G7M1L1-2 Extra Practice
G7M1L1-2 Extra Practice
G7M1L1-2 Extra Practice
3. To get baby-blue paint, Kendrick needs to mix 4. The redwood tree in Ronin’s yard grows at a
5 parts blue paint with 2 parts white paint. rate of 6 feet in 1 year. The redwood tree in
Kendrick mixes 20 cups of blue with 8 cups of 1
Camren’s yard grows 3 feet in year.
5. Adalynn planted 20 peach trees over 400 feet. 6. Karina drinks 42 oz of water in 1 day. In
Dwight planted 18 plum trees over 270 feet. 1 week, Karina drinks 294 oz.
9. Ms. Shalorian’s class has a ratio of 5 girls to 10. A horse’s mane grows 1.5 inches in 1 month.
every 4 boys. Mr. David’s class has 12 girls and Laura’s hair grows 0.25 inch in 1 week.
15 boys. (4 weeks = 1 month)
11. Jace is filling up a tank, but there is a hole at 12. To make a purple crayon, 1 part red pigment
the bottom. Jace fills the tank at a rate of needs to be mixed with 2 parts blue pigment.
24 gallons per minute. The water leaks out of John uses 4 teaspoons of red pigment and
the hole at a rate of 8 gallons per 20 seconds. 8 teaspoons of blue pigment.
(60 seconds = 1 minute)
13. Alexis likes her drinks to have a ratio of liquid 14. Raul can read 3 pages of his book in 6 minutes.
to ice of 1 to 3. A fast-food restaurant puts Gabby can read 4 pages of her book in
16 oz of ice in her 32-oz cup. 7 minutes.
15. Elizabeth can cut 1 person’s hair in 30 minutes. 16. Anna can throw a football 44 yards in
Rodger can cut 16 people’s hair in 8 hours. 2 seconds. Nolan can throw a football 84 yards
1 in 3 seconds.
(30 minutes = 2 hour)
17. The ratio of landmass between Russia and the 18. Kenya’s population is about 45 million people,
United States is about 6,000,000 square miles and the country has about 3 billion trees.
to 3,500,000 square miles. The landmass of Uganda’s population is about 40 million, and
Alaska is about 660,000 square miles, the country has about 2 billion trees.
compared with the landmass of Texas, which is
about 260,000 square miles.
19. De’Andrea is studying metals. He finds out that 20. Veronica’s trail-mix package says there are
the ratio of chromium to nickel in stainless 7 peanuts for every 3 cashews. After eating
steel is 9 to 4. De’Andrea adds 27 pounds of some trail mix, Veronica ate 63 peanuts and
chromium and 12 pounds of nickel to his forge. 27 cashews.