NPCs - Kobolds
NPCs - Kobolds
NPCs - Kobolds
stronger villains or a good low-level threat for players. Height: 2-feet 3-inches, plus 1d6 inches
Much like goblins, they are often cowardly and given to
bullying, but kobolds often hide a sadistic streak. Their Weight: 30 pounds + (Height roll x 1)
prankster nature leads them to deadly practical jokes Adulthood: 5 years
and mischievous behavior that results in maiming, inju-
Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wilder: +1d2 years
ry, or at the very least, embarrassment to an individual.
They love to taunt their opponents into making foolish Bard, Fighter, Paladin, Psychic Warrior,
mistakes, particularly if it leads them to take steps into Ranger, Soulknife: +1d4 years
a carefully laid trap. Cleric, Druid, Monk, Psion, Wizard: +1d6 years
Kobolds often suffer from being the least respected Middle Age: 20 years
members of the underground environment, so they
crave attention and respect from their fellow kobolds Old Age: 30 years
and their neighbors. They often go out of their way to be Venerable: 45 years
more perverse just to prove themselves, and their self- Maximum: +2d10 years
ishness sometimes causes more harm to themselves.
Kobolds are bold in large groups, but easily given to
fearfulness if faced with obviously overwhelming power Kobolds have a very fickle fertility cycle, greatly de-
or numbers. The bravest of these might try to bargain pendent on the availability of foodstuffs. In ideal con-
and escape with their scaly hides still intact. ditions, females are capable of laying two to five eggs
every six to eight months. Embryo development within
With their natural penchant for trickery, kobolds of- the mother usually only lasts for two to three months,
ten slide into the role of comical foil for an otherwise after which the mother lays her eggs for continued
serious adventure. Humor does have its place in a cam- growth in tended nurseries, where the eggs continue
paign, but that which makes a kobold cackle tends to to mature for another three months. Most mothers are
be wicked and morbid, drifting from simple switching glad to rid themselves of their eggs, as the process com-
of a drink with an emetic, to setting up a lethal trap for pletely drains any fat reserves they may have stored.
a rival. Most mothers take turns raising the brood, and many
About Kobolds
kobold mothers lay their eggs within a few days of each
other. Kobolds are fond of hatchings, as increases in the
tribe are a reason for a celebration, but it also provides a
particularly delectable meal. Engaging in an act of can-
Kobold Appearance nibalism, kobolds celebrate the Hatchfest, a consump-
tion of grossly deformed newborns and stillbirths. They
Most kobolds are short, usually between 2 and 2 1/2 believe that the feasting returns the life energies back to
feet tall, with little to no variation between the sexes. At the tribe, where it can be reborn again.
birth, a kobold’s scales range from bright scarlet to deep
blue, usually fading out to earth tones by adulthood.
Some kobolds have draconic features, particularly in
the form of neck frills and horns, which they handily
point to as proof of their descent from those ancient,
near divine creatures. Frills, tail spikes, and horns are
traits passed from parent to child, and provide a way of
identifying offspring in a kobold warren’s chaotic nurs-
Male kobolds often polish horns and spikes to a gleam
and scrape away old skin to reveal some of the bright
childhood hues beneath to impress female kobolds.
While kobolds do not have need of clothing on a day-to-
day basis, they do wear finery during tribal gatherings,
particularly intertribal councils and festivals. They don
commoners’ clothing for disguise and infiltration into
urban areas or outlying farmlands.
Many kobold tribes die of starvation, but in a last ditch make a concerted effort against their enemies. To as-
effort to survive, one or two kobold females undergo a sist in this organization, tribes sort themselves into five
self-sacrificing act, triggered by the same hormones that tiers of social groups – chieftain, elders, shamans, war-
control their fertility cycles. Giving themselves com- riors, and guards. Groups with higher social standing
pletely over to the next generation, these matriarchs are gain access to the best food, plunder and pick of mates,
capable of birthing three times as many offspring in only but no group can beg off the onerous duty of hunting
three months time, keeping their eggs growing within and gathering food. Most kobolds are stuck within the
them until the last moment to ensure strong offspring. guard or as warriors, unless they show particular tal-
A matriarch usually does not survive such last ditch ef- ents or skills. Chieftains, or kings in larger tribes, dis-
forts; their energies are completely gone and cannot play the strongest of traits among their community, no
even lift their arms to feed themselves. matter what group they come from. Elders are those
Overpopulation, a rarity for kobolds, can be just as that have earned their position by merely surviving.
devastating to a tribe as famine. Insufficient food sup- Accumulating years of knowledge and experience can
plies can produce weak and sickly young, leading to an help the tribe survive, and the tribe seeks their advice
inability to survive in an unforgiving environment. Most when forced to adapt to a new situation. Elders are the
kobolds are instinctively aware of this limitation, and keepers of order, acting with the authority of a chieftain
many tribes try to break up into smaller groups before should the leader be away from the tribe on a raid.
that happens. Shamans fill a strange void in kobold society. They are
As a kobold ages, the layer of scales protecting their more concerned with the spiritual rather than the secu-
flesh darkens and thickens. Most kobolds that survive to lar, and they counsel kobolds regarding religious mat-
reach their third decade do not leave their warrens, pre- ters. Most kobolds keep their distance from the sha-
ferring to remain stationary and not strain their stiffen- mans, afraid that a shaman’s benefactors might turn
ing joints. The rare few kobolds that live past fifty years their attention toward them. Even so, shamans know
have little more than withered limbs and corpulent bod- the value of being able to gain power over their fellows,
ies, slipping in and out of deep slumbers that they awak- and they maintain their position, just below elders,
en every few days. Most die peacefully in their sleep, but through intimidation or even thuggery.
an exceptional few do not. Warriors and guards are roughly equal in the eyes of
the kobold tribe, but a warrior gets the choice of being
Kobold Society able to leave the tribal warrens on raids. Guards stand
sentinel over pregnant females, children and the elder-
Without fail, a kobold’s life has an unwritten guarantee ly, but they are often the canniest at setting traps for
of being brutal and short. Cut down before they really opponents. Most guards know that if the enemy gets to
have a chance to thrive, or even see old age, these fre- them, they are the last line of defense and they will do
quent denizens of dungeons, sewers, and underground their duty with surprising ferocity.
tunnels cluster together in numbers to better their Survival does not allow for gender discrimination, and
chances. Often found in caves and the underground, ko- female kobolds can do everything their male counter-
bolds have spread to areas where they can either gather parts can. Caring for children often relegates them to
or steal enough food on which to live on. They can be- the status of warren guards, but outsiders are in for a
come quite a plague in large urban areas. A kobold’s sen- shock if they believe that they can exploit this perceived
sitive eyes makes the dim, sewer living ideal, bordering weakness. Family structures common to other human-
on luxurious, and most humanoids larger than them do oid races do not appear in to kobold society. Formal
not relish the idea of wading through stinking cesspits to marriages with a religious ceremony are unheard of.
wreak havoc upon a relatively small opponent. Regard- Courtship can be very elaborate, with both sexes dress-
less of the environment in which they dwell, a warren ing in whatever bright-colored finery and jewelry they
comprises several distinct areas, including food storage, have acquired for themselves, preening in front of pro-
a communal nursery, and a great hall. Mated couples spective mates. Most kobolds choose to stay with the
dwell in rough lean-tos built up and around available same mate out of a need for stability, but are not neces-
space in the hall, and most relatives live quite close to sarily monogamous. Many grow quite fond of each oth-
each other. er, presenting them with small gifts of food or treasure
Excluding the chaotic nurseries of their warrens, ko- periodically throughout their lives together.
bolds have a structured society. Often at the wrong end
of the food chain, kobolds value strength in numbers and
gry for a meal. Drifting out of consciousness, Makheret
Kobold Religion was barely aware of the acid green snake curling up to
strike – and yet it did not. Instead, it curled up around
Often worshiping creatures greater than themselves,
Makheret protectively, and she fell into a healing tor-
kobolds are no stranger to a religious life. Many sha-
mans pay homage to demonic entities in exchange for
their powers and a rare few follow the true path of a Not yet able to return to the warrens of her birth,
cleric. Those that follow that life have great influence Makheret slowly healed, and as she watched the viper
over the tribal chieftain, whose authority trickles down hunt, she came upon a revelation and a plan. She too
to the rest of the group. Lacking a shamanic or religious would hunt, and her prey would be those that tried to
leader, most kobolds are content with a form of ances- kill her. Lacking fangs and poison glands, Makheret in-
tor worship, hoping that offerings of gemstones will al- stead sharpened her long claws and brewed toxins, try-
low them to bargain with ancestral spirits to bring the ing to recall every noxious concoction that the tribe’s
tribe good fortune. trap makers had ever made. Her preparations com-
plete, she bid farewell to her den and the viper within it,
Few creatures can rile up religious fervor among ko-
and made her way back to her warren. Overjoyed to see
bolds as much as a gnome can. The kobolds believe that
one of their own come back, the tribe held a celebration
the First Kobold made a bet with the First Gnome – a
to welcome her return. Her betrayers though, saw the
challenge to see who could trick the First Dwarf into
burning hatred in her orange eyes, and feared retribu-
giving up his gold. Gnomes maintain that they won that
tion. While the tribe slept off their excesses, Makheret
bet, while kobolds claim the opposite. The exact terms
found her siblings, and pierced their necks with her
of the bet vary from storyteller to storyteller. Sighting a
claw, delivering the poison from the hollow she had
gnome near their territory causes a kobold to quote old
painfully carved there.
legends and incite his fellows to prove their superiority
over their age-old old enemy. The following morning, all of her clutch-mates were
dead, and the tribe paid no heed to their deaths, attrib-
NPCs uting it to food poisoning. Makheret had her vengeance,
and now had no rivals to compete for the attentions of
the tribal shamans. She joined their ranks to learn how
Makheret Greenclaw to become a spiritual leader.
