BTP Report 1 (2) (1) PDFG
BTP Report 1 (2) (1) PDFG
BTP Report 1 (2) (1) PDFG
Submitted by:
Rohit Pathak (2020UIN3314)
Divangi Choudhary (2020UIN3318)
Sahil (2020UIN3349)
Delhi-110078, India
This is to certify that the work embodied in the Project II – Thesis titled “Plant Leaf
Identification” has been completed by (Rohit Pathak 2020UIN3314, Divangi Choudhary
2020UIN3318, Sahil 2020UIN3349, of B.Tech., Department of Information Technology, under
my guidance towards fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology. This work has not been submitted for any other diploma or degree of any University.
Place: Delhi
● Plant leaf identification is a new and fascinating area of research currently adopted and
explored by various ML works for improved industry applications.
● Traditional knowledge of plants can be utilized in a framework able to detect leaves of
different species in real time with maximum precision.
● As Agriculture and Medicinal industries are technologically booming, new innovations
like these play a role in easing the traditional requirements and bondages of time and
● Plant leaf identification is a system that uses digital image processing techniques to
classify leaves from 32 distinct plant species..
o Model Designing and its Testing: The photos are classified using a support
vector machine constructing model along with other ML models such as KNN,
Decision Tree and then GridSearchCV is utilized to adjust the parameters.
● Advantages:
o Improved Classification Accuracy: It has been shown to improve classification
accuracy by selecting the most competent classifier.
● Disadvantages:
o Computational Cost: It can be computationally expensive to train and maintain
models, particularly for complicated or huge datasets. Since there are many
different kinds of plant leaves and their characteristics, we use a sizable dataset for
this type of study.
o Increased Complexity: As we continue to improve our research, we encounter
computational resource to manage the training and evaluation of datasets.
2. KNN, Logistic Regression, Random Forest: - All three algorithms are susceptible
to overfitting, especially when dealing with noisy or complex datasets. Logistic
Regression and Random Forest may overfit if the model is too complex or the
dataset is not representative.
All these methods have been explored to determine accuracies in close proximity, however SVM
works best for this purpose as we explore its performance further.
• A project focused on plant identification through machine learning is driven by diverse
motivations, spanning environmental conservation, biodiversity monitoring, agriculture, and
• It's pivotal for biodiversity conservation, enabling quick identification and protection of
endangered species. In ecological research, machine learning analyses large datasets, deepening
our understanding of ecosystems.
• Agriculture benefits from rapid plant identification for crop management, disease detection,
and resource optimization. Detecting invasive species early is crucial for ecosystem health.
• Machine learning aids in educational tools, fostering biodiversity appreciation. Citizen science
engagement supports data collection and raises awareness.
• Accurate plant identification informs conservation policies and contributes to global
environmental monitoring, making the project a comprehensive solution for ecological
• This study's main goal was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of several machine
learning algorithms in order to determine which would be best for moving on with the creation
of a mobile application that would recognize fruit, vegetable, and herbal plants.
• This project's primary objective is to use machine learning (ML) to create an accurate and
effective predictive model for plant leaf identification. This entails using digital image
processing techniques to identify various plant species based on distinctive traits of their leaves,
such as shape, color, and texture. Our goal is to increase plant recognition accuracy and
efficacy by applying machine learning (ML) techniques, which will enable more accurate
classification and placement of plants in different situations.
• Primary focus: Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and compare its effectiveness with
other ML Algorithms.
• Secondary goal: to explore the parameter tuning to find the suitable hyper-parameters of the
model/algorithm using GridSearchCV to get more accurate and efficient results to classify the
plant leaves more precisely along with the creation of a function to extract feature from any
image taken by a mobile phone using background removal function
• Decision Tree
◦ Hierarchical tree structures having nodes and branches
◦ Decisions made by recursively splitting the feature space into regions based on
feature values.
◦ Splits the data at each internal node based on a feature that best separates the data
points into distinct categories
◦ Continues splitting until reaching a stopping criterion (e.g. maximum depth).
2. pandas
a. Developed on top of NumPy, Pandas is an open-source Python framework meant
to make data analysis and manipulation easier.
b. For processing organized data, like CSV files, Excel sheets, SQL databases, and
more, it offers powerful data structures and tools.
c. Pandas is extensively used in machine learning workflows for data preprocessing,
exploration, and manipulation.
d. Pandas can be used to split datasets into training, validation, and test sets, as well
as to shuffle and sample data for model evaluation.
e. Pandas facilitates the evaluation of machine learning models by organizing
predictions and ground truth labels, calculating evaluation metrics, and generating
performance reports.
f. After model training, Pandas can be used to analyze model outputs, interpret
feature importances, and visualize model behavior.
