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SEP – 2024


Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)


[According to SEP (State Education Policy): 2024]

w.e.f Academic Year 2024-25

Under Graduate Board of Studies


Computer Science and B.C.A.

Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta,
Shimoga, Karnataka.
Curriculum Design / Syllabus Framing Committee

Sl. No. Name Designation

1. Dr. Prabhakar C J Chairman

Department of P.G Studies and Research in Computer Science,
Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta – 577541, Shimoga(D).

2. Dr. Shoieb Ahamed Member

Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Government First Grade College, Sorab – 577429,
3. Mr. Shashidhara B Member
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
IDSG Government College, Chikkamagaluru(D) – 577101,

4. Mr. Gopala B Member

Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Government First Grade College Shikaripura - 577427,

5. Mr. Krishnamurthy K Member

Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Government First Grade College, Thirthahalli - 577432,

6. Mr. Prajwal Kumar P Member

Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science,
Government First Grade College, Kadur – 577548,

The objectives of the BCA Programme

1. The primary objective of this program is to provide a

foundation of computing principles for effectively using
information systems and enterprise softwares.
2. It helps students analyze the requirements for system
programming and exposes students for information
3. This Programme provides students with options to
specialize in various software system.
4. To produce outstanding Computer Scientists who can
apply the theoretical knowledge into practice in the real
world and develop standalone live projects themselves
5. To provide opportunity for the study of modern
methods of information processing and its applications.
6. To develop among students the programming
techniques and the problem- solving skills through
7. To prepare students who wish to go on to further
studies in computer science and related subjects.
8. To acquaint students to Work effectively with a range of
current, standard, Office Productivity software

Program Outcomes

1. Discipline knowledge: Acquiring knowledge on basics of Computer

Science and ability to apply to design principles in the development
of solutions for problems of varying complexity
2. Problem Solving: Improved reasoning with strong mathematical
ability to Identify, formulate and analyze problems related to
computer science and exhibiting a sound knowledge on data
structures and algorithms.
3. Design and Development of Solutions: Ability to design and
development ofalgorithmic solutions to real world problems.
4. Programming a computer: Exhibiting strong skills required to
program a computer for various issues and problems of day-to-day
scientific applications.
5. Application Systems Knowledge: Possessing a minimum
knowledge to practice existing computer application software.
6. Communication: Must have a reasonably good communication
knowledge both in oral and writing.
7. Ethics on Profession, Environment and Society: Exhibiting
professional ethics to maintain the integrality in a working
environment and also have concern on societal impacts due to
computer-based solutions for problems.
8. Lifelong Learning: Should become an independent learner. So,
learn to learnability.
9. Motivation to take up Higher Studies: Inspiration to continue
educations towards advanced studies on Computer Science.

Kuvempu University
SEP Based Curriculum Structure for
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) Programme 2024-2025

CASE 3 : Single Subject specialization degree in all 6 Semesters

(Course Structure, Scheme of Teaching and Evaluation - 2024-25)
Allocation of credits for BCA Programme

Sl.No. Subject Category No. of Credits

1 Major Courses 90
2 Languages 24
3 Compulsory 12
4 Electives/Optional 04
Total 130

Semester-wise allocation of credits

(Three Subjects combination)

Year Semester Total

1 46
2 50
3 34
Total 130

1. Credit for the three major courses includes theory, practical (skill
enhancement course), and tutorial/assignment/survey-based
2. Practical paper(s) (Compulsory/Skill enhancement course) should
provide practical experience which is complimentary to theory
major paper(s).
3. Project Work/Dissertation/Internship/Apprenticeship Embedded
Degree Programme (AEDP) should also be considered to be part
of the curriculum.

End Exam.


Sem. Paper Title of the Paper


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24BCA11 Fundamentals of Computers MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA12 Programming in C MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA13 Mathematical Foundation MC-T 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
1 24BCA11P C programming LAB 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
24BCA12P Information Technology LAB MC-P 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
Total 19 320 80 400 15 ---
24BCA21 Data Structures MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA22 Java Programming MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA23 Operating System MC-T 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
2 24BCA21P Data Structures Lab using C 3 Hrs.
MC-P 04 40 10 50 02
24BCA22P Java Programming LAB 3 Hrs.
MC-P 04 40 10 50 02
Total 19 320 80 400 15 ---
24BCA31 Database Management System 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
3 24BCA32 3 Hrs.
Design and Analysis of 04 80 20 100 04
Algorithms MC-T
24BCA33 Computer Communication and 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
Networks MC-T
24BCA31P PL/SQL lab MC-P 3 Hrs.
04 40 10 50 02
24BCA32P Design and Analysis of 3 Hrs.
MC-P 04 40 10 50 02
Algorithms Lab
Elective I
EL/OP-I 02 40 10 50 02 2 Hrs.

