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well as endogenous factors such as obesity for women over 40 years of age) and CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
or hormonal disorders. increasing parity. No association was found Physics, 76th edition. Edited by DAVID R
A conception closely associated in time between body mass index and the sex ratio. LIDE. (Price £79.) 1995. Boca Raton,
with ovulation has been suggested to result The only significant association was a Florida: CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0476-8.
in more boys.5 A high frequency of sexual lower sex ratio among couples with a time to
intercourse should, according to this pregnancy of more than 12 months (table Some years ago, I mused on a never submit-
hypothesis, lead to a predominance of boys 2). After entering all the variables into a ted idea for a cartoon involving a smart alec
and a decline in the sex ratio according to logistic regression model with the sex ratio child, obviously too clever by half, looking
age or parity could reflect a decline in sexual as the outcome only infertility remained sig- up at one of those kiosks which helpfully
activity by age or a change in endogenous nificantly associated with a low sex ratio promise "Information" and asking the
hormones over time. A low frequency could with an odds ratio (OR) for having a boy of aghast attendant "OK, what's the half life
furthermore lead to low fecundity. 0-874 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) of the pi-meson then?". The CRC
A recent study showed that conception 0-789 to 0-968). Handbook-known to generations of under-
cycles with a short follicular phase produced The reason for the low sex ratio in some graduates simply as the "Rubber Bible"-
more boys than girls.7 Exposures like dibro- couples with low fecundity could be due to has the answer to this and countless other
mochloropropane (DBCP) have been shown the same hormonal imbalance that causes questions. The fact that it is in its 76th edi-
to be associated with both low fecundity and the infertility or low sexual activity in cou- tion is testimony to the book's usefulness. It
a low sex ratio. De Cock et al found a dif- ples who can be treated by hormones. is comprehensive, covering just about every
ference in the time to pregnancy for boys Future studies should be able to discrimi- area of chemistry and physics that the prac-
and girls with the shortest time to pregnancy nate between these possible factors. tising scientist would need. There are chap-
for the boys.8 These observations indicate a ZHOU WEIJIN ters ranging from basic constants and units
link between fecundity as measured by time JORN OLSEN through to biochemistry, passing on the way
The Danish Epidemiology Science Centre,
to pregnancy and sex ratio. The Steno Institute of Public Health, sections including structural formulae and
Based upon these observations we report University ofAarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark physical properties of all those organic mole-
data on sex ratio (measured as the propor- cules you thought you'd forgotten, including
tion of boys among all newborns). It was 1 James WH. Sex ratio of offspring as a criterion
of occupational hazard, with reference to pesticides and steroid hormones, in an
expected that the sex ratio would decline welding [letter]. Scand Jf Work Environ exhaustive list usefully cross referenced by
with body mass index, age, parity, and low Health 1994;20:466-7. name and synonym index.
fecundity. 2 James WH. Offspring sex ratio as an indicator The chapter list is impressive-Basic con-
of reproductive hazards associated with pes-
The analyses are based upon data from a ticides [letter]. Occup Environ Med 1995;52: stants, units, and conversion factors, sym-
community trial named "Healthy habits for 429. bols terminology and nomenclature, physical
two" conducted between 1984 and 1987. 3 James WH. The human sex ratio. Part 2: a constants of organic compounds, properties
All pregnant women in the Danish cities hypothesis and a program of research. Hum
Biol 1987;59:873-900. of the elements and inorganic compounds,
Odense and Aalborg were asked to give 4 James WH. The hypothesized hormonal con- thermochemistry, electrochemistry, and
detailed information on lifestyle factors dur- trol of sex ratio at birth-a second update. kinetics, fluid properties, biochemistry, ana-
ing pregnancy and obstetrical information TheorBiol 1992;155:121-8. lytical chemistry, molecular structure, and
5 France JT, Graham FM, Gosling L, Hair P,
on delivery was recorded from the medical Knox BS. Characteristics of natural concep- spectroscopy, atomic molecular and optical
files.9 The study subjects constituted 10 042 tual cycles occurring in prospective study
a physics, nuclear and particle physics, prop-
pregnant women (singletons only) after of sex preselection: fertility awareness symp- erties of solids, polymer properties, practical
toms, hormone levels, sperm survival, and
excluding 1808 women (15-26 %) with pregnancy outcome. Int Fertil 1992;37: laboratory data, health and safety informa-
incomplete data. 244-55. tion, and an appendix of mathematical
The participants delivered 5137 boys and 6 James WH. Cycle day of insemination, coital tables (up to the level of Bessel functions
4905 girls (sex ratio = 0-51). Table 1 shows rate, and sex ratio. Lancet 1971;16:112-4.
7 Weinberg CR, Baird DD, Wilcox AJ. The sex and statistical tables).
a weak but not significant trend towards a of the baby may be related to the length of Any such compilation must score highly
lower sex ratio with increasing age (except the follicular phase in the conception cycle. on two counts to be a credible reference
Hum Reprod 1995;10:304-7. book. It must be comprehensive, and the
8 De Cock J, Heederik D, Tielemans E, Te
Velde E, Van Kooij R. Offspring sex ratio as chapter list above is ample demonstration of
Table 1 Maternal characteristics and sex ratio an indicator of reproductive hazards associat- that. It also has to be accurate and up to
of offspring ed with pesticides [author's reply]. Occup date. The list of contributors is extensive,
Environ Med 1995;52:429-30. and if those areas where I might have some
P value 9 Olsen J, Frische G, Poulsen AO, Kirchheiner
Offspring (x2 test H. Changing smoking, drinking, and eating competence to judge is anything to go by, it
Sex ratio (n) for trend) behaviour among pregnant women in also looks of high quality. References are up
Denmark. ScandJ Soc Med 1989;17:277-80. to date and although the information in such
Maternal age: a volume could never replace fully that
15-19 0-483 259
20-24 0-522 2652 obtainable from specialist reviews, it is still
25-29 0-510 4307 comprehensive enough and accurate enough
30-34 0-510 2123 to fully justify its reputation as the leading
35-39 0493 629
40-45 0-542 72 0-480 reference work of its kind, and one which no
Maternal body mass index
15-19 0-502 3084
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As well as in the quality of content and its
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1 0-511 3867 Question the precision therefore of the
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Table 2 Time to pregnancy and sex ratio at UK and for British Forces Posted Overseas "tablespoon" and "teaspoon", worry no
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Time to Boy Girl Sex P value
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