOT and NFPA, a liquid which has a
flash point below 100ºF (see Flash Point).

Flammable Solid A solid, other than a blasting agent or explosive as

defined in 16 CFR 1910.109(s), that is liable to
cause fire through friction, absorption or moisture,
spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from
manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited
readily and when ignited, burns so vigorously and
persistently as to create a serious hazard. A
chemical shall be considered to be a flammable solid
if, when tested by the method described in 16 CFR
1500.45, it ignites and burns with a self-sustained
flame at a rate greater than one-tenth of an inch per
second along its major axis.

Flash Point The lowest temperature at which liquid gives off

enough vapor to form an ignitable mixture and burn
when a source of ignition (spark, open flame,
cigarette, etc.) is present. Two tests are used to
determine flash point: Open cup and close cup. The
appropriate test method is indicated on the MSDS.

General Ventilation Also known as general exhaust ventilation. This is a

system of ventilation consisting of either natural or
mechanically induced fresh air movements to mix
with and dilute contaminants in the workroom air.
This is not the recommended type of ventilation to
control contaminants that are highly toxic, when
there may be corrosion problems from the
contaminant being generated, and where fire or
explosion hazards are generated close to sources of
ignition (see also Local Exhaust Ventilation).

Hazardous Material Any substance of compound that has the capability

of producing adverse effects on the health and safety
of humans.

Hematopoietic Agents which act on the blood or the hematopoietic

system. They decrease hemoglobin function and
deprive the body tissues of oxygen. Signs and
symptoms include cyanosis, loss of consciousness.
Chemicals include carbon monoxide, cyanides.

Page 103
Hepatoxins Chemicals which produce liver damage. Signs and
symptoms include jaundice, liver enlargement.
Chemicals include carbon tetrachloride, nitrosamines.

Highly Toxic a) A chemical that has a median lethal dose of 50 mg

(LD50) or less per kg of body weight when
administered orally to albino rats weighing between
200 g and 300 g each. b) A chemical that has an
LD50 of 200 mg or less per kg of body weight when
administered by continuous contact for 24 hours (or
less if death occurs within 24 hours) with the bare
skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2 kg and 3 kg
each. c) A chemical that has a median lethal
concentration (LC50) in air of 200 ppm by volume or
less or gas or vapor, or 2 mg/L or less of mist, fume,
or dust when administered by continuous inhalations
for one hour (or less if death occurs within one hour)
to albino rats weighing between 200 g and 300 g

Ignitable A solid, liquid, or compressed gas waste that has a

flash point of less than 140ºF. Ignitable material may
also be regulated by the EPA as a hazardous waste.

Incompatible The term applied to two substances to indicate that

one material cannot be mixed with the other without
the possibility of a dangerous reaction (see Appendix
D: Table of Incompatible Chemicals).

Ingestion Taking a substance into the body through the mouth,

as in food, drink, medicine, cigarettes, or unknowingly
as on contaminated hands, etc.

Inhalation The breathing in of an airborne substance that may

be in the form of gases, fumes, mists, vapors, dusts,
or aerosols.

Inhibitor A substance that is added to another to prevent or

slow down an unwanted reaction or change.

Irritant A substance that produces an irritating effect when it

contacts skin, eyes, nose, or respiratory system.

Page 104
Kilogram (kg) A unit of weight in the International System (SI) of
Units equal to 2.2 U.S. pounds.

Lethal Concentration 50 The concentration of a material in air that will kill

(LC50) 50% of the test subjects when administered as a
single exposure (typically 1 or 4 hours).

Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) The dose of a substance or chemical that will kill
50% of the test animals in a group during a single

Local Exhaust Also known as exhaust ventilation. A ventilation

Ventilation system that captures and removes the contaminants
at the point they are being produced before they
escape into the workroom air. The system consists
of hoods, ductwork, a fan, and possibly an air-
cleaning device. It works by removing the
contaminant, not just diluting it, making it more
economical over the long-term. However, the
system must be properly designed with correctly
shaped hoods, and correctly sized fans and

Lower Explosive Limit The lowest concentration of a substance that will

(LEL) produce a fire or flash when an ignition source is
Also known as: present. It is expressed in the percent of vapor or
Lower Flammable Limit gas in the air by volume. Below the LEL or LFL, the
(LFL) air/contaminant mixture is theoretically too “lean” to
burn (see also UEL).

Lung Hazards Chemicals which damage the lungs. Signs and

symptoms include cough, tightness in chest,
shortness of breath. Chemicals include silica,

Melting Point The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid.

A melting range may be given for mixtures.

MPPCF Millions of particles of particulate per cubic foot of air.

Material Safety Data Safety information about a chemical provided by the

Sheet (MSDS) manufacturer or distributor. OSHA regulations
require that an MSDS for each chemical used in a
laboratory be accessible to every employee of that

Page 105
Mutagen Anything that can cause a change (or mutation) in the
genetic material of a living cell.

Narcosis Stupor or unconsciousness caused by chemical


Nephrotoxins Chemicals which produce kidney damage. Signs and

symptoms include edma, proteinuria. Chemicals include
halogenated hydrocarbons, uranium.

Odor Threshold The minimum concentration of a substance at which a

majority of test subjects can detect and identify the
substance’s characteristic odor.

Oxidation The process of combining oxygen with some other

substances of a chemical change in which an atom
loses electrons.

Oxidizer A substance that initiates or promotes combustion in

other materials, thereby causing fire either of itself or
through the release of oxygen or other gases.

Oxygen Deficiency An atmosphere having less than the normal percentage

of oxygen (20%) found in normal air.

Permissible Exposure The term used by OSHA to indicate the maximum air
Limit (PEL) concentration to which employees can be exposed.
PEL may be given as an 8-hour time-weighted average
(TWA) exposure limit, a 15-minute short-term exposure
limit (STEL), or a ceiling (C).

Personal Protective Any device or clothing worn by the worker to protect

Equipment (PPE) against hazards in the laboratory. Examples include
respirators, gloves, lab coats, and splash goggles.

PPM Parts (of vapor or gas) per million (parts of air) by volume.

Polymerization A chemical reaction during which two or more small

molecules combine to form larger molecules that contain
repeating structural units of the original molecules. A
hazardous polymerization is the above reaction with an
uncontrolled release of energy.

Page 106
Pyrophoric A chemical that will ignite spontaneously in air at a
temperature of 130ºF or below.

Reactivity A substance’s susceptibility to undergoing a chemical

reaction or change that may result in dangerous side
effects, such as explosions, burning, and corrosive or
toxic emissions. The conditions that cause the
reaction, such as heat, other chemicals, or dropping,
will usually be specified as “Conditions to Avoid” when
a chemical’s reactivity is discussed on an MSDS.

Reproductive Toxins Chemicals which affect the reproductive capabilities,

including chromosomal damage (mutations), and
effects on fetuses (teratogenesis). Signs and
symptoms include birth defects, sterility. Chemicals
include lead, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP).

Risk Assessment Evaluation of existing hazards concerned with a

procedure or process in the work environment.

Select Carcinogen See Appendix B for full definition.

Short-Term Exposure The maximum concentration to which an employee can

Limit (STEL or TLV- be exposed for no more than 15 minutes at a time, no
STEL) more than 4 times a day. There must be at least 60
minutes between exposures at the STEL level. The
Time Weighted Average (TLV-TWA) must also not be

SKIN This designation sometimes appears on an MSDS

alongside a TLV or PEL. It refers to the possibility of
absorption of the particular chemical through the skin
and eyes. Thus, protection of large surface areas of
skin should be considered so that the Threshold Value
Limit (TLV) is not invalidated.