Total 21 360 90 450 17 ---

Python Programming 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
4 3 Hrs.
24BCA42 Computer Multimedia and 04 80 20 100 04
Animation MC-T
24BCA43 Wireless Networks 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
24BCA41P Python Lab MC-P 3 Hrs.
04 40 10 50 02
24BCA42P Computer Multimedia and 3 Hrs.
04 40 10 50 02
Animation Lab
Elective II 02 40 10 50 02 2 Hrs.
Total 21 360 90 450 17 ---
24BCA51 C# and Dot Net MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA52 Artificial Intelligence and 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
Machine Learning
5 24BCA53 Cyber Security MC-T 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
24BCA51P DOT NET Lab MC-P 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
24BCA52P AI and ML Lab MC-P 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
AEDP MOOC’s/Internship 02 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
Total 21 360 90 450 17 ---
24BCA61 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA62 Big Data Analytics MC-T 04 80 20 100 04 3 Hrs.
24BCA63 Mobile Application 03 80 20 100 03 3 Hrs.
6 Development MC-T
24BCA61P Web Content Management MC-P 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
24BCA62P Project MC-P 04 40 10 50 02 3 Hrs.
Total 19 320 80 400 15 ---
Grand total 120 2040 510 2550 96 ---

Practical Proper Examination I-VI semesters
Duration: 03 Hrs

 Experimentation (Major & Minor/Spotters) - 30 Marks

 Viva Voice - 10 Marks

Total 40 Marks


Internal Assessment for Practical Paper I-VI semesters

 Attendance - 05
 Record/Journal - 05
Total 10 Marks
Project Work/Internship during VI semester
 Project work/Dissertation/Internship and preparation of Report - 40 Marks
 Viva Voice -10 Marks
Total 50 Marks

Continuous Assessment Programme/Internal Assessment/Formative Assessment

Elective/Optional Papers
Sl. Maximum
Continuous Assessment Programme/Internal Assessment
No. Marks
(1) (2) (3)
01 Two Session Tests with proper record for assessment (2+2 = 4) 04
02 Assessment of Seminars/ Assignment with proper record 03
03 Attendance with proper record 03

 Attendance Marks-breakup
<75% - 00 Marks
75-80% - 01 Mark
85-90% - 02 Marks
90-100% - 03 Marks

Electives in Computer Science

Sl. No. Semester Elective Electives Offered

Any one from the following
01 Elective I  Office Automation
 Computer Fundamentals
Any one from the following
02 Elective II  Internet Basics
 Digital Fluency

Course Code: 24BCA11 Course Title: Fundamentals of Computers

Course Credits: 04 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : 14
Introduction to Computers - Computer Definition,Characteristics, History of
Computers,Anatomy of Computer -Central Processing Unit, Storage units, Input and
output Devices. Types of Computers, Types of Software - System Software and Utility
Software; Computer Languages - MachineLevel, Assembly Level & High Level
Languages, Translators - Assembler,Interpreter and Compiler.

Unit-2 : 12
Number Systems - Binary,Octal, decimal hexadecimal, convert binary to decimal,
Decimal to binary, Decimal to hexadecimal,hexadecimal to decimal.Binary 1’s
complement , binary 2’s complement.Computer Codes-BCD, Gray Code,ASCII and
Unicode. Basic logic gates and operations .

Unit-3 12
Operating Systems - Introduction, Functions of an Operating System, Type of Operating
Systems. The User Interface,Using Mouse, Icons, File explorer ,Toolbar, Status Bar,
Menu bar , Operations on File and Directories.
Computer networks- LAN, WAN; Concept of Internet,www,search engines,IP address
Applications of Internet.

Unit-4 14
Word Processing - Word Processing GUI, Opening and Closing of documents, Text
creation and Formatting, Table handling,Page setup.
Presentation - GUI,creating slides, text/content animation, slide transition.slide show.
Spreadsheet: Structure of Spreadsheet, Manipulation of cells;, Formulas and Functions-
sum,avg,min,max,if.charts- bar,pie,line.

