Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
BIDDING DOCUMENT NO.: JP/B831-000-CD-T-8002/1003
Engineers India Ltd. (EIL), a Government of India Public Sector Undertaking is a premier
consultancy organization having registered office at 1, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R.K. Puram, New
Delhi – 110066.
A Department of Govt. of India (OWNER) intends to build its world class Integrated Office
Building-cum-Data Centre Complex in approx. 6 Acres plot in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi. The
facilities are envisaged to have latest and state-of-the-art infrastructure and amenities and
targeted for GRIHA 4 Star Rating.
Following infrastructural facilities are envisaged in the Complex:
a) Office Building with Data Centre
b) Transit Accommodation
Other Support Utilities and support Infrastructure
M/s Engineers India Limited (EIL) has been engaged by the Client as the Executing Agency for
this Project.
For this purpose, EIL invites e-bids (Through CPP Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app)
CUM-DATA CENTER COMPLEX” under single stage Three-Part System (Part-I: Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD)/ Bid Security, Part-II: Techno-commercial / Un-Priced Bid & Part-III: Price Bid)
from competent agencies with sound technical and financial capabilities meeting the Bidder’s
Qualification Criteria (BQC) as stated under para 5.0 below.
Retaining the above Barricading for a period of 30 months during Project Execution and
maintaining the same.
Dismantling, removing and taking away all materials outside the project premises after
completion of the project.
2.2 For other details, refer Bid Document
3.1 Time schedule for completion of barricading works shall be 4 months from the date of FOA or
Handing over of site, whichever is later.
Retention period of the barricading shall be for a period of 30 months from the completion of
barricading works, as above.
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ii) Bidding Document and : From 29.05.2024 to 12.06.2024 [Up to 1200 Hrs.
subsequent Addendum/ (IST)]
Corrigendum (if any) available
on website
iii) Earnest Money Deposit : INR 6,16,900/- (Indian Rupees Six Lakh Sixteen
(EMD)/Bid Security Thousand Nine Hundred only)
iv) Pre – Bid Meeting : A Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held at 1000 Hrs (IST)
on 05.06.2024 through Video Conferencing Systems
(through Microsoft Teams platform)
If the days indicated at Sl. No. (iv) & (vi) above happens to be EIL holiday, the next working day
shall be implied.
4.1 The Detailed IFB along with Complete bidding document can be viewed/ downloaded from the
website: https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app till the Bid Due Date & Time. However, Information
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about the location of the Bidding Document shall also be available on and EIL website
https://tenders.eil.co.in. e-Bids are required to be submitted through Government of India’s
Central Public Procurement portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app only, on or before the
Bid-Submission Date & Time. In order to perform e-procurement activities, the bidders are
required to enroll/ register themselves at https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app. No
enrollment/registration fee would be charged from the bidders for the same.
4.2 Bidding Document along with IFB, time extension etc. to the IFB/bidding document shall be
uploaded in the websites only and will not be published in newspapers. All amendments,
clarifications etc. will be uploaded on https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app only. Bidders should
regularly visit the website to keep themselves updated.
4.3 No Manual Bids/Offers shall be permitted. The offers submitted through the designated e-
tendering system shall only be considered for evaluation & ordering. Bids submitted in physical
form or sent in any other form such as through E-Mail / CD/DVD/Pen Drive etc. shall not be
accepted. Physical / Fax / e-mail Bids (other than the documents specifically required to be
submitted in hard form) shall not be accepted.
4.4 Bids received after stipulated last date and time, due to any reason(s) what-so-ever will not be
4.5 Bidders to please refer the Annexure – I to Instructions to Bidders of Bidding Document
regarding e-tendering guidelines.
Refer to attached Annexure-A to IFB
5.2.2. Net-Worth (For ‘Start-up Bidders and other than ‘Start-up’ Bidders):
The Net worth of the bidder as per the immediate preceding year’s Audited Financial Statements
should be positive.
However, negative Net Worth shall not be rejection criteria for Central Public Sector Enterprises
(CPSEs). Contract award shall be purely on competitive basis and CPSEs having negative net
worth shall furnish an undertaking in their bid that performance shall not be compromised.”