3. Scitkit learn
a. Based on NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib, Scikit-learn is an open-source machine
learning package for Python.
b. For preparing data, selecting features, choosing models, and evaluating them, it
offers a large array of machine learning tools and techniques.
c. Many supervised and unsupervised learning methods, including as clustering.
regression, and classification, are implemented in Scikit-learn. d. Tools for
choosing and assessing models are offered by Scikit-learn, including
d. performance measurements, hyperparameter adjustment, and cross-validation. e.
Data manipulation and preprocessing are made simple by scikit-learn's seamless
integration with NumPy and Pandas data structures.
4. Kaggle
a. Kaggle is an online community and platform for notebooks, datasets, and contests
related to data science and machine learning.
b. It hosts a wide range of datasets, challenges, and competitions, allowing data scientists
and machine learning practitioners to showcase their skills and collaborate with
● Precision: The proportion of accurately forecast positive observations to the total number
of positive predictions.
● Recall (Sensitivity): The proportion of all real class observations to all correctly
anticipated positive observations
● F1 Score: The harmonic mean or average of precision and recall
ii. Leaf identification using radial basis function neural networks and SSA
based support vector machine.
a. The leaf's edge points are smoothed into a continuous curve using a special type of
neural network called a Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN).
b. This allows for calculating the leaf shape's centroid (centre of mass).
c. Distances between specific points on the leaf and the centroid are measured and
d. This process extracts features based solely on the leaf's shape, making it resistant
to changes in position, rotation, and size (scale).
e. Different methods for classifying leaf types based on the extracted shape features
are compared.
f. Two popular techniques, RBFNN and SVM, are used alongside a third method that
combines SVM with an optimization algorithm called Salp Swarm Algorithm
g. This research shows that the SSA-optimized SVM achieves significantly better
accuracy than the other two approaches, despite using simpler features compared
to other studies.
iii. Plant leaf identification using moment invariants & General Regression Neural
a. This research demonstrates that TMI features, combined with a GRNN classifier,
can be a powerful tool for automated plant identification based on leaf images.
This finding has the potential to contribute to the development of practical tools
for plant classification.
b. Identifying plant species from leaf images is a challenging task in computer vision.
c. This study compares three methods to extract features from leaf images: ZMI,
LMI, and TMI.
d. TMI outperforms the other methods, extracting features with minimal error.
e. The extracted TMI features are used by a neural network to classify the leaf image
and identify the plant species.
c. The Otsu method is a popular thresholding technique known for its efficiency. It
automatically finds the optimal threshold by maximizing the difference in intensity
variations between foreground and background pixels, leading to a clear separation
between the two regions.
d. While effective for images with distinct foreground and background (bimodal
histograms), the Otsu method struggles when the intensity distribution has only
one peak (unimodal) or is very close to it. This can lead to inaccurate segmentation
with misclassified pixels.
e. To address this limitation, improved thresholding algorithms based on Otsu's method have
been developed. These methods ensure the threshold falls between distinct peaks or at the
bottom of a single peak, even for unimodal distributions, leading to more accurate
segmentation for a wider range of image types.
vii. A study of image processing using morphological opening and closing
a. Opening and closing, built on erosion and dilation, enhance images in computer
vision. These techniques manipulate pixel values based on a "structuring element,"
a small template that defines the shape of the manipulation.
b. Opening removes small foreground objects (smaller than the structuring element)
by performing erosion followed by dilation. This smooths object boundaries and
eliminates isolated, noise-like foreground pixels.
c. Closing fills small background holes (smaller than the structuring element) by
performing dilation followed by erosion. This connects small background regions
and removes isolated background noise.
d. Both opening and closing effectively reduce noise and improve image quality.
Opening smooths object edges and removes small specks, while closing fills small
holes and eliminates isolated background pixels.
e. These techniques are fundamental tools in morphological image processing, a
versatile branch of image processing used for various applications. They offer
powerful tools for image enhancement, noise reduction, feature extraction, and
viii. Boundary Extraction in Natural Images Using Ultrametric Contour Maps
a. This research proposes a novel system for boundary extraction and image
segmentation in natural images.
b. It utilizes a hierarchical classification framework, representing the image structure
as a collection of nested segmentations.
c. The system defines specific distances based on local contour information and
regional attributes, capturing both edge cues and regional characteristics.
d. Quantitative evaluation demonstrates significant improvements over existing
methods in both boundary extraction and image segmentation.
e. This system excels in both tasks, offering a more comprehensive solution for
accurate image segmentation.