1. Computer Fundamentals, V Rajaraman.
2. Computer System Architecture (3rd edition) Morris Mano PHI.
3. Pradeep K. Sinha and Priti Sinha: Computer Fundamentals (Sixth Edition)
4. Link : Word - ppt - sheet. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/

Course Code: 24BCA11P Course Title: Information Technology LAB

Course Credits: 02 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 10

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 40


Part - A
1.Create biodata using word processor
2.Create timetable in word processor with text formatting
3.Create Content page with header and footer, including page number,date , title using word processor
4.Create Invitation card for College Event using word processor
5.Create a Presentation with content animation
6.Create a Presentation with Slide transition
7.Create student ID card with photo in Presentation

1.Create student marks card in Spreadsheet
2.Plot Bar Chart in Spreadsheet for tabular data
3.Plot Line Chart in Spreadsheet for tabular data
4.Create inventory Bill in Spreadsheet with formulas.
5.Create a Salary slip with Basic,DA,(20% of Basic Salary),HRA(8% of Basic Salary), and
Deduction.(10% of Total Salary) using Spreadsheet
6. Demonstrate usage of Filters in Spreadsheet.

Internal Assessment

Attendance 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Total 10 Marks
Attendance Marks breakup
< 75 % - 00 Marks , 75- 80% - 01 Mark , 80-85% - 02 Marks
85-90% - 03 Marks , 90-95% - 04 Marks, >95% - 05 Marks

Practical Examination

Writing and execution Part-A 5+10 =15 Marks

Writing and execution Part-B 5+10 =15 Marks
Viva voice 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks
Course Code: 24BCA12 Course Title: Programming in C

Course Credits: 04 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : 14
Problem solving with a Computer - Algorithm and Flowchart- Notations ,Examples- Area
of a circle, find largest of 3 numbers ,sum N number.
Overview of C - History and Features of C, Structure of a C Program, Creating and
Executing a C Program. C Character Set, C tokens - keywords,identifiers, constants, and
variables. Data types - Declaration & initialization of variables, Symbolic constants.Header
files - stdio,conio,maths,string,ctype.

Unit-2 : 14
Input and output with C: Formatted I/O functions - printf and scanf, control stings and
escape sequences. Unformatted I/O functions - getchar, putchar, gets and puts functions.
Arithmetic operators,Relational operators,Logical operators, Assignment operators,
Increment & Decrement operators, Bitwise operators, Conditional operator, Special
operators, Operator Precedence and Associativity, Evaluation of arithmetic expressions.
Control Structures - if, if_else, Switch Case, goto, break & continue statements. Looping
Statements - while, do-while, for loops, Nested loops.

Unit-3 12
Arrays - One Dimensional arrays - Declaration, Initialization and Memory
representation. Two Dimensional arrays - Declaration, Initialization and Memory
Structures - Structure Definition, Advantages of Structure, declaring , initialization
accessing structure members. Unions - Union definition,declaration,initialization.
difference between Structures and Unions.

Unit-4 12
Pointers in C - Definition, Declaring and initialising pointers, accessing address and value
of variables using pointers,Pointer Arithmetic, Advantages and disadvantages of using
User Defined Functions - Need , structure of C user defined functions.Categories of user
defined functions - With and without parameters and return type. function call - call by
value, call by reference.

1. E. Balagurusamy: Programming in ANSI C (TMH)
2.V. Rajaraman: Programming in C (PHI – EEE)
3.S. Byron Gottfried: Programming with C (TMH)
4.Yashwant Kanitkar: Let us C 8
5.Kamathane: Programming with ANSI and TURBO C (Pearson Education)
Course Code: 24BCA12P Course Title: C Programming LAB

Course Credits: 02 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 10

Exam Duration: 03 Semester end Exam Marks: 40


1. Write a C Program to read radius and find surface area and volume of a sphere.
2.Write a C Program to read three numbers and find the biggest of three
3.Write a C Program to demonstrate library functions in math.h (at least 5)
4.Write a C Program to read a number, find the sum of the digits, reverse the number and check
it for palindrome
5. Write a C Program to read percentage of marks and to display appropriate grade (using
switch case)
6. Write a C program to read marks scored in 3 subjects by n students and find the average of marks
and result (Demonstration of single dimensional array)
7. Write a C Program to remove Duplicate Element in a single dimensional Array
8. Program to perform addition and subtraction of Matrices

1.Write a C Program to find the length of a string without using built in function
2. Write a C Program to demonstrate string functions (at least 3).
3. Write a C Program to demonstrate pointers in C
4. Write a C Program to generate n prime number
5. Write a C Program to find the trace of a square matrix using function
6. Write a C Program to read, display and multiply two matrices using function
7. Write a C Program to read a string and to find the number of alphabets, digits, vowels,
consonants, spaces and special characters.
8. Write a C Program to demonstrate structure to read & display student information.