5.2.3. Working Capital (WC) (For ‘Start-up Bidders and other than ‘Start-up’ Bidders):
The minimum Working Capital of the Bidder as per the immediate preceding year’s Audited
Financial Statements shall be INR 30,85,000/- (Rupees Thirty Lakh Eighty Five Thousand
In case bidder is unable to meet the WC requirement as above, the bidder can supplement the
WC with a fund based line of credit from any Scheduled Commercial Bank in India having Net
Worth more than equivalent INR 1000 Million. In such a case, bidder shall furnish a declaration
from the bank (dated any date between the tender floatation and bid due date) for availability of
unutilized fund based line of credit for the shortfall in WC of above mentioned value, in the
format enclosed as Annexure-C to IFB.
The letter shall provide the status of Fund based Line of Credit as on any date between the date
of Enquiry and Bid Due Date. In case of non-submission of required letter from bank in the Bid,
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The bidder shall not be given another opportunity to submit the letter even if techno-commercial
clarifications are being sought from the Bidders and this may become a cause of disqualification.
[Example: If the WC required is Rs. 50 Crore and the Bidder has WC of Rs. 30 Crore as per the
Audited Financial Statement, Bidder needs to submit a LOC for the balance Rs. 20 Crore.
Further, if the Working Capital required is Rs. 50 Crore and the Bidder has WC of (-) Rs. 10
Crore as per the Audited Financial Statement, Bidder needs to submit LOC for Rs. 60 Crore to
meet the BQC requirement].
After opening of bids, in case the bidder is not meeting the required working capital amount even
from the line of credit certificate submitted along with the bid, no further opportunity shall be
given to bidder to modify or replace the certificate by any subsequent certificate from the same
bank or any other bank.
However, if the bank certificate submitted in the bid is carrying certain inaccuracies in the
language of the certificate as per the format enclosed in the tender, bidder shall be asked to
clarify or make corrections in the language of the bank letter. In case of such
clarifications/corrections, the same shall be submitted as an amendment to the line of credit from
the bank submitted in the bid. In no case alterations in the amount of line of Credit as already
submitted in the bid shall be allowed.
If any bidder is not meeting the working capital requirement as per its audited Financial
Statement and also has not submitted the required line of credit certificate from bank in the bid,
the bidder shall be rejected and no opportunity to submit the certificate shall be provided to
Bidder shall be required to upload the copy of line of credit certificate along with the bid on the e-
tendering portal itself, duly signed by a digital signature. The bidders shall not be required to
submit the original of the line of credit certificate to EIL separately.
Line of Credit certificate issued by the bank and submitted in the bid shall be verified from the
issuing bank’s branch.
The LOC for working capital shall be from a single bank only. However, banking syndicate shall
be allowed wherein a group of banks can jointly underwrite and jointly lend money to the bidder.
In case of Banking syndicate also declaration letter for meeting working capital shall be from a
single bank only, on behalf of banking syndicate.
In case the bidder submits letters from multiple banks, the highest working capital amongst all
the bank shall only be considered for BQC evaluation.
5.2.4. Financial BQC parameters shall be calculated after giving effect to the impact of quantified and
qualified Auditor’s opinion (if any) given in the Statutory Auditor’s Report.
For the purpose of assessment of Turnover, Net worth and Working Capital, following shall be
ii The definition of networth, based on the immediate preceding year’s Audited financial results
shall be calculated as per following: -
The networth means paid up share capital, Share application money pending allotment* and
reserves# less accumulated losses and deferred expenditure to the extent not written off.
Networth shall be calculated using the following formula:
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# Reserves to be considered for the purpose of net worth shall be all reserves created out of
the profits and securities premium account but shall not include reserves created out of
revaluation of assets, write back of depreciation and amalgamation.
*Share application money pending allotment will be considered only in respect of share to be
iii Working Capital calculation: Working Capital shall be Current Assets minus Current Liabilities.
Where Current asset means asset when it satisfies any of the following criteria:—
(a) it is expected to be realised in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the company’s normal
operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a
liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.
Where Current Liabilities means liabilities when it satisfies any of the following criteria:—
(a) it is expected to be settled in the company’s normal operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least
twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the
counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its
*An operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their
realization in cash or cash equivalents. Where the normal operating cycle cannot be identified, it is
assumed to have a duration of twelve months.
