The Last Sermon of HOLY PROPHET (PBUH) - 18th October 2021

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Sayyeda Farihatulaen Rizvi

Lecturer, Dept. of English UGS

October, 2021
 Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died soon after
this haj
 This was the first hajj (in 10th Hijri) after it was
made obligatory in 9th Hijri
 This was the haj when he not just stated the
basic components of Islam in his speeches but
also demonstrated them in front of the ummah.
The following ayah was revealed at this
 This day I have perfected for you your religion, and
completed My favour upon you and approved Islam
as your religion..“ (Surah Maidah, verse 3)
 After praising and thanking Allah, the Prophet(PBUH) began with the words:
• "O People! lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year I shall ever be amongst
you again. Therefore, listen carefully to what I am saying and Take These Words to Those Who
Could Not Be Present Here Today.
• “O people! Your blood, wealth and honour have been prohibited to one another forever. just as
you regard this day (Day of pilgrimage), this month (Month of Zil Hajj) and this city (Makkah
and surrounding areas) so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.
• Killing and taking one’s property unjustly is Haram.
• Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that he will indeed reckon your deeds so
don’t go astray after me by killing each other
• “O People! Stay away from injustice, Behold! Beware of injustice. Behold! Don’t do injustice to
anyone! Verily! The property of any Muslim is forbidden to you unless he willingly and whole
heartedly gives it to you.
• Before the advent of Islam, women had no right to live a respectful life.
• The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) restored the dignity of women through his last sermon.

• O People! Be afraid of Allah Almighty in the case of women as you have taken them from His Protection and with a kalima of
Almighty(nikah) you have made them halal for you.

• “O People! it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women but they also have rights over you.

• “Surely, I urge you to treat women well, for they are like your captives. You do not have any right to treat them otherwise, unless they
commit a clear obscenity. If they do so, you may forsake their beds and then strike them without violence, but if they obey you then you
must not find excuses of iniquity to them.

• Beware! You have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. Among your rights over them is that they do not give their
beds to anyone but you and they do not let anyone you dislike enter your homes. Among their rights over you is that you treat them
well, clothe them, and feed them.”

• No wife should spend from her husband’s property/wealth without his permission. We asked Ya Rasul Allah! not
even food? He replied food is the most sacred of our property. Its protection is even more necessary.
 Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners.
 Debt must be paid
 Guarantor is responsible for what he guaranteed.
 Always ensure justice in your decision
 Fulfil your promises
 Have mercy on those who ask/plea for it.
 Take care of the Elderly and weaker ones.
 Do not trouble/ torment any Muslim
• O people! Verily, your God is one and you have one father. You
all are the off-springs of Adam(AS) and he was made out of
clay. Beware! Neither an Arab has superiority over a non-Arab
nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white
has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority
over white except by piety and good action. Verily! The most
respectable amongst you in the eyes of Almighty is the most
pious one.
• “O People! Look after your slaves, yes look after your slaves; give them to eat what you
eat yourselves and give them the same clothing as you put on yourselves. They are the
servants of Lord and not to be treated harshly. ”
• “I advise you about your neighbor (the Prophet (Peace be upon him) repeated it many a
• Abu Umamah reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon
him, while he was upon his camel during the farewell pilgrimage and he was saying, “I
enjoin you to be good to your neighbors.” The Prophet repeated it so much that I said,
“Indeed, he will make them inherit from us!” (al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr)
 Creating an equal of Almighty
 Unjust Killing a of a believer.
 Running away from battlefield
 Slandering/ defamation of a chaste woman
 Practicing witchcraft/sorcery
 Usurping the property of an orphan
 Usury (consuming interest taken on money lent to someone)
 Disobeying Muslim parents
 Disrespecting Baitullah which is your Qiblah.
• “O People! No Prophet or Apostle Will Come after Me and No New Faith
Will Be Born. Reason well, therefore, O People! and understand words,
which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QUR’AN and
my SUNNAH (i.e., sayings, deeds, and approvals) and if you follow these
you will never go astray.
• “All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to
others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those
who listen to me directly.
• “Be my witness O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people."
 Fazlurrehman, Syed. Khutba hajjatulwidaa, 1995, Zawiyar Academy Publications.
 Mughees, Sh. Introduction to Human rights, Unpublished. PDF

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