Police Complaint NCR Amrita
Police Complaint NCR Amrita
Police Complaint NCR Amrita
Thane Police
In Respect of Articles Lost in Thane City. Date: 2024-10-07 15:32:05
Disclaimer: 2024-10-07
15:32:05 Signature Valid
1. This is not an FIR. Digitally Signed by: Shri. Vivek Phansalkar(IPS)
2. Report lodged with this application is a subject matter of enquiry and Reason: On behalf of Thane Police
not an investigation. Location: CP Office, Thane Police
3. In case loss is due to theft or any other crime, contact nearest police Date: 2024-10-07 15:32:05 IST
4. False report to police is a punishable offence as per Indian Penal Code
https://www.thanepolice.gov.in/VerifyOtpLostFound 1/1