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Table 1
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However, Jobs executed for Subsidiary/ Fellow subsidiary / Holding company shall be
considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BQC, subject to submission of additional
document towards “tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the Bidder or
consolidated statement issued by Statutory Auditor of the Bidder towards payments of statutory
tax” in support of the job executed for Subsidiary/ Fellow subsidiary / Holding company.
In case referred Project falls under “No Tax Area” (like SEZ), Bidder can submit certificate from
their Statutory Auditor to this effect in place of Tax paid invoice.
Chartered Accounted (CA) (in place of Statutory Auditor) is acceptable where audited accounts
are not mandatory as per law for latest financial year. Also CA shall not be an employee/
Director and not having any interest in the Bidder’s company/Firm.
5.3.3. In case, two separate Bidders submit reference of same work (wherein one was Main Contractor
and the other was Sub-Contractor) for meeting Bidder Qualification Criteria, both Bidders’
experience shall be considered for qualification subject to Bidder’s meeting other qualification
5.3.4. In case a Bidder submits PTR having job awarded for multiple Parts in single Work Order having
separate completion schedule for each Part, and the Bidder wants to get qualified based on the
completion of One or more Parts (irrespective of whether all Parts under the same work order
are completed or not), which meets the subject BQC value-wise and with respect to Similar
Work, the same may be considered subject to the completion certificate with executed value of
that/those Part(s) from the Owner/End User/PMC for that/those Part(s).
However, where multiple-Parts work is awarded under different Work Order(s) having different
Work Order reference number(s) with the same Enquiry Document No., cumulative value of
such completed Work Orders meeting definition of Similar Work, as submitted, shall be
considered for the purpose of BQC Evaluation.
5.3.5. Methodology for evaluation of EPC/LSTK work experience in Item rate tenders:
a) For experience based on EPC/LTTK works: In case bidder has executed EPC/LSTK/
multidisciplinary works which includes the Qualifying work(s) as per the definition of “Similar
work”, then the value of such qualifying work(s) out of the total value of
EPC/LSTK/multidisciplinary works shall be considered for the purpose of evaluation.
b) Documentation to be submitted by bidder in case of experience based on EPCL/LSTK works:
In the event the qualifying requirement of similar works cannot be ascertained from the work
order /completion certificate submitted by bidder, Copy of relevant pages of Contract or Copy of
relevant pages of final bill certified by Owner/Consultant or letter from their Owner/Consultant
specifying the executed value(s) of similar work can be submitted for qualification to establish
the value of similar work.
However if the above document could not establish the value of similar work, Billing Schedule/
Billing Break–up approved by Owner/Consultant can also be considered for establishing the
value of similar work.
5.3.6. In case the Bidder has executed composite work which includes the qualifying work(s) as per the
above definition of ‘’similar work’’, then the value of such qualifying works(s) out of the total value
of Composite Work shall be considered for the purpose of qualification.
5.3.7. The annual inflation in the value of contract executed by the Bidder under the past experience
shall not be considered.
5.3.8. The executed Contract Price as per the Completion Certificate shall be considered for meeting
value based Experience Criteria of BQC.
However, if the completion certificate also indicates details of taxes & duties, then these values
of taxes and duties shall be excluded for evaluation.
Currency Conversion in case of BQC document other than in Indian Currency shall be as
a) In case currency indicated in the BQC related document (work order/completion certificate
etc.) submitted by Bidder towards qualification of value-based experience criteria is other than in
Indian Currency, the value of work shall be derived to Indian Currency considering “Bill Selling
(foreign exchange) Rate of State Bank of India” as on the date of award of work.
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b) In case, the SBI Bill Selling rate is not available as on the date of conversion as specified
above for respective cases, the currency conversion rate shall be taken from the Internet, such
(*)The letter from CA in place of Statutory Auditor is acceptable where audited accounts are not
mandatory as per law at the time of preparation of financial statement for a particular financial year.
Also CA shall not be an employee/ Director and not having any interest in the bidder’s
The above financial details, as per Annexure-B1 to IFB or Annexure-B2 to IFB, shall be submitted
without any reservation/qualification remarks. In case of any reservation/qualification remark,
Complete Audited Financial Statement, as above, shall also be submitted with the bid.
5.4.2 In case the last financial year’s closing date was within 9 months prior to bid due date and
Complete Audited Financial Statement of last financial year are not available, Bidder has the
option to submit the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the last
financial year. Otherwise, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of the immediate three
preceding financial years.
