The Origin of Complexes
The Origin of Complexes
The Origin of Complexes
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The U.S. penal system wasn't always this way. From the beginning of
the nation's history (setting aside chattel slavery for the moment),
and through much of the 18th century, jails in America were 4
for individuals who were in debt and/ or awaiting trial. For the
most part, crime was deterred through debtor's jail, public lashings,
bondage, and capital punishment; the death penalty was doled
out for burglary and theft as well as murder. In the early days of
the republic, the threat of being banished from the country or
of being abandoned in the American wilderness was thought to
be effective enough at deterring the nation's crime. Throughout could be reformed or rehabilitated took central stage in the American
the 18th century as well, jails and punishment were strategically discourse on criminal justice. The nation's first prison systems
employed to manage criminal behavior. As the nation grew in size, were the structural results of that discourse-public conversations
demographics, and scope, however, the challenge of controlling that wrestled with ways that society might rehabilitate criminals,
crime became a central feature of public and political discourse. So viewed at the time as citizens who lacked discipline and had lost
much so, that political thinkers began to ponder if an open and free their way. The reliance on capital punishment and absence of many
society, like the fledgling United States, might in some ways facilitate other alternatives for managing serious criminal behavior in a civil
criminal behavior as opposed to curtailing it. manner created a broad consensus on the need for new methods and
In the early 19th century, therefore, the notion that criminals
new structures for the express purpose of housing and reforming
The flurry of public debates, pamphlets, and newspaper
editorials soon focused on what kind of institution should be the
model for America's prison system. The earliest debates revolved
around two fairly similar prison systems planned for construction
in the 1820s-one in New York according to the "Auburn" model,
and the other in Philadelphia based on the "Pennsylvania" model. 5
The "Auburn" system versus the "Pennsylvania" system was one of
the most intensely debated political and social issues of the 19th-
century in America. "If the literature on Auburn versus Pennsylvania
never quite matched the outpouring of material on the pros and
cons of slavery," historians Norval Morris and David Rothman have
Written, "it came remarkably close." 6
Prison Models
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The architects of the world's first institutional prisons believed
in solitary confinement as a form of penitence. Isolation, they
In the early to mid -19th
century, the emphasis on
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contended, provided the space and time to reflect and consider God's solitary confinement and
judgment. Each cell in the ESP thus required prisoners to bow when
entering and exiting; each cell was equipped with a small window
sometimes referred to as "The Eye of God."
moral redemption embodied
in the Pennsylvania system
became a national and 1i
The Pennsylvania camp saw itself as purist, taking the idea of
reform through isolation to its logical conclusion. It separated
then global model for
incarceration. Hundreds of
prisons around the world 11 11111 ..
inmates from each other-to the point of placing hoods over
the heads of newcomers so that as they walked to their cells
came to be modeled after the
Eastern State Penitentiary.
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they would not see or be seen by anyone.13 This phenomenon-
the influence of the
In a contemporary context, with horror stories like that of Kalief Pennsylvania philosophy ... 111
Browder-the New York 16-year-old who was arrested on robbery on the development of
charges in 2010, held in solitary confinement for years without a
trial, and eventually committed suicide-the idea of inmate isolation
prisons around the world-
foreshadowed a sort of
as a viable form of state-sanctioned imprisonment has come under complex within the Prison
severe criticism. But more on that later. Industrial Complex itself. That is, political leaders, partnerships
between public and private enterprises, and the powerful influence
of the burgeoning institutional model on the development of
prisons, globally signaled a capacity to determine society's sense of
what prisons should do and be. The American prison model would
ultimately occupy a powerful space in the global social contract.
According to one critic of the prison/crime industry, Nils Christie,
contemporary "American criminology rules much of the world, their
theories rule much of the world, their theories on crime and crime
control exert enormous influence." 14
The central idea of the Pennsylvania system was that reforming
criminals in isolation was both possible and more useful to the
greater societal good than simply punishing and/or killing them.
The fact that this debate, with its deep philosophical questions
regarding the purpose of prisons, was situated in the very origins of
the American penal institution hints at some of the complexities of
the current system.