Internal Assessment

Attendance 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Total 10 Marks
Attendance Marks breakup
< 75 % - 00 Marks , 75- 80% - 01 Mark , 80-85% - 02 Marks
85-90% - 03 Marks , 90-95% - 04 Marks, >95% - 05 Marks

Practical Examination

Writing and execution Part-A 5+10 =15 Marks

Writing and execution Part-B 5+10 =15 Marks
Viva voice 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Course Code: 24BCA13 Course Title: Mathematical Foundation

Course Credits: 03 Teaching Hours per Week: 03

Total Contact Hours: 48 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : Set and Function 12

Definition of set, methods of representation of sets (property method and listing method), set
operation (union, intersection, complement, Cartesian product of sets), properties of sets
(commutative, associative and distributive), Definition of function, types of function (linear,
quadratic, polynomial) with example, exponential and logarithmic function with their properties and
related example.

Unit-2 : Matrix and Determinants: 12

Introduction-Types of matrices-matrix operations-transpose of a matrix -determinant of matrix -
inverse of a matrix, Cramer’s rule, finding rank of a matrix – normal form-echelon form, Cayley
Hamilton Theorem-Eigenvalues.

Unit-3 : Logic, Counting and Proof 12

Propositions and Logical Operations, Conditional Statements, Methods of Proof, Counting-
Permutations, Combinations, Pigeonhole Principle, Elements of Probability. Introduction to Proofs,
Proof Methods and Strategy.

Unit-4 :Graphs 12
Introduction to Graphs and Graph models, Graph Terminology and Special Types of Graphs,
Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest-
Path Problems, Planar Graphs, Graph Colouring.


1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Kenneth H. Rosen: Seventh Edition, 2012.
2. P. R. Vittal-Business Mathematics and Statistics, Margham Publications, Chennai,
3. Discrete Mathematical Structure, Bernard Kolman, Robert C, Busby, Sharon Ross, 2003.
4. Graph Theory with Applications to Engg and Comp. Sci: Narsingh Deo-PHI 1986.
5. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics Ralph P. Grimaldi, B. V. Ramatta, Pearson, Education, 5
6. Discrete Mathematical Structures, Trembley and Manohar.

Course Code: 24BCA21 Course Title: Data Structures

Course Credits: 04 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : 14
Data structures - Definition, Types of data structures - Primitive & Non-primitive, Linear
and Nonlinear.
Stacks - Definition and Representation of stacks, Operations on stacks.Applications of
stacks; Infix, postfix and prefix notations, convert infix to postfix,Evaluation of postfix
expression using stack.Recursive function -Definition ,Examples - Fibonacci number,
factorial of number.

Unit-2 : 12
Queues - Definition and Representation of queues; Types of queues – Simple queue and
Operations , Circular queue and Operations. Priority queue (concept only), Double ended
queue (concept only).
Sorting – Selection sort, Bubble sort,insertion sort, Merge sort,
Searching - Sequential Search, Binary search.

Unit-3 12
Linked list: Definition and Representation of linked list, Types of linked lists - Singly
linked list, doubly linked list, Circular linked list;
Operations on Singly linked lists – Traversing, Searching, Insertion, Deletion; Memory
allocation, Garbage collection .
Doubly Linked List: Memory Representation of Singly Linked List and Doubly Linked
Lists. Applications of Linked List.

Unit-4 14
Trees: Definition; Tree terminologies –node, root node, parent node, ancestors of a node,
siblings, terminal & non-terminal nodes, degree of a node, level, edge, path, depth;
Binary tree: Type of binary trees - strict binary tree, complete binary tree, binary search
tree; Array representation of binary tree. Traversal of binary tree; preorder, inorder and
postorder traversal.