For example, In case, bid due date is up to 31 st December and Financial details of immediate
preceding financial year (year ending 31st March of the same year) are not available, the financial
details of the three previous years immediately prior to the last financial year may be submitted.
5.4.3 Submission of Consolidated Audited Financial Statement:
a) Bidder is a Parent/Holding Company: Where only consolidated Audited Financial
Statements are prepared and audited which includes the financial details of their wholly
owned subsidiaries, etc., consolidated audited financial statement shall be considered for
establishing the financial criteria subject to statutory auditor / CEO / CFO/Company
Secretary or any member of the Board of Directors of the bidder, certifying that standalone
Financial Statements of Bidder (without the financial data of subsidiaries, etc.) is not
separately prepared and audited.
b) Bidder is a subsidiary company: In case a bidder is a subsidiary company and separate
Financial Statements of the Bidder is not prepared & audited, but only a consolidated
audited Financial Statements of their Parent company/Holding Company are available,
consolidated audited Financial Statement shall be considered for establishing the financial
criteria subject to statutory auditor / CEO / CFO /Company Secretary or any member of the
Board of Directors of the bidder of the Parent/Holding Company (whose audited financial
statements are submitted for qualification) certifying in their letterhead that financial
statements of the Bidder are not separately prepared and audited.
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5.4.4 For meeting the Financial criteria, bidders shall be required to submit the Audited Annual Reports/
Financial Statements of the company as per the provision of bidding document, audited and
issued till the final bid due date. Bidder shall be evaluated based on the Financial Statements of
the company submitted in the bid.
Any shortfall information / document on Audited Annual Reports/ Financial Statements of the
Company, audited and issued on or before the bid due date may be asked through CQ, but bidder
shall not be allowed to submit the Financial Statements of the Company audited & issued post
final bid due date & time. Accordingly, Financial Statements of the Company audited and issued
post final bid due date & time shall not be considered for evaluation.
5.4.5 The Institute of Charter Accountant of India at its 379 th council meeting dated 17-18th December,
2018 made generation of Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) mandatory for every
signature of full time practicing chartered accountant in phased manner for the following service:
a) All certificates with effect from 1st February, 2019.
b) GST and Income Tax Audit with effect from 1st April, 2019.
c) All audit and Assurance Functions with effect from 1st July, 2019.
In view of the above, bidder shall ensure that any certificate/ reports issued/ attested by a
practicing chartered accountant in India and submitted in the bid shall mandatorily include the
UDIN number. Certificate/ reports issued/ attested without UDIN number of practicing chartered
accountant in India shall not be considered for evaluation.
This requirement of including UDIN shall not be applicable for certificate/ reports issued/ attested
by a chartered accountant practicing in foreign country.
5.5.1 It is bidder’s prime responsibility to submit genuine and authentic documents. No amount of
checking or verification by the buyer shall absolve bidder from his responsibility.
Under the EIL suspension / banning rules (available on EIL portal www.engineersindia.com), the
punishment for such an action is clearly mentioned. Moreover, other actions against the bidder like
encashment of EMD or PBG depending upon the stage of discovery of the fraud / false
documentation may be taken up by EIL. Moreover, the bidder’s organization is responsible for any
and all actions of their employees and any claims seeking to pin point the blame on some
employee of bidder and attempting to absolve the bidder’s organization will not be entertained.
The bidder must also note that the EIL reserves the right to proceed based on acceptable offer
(who have submitted authenticated documents in line with the Clause No. 5.5.2 below) and reject
outright the other bids which have some shortcomings including non-submission of authenticated
documents. The bidder shall therefore submit the authenticated documents along with the offer
itself and in case of rejection of his bid shall not have any right to seek another opportunity for
submission of authenticated documents.
5.5.2 Bidder shall furnish an undertaking in the format as per Annexure-I to IFB towards the authenticity
of submitted BQC Documents, duly signed by the authorized signatory of Bidder holding Power of
Attorney for signing of Bid.
Proprietorship/Partnership firms shall submit the undertaking as per Annexure-I to IFB, duly signed
by the Proprietor/any two Partners.