ix. Combining contour and region for closed boundary extraction of a shape
xvii. A similarity-based leaf image retrieval scheme: Joining shape and venation
a. This study suggests a novel method for retrieving images of leaves based on
venation and form characteristics..
b. To represent similarity between leaf pictures, a matrix of interest points is created
for form similarity.
c. By effectively determining the minimal weight from the matrix as the similarity
score, an adaptive grid-based matching method using Nearest Neighbor search
narrows the search space.Venation similarity is modeled using an adjacency matrix
built from vein intersection and end points.
d. A prototype mobile leaf image retrieval system is implemented and tested on a
database of 1,032 images.
e. Experiments demonstrate significant performance improvement compared to
existing methods
xviii. Support Vector Machine as a Supervised Learning for the Prioritization of Novel
Potential SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease Inhibitors
a. One machine learning technique that was employed was Support Vector Machine
(SVM) classification.
b. The model analyzed two million commercially available compounds and identified
200 novel chemotypes potentially active against Mpro.
c. These compounds were further evaluated through docking simulations and
compared to known protease inhibitors.
d. The top five compounds were subjected to molecular dynamics simulations to
analyze binding interactions.
e. Notably, the SVM-selected compounds displayed key interactions known for
effective Mpro inhibition.
The breakpoints and names for the leaves dataset are also present in the Flavia leaves dataset,
which is the dataset that was used.
All image file names in our dataset consist of four digit integers that are followed by the
".jpg" suffix. The table below lists the plants along with the names of the accompanying image
files. The farthest left column contains a list of the plant classification labels that are utilized in
our software. The most right column lists classification details from Wikipedia, USDA webpages,
and other sources.Number of instances in the dataset: 1908
Number of attributes in the dataset: 17
● 7 shape based attributes
● 6 colour based attributes
● 4 texture based attributes
SNo Name of attribute Data type Description
1. area numeric Area of the plant leaf
2. perimeter numeric Perimeter of the plant leaf
3. Physiological_length numeric spatial dimensions expressed in measurable terms, such
as millimeters or inches
4. Physiological_width numeric multiplying each pixel's physical width by the image's
breadth in pixels
5. Aspect_Ratio numeric ratio of width to height of bounding rect of the object.
6. rectangularity numeric used to draw a rectangle on any image
7. circularity numeric comparability of the shape to a circle
8. mean_r numeric Mean of Red channel
9. mean_g numeric Mean of Blue channel
10. mean_b numeric Mean of Green channel
11. stddev_r numeric Standard Deviation of Red Channel
12. stddev_g numeric Standard Deviation of Blue Channel
13. stddev_b numeric Standard Deviation of Green Channel
14. Contrast numeric Texture based feature
15. Correlation numeric Texture based feature
16. inverse_difference_mo numeric Texture based feature
17. entropy numeric Texture based feature
1. The data from the Flavia Dataset was pre-processed using the procedures listed below.
2. The pre-processed image was used to extract a variety of leaf attributes, which are
described below:
a. Colour-based features: R, G, and B channel means and standard deviations
b. Features based on shape: aspect ratio, area, perimeter, physiological width,
physiological length, and circularity and rectangles.
c. Texture-based features: entropy, inverse difference moments, contrast, and
3. Model Formation and its testing
a. The model employed to categorise the plant species was the Support Vector
Machine Classifier.
b. StandardScaler was then used to scale the features.
c. GridSearchCV was also used to perform parameter tuning in order to determine
the model's proper hyperparameters.
1. Conversion of RGB to Grayscale image
a. Converting an image to shades of gray from other color spaces, such as RGB,
CMYK, HSV, etc., is known as grayscaling. There are two variations: total
black and total white..
b. We used the cv2.cvtColor() function to get the desired output from it. It helps
in Dimensity Reduction as in RGB images there are only three color channels
and three dimensions while grayscale images are single-dimensional.
c. Furthermore many other algorithms were customized to be used on greyscale
images so it was done for that too.
kernel_edge = np.ones((15,15),np.uint8)
closing_edge = cv2.morphologyEx(im_bw_sobel, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE,
b. Using Contours.
i. Leaf boundaries are extracted using contours. The boundary pixels are all
sharp, continuous, and separated by no spaces.
ii. The code that was used follows as
_, contours, hierarchy =
i. The best-fit rectangle is chosen and not ellipse as removes (leaves out)
some portion at the extreme ends of the leaf image.
ii. The function cv2 allows us to fit an ellipse to an object.fitEllipse. A
rectangle that has been rotated contains the ellipse. With the least amount
of area enclosing the object, the rotating rectangle serves as a bounding
Ellipse Rectangle
Rectangularity= 1.390620057917527
iii. Circularity indicates how similar the form is to a circle. The shape area
to the circle area ratio with an identical perimeter (referred to as Circle
Area), as shown in the equation below, is a measure of circularity.
per im eter 2
cir cular it y =
Circ= 16.116570088620524
7. Calculation of colour based features.
a. Mean : calculation of mean of all the three RGB channels was performed to get
the desired output by simply dividing the sum of pixel values by the total count -
number of pixels in the dataset computed as len(df) * image_size * image_size.
b. Standard deviation : the following equation, standard deviation for each channel
was also calculated.
