Export Action Plan - Krishna District
Export Action Plan - Krishna District
Export Action Plan - Krishna District
The following three products are indentified in Krishna District , among them two are
unique to the district and one is due to long coast and plenty of aqua based natural resources .
1. Kalankari Textile Products , which is unique and traditional art in Pedana Area.
2. Imitation Jewellery i.e. rolled gold another unique and traditional product
manufactured in Machilipatnam and surrounding areas.
3. Aqua based products like prawn processing and sea food processing .
Imitation Jewellery :
1. To indentify new markets and diversify the existing products by introducing the artisans
and unit holders to new designs with the help of central design institutions to track the
emerging and latest trends and incorporate the same in to their works.
2. To tap all the applicable support schemes for export by GoI .
3. To promote more participation of local artisans and entrepreneurs in national and
international export exhibitions which will enhance the knowledge of them about the
trends in the market .
4. Identify any sector specific issues or bottlenecks that inhibit them to realize their full
export potential with the involvement of all the stake holders and field experts and address
the same by implementing the measures suggested by the experts.
Kalankari :
It is traditional industry in and around the Pedana near Machilipatnam and most of the
people involved are small artisans and very unorganized . They have very limited or no
access to formal financial institutions and operate on very tiny scale with the involvement
of their family members only. They can be brought into the main stream by implementing
the following action plan.
1. To develop a cluster immediately with the active involvement of all the artisans
who are working individually , which will enhance their capacity to scale up their
production and productivity .
2. Capacity building by introducing them to the new techniques in the similar
industry across the globe and in the country and to adopt new designs in their
works.. Contd P2
Aqua Exports :
The district has long coastal area ,which has lot potential for brackish water aqua
culture besides processing of sea fish and prawn products, which are being
transported to longer distances for processing .