In case the PTR/ Financial/ MSE documents (submitted in this enquiry/ tender) have already been
submitted duly authenticated and accepted in some other enquiry/ tender of EIL, the same may
also be considered for this present enquiry. However, in such a case, bidder shall indicate in their
bid that authentication of PTR/ Financial/ MSE documents submitted in this bid has already been
submitted to EIL in tender no._______________ for the project _____________.
5.5.3 Bidders shall be required to upload the digitally signed authenticated copies of documents for
meeting BQC (including the documents against MSE if any) on the e-tendering portal only. In
addition to authentication, verification of the documents submitted towards meeting the BQC by
the techno-commercially acceptable bidders shall be done. Documents shall be verified from the
document issuing authority.
This may be carried out by EIL through e-mail / letter or visit. Bidder shall provide complete
assistance towards the same. It shall be responsibility of the bidder to assist EIL in carrying out
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this exercise. Accordingly, bidder shall ensure that bidder shall submit those executed works
meeting the qualification criteria for which they can arrange such verification from their respective
Payment to the Bidder shall be released only on completion of verification. Failure of cross
verification shall entitle EIL/Client to reject the bid or terminate the PO / Contract, if issued.
In case the BQC documents have already been verified by EIL for any other enquiry/ tender, the
same may also be considered verified on the strength of previous verification and accepted by EIL.
However, in such a case, bidder shall indicate in their bid that PTR documents submitted in this
bid has already been already verified by EIL from Bidder’s Client in tender no. _______________
for the project _____________.
In case bidder’s supporting documents are not in English language and, bidder also submits duly
certified translated documents, verification from document issuing authority shall be carried out
only for the original documents.
6.1 Bidder should not be on Holiday / Negative /Suspension / Banning list of EIL.
6.2 Bidder shall not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings.
6.3 Unincorporated Joint Venture/Consortium Bids/Bids from Wholly Owned Subsidiary relying on
Parent company’s experience shall not be accepted.
6.4 Only Class-I local suppliers and Class-II local suppliers as defined in the policy for Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India) (PPP-MII) order, 2017, attached as Annexure-IV to
ITB are eligible to quote.
6.5 Non-submission of Integrity Pact in the bid shall be a ground of disqualification. However, in case
of non-submission of Integrity Pact alongwith the bid, an opportunity shall be given in the CQ to
submit the IP, provided bidder has declared integrity pact submission confirmation in Checklist
(Form-F) of Bidding Forms.
6.6 Bidder shall refer the Annexure “Tender Clause on Procurement from Bidders from a
Country(ies) sharing land border with India”. Accordingly, Bidders shall submit a certificate of
compliance in the enclosed Form - I A / Form - I B / Form-II, as applicable in Annexure-V of ITB,
otherwise offer of the bidder shall be rejected.
6.7 Bidder shall refer the Annexure “Domestically (Indian) Manufactured Iron & Steel Products in
Government Procurement (DMI&SP)”. Accordingly, Bidders shall submit applicable Forms
enclosed in Annexure-VI of ITB, otherwise offer of the bidder shall be rejected.
6.8 Bidders shall furnish all qualification details along with relevant supporting documents in the first
instance itself as EIL may finalise the qualification based on details submitted without asking for
any additional details. In view of this, bidder, in their own interest, must submit experience details
for as many Jobs as possible that, in his opinion, meet the Bidder Qualification Criteria (BQC).
6.9 While evaluating Bidder Qualification criteria (BQC), only such past experience(s) shall be
considered for qualification, details of which are provided in the bid by the Bidder and
subsequently no additional past experience (PTR) shall be permitted to be submitted by the
In case, a Bidder does not meet the BQC based on experience documents submitted by Bidder
in support of meeting the BQC, bids shall be rejected. However, in case CQs / TQs are issued to
the Bidder, Bidders may be allowed to submit additional documents for any of the work out of the
past experience(s) (PTR) list already submitted along with the bid, to support their meeting the
No new additional past experience(s) (PTR) shall be considered from the bidders, since this
would amount to substantive change in the bid.
6.10 All documents to be submitted by the bidder for meeting the Bidder Qualification Criteria shall be
furnished in a folder titled as “Documentation against Bidder Qualification Criteria (Technical &
Commercial)” with proper index.