Skin Hazards Chemicals which affect the dermal layer of the body.
Signs and symptoms include depletion of fats of the
skin, rashes, irritation. Chemicals include ketones,
chlorinated compounds.

Systemic Spread throughout the body, affecting many or all body

systems or organs not located in one spot or area.

Page 107
Teratogen An agent or substance that may cause physical defects
in the developing embryo or fetus.

Threshold Limit Value Airborne concentrations of substances devised by the

(TLV) ACGIH that represent conditions under which it is
believed that nearly all employees may be repeatedly
exposed, day after day, without adverse effects. TLVs
are advisory guidelines, not legal standards, that are
based on evidence from industrial experience, animal
studies, or human studies when they exist. TLVs
include: Time Weighted Average (TLV-TWA), Short-
Term Exposure Limit (TLV-STEL), and Ceiling (TLV-C)
(see also PEL).

Time Weighted The average time over a given work period (e.g., an 8-
Average (TLV-TWA) hour work day) of a person’s exposure to a chemical or
agent. The average is determined by sampling for the
contaminant throughout the work period.

Upper Explosive Limit The highest concentration of a substance that will burn
(UEL) or explode when an ignition source is present. It is
expressed in the percent of vapor or gas in the air by
volume. Above the UEL, or UFL, the air/contaminant
Also known as: mixture is theoretically too “rich” to support combustion.
Upper Flammable The difference between the LEL and the UEL
Limit (UFL) constitutes the flammable range or explosive range of a
substance. That is, if the LEL is 1 ppm and the UEL is 5
ppm, then the explosive range of the chemical is 1 ppm
to 5 ppm (see also LEL).

Unstable A chemical which in the pure state, or as produced or

transported, will vigorously polymerize, decompose,
condense, or wil become self-reactive under conditions
of shock, pressure, or temperature.

Vapor The gaseous form of substances which are normally in

the liquid or solid state (at normal room temperature and
pressure). Vapors evaporate into the air from liquids,
such as solvents. Solvents with low boiling points will
readily evaporate.

Water-Reactive A chemical that reacts with water to release a gas that is

either flammable or presents a health hazard.

Page 108

ACGIH The American Conference of Governmental Industrial

Hygienists is a voluntary membership organization of
professional industrial hygiene personnel in
governmental or educational institutions. The ACGIH
develops and publishes recommended occupational
exposure limits each year called Threshold Limit Values
(TLVs) for hundreds of chemicals, physical agents, and
biological exposure indices.

ANSI The American National Standards Institute is a voluntary
membership organization (operating with private funding)
that develops consensus standards nationally for a wide
variety of devices and procedures.

DOT The Department of Transportation is the Federal Agency

that regulates the labeling and transportation of
hazardous materials.

EPA The Environmental Protection Agency is the Federal

Agency responsible for administration of laws to control
and/or reduce pollution of water, air, and land systems.

IARC The International Agency for Research on Cancer,

among other duties, publishes authoritative independent
assessments (called the IARC Monographs series) by
international experts of the carcinogenic risks posed to
humans by a variety of agents, mixtures, and exposures.

NFPA The National Fire Protection Association is a voluntary

membership organization whose aims are to promote
and improve fire protection and prevention. The NFPA
has published 16 volumes of codes known as the
National Fire Codes. Within these codes is Standard No.
704, “Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials.”
This system rates the hazards of a material during a fire.
These hazards are divided into health, flammability, and
reactivity hazards and appear in a color-coded diamond
system using numbers 0 (no special hazard) through 4
(severe hazard) indicating the severity of the hazard.

Page 109
NIOSH The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
is the federal agency responsible for conducting research and
making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury
and illness.

NIH The National Institutes of Health is a biomedical research center

comprised of 27 separate institutes and centers. The goal of the
NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect,
diagnose, and treat disease and disability.

OSHA The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a Federal

Agency under the Department of Labor which publishes and
enforces safety and health regulations for most businesses and
industries within the United States.

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