English Las 2
English Las 2
English Las 2
Reading becomes meaningful when you recognize how ideas in a text connect to events
happening in a larger world. Relating these ideas to particular social issues allows you to
make sense of what you read, retain information better, and engage more with the text itself.
Reading texts can provide valuable insights especially on social issues. This can be done by
connecting the overall message of the text, to the lines delivered by the speaker or author or
to the situations presented in the poem/story.
In this lesson, you will relate the text content to a particular social issue. A social issue
is a problem that influences many citizens within a society. This lesson also includes the
different sound devices used in poetry like rhymes, repetition, alliteration, assonance,
consonance, and others.
A. Let Us Review
Try to determine if you have background knowledge about the topic. Read the poem
and answer the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. The literary element used in this poem that stresses certain sounds and create
musical effects is called ____________.
a. literary device c. rhyme
b. sound device d. rhythm
2. The words clay and hay used at the end of 2nd and 4th lines are examples of
a. Alliteration c. Rhyme
b. Repetition d. Rhythm
3. The repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in the line—“we plough and
sow—we’re very, very low” is called ___________.
a. Rhyme c. Assonance
b. Alliteration d. Consonance
4. The group of workers being portrayed in the poem are ____________.
a. Builders c. Weavers
b. Miners d. Farmers
5. The social issue that was shown in the poem is ____________.
a. violence c. racism
b. exploitation d. gender equality
B. Let Us Study
Read the poem entitled the Man with the Hoe by Edwin Markham and find out what
circumstance the persona is facing. Also, take note of the sound devices used in the
given poem.
On Social Issue
A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within the
society. It is a common problem in present day situation and one that many people
strive to solve. Social issues are the source of a conflicting opinion on the grounds of
what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or interpersonal social
life decisions.
Some of the common issues & problems drawn from news items on social
media, television, and in newspapers include poverty, violence, anti-social behavior,
discrimination, injustice, & human rights violation.
Poetry Analysis
When you read a poem, you should not only look at its content but you should
also analyze its structure and elements.
▪ SOUND DEVICES are special tools the poet can use to create certain effects in the
poem to convey and reinforce meaning through sound.
Example: But for now, Anders can still make time. Time for the shadows to lengthen
on the grass, time for the tethered dog to bark at the flying ball, time for the
boy in right field to smack his sweat-blackened mitt and softly chant.
3. CONSONANCE – is the repetition of consonant sounds within and at the end of the
Example: Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door.
- Edgar Allan Poe, from The Raven
1. What group of workers is being described in the poem The Man with the Hoe?
a. farmers c. economists
b. miners d. laborers
4. What does the bent body of the man with the hoe signify?
a. disability c. humility
b. hard labor d. deformation
5. According to the poet, who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with
the hoe?
a. politician c. captain
b. landlord d. tenant
D. Let Us Remember
Markham’s “The Man with the Hoe” received national fame, and later worldwide
fame not just because of its content but also its structure. The forty-nine lines of the
poem which were divided into five stanzas consist strong poetic ideas, symbols, and
figurative language. He chose blank verse, for it provided the flexibility he needed, and
employed language using several sound devices such as alliteration, assonance,
consonance, and repetition.
This lesson helps you to discover how a social issue is identified, defined, given
meaning and acted upon. You will now answer the following questions:
1. What particular social issue is portrayed in the poem The Man with the Hoe?
2. Is it still a social problem or concern in our country nowadays? Why or why not?
3. Who are the modern man with the hoe? How does our society treat them?
F. Evaluation
Read and analyze an excerpt from a poem by Ernest Jones entitled, The Songs of the
A. Match the sound devices in the left column with the lines from the poem on
the right. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write on the space
before each number.
______ 1. Rhyme a. We’re low, we’re low—we’re very, very
low, —
______ 2. Alliteration
b. We’re not too low to kill the foe,
______ 3. Consonance But too low to share the spoil.
______ 4. Assonance c. And what we get, and what we give,
d. We’re low, we’re low, we’re very, very
______ 5. Repetition low,
And yet when the trumpets ring,
The thrust of a poor man’s arm will go
Through the heart of the proudest king.
e. The silken floss and the robes that
Round the limbs of the sons of pride;
B. Refer to the poem then answer the questions below. Choose the letter of
your answer.
______ 6. What group of workers is being referred to in the first stanza of the poem?
a. farmers c. weavers
b. miners d. laborers
______ 7. What word or phrase in the last stanza is synonymous to soldier?
a. king c. rabble
b. foe d. rank and file
______ 8. What social problem is brought out in the poem?
a. exploitation or abuse among workers/laborers
b. slow-growing wages for middle class workers
c. struggle between the rich and the poor
d. racial discrimination and inequality
______ 9. Why did the workers emphasize the value of their labor in the last two lines
of the poem both in the 1st and 2nd stanzas?
a. Because they want to have money
b. Because they want to get revenge
c. Because they want to enjoy the reward of their work
d. Because they want to show what they can do
______ 10. What specific solution is expressed in the poem that could solve the social
issue on exploitation among lowly workers?
a. awareness campaign
b. social transformation
c. group solidarity
d. proper guidance