6.11 Bidder seeking qualification under Clause 5.0 above for Start-up shall comply the following:
a) Bidders holding a valid certificate recognising the bidder as start-up as on the date of issue
of enquiry shall alone be eligible for the above relaxation. Bidder shall be required to submit
a copy of certificate of recognition towards Startup enterprise registration issued by
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Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Ministry of Commerce &
b) Bidder shall submit an undertaking that Startup enterprise registration issued by DPIIT
neither been revoked nor the status of Bidder as Start-up has been modified based on the
definition specified in the prevailing gazette notification by DPIIT.
c) All the documents submitted by the bidder, as above shall be submitted duly authenticated
as per the authentication requirements of Bidding Document.
d) In case, a Start-up bidder doesn’t submit the requisite documents, as above, or submits
invalid documents or fails to submit authenticated documents, such bidders shall not be
considered eligible for relaxation for Start-ups specified in bidding document.
e) All the start-up certificates shall be verified by EIL from the website
6.12 Subsequent to the submission of bid, bidders are not allowed to change the price or substance of
the bid i.e. scope of work, specifications, delivery schedule, completion period etc. including
modification of the bid to meet other than as mentioned in the bidding document.
6.13 EIL reserve the right to evaluate the Bids using in-house information. Further, if the Bidder cites
any reference of a job executed for Owner / some other Owner through EIL and the Bidder is not
able to furnish documentary evidence, Owner/EIL may consider the internal records of Owner or
EIL (as the case may be).
6.14 Any direct email communication from Bidder’s Owner / PMC (from their domain server) [of whom
Bidder has submitted the past experience] to EIL shall be acceptable for establishing work
experience. The same shall be considered as an authentic document.
6.15 EIL shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by bidders in connection with the
preparation & delivery of their bids, site visit, participating in the discussion and other expenses
incurred during the bidding process.
6.16 EIL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received and to annul the bidding process at its
discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever.
6.17 Canvassing in any form by the bidder or by any other agency on their behalf may lead to
disqualification of their bid.
6.18 In case any bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his bid will not be considered for
further evaluation / placement of order. Such bidder’s EMD (if applicable) will be encashed &
such Bidder shall also be put on Holiday / blacklisted / Suspension / Banning List / debarred
from bidding in future for EIL.
6.19 For detailed specifications, terms and conditions and other details, refer Bidding Document.
6.20 Clarification, if any, can be obtained from General Manager (SCM) through Telephone – 0124
289 1361 / 0124 289 1310 / 0124 289 1386, E-mail – [email protected] /
[email protected] / [email protected].
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Format No. EIL 1641-1924 Rev. 1 Copyright EIL – All rights reserved
IB (Intelligence Bureau, Govt. of India) desires to develop a Multi-storied Building for Integrated
Office-cum-Data Center complex at Patel Dham, 35 SP Marg Delhi. EIL is the executing
agency for this Project.
Bidder shall fulfil the qualification criteria mentioned in clause 3.1 or clause 3.2:
3.1.1 Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 0.93 crore, or
3.1.2 Two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 1.23 crore, or
3.1.3 One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 1.54 crore
3.2.1 Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 0.47 crore, or
3.2.2 Two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 0.62 crore, or
3.2.3 One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 0.77 crore
“Similar completed work (s)” as mentioned, shall mean successful execution of any Civil-
Structural work(s) with activities of RCC work, Structural steel work, earthwork etc., including
Format No. EIL 1641-1924 Rev. 1 Copyright EIL – All rights reserved
supply, fabrication & erection of construction materials (like RCC, Re-bar, brick, structural steel
4.1. The bidder shall, in his own interest, furnish complete documentary evidence to establish that
the bidder meets the Qualification criteria as given above.
4.2. Bidder shall complete and submit the Experience Record Performa (along with supporting
documents mentioned) provided in the Bidding Document to establish that the bidder meets
the Bidder Qualification Criteria. Projects/ works filled in Experience Record Performa shall
only be evaluated. Documents of other projects/ jobs mentioned elsewhere other than this
experience record Performa shall not be considered and evaluated.
4.3. In support of meeting the requirements of above-mentioned clauses, Bidder shall furnish
4.4. Copy of work order or purchase order or letter of intent or contract agreement issued by
Owner/PMC to the Bidder indicating Owner/PMC, Contractor, Job or project name, date of
award, and scope of work.
4.5. Copy of completion certificate issued by Owner/PMC to the Bidder indicating completion of
work, completion date, actual executed value.