Battle tactics
“Shree-keck! Your magic is no stronger than mine, and
Front line combat is not Makheret’s
it cannot protect you from the poison you just ate.”
strong suit, and she knows it. Given the
A lithe, young female kobold with rust-colored scales opportunity to prepare, she
and orange eyes, Makheret did not earn her name of
Greenclaw until she discovered her affinity for plants
and fungi. Always eager to explore beyond the warrens
that she called home, Makheret plied the lush jungle
surroundings for a variety of food, instinctively finding
the choicest and best. Always bringing back more than
her expected share, her clutch-mother heaped praise
upon Makheret and roused the jealousy of her clutch-
mates. Determined to eliminate Makheret, they led
her falsely to a mining tunnel heavily patrolled by their
gnome enemies. They gleefully watched Makheret’s at-
tack and beating by the gnomes. Slinking away, they did
not check to see if Makheret was truly dead, and thus
they had sown the seeds of their own demise.
Clinging to life by the slimmest of threads, Makheret
stumbled her way out of the tunnels and into the now-
familiar jungle, fleeing blindly and crawling into a pu-
trid-smelling cave for safety. Makheret was even closer
to death than she was before, for she had found her
way into the den of large jungle vipers that were hun-
will use her spells to set up a trap (obscuring mist, soften component pouch containing a vial of medium viper
earth and stone, entangle and flaming sphere) and use poison, feather token (tree) and mwk artisan’s tools.
her companion Raldi to lure them into it. Makheret’s Raldi: Male viper; Small animal; HD 3d8; hp 12; Init
potions are all at caster level 3rd and she uses them at +8; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 20, touch
most opportune moment. 15, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grp -4; Atk and Full
Makheret Greenclaw cr3 Atk bite +7 melee (1d2-2 plus poison); SA poison; SQ
Female kobold druid 3 evasion, link, scent, share spells; AL N; SV Fort +3,
Refl +7, Will +2; Str 7, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12,
LN Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 3 Cha 2.
Init 0; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 Skills & Feats: Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide +12,
Languages Draconic, Druidic, Undercommon Listen +8, Spot +8, Swim +6; Improved Initiative,
Weapon FinesseB.
Tricks: Defend, Seek.
AC 13 (+2 armor), touch 11, flat-footed 13
Despite her best intentions, Makheret simply could not
Hp 19 (3 HD; 3d8+3 hp)
adapt well enough to the racial predilections of her spe-
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5 cies to learn arcane magic. Rejected from the shamans’
Weaknesses light sensitivity traditions, she became embittered as she saw the next
clutches grow strong with the magic denied to her. Ek-
ing out a place in the tribe coercing animals out of the
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares) trees for the hunters, she became withdrawn and spent
Ranged: 10 darts +3 (1d3-2 plus Medium viper more time away from the warrens. The viper that had
poison; range 20 ft.) or Mwk dagger +4 (1d3-2 plus become her protector was now her constant compan-
Medium viper poison/19-20; range 10 ft.) ion, and her tribe began to grow suspicious when they
saw her speaking in sibilant whispers to it. Seeking ref-
Melee: Mwk dagger +2 (1d3-2 plus Medium viper uge from their judging glances, Makheret descended
poison/19-20) into the tunnels where she had nearly met her end. Her
Base Atk +2; Grp -4 companion had fallen into his fitful sleep, peeling off
old skin and becoming anew, and once again, Makheret
Combat Gear: Oil of shillelagh, potion of barkskin
decided to learn from him.
+2, 3 potions of cure light wounds, 2 potions of de-
lay poison, potion of endure elements, potion of owl’s Makheret knew that there was more magic in the
wisdom, potion of pass without trace world than just the chants and bone rattles of the sha-
mans. Fearful to show her adeptness at a different sort
Druid spells prepared (CL 3rd):
of magic, she decided to prove her place to the shamans.
2nd (DC 14) – flaming sphere, soften earth and stone Speaking anew with the animals that made the under-
1st (DC 13) – conceal poison, entangle, obscuring mist ground their home, she meditated and watched, creat-
ing new spells in which to demonstrate her worthiness.
0 (DC 12) – detect poison, flare, guidance, know direction She returned daily to the warrens, but always rising
early to go to her den of research, which crawled with
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12 the animals and vermin of the subterranean realms.
SQ: Animal companion, nature sense, spontaneous Appealing to the elders, Makheret asked to be a part
casting, trackless step, wild empathy, woodland stride of the next incursion into gnomish territory. Makheret
knew that if she did not succeed in her demonstration,
Feats: Animal Affinity, Brew Potion she would live the rest of her short life as the lowest
Skills: Appraise +1, Bluff +1, Climb -2, Concentration +7, member of the tribe, only useful for food gathering.
Craft +1, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Forgery +1, Gather When the raiding party came upon the gnomish settle-
Information +1, Handle Animal +9, Heal +6, Hide +4, ment, Makheret charged past her fellows in an unchar-
Intimidate +1, Jump -2, Knowledge (nature) +11, Listen acteristic display of courage. Making the earth weep
+2, Perform +1, Ride +4, Search +3, Sense Motive +2, poison and changing into the form of a monstrous
Spellcraft +3, Spot +2, Survival +10, Swim -2. snake, she crushed the front lines of the gnomish de-
fense, breaking them and allowing her tribe to overrun
Possessions Combat gear plus mwk leather armor,
the settlement. Makheret returned to the warrens of
peasant’s outfit (worn), belt pouch (21 gp, 9 sp), spell
her tribe, gloating, proving that she could do what the 0 (DC 13) – detect magic, detect poison, flare, guid-
shamans did not. ance, know direction, purify food and drink
Battle tactics
Braver now than during the first gnomish raid, Makher- Abilities Str 6, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 12
et still relies upon her spells to weaken or slow down SQ animal companion, nature sense, resist nature’s
her opponent. Generally she prefers to cast spider climb lure, spontaneous casting, trackless step, venom im-
on herself, then follow up with a transmute rock to mud munity, wild empathy, woodland stride
and breath of the deep once she has retreated to the
safety of the ceiling. Her druidic abilities of wild shaping Feats Animal Affinity, Brew Potion, Leadership, Nat-
give her little to fear in combat, and while her favored ural Spell
form is that of a viper or constrictor, she does take the Skills Appraise +1, Bluff +1, Climb -2, Concentration
shape of apes, bears, and wolverines to overwhelm her +14, Craft +1, Craft (poison) +11, Diplomacy +1, Dis-
foes quickly. guise +1, Forgery +1, Gather Information +1, Handle
Makheret Greenclaw cr10 Animal +9, Heal +16, Hide +4, Intimidate +1, Jump
-2, Knowledge (nature) +18, Listen +3, Perform +1,
Female kobold druid 10 Ride +4, Search +3, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +4,
LN Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 10 Spot +3, Survival +12, Swim -2.
Init +0; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 Possessions combat gear plus bracers of armor +2,
Languages: Draconic, Druidic, Undercommon peasant’s outfit (worn), belt pouch (12 pp, 150 gp, 7
sp), spell component pouch.
with spore traps, poisonous fungi, and vermin swarms, Base Atk +13; Grp +7
displacing the old traps with new ones. Greenclaw’s Special Actions: A thousand faces, wild shape 2/
tribe has thrived under her influence, and she rules in day (Elementals), wild shape 6/day
all but name. The tribal elders and chief heed her word,
whether out of fear or respect. Combat Gear: Staff of conjuration (30 charges),
pearl of power (2nd level), 2 potions of bear’s endur-
Makheret loathes arcane magic users of all creeds, and ance, 2 potions of cat’s grace, 2 potions of cure seri-
rarely trusts other spellcasters that are not under her ous wounds, 2 potions of greater magic fang +4, po-
influence. Despite the adoration her followers give, her tion of spider climb, potion of water breathing, vial
early childhood betrayals make her mistrustful of ev- of huge viper poison, 2 vials black lotus extract, 10
erybody else. Still spry despite approaching middle age, poisoned sling bullets
Makheret has thought about finding a suitable mate, but
her emulation of the animal world would quite likely Druid spells prepared (CL 18th):
find her partner dead. Makheret trusts no one except 9th (DC 23) – foresight, mass cure critical wounds
her well-fed collection of snakes. They adore her and
8th (DC 22) – control plants, reverse gravity,
are utterly faithful and subservient, and Makheret has
designed several spells that amplify their abilities in
combat. Almost every druid under Makheret’s rule has a 7th (DC 21) – creeping doom, sunbeam, transmute
snake companion, generally a viper of some sort, and it metal to wood
is their favored form when wildshaped. 6th (DC 20) – move earth, mass bull’s strength,
Battle Tactics transport via plants, wall of stone
Her tribe has grown powerful under her rule, and Gre- 5th (DC 19) – animal growth, baleful polymorph,
enclaw rarely has the need to enter into combat her- insect plague, wall of fire
self, instead using her abilities to protect or boost her 4th (DC 18) – control water, dispel magic, flame
tribe’s abilities. One of her favorite tactics is to summon strike, giant vermin, ice storm, rusting grasp
a swarm of insects, followed by a spontaneous casting of
summon nature’s ally of a monstrous centipede or ani- 3rd (DC 17) – contagion, meld into stone, poison,
mal and then amplifying the creature with giant vermin protection from energy, sleet storm, spike growth
or animal growth. She has not lost her fondness for poi- 2nd (DC 16) – chill metal, flaming sphere, fog cloud,
sons and will poison the strongest opponent once identi- gust of wind, heat metal, summon swarm
fied. 1st (DC 15) – calm animals, conceal poison*, cure
Makheret Greenclaw cr18 light wounds, entangle, goodberry, longstrider
Female kobold druid 18 0 (DC 14) – create water, detect poison, guidance,
LN Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 18 know direction, purify food and drink, read magic
Possessions Combat gear plus amulet of natural
armor +3, bracers of armor +4, noble’s outfit (worn), Atypical Kobold
belt pouch (11 pp, 15 gp, 7 sp, 7 cp)1, spell component
pouch. Wightscale does not fit into the mold of most kobolds
– a loner and able to put on a pitiable act to lull
1 – Makheret only keeps 10% of her wealth on her at onlookers into a false sense of security. Wightscale
any time. denies the instinctive need to group with other
Raldi: Male viper; Small animal; HD 13d8; hp 52; kobolds, rejecting the pack mentality of strength in
Init +10; Spd 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 32, numbers. No stranger to betrayal, he has no doubt
touch 17, flat-footed 26; Base Atk +9; Grp +6; Atk and that it will happen again, and believes that it can come
Full Atk bite +16/+11/+6 melee (1d2+1 plus poison); SA from anywhere, even from members of his own race.