1.Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni: Fundamentals of Data Structures
2.Tanenbaum: Data structures using C (Pearson Education)
3.Kamathane: Introduction to Data structures (Pearson Education)
4.Y. Kanitkar: Data Structures Using C (BPB)
5.Kottur: Data Structure Using C 1
6.Padma Reddy: Data Structure Using C
Course Code: 24BCA11P Course Title: Data Structure LAB

Course Credits: 02 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 10

Exam Duration: 03 Semester end Exam Marks: 40


Part - A
1.Write a C Program to find GCD using recursive function
2.Write a C Program to generate N Fibonacci numbers using a recursive function.
3.Write a C Program to generate Factorial of a given number using a recursive function.
4. Write a C Program to sort the given list using Bubble sort technique.
5.Write a C Program to sort the given list using selection sort technique.
6.Write a C Program to sort the given list using insertion sort technique
7.Write a C Program to sort the given list using merge sort technique - recursive
8.Write a C Program to search an element using linear search technique

1.Write a C Program to implement Stack.
2. Write a C Program to convert an infix expression to postfix.
3. Write a C Program to implement a simple queue.
4. Write a C Program to implement a Circular queue.
5. Write a C Program to implement insert at the beginning of a singly linked list and display.
6.Write a C Program to delete a node at the end of a singly linked list.
7. Write a C Program to search an element using recursive binary search technique.
8. Write a C Program to implement inorder traversal of a binary tree.

Internal Assessment

Attendance 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Total 10 Marks
Attendance Marks breakup
< 75 % - 00 Marks , 75- 80% - 01 Mark , 80-85% - 02 Marks
85-90% - 03 Marks , 90-95% - 04 Marks, >95% - 05 Marks

Practical Examination

Writing and execution Part-A 5+10 =15 Marks

Writing and execution Part-B 5+10 =15 Marks
Viva voice 10 1Marks
Total 40 Marks
Course Code: 24BCA22 Course Title: Java Programming

Course Credits: 04 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : 14
Object oriented concepts and paradigm, Basics of Java programming, Data types,
Variables, Operators, Control structures including selection, Looping, method
Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java.
Objects and Classes: Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors, Finalizer,
Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects, Inbuilt classes like String, Character,
String Buffer, File, this reference, I/O streams.

Unit-2 : 14
Inheritance - Inheritance in java, Super and subclass, Overriding, Object class,
Polymorphism - Dynamic binding, Generic programming, Casting objects, Instance of
operator, Abstract class.
Interfaces - Interfaces Vs Abstract classes, defining an interface, implementing interfaces
,extending interfaces.
Packages - Defining, creating and accessing a package, Understanding CLASSPATH,
importing packages.

Unit-3 12
Exception handling- Dealing with errors, benefits of exception handling, the classification
of exceptions- exception hierarchy, checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions, usage
of try, catch, throw, throws and finally. Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and
methods, Runnable interface, Thread synchronisation, Exception handling with try catch-
finally, Collections in java, Introduction to JavaBeans and Network Programming

Unit-4 12
Event and GUI programming: Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events,
GUI Basics, Panels, Frames, Layout Managers: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout,
GUI components like Buttons, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text
Areas, Combo Boxes, Lists, Scroll Bars, Sliders, Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet
and its life cycle, Introduction to swing.

Reference Books:
1. Programming with Java, By E Balagurusamy – A Primer, Fourth Edition,
2. Core Java Volume I – Fundamentals, By Cay S. Horstmann, Prentice Hall
3. Object Oriented Programming with Java : Somashekara, M.T., Guru, D.S.,Manjunatha, K.S
4. Java 2 - The Complete Reference – Tata McGraw Hill publication.
Course Code: 24BCA22P Course Title: JAVA LAB

Course Credits: 02 Teaching Hours per Week: 04

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 10

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 40


Part - A
1.Program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no arguments are supplied, give a default
value to calculate the sum. Use function overloading.

2. Program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class called AddSub with methods to add
and subtract. Create another class called MulDiv that extends from AddSub class to use the member
data of the super class. A main function should access the methods and perform the mathematical

3.Program with class variable that is available for all instances of a class. Use static variable
declaration. Observe the changes that occur in the object’s member variable values.

4.Program to create a student class with following attributes; Enrollment No: Name, Mark of sub1,
Mark of sub2, mark of sub3, TotalMarks. The pass mark for each subject is 50. Using this condition
write a constructor for this class.Write separate functions for accepting and displaying student details.
In the main method create an array of n student objects and display the details.

5.Create a Class Named College having data members Name of the class (BCA, BCom, BSc), Name
of the staff ,No of the students in the class, use constructors

6.Program to define a class called employee with the name and date of appointment. Create employee
objects as an array and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as per their seniority.

7.Program to demonstrate interface in java program.

8.Program to Demonstrate exception handling in java.