4.6. A job completed by a Bidder as Sub-Contractor shall be considered for the purpose of
meeting the experience criteria of BQC, provided the appointment of Sub Contractor was
authorized and subject to submission of following documents in support of meeting the
“Bidder’s Qualification Criteria”:
4.7 If work order/ completion certificate does not indicate all the requirements of qualification
criteria then Bidder should either submit a certificate to this effect from the Owner/PMC or Bill
of quantities (BOQ) or the bills (certified/ verified by Owner/PMC) indicating work done,
executed value. As built construction drawings certified by Owner/PMC may be considered
to evaluate work done by the Bidder.
4.8 In case, the Bidder is a “Start-Up” company, bidder to submit the following documents in
addition to the above applicable documents:
Format No. EIL 1641-1924 Rev. 1 Copyright EIL – All rights reserved
4.9 EIL reserves the right to complete the evaluation based on the details furnished without
seeking any additional information.
Format No. EIL 1641-1924 Rev. 1 Copyright EIL – All rights reserved
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FORMAT FOR PAST EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER/ Sub-Contractor (For Sl. No. 3.1, 3.2 of BQC (Technical))
Format No. EIL 1641-1924 Rev. 1 Copyright EIL – All rights reserved
Annexure-B1 (Letter from Statutory Auditor/CA)
Financial details of the above mentioned Company/ firm are as follows: <Auditor/CA to
select either of the following options and strike off the other>.
a. Bidder is a parent company (i.e. having its subsidiaries): Auditor to select either of
the following options and strike off the other.
c. Bidder does not have any subsidiary or parent company: Financial details of the
company itself.
Sl. Description Year Value in
No. Currency
( )
1 Turnover Latest Financial year
( )
Preceding 1st year
( )
Preceding 2nd year
( )
2 Net Worth Latest Financial year
( )
3 Working Capital Latest Financial year
( )
1. Indicate Positive or Negative sign with the Figure in case of Net Worth and Working
Capital. In case, no sign is indicated, the figure shall be considered as Positive.
2. In case the financial year closing date is within 9 months of bid due date and audited
annual report of immediate preceding financial year is not available, bidder has the
option to submit the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to
the last financial year. Otherwise, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of
the immediate three preceding financial years.
Example, In case, audited annual report of immediate preceding financial year (year
ending 31st March) is not available and where bid closing date is up to 31ST
December, the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the
last financial year may be submitted. However, in case the bid closing date is after
31st December, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of the immediate
three preceding financial years only.
Where Current asset means asset when it satisfies any of the following criteria:—
(a) it is expected to be realised in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the company’s
normal operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle
a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.
Where Current Liabilities means liabilities when it satisfies any of the following
(a) it is expected to be settled in the company’s normal operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at
least twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the
counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its
*An operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their
realization in cash or cash equivalents. Where the normal operating cycle cannot be
identified, it is assumed to have a duration of twelve months.
Financial details are as follows: <Auditor/CA to select either of the following options and
strike off the other>.
a. Bidder is a parent company (i.e. having its subsidiaries): Auditor to select either of
the following options and strike off the other.
i. Financial details are of parent company without the financial data of subsidiaries
ii. Financial details are of parent company including the financial data of
subsidiaries. It is further certified that separate annual report of bidder, without
the financial data of subsidiaries, is not prepared and audited.
c. Bidder does not have any subsidiary or parent company: Financial details of the
company itself.
Sl. Description Year Value in
No. Currency
( )
1 Turnover Latest Financial year
( )
Preceding 1 year
( )
Preceding 2nd year
( )
2 Net Worth Latest Financial year
( )
3 Working Capital Latest Financial year
( )
1. Indicate Positive or Negative sign with the Figure in case of Net Worth and Working
Capital. In case, no sign is indicated, the figure shall be considered as Positive.
2. In case the financial year closing date is within 9 months of bid due date and audited
annual report of immediate preceding financial year is not available, bidder has the
option to submit the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to
the last financial year. Otherwise, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of
the immediate three preceding financial years.
Example, In case, audited annual report of immediate preceding financial year (year
ending 31st March) is not available and where bid closing date is up to 31ST
December, the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the
last financial year may be submitted. However, in case the bid closing date is after
31st December, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of the immediate
three preceding financial years only.