poison; SQ devotion, evasion, improved evasion, link,
scent, share spells; AL N; SV Fort +8, Refl +14, Will +5; thing most unusual. When his rage had built up, Runty
Str 12, Dex 23, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2. could wield a blade of power, a blade that could reap-
Skills & Feats: Balance +14, Climb +15, Hide +18, Lis- pear and appear with a thought. Runty deceived many
ten +15, Move Silently +8, Spot +15, Swim +9; Ability a kind-hearted passerby into thinking he was a helpless
Focus (poison), Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multi- child, and drew them into the alleyways where he mur-
attackB, Stealthy, Weapon FinesseB, Weapon Focus dered them and stole their money. Runty was amassing
(bite). quite a small fortune, but unfortunately for the area he
lived in, it was a neighborhood controlled by a powerful
Tricks: Attack, Defend, Down, Heel, Seek, Stay, thieving guild, the Bone Hand, and Runty picked the
Track. wrong target and fell into their trap.
Runty had not survived for as long as he had without
Wightscale getting into a couple of fights, and he used his small size
and twisting acrobatics to defeat most of his attackers.
Left for dead in the stinking rainfall in the slums of a Runty had learned to use his environment to his advan-
huge city, Wightscale has never known the comfort and tage, knocking over crates, overturning baskets, throw-
friendship of other kobolds. Small pink eyes and his ing offal and refuse into the eyes of his opponents and
pale, almost translucent blue-tinged white scales and scrambling up walls out of reach of his pursuers. Runty
diminutive stature marked him as an albino and a runt. eventually ran out of places to escape to, and the guild
Taken in by a human woman and treated little better put him in a melon sack and took him to the guild mas-
than a pet, “Runty” survived the unfortunate circum- ter.
stances of his arrival into the world. Runty knew his
place in the household where he grew up – at the bot- The guild master was not expecting a scrappy kobold
tom. Perhaps because of a sliver of kindness within him, ready to take on the entire room, and instead of cutting
or maybe as a cry for attention, he took it upon him- off a hand, as was the standard punishment for those
self to become a helping hand. While his mistress slept, that crossed the gang; he offered the kobold a position
Runty swept the floors, dusted the innumerable book- in the group. Taken aback by this unexpected turn,
shelves, polished silverware and cleaned windows, and Rusty accepted the offer. The guild master, a sorcerer
made a fresh batch of morning bread. His first attempts with necromantic abilities, welcomed him into the Bone
were laughable, even pitiful, but still he was determined Hand, and called him “Little Wight” because of his col-
to earn even the smallest word of praise. oring.
It never came. Old enemies of his mistress found her Little Wight, or Wightscale as he became better known
and tied her up in a chair while they shuttered and as, earned his place in the Bone Hand, showing them the
barred the house, setting it ablaze. Paralyzed with fear, rooftop ways and paths to travel in the city unseen by
Runty did nothing to stop them, and frantically tried to guards patrolling the streets below. Fellow gang mem-
flee the conflagration, escaping through a bolt hole he bers respected his natural stealth and instinctive trap
had dug up under the hearth. Tears of rage and anger finding skills, and often tried to engage the albino in
at losing the only home he had ever known sparked a idle conversation. Unsure of his linguistic skill, Wight-
change in Runty, a change that would manifest in the scale avoided small talk, instead practicing in private to
predatory path he would choose to survive. mouth the words out correctly.
Taken to beatings and thievery to survive in the rough Battle Tactics
and tumble streets of the world, Runty discovered some- Wightscale prefers to get the jump on his opponent,
hiding until he can get a surprise attack off, imbuing his
mind blade with psychic strike. He avoids any obviously
stronger opponents, picking off any allies and spellcast-
ers first. Should he need to make a quick getaway, he ac-
tivates a smokestick, drinks his potion of jump and flees
to the rooftops.
Wightscale cr3
Male kobold soulknife 3
LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 3
Init +3; Senses Listen +1, Spot +7
Languages Common, Undercommon
psychic energy again by taking another move action. scale had to kill his master.
Once a soulknife has prepared his blade for a psychic Wightscale balked, for his time in the Bone Hand had
strike, it holds the extra energy until it is used. Even brought him riches and a surrogate family. He returned
if the soulknife drops the mind blade (or it otherwise to the guild’s den, and as he was wont to do, and sneaked
dissipates, such as when it is thrown and misses), it is in to listen to the latest news and gossip. Wightscale
still imbued with psychic energy when the soulknife was no stranger to betrayal, but he was unprepared for
next materializes it. the levels of rage that consumed him when he heard his
Wightscale clawed his way through the ranks of the guild mates insulting and belittling him. Mad as he was,
Bone Hand, impressing the veterans of the guild with the time was not yet right for his retribution. Wightscale
his quiet efficiency and ruthless ferocity. Through their had grown to be conniving and spiteful during his time
extortion rackets and nighttime robberies, Wightscale with the guild, and with patience learned from being a
learned that money was the key to power in the cut- silent ghost in the rafters; he followed the orders of the
throat city streets. Money could buy the feigned igno- Bone Hand guild master.
rance of witnesses, the convenient illnesses of guards The lieutenant met his end, as planned, killed by a pre-
and the leniency of the arbiters of justice, and for the cise shot to the temple, Wightscale’s favorite target on a
first time in his life, Wightscale knew the comforts of body. As Wightscale observed the guild master breathe
a good meal. Even with his trivial cut of the proceeds in the last breath of a dying man, he got an inordinate
from the guild thievery, he knew the taste of the fine amount of pleasure watching the guild master’s face
food and drink, pleasures not tainted by rot, mold or as he threw his mind blade at the prepared phylactery.
souring. In his newly found world of vice, Wightscale Shattering the sphere of glass and mithral wire, Wight-
found his niche, and like all kobolds, he would fight to scale stood over the body of the guild master, killing
the death to keep what he claimed. Wightscale perfect- him as he lay writhing from the necromantic backlash
ed the art of breaking and entering, secreting himself resulting since the destruction of the raw phylactery.
in an attic or basement and learning the layout. Casing Plucking the glittering black diamond from the heart of
the house, setting the owners at ease with surprises of the glass sphere, Wightscale returned to the Nightgaunt
house cleaning and fresh baked goods on their doorstep, Cabal with proof of his victory.
Wightscale learned their secrets for either blackmailing
or where they kept their valuables. His mind blade was Battle Tactics
the ultimate weapon, untraceable, and Wightscale prac- Wightscale has become mistrusting and paranoid. He
ticed endlessly with it, shaping it into multiple forms. only believes in himself and the power of money to sway
Thieving guilds are not without their difficulties, and others’ actions. Working alone, he targets those govern-
the Bone Hand was no different. The guild master was ment officials that the Cabal pays him to, imbuing his
no fool and decided to entrust Wightscale with a secret. mind blade with a psychic strike and studying them to
He knew that one of his lieutenants was moving against use his death attack maneuver and permanently silenc-
him, and the guild master was just a breath away from ing them. While he can shape his mind blade in a num-
completing the last rite to become a lich. Preying upon ber of forms suitable for what he needs, he prefers creat-
Wightscale’s need to serve and his lust for riches, the ing them with the keen or psychokinetic enhancements
head of the Bone Hand swayed Wightscale to pursue and keeping with the short sword form with which he is
entry into the Nightgaunt Cabal, an order of assassins. most familiar.