Red_mean= 46.304093229166668
Green_mean= 99.320648958333337
Blue_mean= 27.545344791666668
9. Import the dataset and libraries. numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib are used in this
implementation. “df” variable is a pandas dataframe containing the dataset.
10. Clean the dataset by removing all the rows containing missing values.
11. Crea on of Target Labels was done where Breakpoints are used alongside the image le
to create a vector of target labels. The breakpoints are speci ed in Flavia leaves dataset
a. breakpoints =
target_list = []
for file in img_files:
target_num = int(file.split(".")[0])
flag = 0
for i in range(0,len(breakpoints),2):
if((target_num >= breakpoints[i]) and (target_num <= breakpoints[i+1])):
flag = 1
target = int((i/2))
12. As the dataset was already preprocessed by now and it contained various a ributes such
as area ,perimeter, physiological_length, physiological_width, aspect_ra o etc.
13. Train test split of data was then performed which helps to evaluate the ability of machine
learning models to generalize to new, unseen objects. It also prevents overfitting, where
the model performs well on training material but not well in new situations. Using the
validation process, we recalibrate the model to achieve better performance on unseen
14. Feature scaling was then performed to prevent overfitting and to normalize the data that
we used,imported via standardScalar.
15. . Now a model is trained on the Augmented/Preprocessed Dataset to predict the best
classifier for each row. keeping best classifier column as the dependent variable (Y
variable/target variable)
16. Finally, the proposed Plant leaf identifier Model is evaluated on the original cleaned pre-
processed test dataset (“X_test_scaled”, “Y_test”).
a. Initialize an empty predictions list named “predictions”. This list will contain the
prediction for each row of the dataset.
b. . Iterate over the length of the original cleaned pre-processed test
i. instance” variable is assigned the independent-variables of the ith row ie.
ii. .“true_value” variable is assigned the actual target value of the ith row ie.
iii. Predict the Best Classifier for ith row using “plant_leaf_identifier” and
assign the prediction to a variable named “leaf_prediction”.
iv. Predict the target value for ith row using “leaf_prediction” and assign he
target value prediction to a variable named “leaf prediction”.
v. Append “prediction” to “predictions” list.
c. Calculate the Accuracy, Precision, F1-score and Recall metrics from “predictions” and
“Y_test” using accuracy_score, precision_score, f1_score, recall_score methods from
sklearn respectively.
17. Another step is done that is Perfoming parameter tuning of the model by taking the 4
parameters to fine tune them again, them being parameters = [{'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma':
[1e-4, 1e-3, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5], 'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]},{'kernel': ['linear'], 'C': [1, 10, 100,
18. The result of means was stored in “mean_test_score” , while the standard result was
assigned as “std_test_score”.
Again the accuracy,precision,recall and f1-score was calculated with results as follows:
19. Dimensity Reduction using PCA was done to enhance the performance furthermore.
1. We have evaluated our proposed Identification of plants through plant leaves on four
metrics namely accuracy, f1-score, precision and recall.
The results are as follows
Accuracy: 0.91
Precision: 0.90
Recall: 0.89
F1-score: 0.415
3. It can be observed that SVM performs better than all the machine learning models
given in the above table.
It performs better than the rest of the models giving a better accuracy, better precision,
better recall and better f1-score.
The algorithm is successful in the classification of plants through plant leaves on the basis of
their features extracted using digital image processing techniques as the result is shown below
too :
It all starts with reading the image which is named as “test_img_path”
1. Resizing of the image into (1600,1200) was done as all the images in the flavia dataset
were of size (1600,1200).
resized_image = cv2.resize(img, (1600, 1200))
2. Conversion of the image into Grayscale was done to apply other methods over it
3. Smoothing image using Guassian filter of size (55,55) was done again by using the
cv2.GaussianBlur function.
def find_contour(cnts):
contains = []
y_ri,x_ri, _ = resized_image.shape
for cc in cnts:
yn = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cc,(x_ri//2,y_ri//2),False)
val = [contains.index(temp) for temp in contains if temp>0]
return val[0]
6. Creating mask image for background subtraction using leaf contour was done
Before After
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