3. Submission of Consolidated Audited Financial Statement:
a. Bidder is a Parent/Holding Company: Where only consolidated Audited
Financial Statements are prepared and audited which includes the financial
details of their wholly owned subsidiaries etc., consolidated audited Financial
Statement shall be considered for establishing the financial criteria subject to
statutory auditor / CEO / CFO/Company Secretary or any member of the Board
of Directors of the bidder, certifying that standalone Financial Statements of
Bidder (without the financial data of subsidiaries, etc.) is not separately prepared
and audited.
b. Bidder is a subsidiary company: In case a bidder is a subsidiary company
and separate Financial Statements of the Bidder is not prepared & audited, but
only a consolidated audited Financial Statements of their Parent
company/Holding Company are available, consolidated audited Financial
Statement shall be considered for establishing the financial criteria subject to
statutory auditor / CEO / CFO /Company Secretary or any member of the Board
of Directors of the bidder of the Parent/Holding Company (whose audited
financial statements are submitted for qualification) certifying in their letterhead
that financial statements of the Bidder are not separately prepared and audited.
4. Net Worth Calculation: Net Worth means paid up share capital, Share application
money pending allotment* and reserves# less accumulate losses and deferred
expenditure to the extent not written off. Net Worth has been calculated using the
following formula, as per provisions of the enquiry document:
# Reserves to be considered for the purpose of networth shall be all reserves
created out of the profits and securities premium account but shall not include
reserves created out of revaluation of assets, write back of depreciation and
*Share application money pending allotment will be considered only in respect of
share to be allotted.
Description Values <in Reference (Page
Currency> no., Clause etc.)
Paid up share capital (A) :
Add: Share application money pending :
allotment (B)
Add: Reserves (as defined above) (C ) :
Less: Accumulate Losses (D) :
Less: Deferred Revenue Expenditure to :
the extent not written off (E)
Net Worth (A+B+C-D-E) :
Where Current asset means asset when it satisfies any of the following criteria:—
(a) it is expected to be realised in, or is intended for sale or consumption in, the company’s
normal operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is expected to be realised within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) it is cash or cash equivalent unless it is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle
a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting date.
Where Current Liabilities means liabilities when it satisfies any of the following
(a) it is expected to be settled in the company’s normal operating cycle*;
(b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded;
(c) it is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting date; or
(d) the company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at
least twelve months after the reporting date. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the
counterparty, result in its settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its
*An operating cycle is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their
realization in cash or cash equivalents. Where the normal operating cycle cannot be
identified, it is assumed to have a duration of twelve months.
The credit limits of the Company as on ________ <Insert any Date between the date of Enquiry and
Bid Due Date>are as follows:
(b) that we are a Commercial Bank having Net Worth more than INR 1000 Million (or equivalent
USD) as per our latest audited financial statements.
Yours Faithfully,
E-mail ID:
Mobile number:
Tel (with STD Code):
Annexure-I to IFB
It is certified that none of the documents are false/forged or fabricated. All the documents has been
submitted with full knowledge of (i) the provisions of the Indian laws in respect of offences including,
but not limited to those pertaining to criminal breach of trust, cheating and fraud (ii) provisions of bidding
conditions and iii) Suspension / Banning rules of Owner/ EIL, which entitle the Owner/EIL to initiate
action in the event of such declaration turning out to be a misrepresentation or false representation.
It is further certified that, if any documents are required to be submitted by our company/ Firm
subsequent to submission of bid, shall also be submitted under my knowledge and shall be true,
authentic, genuine, exact copy of its original and shall not be false/forged or fabricated.
I hereby acknowledge that the Owner/EIL possesses the right to verify the BQC Documents from the
relevant document issuing authority or end user. The result of this verification, as stated above, shall
be binding upon our Company/Firm, without any opportunity for dissent or contestation.
I also accept that in case, at a later date, any of the document submitted in our bid referred above is
found to be false/forged or fabricated, I, shall be held responsible for the same and EIL/Owner has
every right to take action against me and my company, as deemed fit as per law of land and provisions
of the Bidding Documents and EIL/Owner’s right to put our company on Suspension / Banning list for
future business with EIL/Owner.
Name & Designation (proprietor in case of Proprietorship /any two partners in case of Partnership
firms (indicate, as applicable))