Ingress into the Nightgaunt’s eyrie was difficult, but Wightscale, Nightgaunt Assassin cr10
Wightscale was determined to do whatever it took to Male kobold soulknife 8/assassin 2
please the Bone Hand guild master. The punishing
LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 10
gauntlet of tests broke many, but not Wightscale. He
passed through the traps and eliminated the guards in Init +4; Senses Listen +1, Spot +11
his way. The Cabal knew that they had a great candidate Languages Common, Undercommon
on their hands, but no assassin can serve two masters,
and they knew of Wightscale’s membership in the Bone
Hand. As the final entry requirement, the Nightgaunt AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 19
Cabal requires entrants to kill, and kill someone close. Hp 41 (10 HD; 8d10+2d6-10)
Wightscale expected this, and had his target picked –
that of the Bone Hand lieutenant. That choice was not Fort +1, Ref +13, Will +7 (+1 vs poisons)
enough for the Cabal. To become a Nightgaunt, Wight- Weaknesses light sensitivity
add one of the following abilities to enhance his mind
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares) blade: defending, keen, lucky, mighty cleaving, psy-
chokinetic, sundering, vicious. The weapon ability
Melee +2 keen mind blade +12/+7 (1d4+2/18-20) remains the same every time the soulknife material-
and +1 frost punching dagger +10 (1d3+1 plus 1d6 izes his mind blade (unless he decides to reassign his
cold/x3) abilities, which requires 8 hours in concentration).
Ranged +2 keen mind blade +14 (1d4+2/18-20; The ability applies to any form the mind blade takes.
range 30 ft.) or +1 returning dagger +12 (1d3+1/19- Shape Mind Blade (Su): As a full round action, he
20; range 10 ft.) can change his mind blade to replicate a longsword or
Base Atk +7; Grp +3 a bastard sword (wielded two-handed). Alternatively,
a soulknife can split his mind blade into two identify
Atk options psychic strike +2d8, sneak attack +1d6
short swords, suitable for fighting with a weapon in
Def options uncanny dodge each hand. However, both mind blades have an en-
Special actions death attack (DC 14) hancement bonus 1 lower than the soulknife would
otherwise create with a single mind blade.
Combat Gear 2 potions of cure moderate wounds,
smokestick Wightscale’s proficiency with his mind blade proved a
boon to the Cabal, and the money he received for his as-
Assassin spells known (CL 2nd): sassinations was even more than what the Bone Hand
1st (2/day) – feather fall, jump, true strike was making with their petty thievery. The resources of
Power points 2 the Cabal opened up to him, and finally he learned of
his race, but he knew he could never truly be a part of
them. Too different, and their concept of putting the
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8 group before the self, were too alien to the mindset he
had grown used to, and he committed himself wholly
SQ free draw, mind blade +2, mind blade enhance-
to the Cabal. Finally learning to read and speak with
ment +1, poison use, shape mind blade, throw mind
confidence and proficiency, he learned to cast magical
spells as well as learn meditative techniques that en-
Feats Deadly Precision, Speed of ThoughtB, Stealthy, hanced his mind blade to new heights. Wightscale still
Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Fo- prefers his mind blade to any other weapon, and his ex-
cus (mind blade)B, Wild TalentB pert services demand a high price. Every now and then,
Skills Appraise +2, Balance +6, Bluff -1, Climb +3, Wightscale returns to some of his habits of his younger
Concentration -1, Craft +2, Diplomacy -1, Disguise +4, years, choosing a home to inhabit and lull the residents
Escape Artist +4, Forgery +2, Gather Information -1, into a false sense of security. Just as they begin to trust
Heal +1, Hide +26, Intimidate -1, Jump +5, Listen +1, the silent and invisible helpful hand, he callously kills
Move Silently +24, Open Lock +9, Perform -1, Ride them, and sets up their murders to look like the work of
+4, Search +4, Sense Motive +1, Spot +11, Survival +1, a rival assassin or guild.
Tumble +17, Use Rope +4 Despite his placement in the Cabal, he knows that
Possessions combat gear plus +2 shadow silent trust has no value in such an assembly and loyalty even
moves leather, explorer’s outfit, handy haversack less than that. He continuously hones his skills, know-
(mwk thieves’ tools, smokestick, flask of oil, and a belt ing that a blade in the dark could be aiming for him at
pouch containing 7 pp, 29 gp, 3 sp, and a black dia- any time.
mond) Battle Tactics
Using the wealth given by the Cabal, Wightscale
Free Draw (Su): Wightscale can materialize his bought some of the best gear he could find. In particu-
mind blade as a free action instead of a move action. lar, he has acquired numerous items that aid in decep-
He can make only one attempt to materialize the mind tion and evasion. But his prize possession is the phy-
blade per round, however. lactery of protection, the black diamond that he paid to
have enchanted. He now delights in watching his tar-
Mind Blade (Su): Wightscale’s mind blade gains a gets succumb to any number of his ability score-drain-
+2 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. ing attacks, including his rod of withering and knife to
Mind Blade Enhancement (Su): Wightscale can the soul ability. He goes out of his way to toy with his
opponents, particularly if they are weaker. Priding him- 1st (4/day) – disguise self, feather fall, jump, true
self on his efficiency, he does not dally on a job. If sur- strike
rounded by multiple opponents, he uses his bladewind Power points 2
ability, then falls back and reshapes his mind blade,
then moves in and out of combat, relying upon his cloak
of displacement to avoid any counter attacks. Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 8, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8
Wightscale, elite Nightgaunt Cabal Assassin cr20 SQ free draw, mind blade +3, mind blade enhance-
Male kobold soulknife 15/assassin 5 ment +3, poison use, shape mind blade, throw mind
LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 20
Feats Combat Reflexes, Deadly Precision, Greater
Init +9; Senses Listen +16, Spot +16 Weapon Focus (mind blade)B, Improved Critical
Languages Common, Undercommon, Draconic (mind blade), Improved Initiative, Speed of ThoughtB,
Stealthy, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse,
Weapon Focus (mind blade)B, Wild TalentB
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 20; 50 percent miss
chance Skills Appraise +2, Balance +9, Bluff -1, Climb +6,
Concentration -1, Craft +2, Diplomacy -1, Disguise
Hp 75 (20 HD; 15d10+5d6-20) +4, Escape Artist +5, Forgery +2, Gather Information
Resist Fire 30 -1, Heal +1, Hide +39, Intimidate -1, Jump +8, Listen
+16, Move Silently +35, Open Lock +15, Perform -1,
Fort +5, Ref +18, Will +11 (+2 vs poisons)
Ride +5, Search +4, Sense Motive +1, Spot +16, Sur-
Weaknesses light sensitivity vival +1, Swim +1, Tumble +22, Use Magic Device +4,
Use Rope +5
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares) Possessions combat gear plus +2 shadow silent
moves leather, amulet of proof against detection and
Melee +3 defending wounding mind blade location, chime of opening, gauntlets of ogre power,
+23/+18/+13 (1d4+4/17-20) and rod of withering +23 phylactery of protection1, ring of fire resistance 30,
or +2 defending wounding mind blade +22/+17/+12 explorer’s outfit, handy haversack (smokestick, flask
(1d4+3/17-20) and +2 defending wounding mind of oil, belt pouch containing 324 pp, 9 gp, and 3 sp)
blade +22 or +1 frost punching dagger +20/+15/+10
Ranged +3 defending wounding mind blade +25 Bladewind (Su): As a full attack when wielding his
(1d4+4/17-20; range 30 ft.) or +1 returning dagger mind blade, Wightscale can give up his regular at-
+20/+15/+10 (1d3+2/19-20; range 10 ft.) tacks and instead fragment his mind blade to make
one melee attack at his full base attack bonus against
Base Atk +14; Grp +11 each opponent within reach. Each fragment functions
Atk options Combat Reflexes, knife to the soul, psy- identically to his regular mind blade. Wightscale for-
chic strike +4d8, sneak attack +3d6 feits any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats
Def options improved uncanny dodge or abilities (such as Cleave or haste).
Special actions bladewind, death attack (DC 17) Knife to the Soul (Su): When Wightscale executes
a psychic strike, he can choose to substitute Intelli-
Combat Gear Boots of levitation, major cloak of gence, Wisdom or Charisma damage (his choice) for
displacement, ring of chameleon power, 2 potions extra dice of damage. For each die of extra damage
of cure moderate wounds, 5 potions of cure seri- he gives up, he deals 1 point of damage to the ability
ous wounds, 2 potions of gaseous form, 3 potions of score he chooses. The soulknife decides which ability
haste, 3 potions of remove blindness/deafness, 3 po- score his psychic strike damages and the division of
tions of remove curse, 3 potions of remove disease, ability score damage and extra dice of damage when
3 potions of remove paralysis, 3 potions of water he imbues his mind blade with the psychic strike en-
breathing, 3 potions of water walking ergy.