1. Program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This exception is caused when the array is
initialised to negative values.
2. Program which creates and displays a message on window
3. Program to draw several shapes in the created window
4. Program which creates a frame with two buttons: father and mother. When we click the father
button the name of the father, his age and designation must appear. When we click mother, similar
details of mother also appear.
5. Program to move any one shape according to the arrow key pressed.
6. Program to create a window when we press M or m the window displays Good
Morning, A or a the window displays Good After Noon E or e the window
displays Good Evening, N or n the window displays Good Night
7. Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable examples.
8. Program to create menu bar and pull-down menus 1
Internal Assessment

Attendance 5 Marks
Record 5 Marks
Total 10 Marks
Attendance Marks breakup
< 75 % - 00 Marks , 75- 80% - 01 Mark , 80-85% - 02 Marks
85-90% - 03 Marks , 90-95% - 04 Marks, >95% - 05 Marks

Practical Examination

Writing and execution Part-A 5+10 =15 Marks

Writing and execution Part-B 5+10 =15 Marks
Viva voice 10 Marks
Total 40 Marks

Course Code: 24BCA22 Course Title: Operating System

Course Credits: 03 Teaching Hours per Week: 03

Total Contact Hours: 52 Internal Assessment : 20

Exam Duration: 03 Hours Semester end Exam Marks: 80

Contents hours

Unit-1 : 14
Introduction to Operating System: Definition, Early systems – Batch Systems,
Multiprogramming, Time Sharing,Real time system, Handheld systems and Distributed
systems. Open Source Operating Systems.
Process Management: Process Concept- Process Definition, Process State, Process Control
Block, Process scheduling- Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Context switch. Inter process
communication (IPC) .

Unit-2 : 12
CPU Scheduling - CPU I/O burst cycle, CPU Scheduler, Preemptive scheduling,
Dispatcher. Scheduling criteria, Scheduling Algorithms- First-Come-First-Served (FCFS),
Shortest Job First (SJF), Priority Scheduling, Round Robin scheduling algorithms.
Deadlocks - Definition with example, System Model, Deadlocks Characterization- –
Necessary Conditions, Resource Allocation Graph, Methods for Handling Deadlocks -
Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance.

Unit-3 12
Memory Management - Logical and Physical Address Space, Swapping, Contiguous
Allocation,Fragmentation, Paging, Segmentation. Virtual Memory: Definition, Demand
Paging, Page Replacement Algorithms -First In First Out (FIFO),Optimal Page

Unit-4 14
File System - File Concepts, Attributes, Operations and Types of Files. File Access
methods, Directory Structure, Protection and consistency semantics. File System
Implementation- File System Structure, File Allocation Methods, Free Space
Management.Disk Structure, Disk Scheduling-Definition, Algorithms- FCFS, SSTF,
References :
1. Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz’ et al., 10thEdition, Wiley, 2018.
2. Operating System Concepts - Engineering Handbook, Ghosh PK, 2019.
3. Understanding Operating Systems, McHoes A et al., 7th Edition, Cengage Learning,2014.
4. Operating Systems - Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, 9th Edition,Pearson.
5. Operating Systems – A Concept Based Approach, Dhamdhere, 3rd Edition, McGrawHill Education
6. Modern Operating Systems, Andrew S Tanenbaum, 4th Edition, Pearson
(Semesters I –VI)
B.C.A Semester-I Degree Examination; 2024-25
(Semester Scheme; New Syllabus: 2024-25)

Paper –______: _______________________________
Paper Code: __________________

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Instructions to candidates:
1) All sections are compulsory
2) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.

1. Answer all the following questions: (2×10=20)

Answer any SIX of the following: ( Two Questions From each Unit) (5×6=30)

Answer Any Three of the following: (10×3=30)
10. From Unit-I

11. From Unit-II

12. From Unit-III

13. From Unit-IV



(Semesters III & IV)
B.C.A. Semester-I/II/III/IV/V Degree Examination; 2024-25
(Semester Scheme; New Syllabus: 2024-25)


Paper – ELECTIVE/OPTIONAL III & IV _____: _______________________________

Paper Code: __________________
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 40
Instructions to candidates:
1) All sections are compulsory
2) Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary.


Answer all the following questions: (2×5=10)


Answer any SIX of the following:

Syllabus Distribution for Question Paper Setting

Ten Questions of each Two questions each from unit-1 and Unit-2. And Three
Section-A carrying 02 marks questions each from Unit-3 and unit-4.

Eight Questions carrying Two questions from each unit.

Section -B 06 marks each.
One question from each unit.
Four Questions carrying
Section -C 10 marks each (There shall be sub-Questions.)

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