The Eastern State Penitentiary operated from 1829 until 1971.
Although the solitary penitent model failed by 1913, primarily
because of capacity limitations, the reputation of the United States
as a global leader in what Nils Christie defines as the "crime control
industry" was already firmly established. The United States has
remained a global leader in the building of prisons for nearly 200
18 19
State-of-the-Art Prisons
It's important to note here that ESP was considered state of the art
for its time-not just in terms of its awesome physical dimensions
(30-foot walls, 27-foot oak doors, and an 80-foot bell tower)-
but because it was an architectural and engineering wonder. The
construction of ESP began in 1821 and
was completed in 1829. It had running
water some four years before the
White House, considered essential to
preserving the solitude and silence of
each prisoner. The facility also featured
a basic heating system, an amenity
that many American citizens outside of
prison could not afford.
Such advances presaged some of
the ways that structural design and
technological enhancements would
continue to be a feature of the Prison
Industrial Complex. In other words,
the faith that early American citizens placed ( or misplaced, as
it were) in the prison or penitentiary system was reflected in the
nation's ideological, political, social, and financial investments in
the institution itself. These investments often obscured Americans'
ability to see just how horrific the prison system was in the 19th
century, much as our current investments in the crime-control
industry may be preventing us from seeing how horrific the
prison system continues to be in the 21st century. Put another
way, the amazing structure that the ESP became represented a
socioeconomic and political symbol of the national commitment to
using punishment as a means of reform and of making our wayward
citizens penitent.
Prison design has become a permanently valuable aspect of the
ongoing movement to construct prisons. According to journalist
David Kidd,
the design feature [of the ESP] that got the most
attention was the eel/blocks. Seven wings radiated
out from a central open rotunda, allowing one guard
to oversee the entire prison from a single spot. Today
more than 300 prisons worldwide have a similar design,
directly attributable to Eastern State's influence. 15
form of surveillance that anticipated the role that technological
surveillance plays in society today.
What is a Complex?
The phrase "industrial complex" was coined in a different context and
some years before the rise of the PIC. It was first used in reference
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to the unchecked growth of the national defense budget and the ~
concomitant privatization (and outsourcing) of military contracts. ~
President Dwight Eisenhower, the great military leader of World
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War II, urged caution against the "military-industrial complex" in
his farewell address to the nation on January 17, 1961. "We have I ~ :::; ; ;. . ...:
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been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast / • -.
proportions," Eisenhower warned. "In the councils of government,"
he went on,
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The Uncontrollable Monster
If the fear of crime creates tremendous political capital, then
the industry of crime control engenders tremendous monetary
capital. At the dawn of the PIC, approximately $100 billion was
being spent on law enforcement annually in the United States. 20
According to President Barack Obama in his July 2015 speech on
mass incarceration speech, the nation at that time was spending
$80 billion a year to lead the world in incarceration. This does
not even include the money spent on private security ($65 billion
annually) or the web of corporate tentacles that extend from the PIC
into the economy at large-such as food services, construction, and
telephone/wireless services.
One of the less visible but more egregious examples of the "industry"
aspect of the PIC is the interface between military technologies and
the crime-control industry itself-where the MIC and PIC meet. This
intersection highlights some of the most compelling arguments for
dismantling or comprehensively overhauling the PIC.
While the American public and its local communities remain
highly interested and heavily invested in public safety, private
industries are mostly concerned with profits and "bottom lines." In
"Fear, Politics, and The Prison Industrial Complex," a section from
the 1996 report of the National Criminal Justice Commission, the
disconnection between public safety and private interests comes into
sharp focus. At national conventions and trade shows, companies
Military technology is not the only industry that profits from the
that produce military technology for U.S. armed forces during times
PIC. Any number of other private-sector concerns provide services
of war now market their products to the PIC. All sorts of surveillance
to the PIC, including but not limited to food services, transportation
technology-listening and viewing devices, lethal and nonlethal
services, medical services, waste management, drug testing/
weapons, and all sorts of innovative gear and equipment-are on
treatment, and one of the most exploitative industries profiting from
display and pitched to the American prison industries.
the system: cell phone service. Prisons in America are big business,
and private industry realized this three decades ago.