Assassin spells known (CL 5th): Mind Blade (Su): Wightscale’s mind blade gains a
2nd (3/day) – invisibility, pass without trace, +3 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls.
spider climb
Mind Blade Enhancement (Su): In addition to zy, a ghostly entity haunting the tunnels, a spirit that
the abilities previously listed, Wightscale can add a to- responds to the fury embodied by the martial style of
tal combination of +3 of weapon abilities to his mind Rijkajat’s family.
blade. Spiteful, callous and cruel, Rijkajat has few goals in
+2: collision, mindcrusher, psychokinetic burst, life. Every one of Rijkajat’s ancestors has died young
suppression, wounding. and he expects to be no different. This expectation of
+3: bodyfeeder, mindfeeder, soulbreaker. a brief life makes Rijkajat reckless in battle and his so-
cial interactions are crude with his fellows, even going
1: New item, see page 26. so far as to resort to thievery and rape. Rijkajat breaks
social taboos left and right, his obsession over restoring
Rijkajat Dwarvenfoe his family’s place causing him to ignore the very rules
that keeps his tribe functioning in the cruel subterra-
“Foul dwarf thieves! I will use your blade against you, nean world.
and bathe in your blood!” Finally, Rijkajat went too far. After an unsuccessful
Dwarves have stolen everything that rightfully belongs raid against a dwarven mining expedition, the force had
to the kobold people – from the best veins of metal to the returned to their dens in defeat, but it was a rout caused
warmest tunnels near the surface. Believing the stout not by a dwarf’s hand, but by Rijkajat’s. His impatience
folk caused the squalor that his tribe dwells in, Rijkajat spoiled the carefully laid trap and caused the miners to
blames them for their exile from the fabled Lunic Pit, dig in and form a blockade, a maneuver that has always
a hollow shaft glittering with silver and gold nuggets. meant defeat for the kobolds. When the lead warrior
One of the lowest ranking families in his tribe, Rijkajat’s reported what had happened to their chieftain, Rijka-
ancestors were shamed with losing their holiest site, a jat knew that there would be consequences, but he did
sprawling tunnel complex that served as the birthmark not care. Hovering behind the stout folk, Rijkajat had
node (page xxx) for multiple tribes in the area. Ever seen the Frenzy, and he knew he needed to return there
since their loss, fathers speak to their sons of the Fren-
Rijkajat the Fierce cr3
Male kobold barbarian 3
CE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 3
Init +3; Senses Listen +3; Spot +3
Languages Draconic
Battle Tactics
What is the Frenzy? A kept guard dog, Rijkajat only saw release from his
In your campaign, the Frenzy can be any number cage when the defense of the tribe was in question.
of things, but for Rijkajat and his tribe, it is a disem- Now restored to a position of respect, he has his pick of
bodied ghost of vengeance, an ancestral spirit. Torn equipment to wear and use. If encountered prior to the
from its duty to protect the cognizance node, it seeks shamans’ revelations, Rijkajat will likely be equipped
to return to its home and influence the tribe to that with lesser equipment provided by them for his mis-
end. The Frenzy can only affect those kobolds whose sion. Continually imbued by the Frenzy, his waraxe re-
node mark is within the node it guards and to a lesser mains his weapon of choice, though he remains a reck-
degree their descendants. As its name tells, this pro- less and bull-headed opponent. His necklace of fireballs
tective spirit is angry, and it fuels the rage and battle has one bead left, saving it for a good opponent worth
prowess of kobolds in its aura. For more on the protec- its power.
tive spirits of the nodes, see page 21. Rijkajat, Blessed of the Frenzy cr9
Male kobold barbarian 9
awaken in a glorious euphoria, giving praise to the Fren-
zy and giving offerings to it. CE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 9
Rijkajat’s insistence on paying obeisance to the Frenzy Init +3; Senses Listen +3; Spot +3
gives the shamans great concern. Only Rijkajat can see Languages Draconic
the disembodied spirit, and most of the tribe dismisses
his incoherent prayers as the raving of a maniac. De-
spite this, Rijkajat’s effectiveness could not be denied, AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 19
and some of the younger kobolds began to believe what Hp 69 (9 HD; 9d12+9); DR 1/-
he was saying, particularly those that claimed they were
Rijkajat’s bastard children. When they said that they Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +4; trap sense +3
saw a ghostly kobold dressed in bone armor and leav- Resist critical damage 25 percent
ing bloody footprints that lead them toward undefended
Weaknesses light sensitivity
enemies, the shamans had a problem, and they decided
to investigate themselves.
What they found changed the shamans. They returned Spd 40 ft. (8 squares)
to the tribe with burnt runes on their flesh and murder Melee +1 shock dwarven waraxe +12/+7 (1d8+2
in their hearts. Agitating the tribe into war, every ko- plus 1d6 electricity/x3)
bold, both young and old, gathered up their belongings
and went on a rampage through the tunnels, destroy- Base Atk +9; Grp +6
ing their way to reclaim the Lunic Pit. Fueled by energy Atk Options Power Attack, Reckless Offense, rage
reserves they did not know they possessed, the kobolds 3/day
worked tirelessly to build ambushes and create poisons. Def Options improved uncanny dodge
With their preparations complete, Rijkajat’s children ap-
proached their elders with a boon to grant. They would Combat gear Necklace of fireballs (type I), 2 po-
choose to be the bait to draw out their enemies, if the tions of bull’s strength, potion of cure light wounds,
shamans would agree to unbind Rijkajat from his drug- 3 potions of cure moderate wounds, potion of shield
induced stupor. They believed that the Frenzy granted of faith +2
Rijkajat his power, as he had said all along, and that his
powers were not a curse, but a blessing.
Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
The shamans and chieftain agreed. In the chaos of the
SQ fast movement +10 ft., illiteracy
final battle to reclaim the pit, all of the kobolds recall
seeing a shining red figure in bone armor manifest it- Feats Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven
self, fueling their battle lust and giving them that extra waraxe), Power Attack, Reckless Offense
push to break the enemy lines. Rijkajat led the charge, Skills Balance +2, Bluff -1, Climb +5, Concentra-
wielding their stolen dwarven war axes against them as tion +1, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Escape Artist +2,
he crushed shield and bone. Gather Information -1, Heal +1, Hide +6, Intimidate
+11, Jump +14, Listen +3, Move Silently +2, Perform
-1, Ride +7, Search +2, Sense Motive +1, Spot +3, Sur- AC 24, touch 15, flat-footed 24
vival +13, Swim +4, Use Rope +3 Hp 96 (9 HD; 15d12); DR 2/-
Possessions combat gear plus +1 chain shirt of light Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +6; +4 Will vs. enchantment
fortification, amulet of health +2 spells & effects; trap sense +3
With the Lunic Pit once again restored to their tribe, Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10, sonic 10
news of the victory over the dwarves quickly spread.
The spoils of the battles fell to the victors, and the fe- Weaknesses feebleminded, light sensitivity
cundity of the kobolds soon swelled the tribe’s ranks to
an unheard of size. Hundreds of kobolds inhabited the
Spd 40 ft. (8 squares)
pit, once again mining their rich ancestral gold, silver,
and mithral deposits. Other tribes flocked to join in the Melee +2 shock dwarven waraxe of speed
wealth. The incoming chieftains created a council, and +20/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+5 plus 1d6 electricity/x3)
their influence spread through the tunnels and twisting Base Atk +15; Grp +13
passageways of the underground.
Atk Options Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack,
Rijkajat did not fare so well in the following years. The Reckless Offense, greater rage 4/day
detrimental effect of years of drugs sapped his intellect,
and in the battle against their dwarven enemy, a well- Def Options improved uncanny dodge
placed feeblemind spell left him unable to function in Combat gear 2 potions of bull’s strength, potion of
his society. Cared for by his many children, Rijkajat has cure serious wounds, 2 potions of haste, 2 potion of
gained an honored place among the elders of the tribe, protection from arrows 10/magic, ring of freedom
though he no longer has the mental faculties to contrib- of movement
ute in that capacity. He remains a ferocious opponent,
and with the restoration of the cognizance node, the en-
tity known as the Frenzy has sustained its connection Abilities Str 13, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
with Rijkajat and made him the personal guardian of SQ fast movement +10 ft., illiteracy, indomitable will
that holy ground. Now a kobold of more than two de-
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
cades, his limbs starting to wither and his eyes dull with
(dwarven waraxe), Great Cleave, Power Attack, Reck-
blindness, Rijkajat continues putting one foot in front
less Offense
of the other, avoiding the mercy killings often given
to aged kobolds. With a life fueled by such anger and Skills Balance +2, Climb +5, Escape Artist +2, Heal
purpose, the shamans rightly fear that not even death +1, Hide +6, Jump +11, Listen +9, Move Silently +2,
would truly end Rijkajat’s existence. Ride +8, Sense Motive +1, Spot +3, Survival +16,
Swim +5, Tumble +8, Use Rope +3
Battle Tactics
Possessions combat gear plus +3 adamantine chain
Unable to formulate even the simplest of battle plans,
shirt of elemental resistance; amulet of natural ar-
Rijkajat knows only the basest instincts, but that does
mor +2, ring of protection +1
not mean he cannot tell friend from foe. For Rijkajat,
friends are kobolds – all others are the enemy. Outfitted
in the finest of the dwarven-made treasures found in Feebleminded: Rijkajat has been feebleminded, a
the Lunic Pit, Rijkajat still attacks with his waraxe first, situation that his tribe has been unable to cure. He
then rages in the following round. If he cannot drop an cannot use any Charisma- or Intelligence-based skills,
opponent quickly, he uses Power Attack and Reckless understand language, or communicate coherently. He
Offense interchangeably until they stop moving. While gains the following modifications if cured:
he possesses several potions, he rarely uses them, hard-
ly remembering what they do (25 percent chance). Languages Draconic
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Rijkajat, Guardian of the Holy cr15
Male kobold barbarian 15 Skills Intimidate +18
Some three hundred years after the retak-
ing of the Lunic Pit, Rijkajat’s descendents
have filtered down to encompass most of
the tribes living there. The realms below and
the denuded surface area can only support so
much of a population, however, the females
have stopped producing young, and what chil-
dren are born are sick and weakly. Throughout
his childhood, Viritoth barely escaped the ravages
of disease brought upon by overpopulation, and his
one redeeming quality was his inborn magical talent.
Bullied and generally ignored by other kobolds, Viritoth
relied upon the strictures and laws of the tribe to keep
him alive. He lives up to every bad stereotype — being
cowardly, selfish, and greedy — but he does occasionally
show some backbone when his fellows are threatened,
or when he does not have a choice.
The Tribes of the Lunic Pit have fallen far from where
they were when their progenitor Rijkajat still lived. Their
territory slowly chewed up by their ancient dwarven foes,
whose long memory will not permit them to forget their
ignominious defeat. The Tribes are facing extinction and Viritoth the Spineless cr3
they are barely holding on with clawed fingers to what Male kobold sorcerer 3
they yet maintain. Patrols by the Tribes increased, and
they continued to line tunnels with more and more traps, LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 3
but it was not enough. Init+2; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2
The dwarves, being expert miners themselves, tunneled Languages Draconic, Undercommon
their way around and through their defenses, right into
the heart of the warrens. Severely weakened by genera-
tions of diluted bloodlines, they stood no chance against AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12
the organized and determined dwarves. Falling back to Hp 9 (3 HD; 3d4-6)
their last line of defense, the beehive shaped cognizance
Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +5
node at the heart of their dens, Viritoth was one of the
few left alive, and in a truly desperate situation. Sur-
rounded on all sides by the enemy and with only a pre- Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
cious handful of their own left alive, Viritoth did what he
had never done before — he prayed. Ranged ranged touch +3 or dagger +4 (1d3-2/19-
20; range 10 ft.)
Something answered. The marks upon the walls of
the node started to burn with a fierce orange light, and Melee melee touch -1 or club +0 (1d4-2)
all Viritoth knew was fire and the screams of the dying Base Atk +1; Grp -5
dwarves as they prayed to their gods for mercy. Combat gear acid, alchemists’ fire, potion of blur, 2
Battle Tactics potions of cure light wounds, potion of mage armor,
At this point in his life, Viritoth should hardly break a potion of reduce person, wand of magic missile (CL
sweat for a group of experienced heroes. Falling into a 3rd; 13 charges)
support role, he will harass opponents with his ray of en- Sorcerer spells known (CL 3rd):
feeblement and his wand. Viritoth would never consider 1st (6/day; DC 13) – ray of enfeeblement, reduce
attacking in melee combat, and should he be attacked person, true strike
in this fashion himself, he will use his potion of reduce
person on himself and flee, relying upon his reduced size 0 (6/day; DC 12) – dancing lights, ghost sound,
to make him harder to hit. mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost
with natural thieving abilities and such was the case
Abilities Str 6, Dex 14, Con 6, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15 with Viritoth’s tribe. He formulated a plan after observ-
ing their activities, and decided that the safest and most
SQ summon familiar lucrative method was to become a mercenary group.
Feats Combat Casting, Toughness The youngest kobolds born after the Day of Fire had mi-
nor magical abilities (see Sidebar X), and Viritoth knew
Skills Appraise +1, Balance +2, Bluff +2, Climb -2,
that these talents, combined with the natural dexterity
Concentration +4, Craft +1, Diplomacy +2, Disguise
of their race, constituted the perfect combination for
+2, Escape Artist +2, Forgery +1, Gather Informa-
burglary. With a little bit of magical persuasion and a
tion +2, Heal +2, Hide +6, Intimidate +2, Jump -2,
quick tongue, Viritoth secured several minor robberies
Knowledge (arcane) +7, Listen +2, Move Silently +2,
for his tribe to perform.
Perform +2, Ride +2, Search +3, Sense Motive +2,
Spellcraft +9, Spot +2, Survival +2, Swim -2, Use Battle Tactics
Rope +2 Chieftain Viritoth has become quite adept at using his
Possessions combat gear plus backpack (13 gp, 30 staff of illusions and wand of charm person to lead in-
sp) truders astray. He initiates combat by drinking his po-
tion of blur, followed by using pipes of the sewers to
Viritoth woke up, much to his surprise, but something
summon rat swarms to weaken opponents. He buffs
had changed, both to the home that he had always known
any available allies with haste, and uses his incredible
and to himself. The walls of the node were smooth and
speed to move quickly around the battlefield. He uses
covered in a crusted layer of charcoal, the marks carved
his greater dispel magic to weaken his opponents, then
into them gone as if erased by some unseen hand.
moves around on the floors and ceilings in order to af-
Wounds healed and no sign of the dwarves that had at-
fect as many opponents as possible with lightning bolt
tacked them, Viritoth organized the survivors to gather
and scorching ray.
what they could from the warrens and flee to the sur-
face. Filled with a commanding presence he had never Viritoth the Chieftain cr21
felt before and able to formulate plans quickly, Viritoth Male kobold paragon sorcerer 6
transformed. His simple prayer for survival caused the
energies of the node to exhaust itself to the point of be- LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 21
coming inert and they had altered his very being. He fell Init+9; Senses Listen +20, Spot +20
into the role of a leader quite easily, and he was amazed Languages Draconic, Undercommon, Common,
at how straightforward spells came to him now. Dwarven, Elven, Orc
Leading his small band of twenty out of the warren
they had known for generations, they fled far and away
from the mountains, and followed a cold river that led AC 47, touch 44, flat-footed 26
to a city. The kobolds had rarely even seen other hu- Hp 129 (6 HD; 6d4+96); DR 10/epic; fast healing 20
manoids, let alone a city of such immensity, but Viritoth
Fort +17, Ref +21, Will +25
knew that their best choice was to dwell there. Suste-
nance and shelter would be plentiful, and so would op- Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 31
portunity. He automatically knew that the remaining
females needed a steady supply of food to become fer-
tile again, and he went alone to the city to find it. Spd 90 ft. (18 squares)
Fearing little, he quickly utilized his newfound abili- Ranged ranged touch +37 or +1 dagger +39
ties to the benefit of his tribe. He found a suitable as- (1d3+26/19-20; range 10 ft.)
sortment of tunnels in the city’s sewers, and moved his Melee melee touch +33 or staff of illusion +30
people there. He kept then busy with defenses and in (1d4+25) and +26 (1d4+22) or +1 dagger +35
acclimating to the sounds of the city. It was not long be- (1d3+26/19-20)
fore they had carved their own niche. His people secure, Base Atk +3; Grp +4
he went topside to seek those opportunities he sensed
before, things that he needed to make his growing tribe Combat Gear staff of illusion (CL 13th; 35 charges),
secure and content. pipes of the sewers, cape of the mountebank, potion
of blur, 5 potions of cure moderate wounds, 2 potions
It was not long until he found something promising. of darkvision, potion of mage armor, wand of charm
Larcenous groups often welcome enterprising races person(CL 5th; 12 charges)
Sorcerer spells known (CL 21st) self into studying new languages and finding subjects
3rd (5/day; DC 23) – lightning bolt that his tribe could easily understand, he took on the
role of teacher and shaman, showing them the written
2nd (8/day; DC 22) – blindness/deafness, scorching word and teaching the languages of the city. Chieftain,
ray teacher, shaman – Viritoth’s skills span the gamut and
1st (9/day; DC 21) – cause fear, ray of enfeeblement, he burns with curiosity about every subject and person
reduce person, true strike he encounters.
0 (6/day; DC 20) – dancing lights, detect magic, Having learned the value of patience and planning
ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of over the years, when it comes to matters of his tribe,
frost, read magic Viritoth suppresses his natural inclination toward tak-
ing risks with an almost daredevil attitude. He takes
Spell-like abilities (CL 15th)
his role as chieftain very seriously, always considering
3/day – greater dispel magic, haste, see invisibility how every possible outcome might impact his tribe. His
largest goal now, and one that he has spent years for-
mulating, involves bringing his tribe out of the sewers
Abilities Str 21, Dex 29, Con 21, Int 28, Wis 30, Cha and into the surface society. No other venture has cap-
30 tured his attention so, but his meticulous nature wants
SQ Summon familiar to plan all the details before committing so many lives
Feats Combat Casting, Enlarge SpellB, Improved to the goal.
Counterspell, Toughness Battle Tactics
Skills Appraise +19, Balance +19, Bluff +29, Climb Viritoth’s techniques in battle are focused on protecting
+15, Concentration +24, Craft +19, Craft (alchemy) his warriors before the battle even begins. Hallucina-
+20, Craft (carpentry) +20, Craft (locksmithing) +20, tory terrain, symbols of sleep and explosive runes all
Craft (stonemasonry) +20, Craft (trapmaking) +20, cover the obvious tunnels to the tribe’s home. Haste re-
Diplomacy +22, Disguise +20, Escape Artist +19, mains his opening volley, cast upon his personal body-
Forgery +19, Gather Information +20, Heal +20, Hide guards. Focusing on the strongest non-spellcaster, he
+23, Intimidate +22, Jump +39, Knowledge (arcana) uses his ring of telekinesis to bull rush them, following
+28, Listen +20, Move Silently +20, Perform +20, up with dominate person. Those that resist the effects
Ride +19, Search +21, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft must suffer phantasmal killer and hideous laughter.