Consider also the fact that any economic interaction between the
MIC and the PIC, or between consumer product/service corporations
and the PIC, creates enormous opportunity for employment. In the
early 1990s, the PICemployedmorethan 500,000 correctional officers
and other correctional facility personnel-a significant portion of the
total U.S. workforce. Considered in the context of the wide-ranging
employment opportunities and contract work associated with the
PIC, the economic depth and breadth of the complex becomes clear
and compelling. In many communities, especially rural ones, the
possibility of building for about 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's
and operating a prison in prison population. At the height of the PIC in 2006, the United States
the region is an economic incarcerated some 2.5 million people-more than the population of
offer that political such major cities as Dallas, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.
leaders cannot refuse.
The entire economy of From School to Prison
certain communities
revolves around a local The slight decline from 2.5 million to 2.2 million incarcerated in
manifestation of the PIC. recent years is not from lack of trying. One feature of the Prison
Industrial Complex is the "school-to-prison pipeline," a phrase
The Specter of Prisons that captured the unfortunate correlations between the social,
educational, and financial erosion of the nation's public education
In the early 21st century, system and the growth of the PIC. What happens when the profit
the PIC is a prominent motives of the PIC work in concert with the persistent, systemic
feature of the world in undervaluation of public education?
which we live. In their Consider the effects of school closings in cities like Chicago,
book Beyond the Prison New York, and Philadelphia. In 2010-2011, nearly 100 public school
Industrial Complex closings in those three cities impacted between 82% and 94% of
(2013), Kevin Wehr and low-income students. In
Elyshia Aseltine warn Philly and Chicago, black
that "[t]he specter of the students were especially
prison is all around: police cars, surveillance cameras, signs warning hard hit-81 % and 88%,
that shoplifters will be prosecuted." 21 The visible and tangible signs respectively. 23 Statistics and
of the Prison Industrial Complex are ubiquitous. For Wehr and news accounts of a public
Aseltine, these signs declare an implied "or else" that threatens school closing cannot begin
incarceration at multiple points and places throughout American to convey the dramatic
society-especially where poor people of color live and move. impact on a neighborhood
Those threats represent a social failing of sorts, given that or community. At their best,
"[w]e have known since the 1830s that prisons do not reduce public school buildings are
crime." 22 Yet our reliance on the Prison Industrial Complex continues institutional outposts of
to defy social science logic and the data that continues to undermine municipal support in urban
the basic premises of incarceration: deterrence and rehabilitation. deserts overwrought by
What the PIC is best at is retribution, sometimes in the form of concentrated poverty.
sentences and diminished quality of life that expose the state as a The closing of public
biased, vengeful actor against humanity. schools, especially in the
The contemporary PIC, then, is very much a consequence of face of increased funding
neoliberalism and global capitalism-that is, a complex designed to for jails and prisons, puts
serve an economic system that must account for expanding income into stark relief the value
inequality and unemployment. In the United States, the PIC accounts judgments of American
for such shifts in the political economy with explicit and implicit society with regard to
biases leveraged against poor people, women, and people of color. education and incarceration.
And the effects have been devastating. The United States accounts While it cost approximately
$11,000 a year to educate a young person in the United States today,
it costs about $90,000 to house one of them in the PIC. During the
20-year period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2010s, PIC funding
increased 530% more than educational funding. Data such as these,
and the day-to-day realities that underlie them, reveal the irrational
and discriminatory nature of the "tough on crime" ethos that pro-
prison advocates use to hide or obscure the actual issues that drive
the PIC. The expansion of the prison system occurs over and above
any serious political consideration of the complex's deleterious and
racially disparate consequences on the poor and mentally ill.
The facts do not overstate the profitability of America's $80
billion Prison Industrial Complex. Sadly, profitability in the prison
industries contaminates the American criminal justice system.
In their book Justice While Black (2014), Robbin Shipp and Nick
Chiles point to particularly egregious misuses of the criminal justice
system for profit and discriminatory carceral practices.
Where to Begin?