+30, Spot +20, Survival +20, Swim +15, Use Rope Knowing spellcasters are normally a bigger threat, he
+19 targets them with ray of enfeeblement followed by an
Possessions Combat gear plus bracers of armor +3, enlarged web, chain lightning and a maximized light-
ring of sustenance, slippers of spider climbing, schol- ning bolt. Viritoth attempts to counter offensive magic
ar’s outfit (worn), backpack (100 gp), bag of holding with Improved Counterspell or dissolve magical de-
type II (2 sovereign glue, 2 universal solvent) fenses with a targeted greater dispel magic. If Viritoth
is feeling particularly sadistic, he will let intruders en-
Viritoth’s plan was a smashing success. Fueled by his ter the tunnels, then lock them in with hold portal, cast
intellect and their pride in their skills, the newest gen- mass reduce person, then summon a rat swarm with
eration grew to be skilled thieves and spies. Their small his pipes of the sewers.
size let them slink into places larger humanoids could
not, and while they lacked the muscles of the taller races, Chieftain Viritoth the Pureblooded cr27
they more than made up for it with cunning. Their skills Male kobold paragon sorcerer 12
at mining did not serve them as well as they did in un- LE Small humanoid (reptilian); CR 27
derground tunnels, but their trap making skills were in
high demand, both in the black market and in legitimate Init+9; Senses Listen +20, Spot +20
circles. Languages Draconic, Undercommon, Common,
Yet Viritoth was not content. He knew his intelligence Dwarven, Elven, Orc
was far beyond his kin’s, and he felt that his tribe could
accomplish more, and become more like him. Turning
AC 52, touch 44, flat-footed 31
towards the world of learning and academia, he slowly
filched books to build a library, always thieving from Hp 211 (6 HD; 12d4+198); DR 10/epic; fast healing
multiple locations to avoid suspicion. Devoting him- 20
Fort +19, Ref +23, Will +28 cana) +35, Knowledge (local) +21, Listen +20, Move
Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 37 Silently +24, Open Lock +24, Perform +20, Ride +19,
Search +24, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +37, Spot
+20, Survival +20, Swim +15, Use Rope +19
Spd 90 ft. (18 squares) Possessions Combat gear plus bracers of armor +8,
Ranged ranged touch +40 or +5 cold iron dagger ring of sustenance, slippers of spider climbing, schol-
+46 (1d3+30/19-20; range 10 ft.) ar’s outfit (worn), backpack (100 gp), bag of holding
type II (2 sovereign glue, 2 universal solvent)
Melee melee touch +36 or staff of illusion +33/+28
(1d4+25) and +29 (1d4+22) or +5 cold iron dagger
“Bonus Round”
+42/+37 (1d3+30/19-20)
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
Combat Gear Staff of illusion (CL 13th; 15 charges),
pipes of the sewers, cape of the mountebank ring of
telekinesis, slippers of spider climbing, 5 potions of
Cognizance Node
cure serious wounds, 2 potions of darkvision, potion Buried at the very heart of a kobold warren, these are
of mage armor places of particular import to a tribe’s spiritual well be-
Sorcerer spells known (CL 27th) ing. Also called birthmark nodes, these are either cav-
erns or a tightly packed copse of trees and rocks, cov-
6th (5/day; DC 26) – chain lightning ered floor to ceiling with runes and pictographs. When
5th (7/day; DC 25) – dominate person, symbol of a young kobold comes of age, one of the tribal shamans
sleep escorts them to the tribal node where they perform a
4th (8/day; DC 24) – hallucinatory terrain, mass re- simple purification ritual. The young kobold takes a
duce person, phantasmal killer hammer and chisel, carving out a personal rune on the
walls of the node. Kobolds consider this ritual one of the
3rd (8/day; DC 23) – explosive runes, haste, light- most important of their lives, and hold it to be a deep,
ning bolt, tongues spiritual significance to the ceremony. Many believe
2nd (9/day; DC 22) – acid arrow, blindness/deaf- that glimpses of their destined path in life will come to
ness, hideous laughter, scorching ray, web them as they carve their marks. Not even the shamans
accompany them in this intimate rite. As a kobold nears
1st (9/day; DC 21) – cause fear, hold portal, ray of
their end, some few manage to summon a final bit of en-
enfeeblement, reduce person, true strike
ergy and take the painful walk to the nodes. Kobolds be-
0 (6/day; DC 20) – arcane mark, dancing lights, lieve that those who choose to breathe their last within
detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, open/close, a node serve a special purpose. Kept between this world
prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic and the next, these ancestral spirits serve as guardians
Spell-like abilities (CL 15th) and protectors, summoned to serve the needs of the
3/day – greater dispel magic, haste, see invisibility
More important than just a place of meditation and
quiet respite from the yapping of kobold young, cogni-
Abilities Str 21, Dex 29, Con 21, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 30 zance nodes are also places of great power. The precise
SQ summon familiar methods and results of drawing upon this power vary
from node to node, but they do have a singular pur-
Feats Combat Casting, Enlarge SpellB, Improved pose: protect the tribe. The more marks a node has, the
Counterspell, Leadership, Maximize Spell, Tough- more energy available for tribal defenders from which
ness to draw.
Skills Appraise +20, Balance +19, Bluff +30, Climb
+15, Concentration +30, Craft +19, Craft (alchemy) Activating a Cognizance Node
+23, Craft (carpentry) +21, Craft (locksmithing) +21,
Craft (stonemasonry) +21, Craft (trapmaking) +25, Cognizance nodes can only be activated by spellcast-
Diplomacy +27, Disguise +20, Escape Artist +19, ers or psionicists willing to sacrifice one of their spell
Forgery +20, Gather Information +20, Heal +20, slots for the day (or equivalent psionic energy) and the
Hide +23, Intimidate +22, Jump +39, Knowledge (ar- permanent draining of the node’s energy. A supplicant
must make a Concentration or Autohypnosis effect check
equal to DC 20 + level effect in order to successfully trig-
Cognizance Energy
ger a node. Saving throws are equivalent to DC 10 + level Roll % Points Available
effect + caster or manifester’s level to affect enemies or 01-10 10
allies within a 100-foot radius of the cognizance node 11-20 15
(unless noted). As the cognizance node represents the
distilled soul energy of hundreds of beings, it bypasses 21-30 26
spell or power resistance. Effects that duplicate spell ef- 31-40 52
fects have the same caster level as the supplicant. 41-50 117
Effect Level – Node Point Cost – Description 51-60 292
– Duration – Saving Throw
61-75 365
1st – 7 node points – Ancestor’s Insight: You and
76-90 450
your allies gain a +2 insight bonus to all skill checks.
Caster level; Will (harmless). 91-00 1,000
2nd – 20 node points – Battle Aura: You and your
allies are imbued with battle prowess, gaining a +2 bonus Ancestor Spirit cr5
on attacks and damage. Caster level; Will (harmless). A bone-chilling frost moves in front of a small trans-
3rd – 37 node points – Blessed Purge: You and lucent figure. Dressed in fine jewels, clothing and ar-
your allies gain the benefits of a delay poison and cure mor, this ghostly kobold raises its arms and a flick-
light wounds. Instantaneous; Fortitude (harmless). ering aura of crackling energy and arcane runes
4th – 60 node points – Netherworld Wind: A surround it.
fetid gust of wind fills the tunnels bordering your war- LE Small Undead (Incorporeal)
rens, causing enemies to become exhausted in its wake Init +9; Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft.;
(Strong Wind). Caster Level; Fortitude (negates). Listen +2, Spot +2
5th – 87 node points – Dimensional Trap: You Aura ancestral 30 ft., fear 10 ft. (Will DC 18)
designate one room within your home warren that pre-
vents any dimensional travel in or out of it. Permanent. Languages Draconic, Common
6th – 120 node points – Ghost Legion: You and
ten allies of your choice are granted the ability to use AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 14 (1 size, 5 Dex, 3 deflection)
greater invisibility within 24 hours. Will (harmless).
HP 58 hp (9d12 HD); DR 10/magic
7th – 157 node points – Animate Traps: Three
Immune incorporeal traits, undead traits
traps within your home are given a semblance of life,
causing them to malevolently move against your en- Resist turn immunity
emies at will. Instantaneous. Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +8
8th – 200 node points – Summon Ancestor: You
summon one of your ancestor spirits, charging it with
a single task before it can be released again. Instanta- Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect)
neous. Ranged telekinetic slam +10 (1d3 plus 1d6 negative
9th – 247 node points – Last Strike: A potent blast energy)
of incandescent fire explodes within the cognizance Melee claw +10 (1d3 plus 1d6 Con drain) or Claw +8
node, dealing 12d6 points of fire and 12d6 holy damage (1d3 plus 1d6 Con drain) and claw +8 (1d3 plus 1d6
to your enemies. Instantaneous; Reflex (half damage). Con drain)
A kobold’s death can recharge a cognizance node only Base Atk +4; Grp +0
if that node contains its mark. Once the soul energy re- Def Options incorporeal traits
leases, it is gone forever. On rare occasions, a supplicant
can completely drain the node and all available spell and Special Actions ancestral aura
psionic energy to reshape themselves with a creature
template. Such usage triggers the last strike ability, and
only happens in extreme conditions.
Spell-like abilities (CL 9th): the ancestor spirit from making ranged attacks, while
At will (DC 13) – ghost sound, mage hand, prestidigi- defensive auras (battle, gravesight, tombstone cloak)
tation, ventriloquism prevent them from making melee attacks.
Battle: Crimson arcs of electricity spread out from
the spirit, touching its allies and bathing them in a red
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con -, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16 glow. Allies affected by the battle aura gain a +2 mo-
Feats Ability Focus (ancestral aura), Ability Focus rale bonus to attack and damage and fast healing 1.
(fear aura), Improved Initiative, Two-Weapon Fight- Deadhand (Ref DC 21): Ghostly white clawed hands
ing, Weapon Finesse erupt from the ground, grasping at foes and impeding
Skills Appraise +6 (+8 for traps), Concentration +8, their movement. Subjects failing their saving throws
Craft (trapmaking) +13, Knowledge (history) +11, Lis- are entangled. This save is Dexterity-based.
ten +2, Profession (miner) +14, Search +8, Spellcraft Grave (Fort DC 19): An ancestor spirit is surround-
+6, Spot +2, Survival +2 (+4 following tracks) ed by an icy cold aura that causes 1d6 points of dam-
Advancement 10 – 15 HD (Small), 16 – 21 HD age. A successful saving throw reduces this damage
(Small) by half. This save is Charisma-based.
Gravesight: Allies are granted darkvision 30 feet
and the ability to see invisible creatures.
Tactics Ancestor spirits only engage in combat when
a kobold’s life is threatened, otherwise they are aloof Life Lust (Will DC 19): The undead crave the
and uninterested in communicating with non-ko- warmth of life, and ancestor spirits are no different.
bolds. They never make the first move, instead ig- Opponents within the aura’s range that fail their sav-
noring opponents until struck. They move in and out ing throw are drained of one point of Constitution.
of combat, through obstacles and creatures, leaving Tombstone Cloak: Covered with an ephemeral
behind an icy wake and draining the life force from cloak of shadow and stone that blends into the sur-
opponents, only changing their auras when defend- roundings, allies are granted concealment.
ing kobolds. Given the opportunity, a spirit will try
to draw their enemies into a cognizance node, where
they are immune to turning attempts and can alert a The Lunic Pit
kobold tribe to intruders. Ancestor spirits are smart
If sliced in half, the Lunic Pit resembles a giant beehive
enough to evaluate a situation to determine the best
with branching roots reaching out into the surround-
aura to use, but they do favor their deadhand aura to
ing stone with a pinhole shaft letting a sliver of sun-
slow down opponents or the life lust and battle auras
light in. A void in the granite surrounding it, the pit has
when the tribe engages the enemy.
accumulated millennia of silver, mithral, gold and an
abundance of raw gemstone, making it a valuable un-
Aura of Fear (Su): An ancestor spirit carries the derground region coveted by several mining races. The
chill of the grave with it. Opponents within 10 feet Lunic Pit consists of four levels originally hollowed out
must make a DC 18 Will save or become shaken for by generations of kobolds driven out by an invasion by
one round. This save is Wisdom-based and is a mind- dwarves. The dwarves reworked the upper levels, fin-
affecting effect. Creatures that make their saving ishing and supporting the walls with worked masonry
throw are immune to this ancestor spirit’s fear aura and a spiraling staircase leading to the other levels. The
for 24 hours. industrious dwarves built temples, shrines, forges and
vaulted storage halls as well as numerous small dwell-
Turn Immunity: An ancestor spirit cannot be ings. When the kobolds reclaimed the pit, they eagerly
turned while it is within the boundaries of a cogni- settled into the dwarven constructions, tearing down
zance node. dwarven religious icons and replacing it with their own.
Ancestral Aura (Su): As a standard action, an an- Afire with a religious zealotry, the kobolds expanded
cestor spirit can alter its aura to hinder opponents the temple vault by breaking through the walls. One of
and aid their allies to any of the following auras. walls gave away easily, and they discovered the heart
When initially encountered, it has its grave aura ac- of the pit – the cognizance node that their ancestors
tivated. As long as the ancestor spirit is within range, had died to protect. Interring the cobweb-covered skel-
opponents must make a saving throw each round. Of- etal remains of the dead defenders in a place of honor
fensive auras (deadhand, life lust, and grave) prevent within the catacombs, the kobolds rededicated the node
and surrounding Temple Halls to the mysterious entity homes. Since the takeover of the pit, the kobolds have
known as the Frenzy. been enjoying the privacy afforded by those quarters.
Most families and their extended relatives take over the
Level One various wings, named after gemstones, and gather in
the larger communal halls where the baths and wells
The upper levels of the pit consist of several storage are located. This level also contains the Temple Hall, by
vaults and an artesian well that supplies the entire com- far the largest single structure within the Lunic Pit. A
munity with fresh rain and groundwater. Blocked from marvel of dwarven engineering, the hall sweeps up into
the surface by a multiple lock system with foot-thick the ceiling, supported by flying buttresses and elaborate
stone doors, the pit has a system of dwarven-engineered carved stone columns. The rear of the hall has a stone
defenses enhanced by the kobolds’ trap making skills. archway leading directly into the cognizance node of
the pit. An exit further from the node leads down into
A crack in the ceiling of the Lunic Pit provides light, catacombs and ossuaries, while another exit from the
fresh air, and a smoke hole for the community. Covered right side of the Temple Hall leads into the nurseries
with a thick iron grate and hidden from casual view, the and infirmaries. Acolytes and shamans also live in con-
break in their roof rarely gives the kobolds any human- verted quarters, away from the main dwellings of the
oid problems, only winged ones. Huge quantities of bats other kobolds.
make their home at the top of the pit, and the kobolds
catch many for their suppers. Dire bats are favored prey,
caught by expert hunters and eaten at special occasions. Level Three
The lifeblood of the Lunic Pit, these twisting passage-
Level Two ways churn out unbelievable amounts of silver, mithral
and gold, all interspersed with raw gemstones. Once
Communal living has always been a mainstay for ko- depleted of their riches, the kobolds collapse these
bolds, but the dwarves demanded individual family veins and tunnels to prevent incursions by other un-
derground races, particularly dwarves. The mines use a Components: S, M
bucket and pulley system to bring up ores to the refinery Casting Time: 1 standard action
in the main area of the mines. Carved stone channels in
the mining passages serve as tracks for mining carts. Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Level Four Duration: 1 hour/level
The kobolds use the lowest levels of the pit as a refuse Saving Throw: None
pile and a place to toss the detritus from mining. Innu- Spell Resistance: No
merable roaches, flies, centipedes, rats and other scav- Conceal poison hides any revealing signs of the poi-
engers make their home in this reeking level, occasion- soner’s trade, making them odorless, tasteless, and
ally clawing their way out of the muck to seek fresher gives a +10 circumstance bonus against visual detec-
food. The lowliest of guards see exile here, assuring that tion (such as a paste smeared on a blade). A concealed
the vermin population does not get out of hand. Rigged poison does not register with detect poison.
to burn out any threats, a ring of alchemist fire bombs
line the underside of the walkways, ready to drop into Material Component: The poison to be concealed.
the sewage at a moment’s notice with a pull of a waxed
rope. The resultant stench fills the entire pit, sending Extract Poison
many kobolds fleeing into the surface until the flames
die down. Transmutation
Level: Asn 2, Clr 4, Drd 3, Rgr 2
New Spells Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Breath of the Deep Range: Touch
Conjuration (Creation) Target: Object touched
Level: Drd 5 Duration: Permanent
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Favored by many assassins and malevolent druids,
extract poison provides a quick and easy means to har-
Effect: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
vest poison from a dead creature or mineral. Placing
Duration: 1 round/level a hand on the empty vial and on the object that poison
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text is extracted from, a caster can quickly harvest poisons
with no danger to them. Each poison extracted must
Spell Resistance: No derive from a similar source. For example, a caster
Breath of the deep creates an oily acidic smoke that can only produce dragon bile from a creature with the
deals an initial 1d6 points of Constitution damage and Dragon type.
1d6 points of acid damage each round after the first. Material Component: Empty vial.
Creatures that fail their saving throw become nause-
ated, a condition which persists for 1d4+1 rounds after
leaving the cloud area of effect. The acid leaves a sticky Fertility
film over affected creatures and objects, and continues
to act for one round after they leave the cloud.
Level: Clr 6, Drd 5, Community 5
Material Component: A toadstool or a piece of cinnabar.
Components: V, S, M, XP
Conceal Poison Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Illusion (Glamer)
Target: Living creature touched
Level: Asn 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Rgr 1
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
New Magic Item
Spell Resistance: Yes
A powerful and dangerous spell, fertility triggers the
Phylactery of Protection
overwhelming need and urge to procreate. The spell A repurposed remnant of a failed lich’s ascendancy,
ensures that any resulting pregnancy will be healthy this potent item harnesses its fading necromantic en-
and free of complications, no matter the age of the ergy for defense. A phylactery of protection grants is
subject, but at a terrible cost. The subject of this spell wearer immunity to all death spells, magical death ef-
will enjoy great health and vigor up until the moment fects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.
their child or children are born, in which they are Additionally, once per day, the wearer gains +1d8 hit
inflicted with a bestow curse at a -8 penalty to their points and +2 to Strength when they kill an opponent.
saving throw. The caster level of this side effect is the
same as the caster of this spell and damage dealt to If worn by an undead creature, they do not gain the
Constitution. Creatures may voluntarily fail their sav- warding effects of the phylactery; instead, they gain
ing throws and bypass their spell resistance. turn resistance +4 and damage resistance 15/-.
Material Component: An aphrodisiac; XP Cost: 500. Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous
Item; death ward, death knell; Price 161,000 gp.
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You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non- Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License of the Coast, Inc.
to Use, the Open Game Content.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
are contributing original material as Open Game Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker,